THE MICHIGAN DAILY , , , .. THE= tMe -, CA-:.:IY HOSPITAL INSTALLS NEW MACHINES FOR TRE'ATMENT OF TUBERCULOSISj REPORTS OFFILE[S AKED9 BY SOCIET Y Today's Radio Programs (Ei..tern Standard Time) The preference for radio enter- Twenty Journalism Departments tainment tonight switches to the And Schools Will Send Columbia Broadcasting system. The Research Data. usual Friday night chain broad- casts as well as various local feat- Reports of all the newspaper files ures will be heard. Music will play of the 20 leading schools through- the most important part with a out the country offering a curricu- number of bands, symphonies and lum in journalism are being re- dance orchestras being offered. Columbia nresents a partiriarly undergomg treatment. quested by the American Associa- Another machine which induces tion of Schools and Departments of a rather startling condition in the tubercular patient is the apparatus Jurnalism. for the effecting of what is known In this way a list of practically as a pneumathorax, which means all the old papers in college librar- increasing the air in a chamber ies in the United States may be which surrounds each lung, so that compiled. According to Prof. John the muscles which surround that L. Brumm, head of the journalism organ are relieved of the force department, historians and jour- which keeps the lung expanded nalists should find the report in- which causes the lung to collapse valuable if they wish to make first to the size of a man't fist. This al- hand study. lows cavities that form in the lung Professor Brumm believes Michi- during the process of tuberculosis gan's William Clements library will to heal, it was explained by Dr. produce many interesting finds, as Strickler. it is considered the best collection of Americana in the country, in- cluding even the Smithsonian Insti- B erlin Offier Fired tute. for'Pawning Trousers Modern newspapers are in serious danger of disappearing, Brumm ad- ded, as the paper browns and crum- BERLIN, Oct. 22.--(P)--Keeping bles. Papers of Civil War days are his uniform trousers in pawn for in better shape than most of the nearly four months cost Police Ser- World War files. The matter is geant Victor Lehmann his job. really a problem, and apparently He managed to get along by bor- has no solution that does not entail rowing trousers from colleagues.. heavy cost, he said. EDUCATION PROFESSOR DISCUSSES SAFETY AND REMEDY FOR SCHOOLS "The remedy and the safeguard- question is whether these curtail- ing of the public school program in ments will continue to increase Michigan does not lie immediately over a period of time. in a drastic change in taxation "The reorganization of school in adrasic hang intaxaiondistricts on a country-wide basis methods but rather in the progres- including urban areas, or in certain sive reorganization of the local instances a combination of coun- political aid social units, the town- ties would result in a better distri- ship and the school district," says bution of taxable wealth for school Prof. Arthur B. Moehlman in the support, a gradual lowering of ad- current issue of the School of Edu- ministrative charges, and a more cation Bulletin. efficient and better designed physi- Curtailments in school budgets cal plant developed objectively on resulting from the depression have need rather than on trade area not so far very greatly affected edu- competition assumptions," the ar- cation, according to Prof. Moehl- ticle says. man, because the purchasing power of the dollar has increased. The Patient Walks Away Dr. Fisher Will Speak From Hospital Ward on 'Hinduism Reborn Leo Hoffman, 22, disappeared from the psychopathic ward of the "Hinduism Reborn" will be the Univeisity hospital sometime dur- subject of a sermon by Dr. Freder- ing the morning or early afternoon ick B. Fisher Sunday evening at Wednesday, hospital authorities re- the F i r s t Methodist Episcopal ported. Hoffman was clad in blue church. This will be the first of a trousers and a blue sweater. This series of three talks on the great is the second patient to walk away religion s of the world. from the ward within the past few The second sermon on the sriesidays. inresvptino' series of nrfwyramq o TODAY LAST TIMES "I LIKE DOUGLAS YOUR NERVE" FAIRBANKS JR. SATURDAY-SUNDAY Continuous 1:30-11:00 Daily at 2:00 3:40 7:00 9:00 r 7 Cotiuus1:0110 , UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Oratorical Association Presents Rafael Sabatini I Authop of "Scaramouche," "Sea-Hawk," "Captain Blood," "King Maker" 4. Martin and Osa Johnson America's best known African explorers Bertrand Russell Philosopher, Essayist, and Publicist John B. Kennedy Associate Editor and Radio Announcer, Collier's George W. Wickersharn Chairman, National Commission on Law Enforcement Winston Spencer Churchill ' Brilliant British Statesman and Orator APPLICATIONS FOR SEASON TICKETS MUST BE RECEIVED AT 3211 ANGELL HALL BY OCTOBER 26 TO RECEIVE FIRST PREFERENCE. TICKETS FOR ENTIRE SERIES, $2.50; $3.00; AND $3.50. 'n 8p "MON.KEY Only Two More Days st khe