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October 23, 1931 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-23

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Yoshizawa Says Nation Intends
to Remove Army as Soon
as Possible.

Skinta, Legendre Selected to Lead
Grand March of Annual Formal



Chinese Spokesman Also Attacks
French Resolution on
GENEVA, Oct. 22.-(1P)-Japan
refused today to allow the Council
of the League of Nations to set a
time limit for the withdrawl of
her troops to the Manchurian Rail-
way zone.
In setting forth this position,
Kenkichi Yoshizawa, J a p a n e s e
spokesman, declared h is nation
purposed to remove troops as soon
as security conditions permitted,
but could not accept a definite
date. ,
Briand Loses Move.
This was his answer to a resolu-
tion by Aristide Briand, French for-
eign minister and chairman of the
Council, suggesting the evacuation
be completed by Nov. 16, the date
set for the next session of the
The Briand resolution was at-
tacked also by Dr. Alfred Aze,
China's spokesman, who said it fell,
short of his Government's desires..
He asked time to seek instructions
from Nanking.
Since neither of the parties di-
rectly involved approved the reb-
lution, the Council adjourned until
tomorroW afternoon when public
debate will be resumed.
Security Pledge Sought.
Today's meeting was the first to
which the public was admitted
since Prentiss B. Gilbert, United
States representative, took his seat
six days ago.
The Briand program also, re-
quested the Japanese and Chinese
governments to enter into direct
negotiations to arrange the details
of the troop withdrawl.
The resolution recommended that
China pledge the security of the
lives and property of Japanese na-
tionals in Manchuria, and suggest-
ed that when the evacuation was
completed China and Japan should
set up a permanent conciliation
committee to deal with problems
arising from the present clash.
M. Briand announced that the
terms of his resolution were sub-
ject to modification in public de-
China's request for participation
by neutrals in settling the conflict
was recognized by a recommenda-
tion that Chinese authorities en-
gaged in protecting Japaneselives
and property should have assist-
ance of the representatives of oth-
er nations.
State Bletn
(By Associattd Priss)
October 2Z, 1931

Lenore Maxine LeGendre George B. Skinta
Leaders of the grand march at the second annual Union formal
tonight will be George B. Skinta, '33, chairman of the Union social com-
mittee and Lenore Maxine LeGendre, '34, of Laurium.
Late permission for all women students attenidng the dance has
,been granted by the office of the dean of women.
Sleepy Hall and his Melody Boys have been secured to play at the
formal. They have entertained at almost every large city in America
and have fulfilled a twd year engagement at the fashionable "400" club
in Paris.
Hall is said to be one of the o{ly
two banjo playing band leaders in
the country. In the five years since
he has graduated from Yale he has
built up one of the most popular
orchestras in the country. His rec-
ordings are familiar to all Victor
_fans.- '-
A Mar of Coe t Sleepy has been supplied with the
arriage ofConvenience to music of Michigan songs and will
Be Presented Here be..able to play such selections as
November 10. "Varsity," "The Victors" and "Yel-
low and Blue" for the grand march.
"A brilliant and appropriate be- The formal will begin at 9 o'clock
ginning for the Campus dramatic and will continue until 2 a m. Late
season" will be offered when "A permission allows women students
to stay out until 2:30 o'clock.
Marriage of Convenience" by Du- Hugh R. Conklin, '32E, president
mas" is presented on November x10, of the Union, stated that there will
according to the statement of Val- be a limit on the number of couples
entine B. Windt, director of Play admitted to the dance. Last year
Production. there was some complaint about the
Play Production's choice of Du- floor being too crowded.
mas' high comedy of the French As a special feature club break-
eighteenth century period will ush- fasts will be served in the tap room
er in, a "gay season" Mr. Windt from 12:30 to 2 o'clock.
continued. The theme of "A Mar-
riage of Convenience" is concerned
with a couple whose marriage of
convenience involves them in a
serious dilemma. After their union
has been completed they find
themselves in love with one anoth-

President's Dinner Is First on
Entertainment Program
at Capital.
Leaves by Train or Washington
Soon After Arrival
From France.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22-(AP)-The
United States horored as its guest
tonight the Premier of France,
come to consult with the President
on how the two ,republics might
help the world and each other.
For the moment, the vital prob-
lems to be treated with were put
aside for the official and personal
welcome from Herbert Hoover to
Pierre Laval. Nearly a hundred
guests were invited to dine with
the French statesman at the White
Little Time for Rest.
There was very little time for
him to rest from the time he
stepped upon American soil until
he reached the end of the 3,900-
mile trip from Paris.
The enthusiasm :of his New York
reception thrilled the u r b a n e
Frenchman. En rdute to the capi-
tal on his special train, he talked
slowly with Secretary Stimson on
preparations for the talks to comel
with Mr. Hoover. Qn arrival at the
Union Station, he showed how glad
he was to have arrived.
.The- train. had hhrdly stopped be-
fore he stepped from the rear plat-
form, the tail of his long black
morning coat flapping gently and
his silk hat held firmly. There, his
keen eyes taking in everything
around, he received formal saluta-
tions from both American officials
and the staff of his country's em-
Greeted by Gen; Pershing.
Gen. John J. Pershing was among
the first to shake his hand. There-
upon the visitor passed between
linesnof infantrymen standing at
He smilingly acknowledged trib-
utes waved to him while he was be-
ing driven to the Washington home
of Walter E. Edge, ambassador to
France. The premier will make the
Edge home his official headquarters
during his three days of conversa-
tions with the President and Secre-
tary Stimson.

Freshmen Receive
First Reprimands
in 'Pot' Ordinance
Eight freshmen reported at the
offices of the Student Council yes-
terday to answer charges of not
wearing the traditional "pots" in
the first seige of the fight to the
finish between the Student Council
and first year men who do not fol-
low this custom.
Most of the freshmen attempted
to excuse themselves by saying that
they did not know that the caps
had to be worn. Others said that
they had been wearing the "pots"
but forgot them occasionally in
their hurry to classes.
The leader of the fall games of
the Sophomore class informed the
members of the council that he was.
calling a mass meeting of sopho-
mores, some time next week, to co-
operate with the council.
Names of freshmen who are still
not wearing their "pots" were phon-
ed into thecouncil office through-
out the day, showing that the
campus at large is helping with the
Councilmen demanded the ap-
pearance of the following freshmen
at 2 o'clock today in their office in
the Union: John Secord, Charles
Leonard, Mark Davis, Valentine
Saph, Phil Singleton, Harry Walker,
Gilbert Shaw, Laurence Grill, John
Harrigan, and Richard O'Conner.
Freshmen appearing yesterday
stated that the best appeal could
be made to their fellovk classmen
was that to wear the pots is a valu-
able campus tradition.
Jack Beechler, Eugene Etchells
Nominated for Class

Representative Clancy Proves That Forum Do(
Favor Repeal of 18th Amendment;
Newkirk Address Hooted.
By Frank B. Gilbreth
A plea for systemized liquor control, placed before the Unic
forum last night by Amos W. W. Woodcock, federal director
prohibition enforcement, was met by a decidedly wet student opinio
Later, boos and hisses which greeted the Rev. R. N. Holsap]
superintendent of the Michigan Anti-Saloon league, in his deba
with Representative Robert H. Clancy, a wet, proved decisively th
the forum favored the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment.
Urging colleges to make a study of the prohibition questic
Woodcock said, "Public opinion may follow and accept the c6ncl
sion from this kind of an inquiry. The scientific method has provi
its worth in all other fields of knowledge. Why should it not ha-
a trial in government.
He stated that the present system tried to stop the commer
in intoxicating liquors and to leave the individual to the forces

Medical, Forestry
Election.Dates Set
Elections for the Freshman
class of the Medical schol will
be held Friday, Oct. 30, accord-
ing to an announcement of the
Student Council given out last
The voting will be held in the
West Medical building under the
observation of a special commit-
tee of the Student.Council. Eligi-
bility slips may be obtained from
the Dean, for the candidates.
Senior and Junior class elec-
tions of the Forestry class will
be held next Thursday, the
Council also announced. The
voting will take place at 4:30
o'clock in room 2039 Natural
Science building.


er. The untangling of this situa-
tion comprises the chief movement
of the play, Mr.-Windt explained.
The technical side of the produc-
tion involves thehconstruction of
one main set which will be used in
all the acts. Play production stu-
dents will be engaged for the next
few weeks in the planning of scen-
ery and in the designing of the var-
ious eighteenth century costumes,
it was brought out.
The play has been scheduled to
run from Tuesday Nov. 10 through
to the followingc Saturday, it was
announced. The admission price
has been fixed at 50 cents for all
seats, Mr. Windt stated. The pat-
ron list for this season is at present
beiqg made up, and all who are in-
terested in seeing the various pro-
ductions this year are urged to
send their names to the office of
play production at the laboratory
theatre, Mr. Windt stated.

Great Britain Rushes Warships
to Prevent Possible Union
With Greece.
LARNAKA, Island of Cyprus, Oct.
22.--(IP)-A strange drama of radi-
cal and national passions that
reaches back to the heroes of an-
cient Greece is being enacted to-
night here on this little Levantine
island once sacred to Aphrodite,
goddess of love.
The climax will come tomorrow
with the arrival of four British
warships from Crete and of air-
p 1 a n e s bringing British soldiers
from Egypt.
Tonight th e island populace
hopes to bring about union with
Greece, to which Cyprus was bound
of old.

Information in regard to the
"dating bureau" as published in
Saturday morning's Daily was
incorrect. In conjunction with
the S.C.A., the Dean of Women's
office arranged introductions be-
tween a few men and women for
one party. No permanent policy
of this nature has existed or is
contemplated. The quotations
used were from a letter written
by the S.C.A. Beg your pardon.
Ypsilanti Judge Died of Natural
Causes, Weller Finds
in Autopsy.

By Barton Kane.
For the first time in the history
of the present senior engineering
class, an independent will be run-
ning for the position of president
in the elections which will be held
at 10 o'clock this morning.
Jack Beechler, who is the inde-
pendent presidential nominee on
the Non-Partisan party organized
by Stan Chase, is a member of both
Triangles and Vulcans, Honorary
Engineering Junior and Senior so-
cieties, respectively, being vice-
president of the latter as well as
holding the same office in Tau
Beta Pi.
Running on the same ticket with
him are Marshall Anderson, Theta
Xi, president of Tau Beta Pi for
vice-president; John Campbell, of
Alpha Sigma Phi, the candidates for
secretary and Bill Crane, independ-
ent, is the candidate for treasurer.
The latter is a civil engineer and
a member of te student branchof
the A.S.C.E. Floyd Schultz is the
nominee for Senior member of the
Student Honor committee.
The candidates on the Represent-
ative ticket include Eugene B. Etch-
ells, Pi Kappa Alpha and Engineer-
ing Council member, for president;
Bazley Johnson, independent, mem-
ber of Triangles and staff-member
of the Technic, for vice-president;
Glen Holmes, another independent
Sand civil engineer, for secretary
and Robert I. Snyder, Lambda Chi
Alpha, for treasurer.
Jack Spencer, Phi Gamma Delta,
a member of Vulcans, Triangles,
and a J-hop committeeman from
last year is the nominee on the lat-
ter ticket for Honor committee posi-
Identification cards will be neces-

In defending the law enfor
ment of prohibition, he said, "'T
much criticism has been levied
the law because of its failure
reach where laws cannot ordina:
reach. It is as if each individ
were surrounded by a circle of p
vate immunity.
"Limit Not Yet Reached."
"We have accurate statistics
to the number of cases made a
as to their disposition. What we
not know is the number of offe:
ers who are not caught,"J Woode
said. "However, it would. seem t
the limit of enforcement has
been reached."
Representative Clancy stated t
Director Woodcock made a ca
and dispassionate speech but
was not so calm and collected
winter when poison alcohol a
wire tapping were uncovered.
"Wets built our country and
Christian religion," he said. "TI
is more crime because of proh
tion and the jails have been fu
than ever before in the history
the World."
Clancy Scores Woodcock.
1 Representative Clancy said I
he was surprised that Woode
didn't say that prohibition
working well because of the cro
t he was sending to jail. "Prohibi
costs $100,000,000 dollars per y
directly and indirectly and som
this included Director Woodcc
service," according to Clancy.
n He stated that he had no do
- that the Rev. Holsaple would
s his respects to him. "He has bef
- (Continued on Page 8)
- Football Games Lose
t Money for Mercha
- NEW YORK, Oct. 22.-(I)-(
lege football, for all its fanfare
e swirling crowds, falls consider
short of the popular notion th
f is a boon to business in the uni
d sity towns.

Chief O'Brien Requests
More Care Be Exerci
With Belongings.

s Thai

Chief of Police Thomas O'Brien
warned students against careless
ness in leaving valuable belonging
about, in a statement issued yester
A gang of night prowlers is work
ing in the student section, of Ann
Arbor, O'Brien pointed out, andi
is impossible for police to watc]
every fraternity, sorority, and room
ing house.
Clothing and jewelry left on th
tables, and money hidden in dresse
and desk drawers are temptation.
to these sneak thieves, the chie
said. He advised locking rooms, an
carrying money in pockets rathe
than leaving it at home.

Humane Association adopted a res-
olution urging federal legislation
making mandatory private hegr-
ings for children in criminal court,
cases in the closing session of its'
convention here Thursday.
LANSING-An investigation of
charges that there is widespread
evasion of the state gasoline tax
was ordered Thursday by the state
administrative board. Frank D.
Fitzgerald, secretary of state, said
he doubted the accuracy of the
$UNISING-The body of Miss
Emaline Kling, '33, Munising school
teacher, was recovered Thursday
from Munising bay. She had been
missing since Monday night.
FLAT ROCK-Mrs. Lillian Mar-
lowe and her 18-months old son,
Kenneth, w e r e killed Thursday
whn t +heir antomnhilp enllided

Judiciary committee of the In-
terfraternity council will meet at
7:30 p. m., Tuesday in room 2,
University hall, it has been an-
nounced by,Howard Gould, secre-

Reports received by the Assoc
ed Press from typical eastern c
ters of gridiron activity indic
the financial benefits running
into millions, are confined ma
to the transportation business
the college treasuries.
"What we get," college town n
chants replied, in substance tc
quiries, "is a day's vacation.
'stand in the door and watch
crowds go by. They don't even]h
tate, much less buy anything.
railroads and the filling station
nearly all the money that
spent on tickets at $4 and $5e


Freshmen sighed with relief, took
off their Sunday suits and their
company manners, put them in
moth balls, and went to bed last
night. The last of the fraternity
open houses were over.
For the next four weeks, first
year men and fraternities, will be
given time to recover from the first
of the Interfraternity council's ex-
periments and prepare for the
In the meantime freshmen will

be obtained it is estimated that,
more than 1,500 first year men at-
tended open houses. 1,499 of these
were asked what college they were
in, whether they liked their work,
if they were taking freshmen rhe-
toric, and what did they think of
deferred rushing.
The otner man is undoubtedly
the one that ate the ice cream with
his fork,
As usual there were the custo-
mary number of endurance chair
ci~ff ~ - e ITY n - TLrs e -- n A m- - T

Justice Darwin Z. Curtiss, uncle
of Katherine Keller, died a natural
death, it was found in an examina-
tion by four University doctors, the
results of which were announced
by prosecutor Albert J. Rapp yes-,
With the sentencing of Miss Kel-
ler Saturday morning the story of
the torch murders near Ypsilanti
will be finished, with all principals
serving prison terms, and many of
their associates also under sen-
tence. Judge George W. Sample
announced the time of giving sen-
+n-,f... *1 .- f ,.a 4 - + a ronnr+. n


Urging college men to help in re-
vealing the truth about prohibition
"which they should be able to do
better than any other group," Amos
W. W. Woodcock, federal director of
prohibition, stated in an interview
yesterday that this would help put-
ting a machine in motion that
would cause the public to look upon
the subject from a scientific, rather
than an emotional point of view.
"Conll T" he said "have an on-

ganda scheme but because "... We
have been dabbling in liquor ex-
periments for 100 years and I feel
that it is time to collect these so
that the man on the street can see
what the question is all about."-
When asked what he thought
about the fraternity liquor raids on
the campus last year Woodcock
said that he remembered only
vaguely hearing about them, and so
could make no comment.
He said that he felt that the bu-

Tryouts for Opera
Will BeHeld Tc
Further tryouts for the t,
fifth annual student opera,
sored by Mimes fill be helc
o'clock today in room 318
Union, it was announced by
Wells, '32. A great deal of p
ing talent turned up at tb
trvnnt% which were held vps

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