THE MICHIGAN DAILY-* TAVAM M I 3". -\. SI?- grarce Mayr ,. __ _. . +: hosefl Cabaret Chairman by Sophomore Wo ,AtICE GOODENOW W I A GSI T GENERAL CHAIROIVIRN MC lflI I r - f . + WVOMEN ELECTED TO JOIN SOCIETY I...SocieyNoes. Barbara Braun, '33, Chairman of Last Year's Cabaret, Gives Address. NINE CHAURPEN ELECTED Parformance Ma yBe Given in League Ballroom This Year. Results from the ,ophomore elec- tions for chairmen of c nmittees for the cabaret held at 4:00 o'clock yesterday in the Lydia Mendel- ssohn theatre are as follows: gen- eral chairman, Grace Mayer; .as- sistant general chairman, Alice GModenow; chairman of finance, Josephine McCausey; chairman oft publicity, Jeanette Detwiler; chair- m a n of entertainment, Phyllis Swift; chairman of decorations, Ad Blackmnan; chairman 6f cos- tumes, Prudenice Foster; chairman. of waitresses, Joan Barnett; chair- man of food, Harriet Jennings. The elections were conducted by the Judiciary council with Sally Ensminger, '32, chairman of the council presiding. Before the nom- inating began several speeches were made to give the women an Sdea of thehwork connected with pr6ducing the cabaret. Barbara Braun, '33, chairman of last year's cabaret, outlined the duties of the various chairmen and suggested the kind of women best suited for the positions. She also told some- thing of the organization of last year, describing means by which the central committee at that time had saved money. She stated that the decorations had been planned last year with the intention of util- ising them later and that part of them had been sent to the children in the University Hospital afterthe performances. New Plan To Be Tried. Katherine Ferrin, '33, chairman -of the League Bazaar, which is given in connection with the .cab- aret, explained the purpose of the bazaar which is to raise money for the undergraduate campaign for' the eague, and announced that something new was to be tried this year. The bazaar, formerly held in Sarah Caswell Angell hall at Bar- bour Gymnasium, is to become a street scene and. is to be held in the ball room at the League. The cabaret is to provide the entertain- ment. May Have Faculty Night. Miss Ethel A. McCormick, social director in the office of the Dean of Women and advisor to the central committee of the cabaret, advised the women about choosing capable chairmen and urged cooperation among the entire group in making thecabaret a success, as the out- come of this year's project will de- termine whether or not the new plan is to be continued. She an- nounced that an attempt was being made to make from six to eight romorrow Last Day to Submit Golf Scores Friday will be the last day for women to hand in their score cards for the qualifying round of gclf iournament, according to an announcement made today by Jean Perrin, '34, who is in charge. The final round willbee- gin next week and the list, +01 women who have aualified will be printed Saturday. Medal play will be use#, --- I M oc ' TI T Announcemenzts Follow Meeting1 of Athena in League. Members of Athena, national forensic society for women, held a social meeting Tuesday evening in the Cave of the League building, entertaining as their guests those women who tried out for member- ship the previous week. As part of the program, Ruth Morrison, '32, gave a reading with which she tried out for the society. Jean Totter, '33, continued the pro- gram with several piano solos. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing after which re- freshments were served. After the meeting it was decided that the following women would be invited to become members: Muriel Levy, '35, Sylvia Miller, '33, Goldie Lightfoot, '33, Lucille Old- ham, '32, Gladys Baker, '33, Vir- ginia 'Denne, '35, Maryan Watrous, '33, Margaret Jondro, '33, Carol Hart gard., Eleanor Blumm, '5, Margaret Phalan, '35, Ruth Morri- son, '32, and Genevieve Griffey, '32. Jordan, Alpha Epsilon Phi and Independents Down Opponents. Two 0 to 0 scores, a 3 to 2, a 2 to 1, a 1 to 0, and a default are the' results of Wednesday's intramural hockey games which were played at Palmer Field Hocuse. Mosher Hall and Zeta Tau Alpha had a good game and a fight de- spite the 0 to 0 score. The other two games at 4:15 o'clock were Jordan Hall against Helen New- berry and Alpha Epsilon Phi against Alpha Omicron Pi. In the first game Jordan Hall defeated Helen Newberry 3 to 2. Dorothy Davidson, '33, and Ann Morrison, '34, made the three goals for Jordan. Anne Russe made the goals for Helen Newberry. In the third game Al- pha Epsilon Phi defeated Alpha Omicron Pi 2 to 1. Jane Fechei- mer, '33, and Teresa Newall, '34, made the goal points for the for- mer team. Margaret Pulfrey, '34, made the point for the latter team. .At 5 o'clock Pelta Delta Delta and Gamma Phi Seta had a score- less game. Both.sides were hamp- ered because of the number of new and inexperienced players. Alpha Phi defaulted to. Chi Omega be- cause of . a deficiency of numbers. The last game was between Sig- ma Kappa and Independents. In- dependents defeated Sigma Kappa by 1 to 0. Catherine Rentschler, '33, made the point for the Inde- pendents. Kappa Kappa Gamma will play Alpha Xi Delta Friday afternoon at 4:45 o'clock at Palmer Field House. This will complete the sec- ond week of intramural hockey. o'clock on one evening a faculty performance.' According to the schedule of the Women's Athletic Association the cabaret is to be given on Decem- ber 4th and 5th. The central com- mittee will begin work on organi- zation this week. . Houses to Call for Panhellenic Tickets Sororities may call for Panhel- lenic banquet tickets any time today or the rest of the week. They will be available at the main desk of the League, in the lobby, and may be obtained any time during the day. MEMBERS TO PAY W.A.A. DUES NOW Office to Be Open From 2 to 6 o'Clock Every Day. Members of the Women's Ath- letic Association who have not paid their dues will have an opportun- ity to do so this week. There will be someone from 2 o'clock to 6 o'clock every day this week in the W. A. A. office. Susan Manchester, '32, chairman of the membership committee has as her assistants Elsie G. Feldman. '33, Harriet Brondsttetter, '34, Jean Berridge, '33, Caroline Hyde, '34, Helen Manchester, '33, Katherine McGregor, '34, Mary A. Spaulding, '34. Today is the second day of the membership campaign. An outdoor trail on Saturday will culminate the drive. Groups will start out at 2 o'clock from the Palmer Field house. Women who attend this af- fair will receive five W. A. A. units and on the receipt of one dollar will become active members of the organization. Every woman enrolled in the University becomes an inactive member of the W. A. A. and if five points are recorded and one dollar paid she becomes an active mem- ber. There will be a regular meeting tonight of the executive board in the League building. Martha Cook Miss Margaret Smith and Miss Alta B. Atkinson, director of Mar- tha Cook dormitory, are going to entertain Miss Bess Robertson of the Health Service at dinner to- night. Plans are being made for the annual Halloween party at Martha Cook. The affair will be held Thursday evening, October 29. An event of the party will be the an- nual stunt given by the ten women who know the fewest of the Mar- tha Cook residents. These ten were "discovered" at the regular house meeting last week. Betsy Barbour. An attractive birthday party was held last evening honoring - all the Betsy Barbour women whose birth- days occur during the months of September and October. This evening will initiate the first faculty dinner of the season at Betsy Barbour House. The list of guests includes Prof. I. L. Sharf- man of the Economics department and Mrs. Sharfman, Prof. N. E. Nelson of the English department and Mrs. Nelson, Prof. W. H. Wor- rell of the Oriental Languages de- partment and Mrs. Worrell, Prof. N. H. Anning of the Mathematics department and Mrs. Anning, Dr. B. D. Thuma of the Psychology de- partment and Mrs. Thuma and Howard K. Gloyd of the Zoology department and Mrs. Gloyd. The climax of the social activi- ties of the week will come on Sun- day when the Board of Governors of Betsy Barbour, Miss Kathleen Hamm, the business manager, and the residents will entertain from four to seven at a tea in honor of Mrs. Gerritt J. Diekema, director of Betsy Barbour.. Mosher Jordan. The regular weekly tea of Mosher Jordan halls is being held in Mosh- er hall this afternoon. The student hostesses will be Carolyn Higgins, '33, and Veneta Cook, '34. Those who will assist in serving at the affair are Glennis Cool, '32, Grace Unger, '34, Idaruth Peterson, ''33, Dorothy Cook, '31, Virginia Denne, '34, and Helen McArthur, '34. Kappa Delta. ; Tuesday afternoon the Kappa Delta sorority gave their pledge; tea. The color scheme for the af- ternoon was green and white,. the sorority colors. Mrs. Anna Dilling- ham poured. Thursday evening members are entertaining personal friends at dinner. Kappa Kappa Gamma. Tuesday evening Kappa Kappa Gamma entertained eight guests at a rushing dinner. Pink roses and ivory tapers were used attractively for decorating, and the guests were entertained by -a male quartette during dinner. The sorority has chosen Thursday afternoon for its pledge tea. Chi Omega. Chi Omega will hold a tea -this afternoon in honor of the pledges. Tonight, a few guests will be enter- tained at a rushing dinner. This week-end, Mary Clay Williams, chapter visitor will stay at the house. WOMEN TO ORDER SPORTSBLAZERS Wearers Must Earn Five Points in W. A. A. Activities. Women wishing to order W. A. A. blazers are asked to call Jean Bentley at 7037. The price is $6.00 if fifteen or more are sent for. The women who ordered last year are requested to do so again, as the list has been lost. These jackets are. excellent for outdoor activity in the fall and early spring. The class numerals may be worn on the pockets. It is necessary to earn five points or more at some sport, and pay $1.00 membership dues before the privil- ege of wearing a blazer is extended. They are made of dark blue wool, fashioned on straight lines, with two large pockets. Miss Bentley will be glad to supply any further, information. Phi Sigma Sigma. Friends of the members of Phi Sigma Sigma were entertained at an informal dinner last night. Pi Beta Phi. This afternoon the Pi Beta Phil are honoring their new chaperon,e Mrs. L. C. Hauswald, at a tea. Mrs.' Henry Riggs, Mrs. Frederick Ald- rich, and Mrs. Charles Jamison will pour. Besides Mrs. Hauswald, Mrs. Alfred White and Mrs. Palmer Christian, alumni of the chapter, and Eleanor Walkinshaw, president of the chapter will receive. Yellow and Green will be used in decora- tions. Tuesday evening the soror- ity entertained six guests at a rush- ing dinner. Orange fl9wers and' candles were used. Sigma Kappa. The Sigma Kappas have as their house guest Mrs. Ruby Carver Emerson of Boston, grand vice- president and a daughter of one of the founders of the sorority. In her honor a tea will be given Fri- day. Mrs. Weldon Hare will pour. This evening the sorority is enter- taining six rushees at dinner. Theta Phi Alpha. The Theta Phi Alpha pledge tea was on Tuesday. Mrs. George Burke poured and Mrs. Maude Thompson, chaperone of the house, and Moy- rane Podesta, sorority president, received. Zeta Tau Alpha. An Instalation Service in Lans- ing attracted members of the lo- cal Zeta Tau Alpha chapter last week-end. Members of the chapter who assisted in the service are Dorothy Elsworth, Marjorie Els- worth, Thelma Cooper, Ann Neber- ly, and Gladys Schroeder. This af- ternoon the sorority is honoring its pledges with a tea at which Mrs. Frank Stevens and Mrs. Russell Hussey will pour., Saturday the pledges will be guests of the Alpha. Gamma alumni at a tea to be giv- en at the Women's City Club in De- troit. This tea is an annual affair. The sorority also wishes to an- nounce the pledging of Dorothy Seever, '33,-of Worcester, Mass., and Marjorie Winch, '35, of Cleveland, Ohio. LEAGUE TO OfFEI Freshman Group Having P Attendance at League Ti to Be Honored. In order to stimulate ater at the first of the monthly I parties, to be held from 4 to clock in the main ballroom League this Friday, a prize'v offered to the Freshman which has one hundred perce tendance. The tea is being given in hc freshmen women, and they attend in the groups into they were divided during Or tion week. Faculty advisoi student assistants have also invited to the affair, and all en on campus are urged to a "We are especiallyanxio have every freshman woma tend this party," stated Cat Heeson, '33, social chairman League, who is in charge of t rangements. "It is not beinj en for freshmen exclusively ever, and we are anxious t every woman on campus,. These parties are given pri to stimulate a spirit of frien among the women, and las the plan was very successful The party will be informa there will be dancing to the of the League orchestra. for bridge will also be availal W.A.A. Plans S upp Ride for Next Sw In order to provide a pl outing for those interested : ing, the-Women's Athletic A tion is sponsoring a ride to for supper on Sunday, Octobe All who care to go call M: Mullison, 7418, to arrang horses, and meet at Barbour nasium at 4:00 o'clock on S Starting Saturday a beg class in riding will meet firo: to 10:30 o'clock weekly. Call beth Cooper for further in: tion. cnar s s ill 1i . dda ._.. # Y f ' ,y + } RAGGEDY ANN BEAUTY SHOP Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we offer a Manicure for 25c with your Shampoo and Wave. # T f t . . AN ENTIRELY IIL NEW ASSORTMENT 1115 South University Phone 7561 OF { III Have Your Christmas PHOTOGRAPHS FIVE O'CLOCK FROCKS I F Taken Now! Avoid the Last Minute Rush! _ ,. A.b LUNDG1REN FLORIST 208 South Foruth Ave. Dial 22105 Our roses, fall flowers. 0 < ; EL N h Let Our Designer Mould you a perfect hat that will express your youthfulness. FRENCH FUR FELTS $475 We remodel your old hats- We copy every style. EVERY I-AT MADE ON APPROVAL I 11 kL ( I' and blooming plants will please the most discriminating. Corsages a Specialty, _."."e w NNM M DAILY ARRIVALS FROM NEWYORK BLACK JEWEL SHADES 3 r tI "Wher the Mon Comes Over the Mountains" Let it shine on a pair of new fall WALK-OVER I SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER shoes on your feet. measured by the foot Your smartness will be this season-and by the 6 beautifully finished portraits to handsome easel $3.50 folders, for this week only................ Give somebody a gift that they can' not buy them selves . . your portrait! Have them made now! Mack's Regular Low Prices One, large size, 11x14 inches.. . $1.00 Three, size 8x10 inches .........$2.00 Oil Paintings . .. . $1.00 Easel Frames at Big Savings $16.95 foot we mean by the shoes, of course. I YVETTE Black Klid with Hematite _ Patent and' Genuine Black and White Lizard inlays. 4bAfzmhmr Amudik - - I A rn' - m _ __