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October 22, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-22

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ublished every morning except Monday during the University year
e Board in Control of Student Publications.
[ember of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
he Asociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
'cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otbegWae
ted in this paper and the local news published herein.
ntered at the Post Office at- Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
mster GeneraL.
ubscription by carrier, $4.00; br mail, $4.50
iffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann- Arbor,
gan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
rial Director ...........................Beach Conger, Jr.
E(Ator ..... ,,................ .Carl Forsythe
Ed'tor .......... .......David M. Nichol
s Editor ....................... ....Sheldon C. Fulerton
en's Editor ..... ......... . .MargaretM. Thompson
1 Reflections.. ...............Bertram J. Askwith
ant News Editor .........................Robert L. Pierce
B. Oilbreth J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis
d Goodman Jerry E. Rosenthal
Karl Seiffert George A. Stauter

J. Myers

y W. Arnhcim
n E. Beecker
as Connellan
el G. Ellis
e L. oinkie
B. Gascoigne

Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas
Fred A. Iluber
Norman Kraft
Ioland Martin
Henry Meyer
Marion A. Milzewski
Albert 11I. Newman
E. Jerome Pettit
Georgia Geisman r
Alice Gilbert
Martha Littleton
Elizabeth Long
Frances Manchester
Elizabeth Mann

John S. Townsend
Charles A. Sanford
John \'. Pritchard
.Joseph Renihan
C. Hart Schaaf
Brackley Shaw
Parker R. Snyder
(,. R.. Winters
Margaret O'Brien
Ilillary Rarden
Elma Wadsworth
Josephine XVoodhlams



burial fund, insurance, church and school amounting
to eight dollars a month. This left about twenty-four
dollars a month for rent (company shacks), food,
clothing and other necessities, for the average family.
All pay was in company scrip good only at com-
pany stores. These stores charged from twenty to
fifty percent more for food articles than independent
stores. Doctors reported that all the children were
dangerously undernourished. Their diet consisted
of pinto beans, potatoes and salt pork.
Miners were robbed of part of the coal they pro-
duced. A car of coal which formerly brought the.
miner credit for 4300 pounds was bringing him credit
for only 3000 pounds because union checkweighmen
were not permitted to witness the weighings, although
the law in Kentucky requires the presence of check-
weighmen at the scales.
Such was the condition in Harlan County last
spring. The operators announced a 10 per cent wage.
cut and the miners went out on strike.
All attempts at unionizing prior to the strike had
been crippled by the employers, who were organized.
Men who even attended union meetings were fired byf
tens and hundreds.
The work of unionizing after the strike was called
went better. The National Miners Union was formed.
Employers saw this. This would not do; the union
must be crippled. Deputies were hired; gunmen were
brought in. The public was told they were there to
preserve order. Actually, they were there to pick
fights with the miners so that union leaders could be
The plan worked. As a result of a gun-battle in
Evarts thirty miners were killed, the union leaders
of course, are held on charges of murder. Thirty-five
others were indicted for "banding and confederating"
or for criminal syndicalism.
Arnold Johnson, representing the Civil Liberties
;Union was arrested on a charge of criminal syndical-
ism and held im jail thirty-seven days.
The legal defense of the miners is financed by
contributions from working men and women the
country over who sympathize with the strikers. The
prosecution knows this, and knows how hard it is
for working people to contribute from their scanty
earnings. Therefore, they moved for change of venue.
The scene of the trials was moved from Harlan Coun-
ty to Clark and Montgomery counties, two hundred
miles away. The defense is now wondering how they,
can present their cases not having enough money to
transport the witnesses.
There was another motive, also, of the prosecution,
in moving for change of venue. Clark and Montgom-
ery counties are in the heart of the famous "blue
grass" race-horse breeding section. The well-to-do
farmers look down on the mountain men as "hill bil-
lies," a good for nothing and murderous lot. An im-
partial jury is impossible in this region, even if it
were desired.
Such is the situation.
When one looks at it, one wonders and at the same
time hopes. - One wonders where he can best throw
his energies to end this sort of tyranny, and he hopes
that some day soon we shall live under a social order
designed for the good of all the people and not to
make profits for the few and misery for all the rest.
What are we going to do about it?

Bloody War and all its horors
(see Student Socialist Vol. 2 No. 1)
is about to break forth upon the
Michigan Campus. The ROLLS
STAFF hurls down the gauntlet to
all and every member or :members
of the Ann Arbor Typographical
Union and hereby dares them to
come out and fight like a man. By
consistent underhanded t a c t i c s
they have attempted to make this
department look so much worse
than it is (no mean task by the
way) that we consider it time
something was done. In case there
are any doubts about what this is
all for, we shall explain our case.

Rafael Sabatini
Author of
"Scaramouche," "Sea-Hawk," "Captain Blood," "King Maker"
Martin canw Osa Johson
America's best knowni African explorers

Oratorical A'ssociation



RLES T. KLINE........... . .........Business Manager
RIS P. JOHNSON.......................Assistant Manager
Department Managers
tising .................. .....Vernon Bishop
tising...................... .............Robert B. Callahan
tising ................... William W. Davis
e ...............................Byron C. Vedder
'ations ................. ...... .....William T3. JBrown
elation..............................Harry . Begley
ants ... ....................Richard Straterneler.
en's Business Manager.......An.....An W. verner
Aronsen Willard Freehling Tliomas Roberts
rt E. Bursley Herbert Greenstone R A. 8altzstein
rd A. Combs John Keyser Bernard E. Schnacke.
Clark Arthur F. Kohn Graf ton W. Sharp
ye Dalberg Bernard H. Good Cecil E. Welch
t E. Finn James Lowe
a Becker Anne Harsha May Seefried
a Jane Cissel Katharine Jackson Minnie Seig
rieve Field Dorothy Layin lelen Spencer
e Fischgrund Virginia McComb Kathryn Stork
Gallmeyer Carolin Mosher Clare Unger
Harriman He ien Olsen Mary Elizabeth Watts
Ifelen Schineede

Last week, after Herculean
efforts, Oscar t h e Wonder
Horse and his worthy contem-
poraries got out a column and
handed it over to the mercies
of the above-mentioned fiends.
The result was horrible. It re-
sembled the worst efforts of the
Buzzard, and that, in absolute
controversion of the explicitly
written directions which were
sent them with the material.
Hereafter tolls will print their
own column and sell it on cam-
pus like the Student Socialist
......But not too much like it.
Somehow or other, we don't
seem able to get our minds off
of that Student (Christian As-
sociation) Socialist. -Every time
we try to think of something
silly to say that isn't. going to
enrage a Dean, our minds just
return tq that publication like
water through a seive. We
think of its daring expose .of
the R. O. T. C. (Ne' Boyscouts)
-its scathing denunciation of
the Daily-its general bold and
vigorous policy of arm-chair
criticism of things about which
it knows little or nothing,-ana
then we sort of chuckle and
shake our heads over the im-
petuosity of youth.

Jon . Kennedy
Associate Editor and Radio Announcer, Collier's
GeorgeF WicIkersham
Chairman, National Commission on Law Enforcement
inlstonB Spesn.ce raChrc.
Brilliant British Statesman and Orator

Philosopher, Essayist, and Publicist

$2.50; $3.00; AND $3.50.


able Hunter

A Great Educational Opportunity

ND now Capone, the king pin of American
trouble hunters, has found what he sought. It
as been a long search, lasting over a period of
ears. He has had partial success here and there,
ut nothing calculated to delight his rivals quite'
o much as his current difficulty.
It was a good idea of his, trying to evade his
ncome tax. It was a whiz of an idea. It opened
broad highway of trouble to his eager feet. In-
identally, it gave the federal government an op-
ortunity that his years of lawless gangdom has
filed to present.
' The Czar of Bootleg has lived in sumptuous
iagnificence, without a care in the world except
a occasional social ostracism. America is better
nown abroad because of her collective and mdi-
idual wealth than for any other reason; in a recent
uropean poll, Henry Ford was listed as the best
nown American. Scarface Capone, with his inter-
ational reputation for law evasion, has supple-
tented the picture of ,his worldly success with all
1e romantic glamor of a Jesse James.
Rung by rung he has mounted the ladder of
nderworld fame. His name is a byword in every
:me in the United States. Humor magazines run
nips .about small boys who .would rather be a
anster than the president, because the president
as to obey the law. A youngster of our acquaint-
ice pointed across the. Detroit river one day to
dicate a dirty little craft speeding across the
ater. "Is that a rum runner, daddy?" he asked
s father. "I imagine it is," answered father, with
ist the suspicion of a grin twisting t.he corners
: his mouth. No more questions y ere asked;
ere was perfect understanding on both sides.
We are not insinuating that Scarface is the sole
)use of all this filthy mess. He is, rather, the
>itome of all that is elegant in gangdom. He is
figure of speech (albeit a very active one) indi-
iting, better than words can expres?, the enor-
.ous, gorgeous, scintillating tinsel that, despite
he instincive revulsion of he American people,
lorifies,.the underworld of today, the very same
nderworld that in Hugo's time was considered
angerous in a petty sort of way, vulgar, obscene.
Capone has been successful in his trouble hunt
-at least, such are the rather vague indications.
ut he is charged, not with repeated inroads upon
ie public peace, not with giving eminent aid in
opardizing the good name of the Constitution-
-t, in short, with being a public nuisance-but
ith deficiency in his income tax payments to the
nounts of $215,oo.
There must be a joker somewhere.

By M. Levi, Professor Emeritus.
(This is the second of a series of articles on Pro-
hibition by M. Levi, professor emeritus.)
What is happening almost daily in the United
States in connection with prohibition may be gath-
ered from the fact that in ope day twenty-three
persons were arrested in Detroit for violating the
prohibition law. The same day one of the largest
"wildcat" breweries eyer found was discovered in
Yongers by prohibition agents. Again, the same day
a distillery valued at $20,000 was seized in Toledo and
seven men were arrested by the police.
These discoveries are but a small percentage of
the huge illegal trade in liquor-often poison liquor-
carried on in the United States. No one can tell how
much more there is that is not discovered, especially
when it is remembered that every householder can
manufacture liquor on his own premises. There is
no exaggeration in saying that the evils of prohibi-
tion overshadow a hundredfold the benefits derived
from that source. It is Chesterton who wrote that
"Prohibition never prohibits. It never has in history,
not even in Moslem history, and it never will."
Next to the business depression and the conse-d
quent unemployment situation, there is nothing that!
exercises the minds of the American people quite as
much as prohibition. There are two parties engaged
in an attempt to convince the world of their relative
righteousness-the prohibitionists and the antipro-
hibitionists. If the United States could be drained
dry, this country would be a paradise, according to
the prohibitionists. In the opinion of many antipro-
hibitionists the United States would be a dreary place
if liquor could no longer be obtained. In what pre-
cedes, I have already indicated how, as a general rule,
each party expounds its own side regardless of what
the other side may advance. In .other words, it is
relatively seldom that the leaders of the two parties
treat the subject impartially by setting forth the good
and bad that have resulted from prohibition.
I have written in another connection that in all
fairness it must be conceded that certain advantages
have accrued from prohibition but that the evils
which have sprung from it are vastly greater than
the benefits. It is needless to repeat here what is
so well known. What may not be so well known is
that a goodly number of the foremost and sanest
thinkers of the day, both native and foreign, have
written on prohibition and allied subjects. I mention
but a few of them: Raymond Fosdick, John Erskine,
James Truslow Adams, Bertrand Russell, Walter Lipp-
man, Count Keyserling, Harold J. Laski, Andre Sieg-
fried, Charles A. Beard, Andre Maurois, G. C. Chester-
ton, Lucien Romier, etc., etc. The writers mentioned
are fundamentally opposed to moralization which
later trait figures so prominently with many prohibi-
tionists. Their writings breathe a spirit of high ideal-
ism and a fine liberalism. They are what xnay be
called above the melee by trying to instill into the
mind of man self-trust and self-control in all mat-
ters pertaining to his bodily as well as his mental
well-being. It offends them to see grown-ups treated
as if they were little children. I shall give excerpts.
from some of these writers in my next letter.

By Richard L. Tobin
"Choral Prelude" by Hanif open-
ed yesterday's program, but aside
from being an important German
contributionto church music, prov-
ed to be unexciting. Followed by
"Largo," ever fresh and heart-
rending under Mr. Christian's ex-
pert interpretation, "Choral Pre-
lude" was lost.
There is a distinct repression
about "Largo" which only the mus-
ic of a genius can produce. The
feeling is always present that Han-
del was being held back, that his
emotions wanted larger room than
"Largo" gave him; and yet it is
that same quality-the force of
despair confined to deep, slow mus-
ic-that creates such a tremendous
power. "Largo" is a thorough emo-
tional experience.
"Chorale in D Minor," written by
the Dutch Andriessen, may'be great
organ music in its way, but to the
average audience, unversed in the
metaphor and cross-weaving of
modern organ music, such a "Chor-
ale" cannot be suitable. The trend
of the music is definitely in con-
trast; heavy chords are followed
by shrill chords, only to be revert-
ed to the massive structure which
opens the number. The chords are
what bother most of all; none of
them are definitely melodious;
there is always one note, sometimes
two or three, which make the chord
just wrong. In the anticipation
that such a chord will be straight-
ened out by the next measure, the
audience accepts it as a queer trick
by the author to be just a bit dif-
ferent-the only, trouble w i t h
"Chorale" being that the chords
never straighten, never become un-
"Pastelle" by the famous Karg-
Elert was yesterday's most ravish-
ing surprise. Beginning softly, a
tremendous climax draws it rather
out of the 'pastelle' class, but
makes it nevertheless effective,
Widor's "Scherzo," as unlike Wid-
or's usual virility as night from
day, was another favorite on yes-
terday's offering. "Twilight at Fie-
sole" by Bingham is a study in
changing light, melting into the
dusk of the Apennine s, with con-
ventional convent bells and all.
But the best, "Passacaglia and
Fugue in C Minor" (Bach) coming

to look over the wal
The industry that succeeds today is the business from $1,000,000 to $5,5
one that looks outside its own"back-yard" -a wholesale grocer to enlarge I
for ways to make itself more valuable. ume 25% at a big saving in over
For many years, Bell System men a soap salesman to sell $6000 w
have been working out ideas to increase goods in one afternoon at a sellir
the use and usefulness of the telephone. of less than 1%!
For example, they prepared plans for This spirit of cooperation is or
selling by telephone which helped an son why the Bell System enjoys
insurance man to increase his annual portant a place in American busi

his yol-
orth of
ng cost
ne rea-
so im-


The Editor:
A day or so ago The Daily published a news item
taining to the change of venue in the trial of the
rlan County miners in Kentucky. I thought it


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