ESTABLISHED 1890 r v Apo . tti S OC PRE . 22 SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1931 I ES i PRESE i U lo op E )uncil to Enforce Freshman Pot Custom Allen Will Dire< RL WET AN DADY HEADS SPEAK AT UNION FORUM LIQUORQUESTION TONI6HT W. Woodcock Will Lead Discussion; iesentatives of Crusaders, Anti- Saloon Body to Attend.. oe's Cafe Gets Milk Permit, Now Open to Students Joe Parker's cafe has taken out its license for selling milk, and has returned to the limbo of campus traditions. Alumni who sing "I Want to 6o Back to Michigan," with tears in their eyes now will have a place to want to gO back to. The Orient is permanently dead, but half a tradition iq better than none.. Last February. the police closed the place for 30 days, after whis- key was found on one of the stu- dents dancing there, accgrding to J. R. Murphy, the new proprietor. It was not re-opened then, how- ever, remaining closed until the end of last week. Murphy said he would continue, to cater to student trade, and would offer dancing every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and S u nyI a y. Though the cafe has been redec- orated, it is the same ofd Joe Par- ker's, he insisted. IT CPHE RITrfhIP in tl ill be focused on Ann Arbor tonight n controversy, headed by Amos W. W. prohibition, meet for the first Union room. r raids last year, the issue has been of od< on :e on the campus. will come here from Washington to be the principal rogram. He will deal with problems of enforcement -ohibition without', a ;, :he question. s from the entir part in the discus- Henry Ford Prefers Depression to False ." National Prosperity sent as a representative Mrs. Myron B. Vorse. It is also probable that NEW YORK, Oct. 21.-()-The ' they will send two other delegates present business situation is term- to take part in the discussion. - ,Ir I Congressman R. H. Clancy, a wet, ed "a wholesome thing, in general,"I . has informed the Union that he will by Henry Ford in an interview in attend the discussion as had the the American Automobile, publish- News of Sino-Japanese Fighting Rev. R. N. Holsaple, superintendent ed today. inMabscHipe of the Michigan Anti-Saloon league. c A iurs Hope The debating societies on campus, Mr. Ford said: of Geneva Settlement. Adelphi, Alpha Nu, Sigma Rho Tau, "The depressicin has done less o and Zeta Phi Eta, have been asked harm to the people and the country GENEVA; Oct. 21.-(AP)-Shaken to 'attend. than a continuance of our previous by doubt of-;American support andc Invitations have been sent toal e"r rity would hate done confronted by Japan's s t o u t i y Prof. Emeritus Thomas C. True- More people will suirvlve this maintained refusal to' withdraw her blood, former head of the speech period than would have survived a Manchurian troops until her terms department, Prof. O. J. Campbell, continuance of the former period, have been met, the Council of the head of the English department, Our so-called prosperity was not League of Nations faltered today 1 Mayor H. Wirt Newkirk, of Ann prosperity in any sense. It did in ts efforts to establish peace be- great harm to business and to theinisefrstetalhpacb-t Arbor, and Col. F. W. Alger, of gre of t pele. tween China and Japan. Detroit. morale of the people. Permission was so complete that4 Mayor Newkirk will be unable to "The depression will be broken a proposal to adjourn the Council's f take part in the discussion, due to when (1) people cease to believe special session for three w e e k s a sore throat, but will be present at that something can be obtained for __ the forum. Colonel Alger, who may nothing; (2) when the people get attend, was chiefly responsible for back their self-dependence; that is, BULLETIN1 the stand taken by the American when they cease to lean on the in- Tokio, Oct. 21.-(P)-News of Legion, opposing the prohibition of tiative of a few, either to provide Tokight.g1.-(1P)-hewsaofad light wines and beer, at their con- work or charity, and (3) when the reached f Tk fighting in Manchurias had vention in Detroit. public understanding is capable of officials were expressing hope Anyone attending the forum, seeing that the profit of life is life that settlement of the Sino- which is open to the public, may and not money." Japanese dispute was near. Muk-: give his views or ask questions aboutJdedisptes ar.inuke- prohibition. It is expected that the R T YE E PL Iden dispatches said reinforceth- forum will be the most important ward to Tiehling, 45 miles away, held in the Middle West this year. where hard-iigh 45tmle awa _____________where a hard-fought battlebe Bbe-tween a Japanese garrison and PLAs2,000 previously defeated Chin- Sprinkled With Salt .COMMIIES Ii ese soldiers had halted traffic on the South Manchurian rail- ST. PAUL, Minn., Oct. 21.-(AP)- University Council Will Handle way line. Another bird has become as extinct Official Business Instead without concrete action to arrest as the dodo. of Senate. the Manchurian conflict, was de- It's the imaginary one at which bated. children once looked while photo- President Alexander G. Ruthven Observers feared that the crisis, phpictues declared yesterday the reorganiza- now five weeks old, would continue graphers took their p stoure . tion of administrative committees unchecked. The fate of the Feb- Secretary N. C. Halmrast, of the of the University by the Univer- ruary disarmament conference and North Central Photographers As- sity Council a move to expidite the the life of the League itself werei sociation, said at its annual con- transaction of o ffi c i a 1 business, declared to be hanging in the bal- vention today that the imaginary which heretofore has been under ance because of the turn of events bird has been replaced with a high the control of the University Sen- in Manchuria. developed technique of child psy- ate.iMarchurax cooywhich brings to the faces."h eae hc o a Moreover, .fear w as, expressed chology"The Senate, which now has ap- that within China herself there of children the expressions photo- proximately 500 members, has be- would be political turmoil. graphers wish to perpetuate. come too large a body to handle Council members maintained sil- - _committee business easily," t h e e n c e concerning apprehensions President said. "The University about the attitude of America, but council, approved last spring by persons in high authority admitted tthe Board of Regents, is made up that representatives of the larger (By Associatud Press) of members of the Senate, elected European powers have been greatly October 21, 1931 by the faculties iofthe various agitated. schools and colleges, with the ad PETOSKEY-Lansing was select- ditionbo nvr offce T s Twin Sister to Akron ed Wednesday as the scene of the body, being smaller, is better quhBd 1932 convention of Michigan Odd ified to maintain contact with Will Be Started Soon Fellws nd ebekhs.Thetwosmall committees." Fellors and Rebekahs. The two The President denied that the AKRON, O., Oct. 21.-(IP)-When orders have been in convention here . for two days. reorganization of c o m m i t t e e s, the U. S. S. Akron is walked out of which include 22 bodies classified her dock for the last time, probably ALBION - L. J. Wolcott, former under educational policies, student tomorrow, 800 workmen will begin member of the state legislature, relations, public relations, a n d construction of a twin sister to the died here Wednesday. He was 82 plant and equipment, was in the world's largest airship. and long had been prominent in nature of a radical change. Already patterns for the frame- state and county politics. "The plan was drawn up last work for the ZRS-5, the Akron's ._spring when the council came into sister ship, helve been painted on ADRIAN-As a means of relieving existence," he said, "and will mere- the concrete floor of the dook. Jigs unemployment, 2,000 trees will be ly relieve the Senate a great deal. have been set up to receive the planted this fall along the main rings of the new ship. trunk line highways of Lenawee Construction of the ZRS-5 will c tFRATERNITY DUES insure* employment f o r several H AS DECLARD R ON ALL YEARLNGS Daily Official Bulletin to Carry Names of Future Offenders of Custom. BURSLEY FAVORS MOVE Ten Frosh Summoned to Appear Before Body for Violation of Tradition. A fight to the finish between the Student Coun-cil and first year men who do not wear the traditional' "pots," was inaugurated last night at a meeting of the council, when ten freshmen, guilty of violation, were told to appear at the office of this body at 2 o'clock today. To Use Posters. Tomorrow the campus will be plastered w i t h posters warning freshmen that if they do not fol- low the custom of wearing the caps, disiplinary measures will be taken. The names of the freshmen vio- lating the ruling are: Charles R. Schelly, A I v i n Thomas, Gordn Glover, George Holmer, Alvin Koh- ler, Homer Hunt, John English, Seyour Rubin, Howard Klee, and Robert Ruwitch. The names were furnished to the council by members of the student body. The entire campus is co- operating. in reporting offending freshmen. Tradition Urged. Campus leaders have continual- ly urged the freshmen to follow the tradition, it was said at the coun- cil meeting. Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, and Edward Mc- Cormick, president of the Student Council, recently emphasised the necessity of freshmen wearing their "pots" as a matter of class distine tion, at a meeting of the Union luncheon club. Men attending the luncheon promised to co-operate. In the last few days the names of scores of freshmen have been turned in to councilmen. It was urged at the meeting that upper- classmen continue to report offend- ers. McCormick made the following statement last night: "It is hardly thought necessary that drastic ac- tion at this time will be necessary, but, should the men summoned fail to appear immediately, disiplinary steps will be taken." In the future, names of men to be summoned will be printed in the Daily Official Bulletin. TO CONVENE[HERE Conference Will Hear Members of Seven University Faculties. To Head Bank Relief George H. Reynolds, C h I c a g o banker who has recently been chosen to take charge of the Na- tional Credit corporation, proposed by President Hoover to liquidate frozen assets. BUSINESS BETTER President's Unemployment Re- lief Organization Informed of Upward Trend. WASHINGTON, Oct. 21. - (P) -) Fresh reports of improving condi- tions today reached.-the President's Organization on Unemployment Re- lief. From 30 cities there came word of slight, but clearly defined upward business trends and of expectations of further gains in the near future. . In some places, mills and factories had reopened after a period of idle- ness, giving employment to a large number. Some establishments had taken on additional workers as a result of increased business. Department stores in several 10-. calities already are increasing their personnel in preparation for the Christmas trade. The holiday buy- ing is expected to act as a lever to boost business, at least temporarily. Reopening of business establish- ments was reported to the unem- ployment committee by Rochester, Providence, Atlanta, Lewiston, Me., and New Bedford and Lynn, Mass. Increased activity in many lines was reported from many sections in New England. The New England Council described this report as "the most encouraging complication in recent months." All sugar factories in Utah and Southern Idaho were said to be in operation. An average of 23 days, work. to 4,100 men has been provided by Seattle through emergency work' on municipal projects. The California Department of Public Works will provide part time employment for an additional 3,800 men this winter. Employment in Los Angeles was described as "showing an encourag- ing steadiness in all major indus- tries except food products." Traditional Shoi Book Is Select Twenty-Fifth Annual Union Production Appear After One Year Omission; Book Called 'Excellent.' A return to the traditional Mimes Union opera of all-mi to be presented as the chief Mimes attraction of the current ye announced last night following a meeting of the organization book for this year's show, the twenty-fifth annual producti been accepted and in the opinion of William Tippy, '32, presi the society, is an excellent manuscript. Harry R. Allen, instructor in the Speech department, ha chosen to direct the show this year, it was announced. Allei act after the appointment last night was to issue a call for try appear at 4 o'clock today Illinois Establishes Union. Anyone interested ing, dancing, singing, or te Committee on lorals stage work is eligible for a the production, he stated. (Special to he Daily) 'Announcement a Surpri URBANA, Ill., Oct. 21.-Creation The announcement that a of a discipline committee to super- opera of the traditional ty vise student morals and complete to be given came as a compl abolition of the penalty for over- prise yesterday. After omit cutting classes mark a new step I'opera last,year, and attemp towards liberalism taken yesterday all campus revue in its pla by the University of Illinois. stage was set this year for The office of Dean Thomas Arkle a return 'to a traditional Clark, who retired at the beginning reminiscent of "Marrie Go of the academic year, has been rele- of 1929, and "Rainbow's I gated to purely administrative du- the previous year or on th ties under Fred H. Turner, Clark's hand something entirely di successor. After discussion of various The discipline committee, created it was decided that a unio by action of the university senate was the thing for this year. includes the deans of the several Objections to the opera, colleges. It will have power to act were brought forth two ye only in matters of morals. when it was decided to disc the opera custom, we d last night, and it was d cid WASHTENAW PARTI a finished production could sented that would meet approval of all previous crit charge of professionalism, denced by a highly paid stag nitian or coach to direct th, wasreadily overcome wher Mason Elected to Run as Junior learned that Harry Allen, in Class President at in. the University at the time, would take on the dire Caucus. the show. Committee Chosen. By Barton Kane. The central committee in Electing John T. Mason as their of the presentation this y ctndidate for president of the junior be: William Tippy, '32, pres class, Washtenaw politicians met the organization, Beach Cor last ht at the La bdaChin Alm 32, Robert D. Wells, '32, an nigt Lam pa Allen, the director. house and declared official war on Tryouts will be held at 4 their State Street opponents who this afternoon and next w beat them in their nominations by be held in rooms 319 to 32 Union. Faculty members from seven col- leges and universities will address the College Personnel Officers' con-' ference at the Union next Monday and Tuesday. President Alexander G. Ruthven will give the address of welcome at the dinner on the first day of the conference. Others from the Uni- .versity are W. R. Humphreys, as- sistant dean of the literary college; Joseph A. Bursley, dean of stu- dents; Miss Alice C. Lloyd, dean of women; Miss Margaret R. Smith, social director, Martha Cook, build- ing; Prof. Max Handman of the economics department; Elizabeth Lawrie, registrar's office; Prof. A. D. Moore, head mentor, engineer- ing; Dr. James D. Bruce, director of the department of post-graduate medicine; and P r o f. Theophile Raphael, of the health service. The University of Chicago will be represented by A. J. Brumbaugh, associate dean of the colleges. 10WA TROOPS GO TO AID TEST WAR DES MOINES, Ia., Oct. 21.-(IP)- Twenty-three additional Iowa Na- tional Guard companies, compris- ing 1,300 men, wereordered to mo bilize today and proceed to Bur- lington to assist in testing cattle' for tuberculosis. Adjutant-Gen. W. H. Bailey said the troops would be moved to the newest storm center of the test war, which has continued for several months as soon as arrangements for special trains could be complet- ed. With troops already reported, the total forces that will be mustered at Burlington will be approximate- ly 1,700 men, Bailey said, nearly as many as were sent to Tipton in the first mobilization of the guard to enforce the law. I - Class Election. - one day; Jule Ayres was chosen to run for the position of treasurer at the caucus that was called by Joseph F. Zias. Women candidates for the positions of vice-president and for secretary have not been elected as yet, according to. John Townsend, chairman of the meeting. Prospective J-Hop committeemen are Richard Norris, William Dibble, Morton Frank, Charles Rachor, and Joe Gardner. Campus activities of the candi- dates are as follows: Mason, Alpha Sigma Phi, is an assistant basket- ball manager and was chairman of the advisory committee during his sophomore year. Ayres, Alpha Kappa Lambda, is a member of Alpha Nu and active in the Student Christian associa- tion. Norris, Sigma Alpha Epsilon is a member of the Student Council, assistant track manager, and Union committeeman. Dibble, Trigon, is a varsity track man and chairman of the athletic committee his, sopho- more year. Frank, Sigma Alpha Mu, is secre- tary of the Student Christian asso- ciation, and was a member of the sophomore prom committee. Ra- chor, Phi Kappa, is a member of the fencing team. Gardner, Phi Kappa Sigma, was the treasurer of the sophomore class and is a member of Scabbard and Blade. Finds Plea for Keller on Bank Theft Suspect Judge George W. Sample an- nounced late Wednesday that Sher- iff Jacob Andres is leaving within the next two days for Toledo, Ohio, where he will question Charles 'Biggest Will Economic Uplift. WASHINGTON, Octo. 21.- History's biggest business pr tion, aimed at the economic ration of the world, will be dis by President Hoover with P Laval of France without c sions into the political byw international alliance or tres security. War debt revision, easing c itary burdens, firmer intern- credit, a new marshaling c vate resources, - all of the subjects likely to have a part conversations beginning he Friday. But the door is not c consideration of the long-d ed agreement for American France in war. Several times France ha posed such a treaty. It was the rejected French suggesti the London naval conferen the French premier's ship New York today, it was prece unofficial reports that M. would favor a political gua if he agreed to armed reduc' So well known is the An aversion, however, that c here doubt that the subjei will h emntinned. HOOVER AND L WILL DISCUSSI Business Prc Aim at World