THE MICHIGAN DAILY Aj FA'vA Mn s 4'' phomore Cabaret Elections Will Be Held Toda ,OMMITTEE HEADS NILLBEEECE IT 4:5O'CLOCK Eighteen Women Nominated for Nine Positions on Central Committee. TO BE HELD IN LEAGUE Elections to Be Conducted by Chairmen and Members of Judiciary Council. Eighteen sophomore women have been nominated for the nine posi- tions of the central committee 7f the third annual Sophomore Cab- aret, the elections being at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. These nam- inations may be further supple- mented from the floor, and only eligible women may run for office. Nominations Made. The nominations are as follows; general chairman, Grace Mayer and Caroline Hyde; assistant chair- man, Jane Fauver and Ann McIn- tyre; chairman of finance, Char- lotte Moss and Lydia Seymour; chairman of publicity, Jeanette 1Wetwiler and Prudence Foster; chairnian of entertainment, Marion Giddings and Phyllis Swift; chair- man of decorations, Mary Jean White and Helen Clark; chairman of costumes, Josephine Woodhams and Josephine Talbott chairman of waitresses, Margaret Cole and May Seefried; chairman of food, Paul- ine Brooke and Harriet Jennings. The names were submitted by Marion Giddings and Ruth Duhme, sophomore representatives to the League board of, directors, and Phyllis Swift. B. Braun is Chairman. Barbara B r a u n, '33, general chairman of last year's Cabaret, and Katherine Ferrin, '32, chair- man of the League Bazaar for this year, will address the meeting. Miss Ethel McCormick, social director, incharge of the Cabaret, will also speak. . The election will be conducted by the Judiciary council, of which Sallie Ensminger, °32, is chairman. Other members include Betty Lou- den, '32, Jane Inch, '32, Mary Bar- nett, '33, and Margaret Schermack, '33. Caucusing or campaigning of any kind is strictly prohibited, accord- ing to Miss Ensminger. Any viola- tions of this rule will result in dis- qualification of the house involved, both from voting and holding of- fice. . Will be Held Dec. 4, 5. This year the Cabaret, which will be held Dec. 4 and 5, will take place in the League building, instead of in the Sarah Caswell Angell hall of fBarbour gymasium, as in former years. Proceeds from the affair will be turned over to the Undergradu- ate Campaign fund, which goes to- ward fulfilling the undergraduate pledge for the League building. Tap Classes to Begin This Weekrat Barbour Beginners' and advance tap danc- BIg classes will be held this semes- ter for university students begin- ning Thursday afternoon, Oct. 22 at 4 o'clock in Barbour gymnasium. Miss Marie Hartwig, assistant in the physical education department, will be in charge of the beginners' class which will be held in the big gymnasium , W. A. A. NEW UMBRELLAS MADE OF VELVET Latest Creations Combine Utility and attractiveness. We are all anxious to find ou what Empress Eugenie wore for this occasion or that one. Take um brellas, for instance. Perhaps Eu genie did not go out when it raine due to the fact that she was ax empress. But suppose she had to? The umbrellas of that day wer much smaller than ours of today- more an added attraction to a cos tume than a useful necessity. Bu we don't mind the large, sensibl size of ours today. And if we jus add a little of the proper material the empress herself couldn't hav had .a more stunning umbrella. Think of a velvet handled um brella for your velvet ensemble o an umbrella ont only with a velve handle but one slipping into vel vet sheath as well. As a 'Matter o fact you don't have to merely thin: of it anymore, you can have them They are "Le Dernier Mot" from Paris. NOTICE Sororities may call for Pan- hellenic banquet tickets any time Thursday, and for the rest of the week. They will be available at the main desk of the League, in the lobby. POINTS AWARDED FOR0'ENSIAN WORt New System Provides for Lowe Staff Under Junior Editorship. League activity points will b awarded to women working on th lower staff of the Michiganensian Sophomores and second semeste freshmen who are interested in be coming members of this staff, ar asked to call at the office of th 'Ensian within the next week, be tween the hours of 3 o'clock and o'clock. According to the new system be ing used this year, members of th lower staff will be assigned toa junior editor under whose guid apce they will work for the re mainder of the year. At the end o their second year of work, the mos capable woman in each departmen will be selected for a junior editor ship. Work on the 'Ensian is so diversi fied that almost every woman ir terested will be able to find some thing to her liking. Included in th various duties are typing, filin page layout, pasting of senior- pan els, proofreading, mounting pic tures, editorial writing, and a work. The office hours of the Junio editors and Women's editor ar from 3 o'clock to 5 o'clock. On Mon day, Adele Ewing, activities; Tues day, Carpl Savery, sororities; Wed nesday, Aileen Clark, athletic Thursday, Margaret Keal, feature and Friday, Agnes Graham, W men's Editor. Tryouts should report at the o fice to fill out cards in order to bI assigned to a position on the Low Staff under the mentorship of Junior editor. Will, Beautician AdvisesIC OHI U E O 0 TURE Care in PurchasingII1TO I C y FIRST OF OUTDOOR Individual Cosmetics HELD LAST SUNDAY r SPDDTS SgTII 9Y( "Before I began studying women's beauty needs, I would have pooh- eta Phi Eta Chooses Pledges t -_poohed the idea that lots of intelli- hs Result of Recent m - Women to Receive Five Activity gent women don't know how to get Tryout PeriodT Points If They Attend the most good from the cosmetics Zeta Phi Eta, national speech so- Outdoor Trial, they buy," began Hildegards Fill- ety for women, concluded its ser- e more in an article, "Your Beauty's ies of try-outs for new members WILL LAST FOUR DAYS Worth," which criticizes the meth- by holding initiation and p'ledging s - od with which women buy cosmet- services in the Alumni room of the y e Manchester, Chairman of ics and appears in this month's is- Women's League last Sunday af-t S ssue of the McCall's magazine. ternoon. t Membership Campaign, to "We buy a cream," says Miss Fill- At that time four women were t 'e Appoint Members. more, "not because we know it regularly initiated into the organ- c gI ought to be right for our particular ization. They were: Martha Ellen o Formally beginnin their activi kind of skin, but because the lady Scott, '32, Helen Sailors, '32 Martha i ties .e next door has it on her dressing Wheeler, '33, and Lucille Priest, '32. c r tiies the Women's Athletic Associa- table. We buy a jar that takes our The group has chosen eighteen t tion will bgin their membership fapcy, or a bottle that glitters, or new pledges as the result of the h - drive today and will last until Sat- a compact because of a cute design try-outs. The pledging service was p f urday, Oct. 24 with the first of the on- the top." held for the following women: m k outdoor parties. Miss Fillmore believes that wo- Eleanor Graham, '35, Elva Pascoe, t i This outdoor trail which will be men should not trust to the knowl- '32, Virginia Frink, '35, Harriet w n the grand finale of the week will edge that the salesgirl may have Olecksinch, '35, Mary Louise Els- start at 2 o'clock from the Palmer as to the best cosmetics for their pass, '35, Mary Pray, '34, Lucy Field house. The women who at- particular complexion. She says, Wadsworth, '33, Faith Ralph, '34, tend this affair will receive five ac- "Even a dermatologist must know Virginia McComb, '33, Billie Grif- tivity points and on the receipt of something of the case history of fiths, '35, Marjorie Clar, '35, Elea- one dollar will become active mem- the complexion before he can pre- nor Dwinell, '33, Maribel Smith, '34, bers of the W. A. A. scribe for it." Miss Fillmore sug- Dolly Robbins, '35, Marian Heck- E Must Earn 5 Points. gests that women experiment with athorne, '35, Lois Benson; '32, Mary i Every womsan enrolled in the different preparations before decid- Helen McIntosh, '33, and Lenore h University becomes an inactive ing which acts best on the individ- Legendre, '33. % member of th'e W. A. A. and may ual skin.A enjoy the use of the equipment, "After all," concludes Miss Fill- NOTICEt the field house, the gymnasium and more, "getting the most out of your Today is the last opportunity the coaching supplied by the physi- beauty routine means knowing first matches of the tennis tour- cal education department. A wo- what cosmetics really can do for women will have to play off the man who has recorded 5 activity you. Counter lectures can't teach nament. The list of the oppo- points and has paid the member- you nearly as much as personal ex- nents is posted in the Palmer ship of one dollar will be consid- perience. Let's get our beauty's Field house and the winner's ered an active member of the or- worth by having more faith in our name must be handed in today. ganization. own cosmetic knowledge." Freshmen on hockey teams may ---------- r join since at least 5 units are earn- ed in every game in which they -College BeautyShoppe participate. Women who have their points and have not paid their fee We offer will be able to do so from 2 o'clock e to 6 o'clock any day this week in Shampoo and Marcel ........... .. $1.Q .e the W. A. A. office which is in the Shampoo and Finger Wave $...... ..1.00 . front part of the undergraduate Manicure office. Elect Officers. Open Every Evening 300 South State Street Phone 22___ '- Election of officers are held once e a year in the spring and only ac- .e tive members may vote. Active members are also entitled to pur- chase a darkable flannel jacket 5 which may be procured through the organization. This jacket is ap- - propriate for campus and sport o wear, and class numeral, awards a may be worn on the pocket. - T Build Cabin. - The present hope of the Women's Fasi n* fr f Athletic Association is to makeyI st their log cabin project successful. G It So far $1000 has beefi earned to- Br ht.Ymun Things - ward it. In order to earn more reihtg there will be an ice carnival some- - time in February. - Susan Manchester, '32, who is - chairman of the campaign has as e her committee Elsie G. Feldman, g, '33, Harriet Brondstetter, '34, Jean - Berridge, '33, Caroline Hyde, '34, - and Helen Manchester, '33. rt _ Glee Club Will Hold re Organization Meeting - - - - s- A meeting of the University Girls - glee club will be held tonight in the s; Committee room of the League s, building. This will be an important - meeting as the work of organiza- tion will take place at that time. f- There will also be a short rehearsal e before the John McCormick con- er cert. All old and new members are a asked to attend. All the brilliane on famous campuses will not be displayed in the class room this Fall. With a full palette of gay colors to choose from, u Z every bright feminine will look lively in her most u g ebecoming shade. And bright color is no longer of your University career a sporting affair. The truly smart will wear if you are able to type dashing colors for afternoon, in Sunday Night yor w ntethme rocks and for the important "formals." * L will be much fuller if you - take them in shorthand. Hundreds of Michigan typewriting and short- Price Range hand at Hamilton Busi- ness College. Many have used it to earn moneyon the side or during vaca- tionto. You will also find it every valuable in your$15$4 career after graduation.r TYPEWRITING SHORTHAND ACCOUNTING SECRETARIAL TRAINING Enter at any time day and evening 4RCHERY SCORES DUE THIS WEEK Womnen to Shoot at Distances of 30 and 40 Yards. Handicap scores for the archery ournament which began last week nust be handed in by Saturday. 'his will be the first round the nal tournament starting next Meek. For hoot ards ance hese the handicap women are to 72 arrows at a distance of 30 and also 72 arrows at a dis- of 40 yards. They may shoot off at any time when the lasses meet which is at 10, 11, 2, r 3 o'clock, or after 4 o'ciock. They may receive instruction in the lasses. Records of the scores are to be handed in to the matron at the Palmer Field house. Lydia Sey- mour, '34, who is in charge asks hat this be done early while the weather is nice. lichigan Dames Plan for Party at Meeting A meeting of the M i c h i g a n Dames was held Oct. 20 at 8 o'clock n the League building. A party for husbands of' the members which will be hel'd soon in the Women's Athletic building was planned at the short business meeting. Begin Campaign for Membership Todc A.AUW TO HEA Meeting to Be Held Saturday 3 o'Clock in Grand Rapids Room of League. "The New Spanish Republic a its Probable Success" will be 1 subject discussed by Professor A thur Aiton ofthe history depa ment when he addresses the Am ican Association of University W men. This rmeeting will be held 3 o'clock Saturday in the Gra Rapids room of the. League .bul ing. Women graduate students cordially invited to become quainted with the members of A U. W. Since. the new bulletin w regard to National or Associatio memberships has just been ceived, those women having twc more years at any college or u versity are asked to call Mrs. W Bennett, phone 2-1278, chairman membership committee to deli eligibility. Prospective assoc members are especially urged to tend. Members are asked to send bring in their dues to Ann Stee California spends more than 500,000 annually in the control predatory animala. Now tobe in Fashin11 ~-Y eu Must Wear ecAds*le -In the Correct MDTMMPLm Stocking Shades visit Our Sto cking Department This is Fashion Week Latest Fashions for E -THYLE M. DICKENS Autumn Coats Relined Hemstitching and Alteratiets y Dial.2-4129 for Appointments 620 East Liberty "Adjustables*" They Fit Every Length of Leg Greatly Reduced, q.65 formerly $1.95 J Sole Agents for Gotham Gold Stripe Hose