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October 21, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-21

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Reminds Belligerent Nations of
Obligations Under Kellogg.
Anti-War Treaty.


Japanese Stand Firm on Settling
Manchurian Question for
Selves, Unhindered.
(By Associated Pi'ess)
The United States reminded Jap-
an and China Tuesday of their ob-
ligations under the Kellogg-Briand
anti-war pact to effect a peaceable
settlementof the Manchurian dis-

One thousand freshmen yesterday
put on their Sunday suits, their
company manners, and went out to
take part in the Interfraternity
council's "noble experiment," the
open house.
Four hundred fraternity men
from 21 houses located in geograph-
ical group one were busy through-
out the day raking lawns, waxing
floors, and thinking up new meth-
ods of entertainment.
Perhaps the record for entertain-
ment goes to one house which dis-
tributed fake money to all the pros-
pective pledges and then staged a
roulette game. In the meantime,
more athletically inclined freshmen
were entertained with the manly
sports of ping-pong and backgam-
Bridge was the most popular time
waster. More than 2,000 rubbers
were played yesterday in group one
fraternities. Actives smiled pleas-
antly when the freshmen trumped
their ace.
There were a few cases of mis-
understanding about the rushing
rules. Several freshmen showed up
at houses without invitations. They
said that they understood you could
go to.as many houses as you want-
ed and stay as long as you liked.
Several freshmen were found who
had twelve invitations for Wednes-
day. They said that it was almost
impossible to eat a buffet supper
at all of the houses.
Open houses continue today and
tomorrow. Today it is group two
and tomorrow group three. Then
peace will descend on the campus
for another four weeks.

things some day-go marlin fishing Action of the American govern-
and see Ellsworth Vines play tennis. ment in dispatching notes to Nan-
McCormack will open the fifty- king and Tokio followed that of
second annual series of the Choral five other powers and announce-
Union concerts tonight in Hill audi- ment that Japan had withdrawn
torium. The program may be found its objections to American partici-
on Page 4. pation in Manchurian discussions
of the council of the League of Na-
tions at Geneva.
Local Woman Finds Geneva Awaits Word.
A'PWhile Geneva awaited word from
AnnArbors Police Tokio on the flexible peace pro-
Plenty Ineffishient posals of Aristide Briand, the coun-
cil chairman, Japan gave no mdi-
It was Friday, to all intents, in cation of receding from its attitude
the Common council chamber at that the Manchurian problem was
the lastmeetione to be solved between China
t meetg. and Japan without outside inter-
The fish were there, borne by Mrs. vention.
A. F. Sayer, 1330 Wilmot st., to- Although the Chinese delegation
gether with a complaint about the at Geneva submitted evidence of
efficiency of the local'police force. further Japanese military activi-
ties in Manchuria, news dispatches
A certain fish peddler had been from that country told only of ac-
in the habit of cleaning his waresftat coysrytldors.
under her window, she said. She tivites by separate leaders.
had complained to local police, who One of these, a former Empire
investigated to no purpose, Mrs. official in Manchuria, was seeming-
Sayerasserted. ly preparing for an active military
Finally she called state police. campaign against the, remnants at
They drove the fish man away. Mrs. Chinchow of China's. Manchurian
Sayer collected the evidence and' governMrnt.
wrapped it up in newspapers. Last President Chiang of China told
-night-,she- delivered the package' to'members-ef the institute of Pacific
the council, tdgether with quite al 1dTations a "small minority" of na-'
statement.'""A line kettle of fish,, tions still adhered to the old poli-
Mrs. Sayer said. cies of war and brute force, al-
The conmnlaint was referrei to though the world tendency was to-


Edison's Old Friends
Mourn Beside His BodyI
WEST ORANGE, N. J., Oct, 20.-
(P)-The last caravan is organized
-Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone,
Thomas A. Edison-and it will travel
tomorrow to Mr. Edison's grave.
The two cronies of the famous
inventor, who with him formed a#
triumvirate of travel and compan-
ionship which became a symbol overf
the world, arrived late today.
They, with the first lady of the<
land will be among the close friends
to join the family in a private1
funeral service at 2:30 o'clock to-(
morrow afternoon. President HooverI
will be unable to attend because of
the press of public business inI
Washington, but Mrs. Hoover will
leave for West Orange tomorrow on
a regular morning passenger train.
Accompanied' by Mrs. Edison, Mr.
Ford and Mr. Firestone went to the
library of the laboratory where the'
inventor's body lay. The long line
of men and women, running into
thousands during the last two days,
was halted as the party entered the
buildin . _
State' Oulletins
(By Associated Pes)
October 20, 1931
ESCANABA-Fire destroyed the
mill df the Bonz Manufacturing
Co. at Masonville near here today,
with a loss of $50,000. Forty men
were thrown out of employment.
ST. JOSEPH-The Berrien coun-
ty board of supervisors adopted a
resolution Tuesday asking Gov.
Wilber M. Bruckur to call a special
legislative session to revise the tax
county board of supervisors went
on record Tuesday as opposing a
yr nnial cascinreof +h i.rl 4rp t

Hopkins Denies Charge.
Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, newly
elected secretary of the council,
said last night that the committees
affected had previously been re-
sponsible to the University senate,
and that the move was an attempt
to systematize University commit-
tees by bringing them under the1
supervision. of the council.1
Prof. Edzw R. Sunderland, busi-1
ness manager of the board in con-
trol of student publications, said
last night that though that bodyt
was separately incorporated, under
the authority of the Board of Re-
gents, it had always made reports
to the Senate.
This situation arose at the time
of incorporation, about 10 years
ago, previous to which the board
in control had been a committee
of the Senate. Since then the board
has continued its annual reports.
In effect there will be no change
under the new arrangement, Pro-
fessor Sunderland said.
Aigler Accedes.'
Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, chairman
of the athletic board, said when
asked the new plan, "So far as I
know, *there will be. virtually' no
change under the new arrangement.
Although the board in control of
athletics has always been under
the Regents, with a separate sub-
sidary incorporation, it has report-
ed to the Senate' annually. We
shall be glad to report to .the Coun-
cil instead if it so desires."
Pres. Alexander G.' R u t h v e n,
chairman of the council, and Prof.
Henry C. Anderson, newly elected
vice chairman, could riot' be reach-
ed last night for statements re-
garding the purpose of the moves
Gilmore Gives Talk
'in Alpha Nu Meeting
In a scientific talk on "The Early
Indian Cultural Differences," Dr.
Melvin R. Gilmore, curator of eth-
nology at the museum of anthro-
pology, told members of Alpha Nu
of Kappa Phi Sigma, last night,
that the various nationalities of the
American Indians were as varied as
the nationalities of Europe.
Tryouts for pledgeship in the so-



ield last night in the chapter room
in Angell hall.
Those who were admitted after
giving tryout speeches were: John
W. Bellamy, '35, Keith C. Billman,
'35, David W. Cannon, Grad., Arthur
J. Carr, '35, David L. Gallup, '33,
John T. Gamon, '35, Thomas Hes-
sion, '33, Alexander Hirschfeld, .'35,
Lloyd V. Marlette, '33, Archibald W.
McMillan, '34, Myron M. Ruby, '35,
Arthur Shapiro, '34, Richard L.
Shook, '35, Philip C. Shorr, '34,
Nicholas M. Spoke, '35, Joseph Su-
dow, '35, Gordon T.'Wilder, '34, Win-
field L. Willkite, '35, Herbert Wool-
ner, '33, and Abe Zwerdling, '35.
Next week will be the last oppor-
tunity this semestersfor new men to
tryout for membership in the so-
ciety, E. Jerome Pettit, speaker of
the society stated at the meeting.

Chinese Allege That Separationd
Is Being Sponsored by f
SHANGHAI, Oct. 20.-(AP)-Move- 1
ments under Chinese, Mongol and
Manchurian authorship to separate t
the vast area of Manchuria from
the rest of China were reported to-
day developing spontaneously in
various parts of the "three eastern
Exact information, however, still
was lacking. The news dispatches
reaching here were from Japanese
sources, since the Chinese no longer
control the Manchurian communi-
cation system.
Chinese officials continue to al-
lege and Japanese spokesmen to
deny that the movements for Man-
churan autonomy are encouraged
by the Japanese government.
Concerning the cities of Mukden
and. Kirin there is no argument.
There the Japanese have openly set,
up municipal governments to re-
place those which collapsed as the
provincial regime of Gov. Chang
Hsueh-Liang gave way a month ago
before .the rifles and machine guns
of Japanese infantry.
But elsewhere, for the observer at
this distance, the situation is ex-
tremely confused.
The Japanese admit the presence
in Manchuria of Japanese adven-
turers and'volunteer empire build-

Student Life inRuss Has Its Hardships.
(This article, a general one university. Considered as "ausbeu- etc., of the factories. To it is grant-
about Russian students and the ter" are former members of the ed the right to study without, how-
life they lead, was written by a nobility, the whole pre-revolution ever, many actually' being able to
Greek student, who spends his administration (down to the simpl do so. It so happens that applicants
time between Russia and Ger-amnsrto(dwtoeinp- of this group' are accepted' only
many. It was written especially est policeman) and their descend- when the state is .sure that there
for The Daily. No part of it is to ants. That these, enemies of our is no longer hope of filling their
be reprinted without special per- class, should study at the state's places with laborers. In general, an
mission.) expense only afterwardsto use their official's son only can expect to be
learning against it, is of course a accepted when he has given some
.The life of our studying youth is humane explanation. special service tor the soviets-for
in no respects similar to that led In striking contrast to the "aus- instance a war record-or has pur-
by students in other countries. This beuter" aspirants to education is a sued. the 'following course: =having
is above all 'best to be explained as second group to whom, generally finished all secondary school re-
a result of a quite different social speaking, great privilege before the quirements to study at a university,
composition than one commonly law 'is accorded and for whom the he works for one or two years as
meets in the universities of capital- way' to knowledge is smoothed by a simple laborer in order to convert
istic countries. the government. T'his group draws himself to the proletarian condi-
The bare possibility of studying is its members chiefly from the fac- tion.
not at all easily accessible to many tory working class and to a lesser Thus, from 70 to 95 per cent of
in the Soviet Union. What is per- extent from the lowest stratum of today's Russian students come from
haps characteristic there is this: peasants. In short, this group repre- the least cultural surroundings. A
that it is not the material side- sents the much-touted proletariat. workman who wants to study, more
money-which determines entrance No means are overlooked in the often than not cannot even write
or refusal of the right to study, but attempt to attract it to the univer- properly. For that reason, he must
.1i -n .Aif c,,~,+ c+ +tm T+ e- , f. i.re fenmr entranee re- I firt enroll in a necin1 school for

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