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October 20, 1931 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-20

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Kappa Delta, Delta Gamma De-
feat Martha Cook, Betsy
Barbour in First Games.
)orothy Felske, Margaret Smith,
Virginia Olds Make
Goal Points.
Two 2 to 0 scores were the results
Af the intramural hockey games
layed yesterday afternoon at Pal-
ner Field House.
In the first game Kappa Delta'
lefeated Martha Cook Dormitory.
3oth goal points were made by
Dorothy Felske, '32. The game was
nteresting and wel-played as each
iad full teams. All players kept
heir positions well. 1It was en
pen game with Martha Cook most-
y on the defense and Kappa Dcl a
-n the offense.
Geraldine Grover, '32, defense,,
The following Is a list of the
teams which will play intram.-
ural hockey Wednesday after-
noon: at 4 o'clock Alpha Epsilo
Phi against Alpha Omicron Pi,
Jordan Hall against Helen New-
berry, and Mosher Hall against
Zeta Tau Alpha. At 4:30 o'clock
Gamma Phi Beta will play Delta
Delta Delta and Sigma Kappa
will play Indepents. At 5 o'clock
Chi Omega will play against
Delta Zeta, Alpha Phi against
Pi Beta Phi, and Alpha Xi Del-
ta against-Kappa Kappa Gam-


Those Wishing to Attend Annual
Pan-Hellenic Affair to Make
Arrangements Today.

Sophomores to Meet Tomorrow
at 4:15 in Mendelssohn



the Popular Fall Shades
Rfed, Green, Brown,
and Black.
By B.A. C. '34.

Houses wishing to order tickets , Nine members of the central
for the annual Panhellenic ban- committee of the Sophomore Cab-
quet, to be held at 6 o'clock next aret will be elected by the women
of the sophomore class at a meet-
Monday in the ballroom of the ing at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow in the'
League, must do so today *at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre of the'
latest, -according to Josephine Mc- League.
Causey, '34, chairman of tickets. The offices include general chair-
man, assistant chairman, chairman
Plans for the program are almost of publicity, chairman of entertain-
complete, according to Evelyn Neil- ment, chairman of food, chairman
son, '33, chairman, and the speak- of costumes, chairman of decora-
ers will be announced this week tions, chairman of waitresses, and
The League orchestra will play chairman of finance.
during the meal. One nomination for each office
There will be a meeting of the m .will be made by a committee con-
generl comittee ti aftnoon sisting of Marion Giddings, '34, and
at 4o'clock to discuss final arn- Ruth Duhme, '34, sophomore rep-
ranements for the affaAllmem-resentatives to the board of direc-
brngmentsbfr the ffir. meAl -tors, and one other members who
bers musimportaesent, as the meet- will be selected by them. These
ing i imprtan. 1nominations may be further sup-
Members of the committee in plemented from the flooratsthe
clue'Ermily Bates, '32, general time of the election. Only eligible
chairman, Beatrice Ehrlich, '32, women may run for office, and any
treasurer, Evelyn Neilson, '33, mus- caucusing or campaigning will be
ic and program, Dorothy Nlorris, dealt-with stringently.
'33, menu, Josephine McCausey, 134d The meeting will be addressed by
tickets, and Elizabeth Gribble, '33, Barbara Braun, '33, chairman of
decorations J ean Rosenthal, '33, is last year's Cabaret, and by Kath -
assisting Miss Ehrlich, while Par- erine Ferrin, '32, chairman of the,
rish Riker, '33, and Janet Allen, League bazaar for this year. Miss
'33, are ass}istingMiss Neilson. Ethel McCormick, social director,
The b"nqueteis a traditional who is advisor of the Cabaret, will
event, and is given by the associa- also speak.
tion primarly to promote friend- The Cabaret will be held Decem-
ship bete7en lthe different houses. ber 4 and 5, in conjunction with
Both active members and pledges the annual League p-oject. This
of each house will attend, and year, it is planned to hold the Cab-
every sorority woman on campus aret in the League building.

One-color; costumes are simplyi
out this season. Accessories in all
cases add the contrasting note of
color.vWhere previously black jew-
elry was used with black, now, the
new shades of Persian green and'
Persian red are extremely popular.1
Due largely to the French'colonial
influence, the Persian shades are
much in evidence.
Basic Shades Dark.
Seven-eights of t h e costume
should be in the dark basic shades."
The four basic shades most- in
vogue at the present time are kil-'
tie green, amnaesuian brown, cas-
sus red, and black.
Two-tone and tri-tone costumes
are very good. If ,it is a tri-tone,
the second tone is touched rather
lightly-, and the third tone is just
a note of contrasting color, and
may be expressed by means of jew-
elry, a feather on aehat, or a bag.
Pocketbooks, gloves, and shoes
must be in the basic shades. Hosi-
ery shades are much darker, and
mesh hose are still equally popular
withachiffon. Suede gloves are es-
pecially popular this season. The
longer sixteen button evening glove
of kid is still correct, although
there have been some suggestions
of a possible revolutionary change
in the introduction of the short
glove for evening. However, that is
still too much of a fad to make any
definite prediction as to its future.
Small Evening Bags.
Rough-surface bags predominate
Rough-surface bags predominate.
Elephant's " skin, lizard, snake-skin,
and all manner of tooled calf-skins
are in use. Shoes for town and

country wear are quite often of the
same leather as the bag. There has
been no radical change in the eve-
ning bag; the small ones, usually
heavily beaded, are very attractive.
Never has it been so true that the
time of day one wears the costtime
so completely determines the type.
There are today, three very differ-
ent dresses for afternoon, semi-
formal, and formal 'wear"; of three
different lengths, and three sleeve
Length Specified.
The day-time dress comes just
to the middle calf; the semi-formal
to the ankle; the formal to the heel
to show the sandal, instead of just
clearing the floor as last year.
Sleeves for day-time are long; for
dinner, a slight sleeve effect is used,
and for formal, sleeveless, and ex-
tremely low-backed.
The period influence while noted
at the beginning of the season, was
carried to extremes in bustle ef-
fects and in several other in-
stances. However, the low back,
and diagonal fitted hip-line, and
low flare remain.
. Up to the present time styles
have been so unsettled, and so
many new features have been in-
troduced that it has been extreme-
ly difficult for one to make a
Woman Takes Up Shoe
Shining to Get Funds
"Shoe shine, Suh?" asks a wo-
man student at the University of
Minnesota. The Y. W. C. A. is try-
ing to raise funds by shoe polish-
ing, manicuring and giving finger
waves. The price has been fixed
at ten cents, and the profits will
be used to refurnish the Y. W. C. A.



Will Honor Fresl
All Women Are

Freshman women will be t
guests of honor at the first of
series of Friday afternoon pari
to be sponsored by the Leag
which will be held from 4 to
o'clock Friday in the main ba
room of the League.
The women will attend in
groups into which they were div
ed during Orientation week, a
both faculty and student advis
will also attend. All women
campus are invited to the aff
and a large attendance is expeci
The League board of direct
and the members of the League
cial committee will act as hostes
and Miss Ethel McCormick, soc
director, will also be present.
Tea will be served from 4 to
and Mrs. A. G. Ruthven, Miss A
C. Lloyd, dean of women, \
Elizabeth Lawrie, and Miss M
garet Mann have been asked
The affair will be informal a
there will be dancing to the mu
of the League orchestra. Tab
for bridge will also be availabl
Catherine Heeson, '33, so
chairman of the League, is
charge of the party, and she is
ing assisted by Parrish Riker,
Margaret Ferrin, '33, Elizab
Eaglesfield, '33, Eleanor Wall
shaw, '32, Margaret O'Brien,
and Josephine Woodhams, '34. N\
Ethel McCormick is acting as



Katherine Anning, '35, forward
were the outstanding players
Kappa Delta. Louise Peterson,
defense, and Gladys Timpson,
defense, who made some clean
s, played a good game for Mar-
1 the second game Delta Gam-
defeated Betsy Barbour. Points
e made by Margaret Smith, '34,
Virginia Olds, '32. It was an
a game, slow, and not quite as
I a game as the first. There
severa i ew players which
unts for the slow game. Vir-
a Olds, defense, and Marjorie
od, '34, played nicely for Delta
gasus Club to Hold
rwo Horseback Rides
wo rides have been planned by
members of Pegasus for the
future. The first will be a
nlight ride to take place the
r part of this week and the
nd a group ride which will be
-November 8. Eileen Blunt, 33,
been announced by the club as
sw member.
& Company, In.

* It was revealed recently that
Mary Astor, screen actress, was
married to Dr. Franklin Thorpe,
Hollywood physician, secretly in
Yuma, Arizona, last June.
Sincerity in Women
Is, Highly Desirable
According to Author
"The corner stone of a success-
ful personality in a woman is a
deep sense of gratitude for living
and an acknowledgment that she
is glad to be herself," asserts Eliz-
abeth Cook, in an article appearing,
recently in "The Ladies Home
Journal." She says that women
who consider homelife worthwhile
might be compared to a rose which
comes to its fullest beauty in its
own appropriate soil while the of-
fice woman no matter how success-
ful is a transplanted posy.
The personality-seeking woman
must love something whether it be
a cat or ivy pot. If she is constant-
ly trying to get something done at
the expense of taking an interest
in her family, she is losing all pos-
sibilities of gaining a good person-
Lastly, she claims, that person-
ality doesn't consist of being per-
fect but rather of choosinga color-
ful, happy attitude toward life and1
hanging on to it.
If we women mean to develop
magnetic, ,pleasing personalities;
we must first assume a happy at-
titude toward life and its problems.
Prairie-dog "towns" are increas-
ing in number and size in South
Dakota.nSome are 20 acres in ex-

Belles of Today Prefer to Live
in New York and1 Enter
"A new note sounds in the sym-
phony of New York, a soft, musical
note, caressing, sometimes ,confus-
ing,-to the unaccustomed ear--the
drawl of the Southern girl. Beyond
a doubt Southern girls are swarn-
ing into that town. A decade ago,
they were still among those shel-
tered by their parents," states
FrancesnDrewry McMullen, free
lance newspaper and magazine
writer, in a recent articles in The
North American Review.
"But now-two of Fifth Avenue's
biggest department stores have
vice presidents who are Southern
women. Another is an editor on a
metropolitan newspaper; another
is the financial secretary of an im-
portant philanthropic organization.
And so it goes on and on," Miss
McMullen continues.
In a small town in Mississippi a

woman is her husband's law part-
ner. Tennessee has a woman rail-
road president. A New Orleans
girl who had to fight her family
for consent to take a stenographic
course is nov accountant for a
large lumber association, a special-
ist in taxation," she affirms.
Delegate Will Attend
Arserbb' t De Pau
Miriam Hall; '34, is to attend the
convention of Alpha Lambda Del-
ta, national honorary scholastic so--
ciety for freshmen women, at De-
Pauw University in Greencastle,
Indiana, on October 30 and 31, as
a representative of the Michigan
chapter. Miss Hall is secretary of 1
the organization.
All expenses of the delegate will
be paid by the League board, it was
decided at the meeting held by that,
body last Friday. t

It 4 9ln 4.o aB W1I UM

New Suits


$5 On VALUES AT $3G00
Tuesday only
227 South State Street



Warm, non-sagable, two and three piece suits. You'll
want them for the games, for classes, and other in
foinal wear. These are in Kiltie green, Admiralty
blue, Cassis red or black. Many have sweaters to go
with the suit: You'll get a world of wear out of one
of these knit suits at $19.50.
Pull-on Gloves
necessity in the autumn. Pull-ons of cape
skin at $1.95 and $2.95; kid at $3.93-in brown,
black, and smoked shades. For formals, black
or white 16-button gloves of kid at $6.95.


That are Dictinctiae

Orders executed on all ex.
changes. Accounts carried
on conservative margin.

Just Phone

Telephone 23271

University Flower
Shop, Inc.
606 Bast Liberty St. Phone 6030
Open Lvcnings and Suidays
.Postal Telegraph Station


Warm Lounging

Bea^ ty Shop





Trained Operators
Careful' Individual

These are the days when one's thoughts turn comfort-ward, and
warm lounging robes are a necessity for crisp fall evenings. We're
featuring flannel robes at three prices-striped, $4.95; plain with
contrasting trim; $7.95; plain quality French flannel, $10.50.
Corduroy Paamas
Ideal for lounging-so warm and comfortable, as well as smart
looking. Distinctly new. Of corduroy-one piece style, priced at
$7.95. Or others-one piece washable printed crepe at $3.95, and
two piece crepe ones in lovely tri-tones at $5.95.



Tested Equiipient

r~CnTCNThVL a D 'Q

t F~aincs. aeE ke - e ! ? (others 5 to S6)

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