THE MICHIGAN DAILY ublished every morning except Monday daring the University year he Board in Control of Student Publications. [ember of the Western Conference Editorial Association. he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- [cation of all news dispatches credited to °it or' not otherwise ted in this paper and the local news published herein. ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second imatter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant master General.. lubscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, dgan. Phones. Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF' Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN wiaI Director .. .....'..............Beach Conger, Jr. Editor ..... ............«. ..: .Carl Forsythe a'Edtor ......:............ . .....David M. Nichol its Editor ................ ..........Sheldon C. Fullerton en's Editor ..................Margaret M. Thompson' n Reflections . .....................Bertram J. Askwitb stant News Editor...........................obert L. Pierce NIGHT EDITORS k B. Gibreth J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis d Goodman Denton C. Kunze Jerry E. Rosenthal Karl Seiffert George A. Stauter for an activity to which he was previously a stranger but in the majority of cases he does not. For one thing he does not wish to compete with freshmen or even work on an equal footing with them. If he does come to meetings or rehearsals or practices or what- ever they may be he naturally gravitates to the older members who are his classmates. Instead of doing some work and taking an active interest in things he becomes a mere hanger-on who knows everyone of any consequence but never amounts to anything himself. And it is here that we wish to make our main point. In the interests of these people -- and they certainly comprise a very large group-the various classes should concentrate more on intra-class func- tions. Class dinners, class debates, class socials and other such events should provide an outlet to the energy of these hangers-on. Such activities, of course, always go on but they should be stressed more than they are both, as a source of present good and als'o of future relationship with the university since it is to his class that the graduate usually returns at reunions. We are not preaching decentralization but we would like to see more class functions. After all they provide the most entertainment for the greatest money -and what is more --they cost least; a tre- mendous factor in this year of depression. OAST ROLLS T HOORAY! HOORAY! Though few of the people around here seem to realize it, Michigan won a moral victory over Ohio State yesterday afternoon in the purple twilight of an autumn af- ternoon with the slanting rays of the sinking sun settling softly over the concrete mass of the stadium -OOH, pardon us, we thought we were writting a theme.l Sports Assistants er J. Myers John W. Thomas Jones REPORTERS ey Arnhelim I James KrotoyEer Bagley Norman F. Kraft n E. Becker Robert Merritt afl Connellan Henry Meyer h . cooper Marion Milczewskl r M. H arrison Albert Newman on Helper" Jerome Pettit h Hoffman hn Pritchard hine W pdamt Beatrice Collins te cumngW Ethel Arehart hy Brockman Barbara Hall a Waswor Susan Manchester orie Thomson Margaret O'Brien ria Geisman Louise Crandall John S. Townsend Oharles A. Sanford Joseph Renihan Alfred Stresen-Reuter William Thai G. R. Winters Charles Wooiner Brackley Shaw Ford Spikerman Parker Snyder Oile Miller Elsie Feldman Eileen Blunt ' Eleanor Rairdon Martha Littleton Prudence Foster 0- TSK! TSK! BUSINESS STAFF . Telephone 21214 EST. KLI NE.. .. ..............Busi ess Manager SP. JOHNSON............ ...........Assistant Manager Department Managers ing ...................................vernon Bishop ing ........ .............Robert B. Callahan ing ........ o.. ... . . ........... William: W'. Davis, ..................... ....... .Byron 0 redder tions ....:. .................. William T. Brown ion ................... ...........Harry R. Begley S.........:. .. .....Richard Stratemeier is Busines.Manager .««....,.............. Ann W. Verner Assistants. ronsen Willard Freehling Thomas Roberts E. Bursley Herbert Greenstone R. A. Saltzstein I A. Combs.John Keyser Bernard E. Schnacke Clark 'Arthur F. Kohn; Grafton W. Sharp eDalberg Bernard H. Good Cecil E. Welch E. Flinn James. Lowe a Bayless Ann Gallineyer Helen, Olsen Becker Ann Harsha' Marjorie Rough we Field Kathryn Jackson Mary E. Watts Fischgrund Dorot Laylin NIGHT EDITOR-ROLAND GOODMAN SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1931 tba11 l Enthusiasm. .... .. °, J.. .. J.y1<,.A kk i .. G i -.. -. : S FOOTBALL PASSING as the most popular college sport? After viewing the past four ichigan football games, we wonder whether it is erely passing at Michigan, or in the collegiate orld in general. Past years have brought cheering crowds to ichigan. Every spectacular play brought almost: ery spectator to his feet. Banners were waved, its were thrown, coats were torn in the delirious y following atouchdown. The recent games at Ann Arbor have not seen y of this "football spirit." At the first three] mes, it was almost possible to hear the gentle- an on the other side of the stadium ask his ighbor for a light. Even touchdowns brought rth no show of spirit on either side. Yesterday's ime was little better. We wonder seriously whether the undergrad- ite of today views his college athletics in the me manner as his predecessor. Is it the depres- on? Or is it the charge of "commercialism" that any people attach to college football?, There can be no doubt but what there has been slump in football attendance this year due to the pression. Nevertheless, although we do not be-. ve in the "rah-rah" collegiate-ism, there should some display of enthusiasm at a football gar-ie. Supporters of five various football teams have en in the Michigan stadium this year, to say thing of high school students from many cities the state who attended the first game. Yet not ce this year has there'been anywhere near the nount of enthusiasm displayed last year. So we not believe that the condition is local. The ual fight-talks, which add so much to the color the game, are lacking. Are the public as well the students getting tired of football, or has e depression so depressed us that we have no irit left? The Michigan team, whether cham-' ons or not, deserve at least the support of the ident body. EDITORIAL COP NENT STRANDED STUDENTS (McGill Daily) It has become an annual custom for those who ye survived several years in a university to tell e newcomers what to do. Year in and year out dergraduate publications sound their notes of en- iragement and advice, professors sound their notes warning and club executives send forth their notes appeal for new members. As a result various fresh- mn turn out for varied activities and as they gain experience take over offices, hold executive posi- ns and generally help to carry on the traditions an active student body. The freshmen who thus turn out for activities rnish no problem. They gradually take their places the various campus groups and take a healthy and Live interest in their extra-curricular activities. e people who do furnish a problem are the sopho- res and juniors-and perhaps even a few seniors who would like to turn out for activities but who (Daily Kansan) As a climax, to registration at the. University of Nebraska, a news report states, all new students are] required to sit for individual photographs, which are a part of the identification card system used by Ne- braska. And to this we might add: "Ha! Ha!" Not a sarcastic outburst, but a "Ha! Ha!" just the same. Perhaps to the novice, or to be more polite the freshman, this might appear to be a good system, but to those of us who have lost faith in photographs and photographers through a multitude of experi- ences, all we can add is "Ha! Ha!" Now you take the photographs of the so-called beauty queens of the University when they appear in local newspapers. Everybody is astounded, the upper- classmen particularly, with the amazing amount of beauty, or should we isay pulchritude, that can be found on the campus. But immediately upon looking at the names under the pictures, we are not only astounded but outright exasperated. To think that any photographer would try to fool an l4onest stu- dent body! The pulchritude in the pictures is amaz- ing, but when you meet these so-called beauty queens on the campus-well-you are rather disillusioned. To us it seems preposterous to use this system of identification. Not that we wish to condemn Nebraska for using it; quite on the contrary, the Cornhuskers should be complimented for having so much faith in photographs. But after the many times we have been fooled here, all we can say is "Ha! Ha!" STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY-WHY FORGET IT?- (The Daily Cardinal.) We have heard many students say, they come to the university to get an education, but we have al- ways wondered just what the student, himself, had planned on doing about it. The university, of course, is interested in teaching the student, but the ques- tion of how interested the'student is seldom lends itself to discussion. Critics of education in the past have, no doubt, overrated the university's responsi- bility, and quite forgotten the student's responsibil- ity, which must have a slight degree of development before any system can succeed. Floods of education are pourid over the heads of students, but that does not educate them. Mere listening to information does not educate one; mere contact with educational forces does not educate one. Something that concerns only the individual makes him educated. ne university, the faculty, and the curriculum can help; but much of it is really up to the individual student. We can suggest many things that the student can do to fulfill his own desires. Numerous oppor- tunities are being offered on the campus right at the present moment, but not even a reasonable frac- tion of the students here realize the opportunities and make use of Che:;. Our argument is not the old one of engaging in extra-curricular activities to become educated. We believe that extra-curricular activities make up the rounded educated life of an individual, but that aca- demic work has been disregarded for those things on which students have placed more value. We suggest a return to real sober studying. It is up to the student, in the last measure, to get some- thing out of the university. If he will only take part in the many things that are offered him, realizing the possibilities that these opportunities have in store for him, and assimilate and reflect upon them, we believe that the sophistical, care-free attitude of the large majority of aimless college students would be changed into an interested, wide-awake attitude of intelligent human beings. WHY PENALIZE SANITY?- (Indiana Daily Student) A Georgia man has been sentenced to die Oct. 23 for a murder committed ten years ago. In ieturning a verdict of guilty of first degree murder, the jury found that the accused man was crazy, but specified that he should be executed should he ever regain his sanity. Whether one regards the capital penalty as the development of the Mosaic "eye for an eye" code or as a convenient method of removing the possessor of criminal tendencies from a position in which he could do further damage to society is beyond the point. The point is that a person who is convicted of 'a capital offense forfeits his life in reparation for his crime. Upon what ethical grounds is a person lacking mentality exempt from his punishment for such a crime? His victim is none the less dead because of his murderer's insanity. The chances are that his death was exceptionally cruel for that very reason." Can insanitysbe of such rarity among us that we cherish the insane murderer while executing the sane one? Where is the logic in such a course? Why penalize the sane? , * * * Anyway, we maintain that Mich - igan did win a moral victory, be- cause the Ohio drum major dropp- .ed his baton twice during the big parade at the half, and the herder of the Maize and Blue's dismounted police didn't drop his at all, though we thought he was going to when he threw it over the south goal- post. Boy, we surely heaved a sigh of kelief when he caught it-that was undo6btedly the turning point of the game, as those slick fellows over on the sports staff of the Michigan Daily might say, in an off moment, which seems to be the only kind they have. S* * What's more, one of the Ohio leader's fumbles came down and hit him squarely in the face-what a belt! Michigan had plenty of help from the sidelines, too. The cheerleaders were assisted Eby a lit- tle boy, whom we thought had any of them licked. Also, one of the boys from the class of '11, '12, '13, HIKE! Shift to the right, shift to the left, came down to assist the exhausted yell-mongers, who really give their best to the old school, and would die for dear old RUT- GAHS. Driveway Pebbles KILLINS GRAVEL COMPANY Telephone 7112 W E - N s 9s I 1 AA D OTT , IT = T WhyPay, More? GUARANTEED Half Soles and Rubber Heels COLLEGE SHOE SHOP 426 Thompson Free Call & Delivery Dial 6898 From Freshman ', CARL F. BAY SPECIAL PARTY FAVORS Phone 9727 16 Nickels Arcade , Watch and Jewelry Repairing College and Fraternity U or Prexy- PLAY-BY-PLAY no one can tell-if the letter is written on Old Hampshire station- ery-for it gives an almost presi- dential dignity to the message it carries. Whether your lter is to the family at home, to some ofyour tradesmen 'or purveyors-or to your very best girl, Old Hampshire adds a distinct tone, for it is rich, substantial, smart-it has the rich texture, the crisp crackle of the truly aristocratic paper, AND CLEANED Ohio won the toss and chose the south goal. President Ruthven hit into a double play, Newman, to Hudson to Hewitt, and out, what we mean out! Williamson leads with his left, and Nassman retali- ates with a right jab to the referee as the gong sounded ending the round. Newman skates the ful length of the field on his snow- shoes only to lose the puck behind the netting. Time, out, while a small brown dog is carried off the field. Nice game, dog! Or was he, too, wanted in the press-box? We are seriously offended. We were the only ones, as far as we could see, who did not get called to the press box. We just bet that peo- ple pay for all that free advertis- ing! The game resumes. Governor Brucker takes the ball on an off- tackle slant, being tackled by Mor- rison. Dean Bursley is stopped at the line of scrimmage by Morrison. Hinchman taking the ball through the line, is stopped by Morrison, this time. (Editor's Note-Whiat is the idea of having Morrison make all the tackles?) Buzzard--(Mor- rison is the only one that made any all afternoon, as far as we could see. Anyway, it's his own idea, isn't it? And furthermore, keep outs of my column, you dill! )-End of the play-by-play, as the typewriter 1 broke down (and wept). .1 Well, we got one consolation out of the game, anyway. Last Tues- day, we .got optimistic and bet three suspender buttons and one phoney penny on Michigan. On Friday, we got scared and decided to hedge, so we bet a penny and two suspender buttons on State. So we, too, scored a moral victory, and got a good penny for a bum one. We are not seriously hampered by the loss of the suspender buttom, as we wear a belt. What do you know? We practic- ally saw a fight. The fellow who parked his car next to ours in a parking lot came whipping up af- ter the game and flew into a high dungeon of rage-well, dudgeon, then. Anyway, he found the rear fender of his big sedan all smashed in. He called the poor fellow run- ning the parking lot the nastiest names you have ever heard-well, they were the nastiest names we have ever heard. Then he turned around to inspect the damage, and found that the car wasn't his af- ter all. I beg your pardon, said he, smilingly, lighting a well-known brand of cigarette. * * * Buzzard is starting the ball roll- ing with a BEAT PRINCETON campaign, though we confess we Arcade Jewelry Shop BLOCKED v: hampshire Paper Co. Fine Seationery Department South Hadley Falls, Mass. HeeMEN, Jewelry c ,a A Special Offer for One smoke a Week, Only' man's smoke 6 0 Let us show you how the Factories block new hats. APIPEFUL of good tobacco is dis- tinctly a man's smoke. The women (long may they wave!) have taken over most of our masculine privileges. But pipe smoking still belongs to us. In every walk of life you'll find DOBBS, STETSON KNOX that the men at The pipe is not for MALLORY pretty girls. the top are pipe smokers. And most college men agree that the pipe offers the rarest pleasures a man could ask of his smoking. When you smoke a pipe, be sure you choose the tobacco that will give you the greatest enjoyment. In 42 out of 54 colleges Edgeworth is the. favorite. You can buy Edgeworth wherever good tobacco is sold. Or for a special Here's the smoke for sample packet, mn,at write to Larus & Bro. Co., 105 S. 22d St., Richmond, Va. Sample is free. EDGEWORTH SMOKING TOBACCO Edgeworth is a blend of fine old burleys, with its natural savor enhanced by Edge. and GREENE'S i Use exactly the same nake of equip- ment. A trial of this 25c offer will convince you that Greene's hat blocking is superior at any price. Phone 2 3 2 3 I For Call and Delivery Service reenes CL EANERS AND DYERS worth's distinctive and exclusive elev- enth process. Buy Edgeworth any- where in two forms i -v cM' I