-IACw L 'THE MICHICAN DAILY '_T FM LEADERS PLAN SPECIALPROGRAM OMural Activities to be Under Supervision of Varsity Coaching Staff. (oid iued from rage 11)j Shooting conducted by Captains Custis and Lord and offering gold ,medals and a target rifle; Golf un- der Coach Courtright; wrestling by Coaches Keen and Kelly; Boxing by Coach "Let" Philbin; and gym- A 1 , I nastics conducted by Coach West. Horseshoes, handball; squash, bowl- ing, fencing, football, codeball, bad- minton, and volleyball will com- plete this extensive program. First and second winners in each case will receive awards. Informal Use Encouraged. As if the above were not enough, the entire Sports Building will be open to freshmen for informal use in whatever line of sports stands uppermost in the individual's in- terest. In addition, the swimming pool and the bowling alleys at the Michigan Union may be used free of charge during the week. If it rains, there is no reason to 'it inside and feel lonesome and blue either for the activities will continue inside the Intramural Sports Building, with the exception of the baseball tournament which will merely be postponed until bet- ter weather permits further com- petition. Little Equipment Needed. Equipment for all the above needT OH ECA F not deter anyone from entering into the program for players coming to South Ferry Field need only gym shoes, while entrants in the indi- vidual sports will know what equip- mnent is necessary and may check it 1 o.t the Intramural Building while playing baseball. In the past this Orientation Week Ibports Program has been a big suc- cess because the yearlings have not failed to take advantage of the great opportunity offered to get ac- quainted with the University's ath- letic facilities as well as to make" friendships with those in the com- W- r ueta lh t ihpesr ae petition.E are sure that without high pressure sales- (Yearlings May Enter manship you will discover as other classes Rifle Shooting Meet Captains Cusis and Lord of the have .before you that there is one cleaner in Ann local R.O.T.C4, unit will conduct a ricesArbor who takes a personal interest in each article Iran. Gold medals will go to the two highest scorers while a .22 cal- Ade target 'rifle will be awarded in itin tothe highest man by the brought to them . ~O.T.C.Department. WANT ADS PAY GREENE'S have been the choice of Michigan students in other years and there are many reasons why they will be again this year. Food in Ann Arbor" -they all say this CAH CARDS FOR Why? Beacuse we buy orgly the finest in meats and vegetables. AT GREENE'S YOU RECEIVE "CASH AND CARRY" Y .. i I k I{ fi ai I A' ryYr E* f 9 t. wt i E i t Y i as, t 4 1 Any kind of steak, PRICES ON DELIVERED GOODS. chop and speialties- a Ia carte. "No matter the color of the article, Greene is the.best LUNCHEON 406 DINNERS.. 50c for Cleaning and Pressing" 550 MEAL Phone Phone TICKET3 3 FOR, 2 323 1 $5001 1'CI What prices! We only CLEANERS AND DYERS ask you to try us once -then you'll always be 516 EAST LIBERTY a customer. HARRY G. KIPKE---Proprietors---A. E. GREENE The Ur