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October 16, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-16

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141j3n I ktiI


Published every morning except Monday during the University year
:he Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
ited in this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
s matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
tmater General

Subscription by carrier, $4.00; b! mail, $4.50

Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
chigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Iwa Edtfor. ..... . ...... . . ........... ......David M. Nrcho.
itorial Director....' ........................Beach Conger, Jr.
ty Editor...................................Carl Forsythe
orts Editor...................... .'..Sheldon C. Fullerton
:men's Editor.........................Margaret M. Thompson
reen Reflections!.........................Bertram J. Askwith
sistant News Editor«.........................Robert L. Pierce

ank B. Gilbreth
land Goodman
Karl Seiffert

J. CuIlen Kennedy James Inglis
Denton C. Kunze Jerry E. Rosenthal
George A. Stauter

Sports Assistants
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3. Myers

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ey Areine'
son L. Becker
Xmas Connellan
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er M. Harrison
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'ph Hoffman
phine Woodhams
ette Cumminga
thy Brackman
a Wadlsworth
jorie Thomson
gia Geisman

Jamis Krotozyner
Norman F. Kraft
Robert Merritt
Henry Meyer
Marion Milczewski
Albert Newman
J e rompPettit
John Prtchard
Beatrice Collins
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Barbara Hall
Susan Manchester
Margaret O'Brien
Louise Crandall

Joseph Renihan
Alfred Stresen-Renter
William Thai
G. R. Winters
Charles Woolner
Brackley Shaw
Ford Spikerman
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RLES T. iKLINE........................Business Manager
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Department Managers
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en's Business Manager«... .l.......... ...Ann W. Verner
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ave Dalberg Bernard H. Good Cecil By. Welch
rt E. Finn' James Lowe 1
yn Bayle s Ann Gallmeyer Heien Olsen
as Becker 1 Ann Hrarsha Marjorie Rough
vieve Field ~ Kathryn Jackson Mary E. Watts
ne Fischgrund Dorothy Laylin



y Not Use
titification Cards?.

to be one of the bitterest fought in many years
on the campus. The State Street ticket has not
won a single elecion yet; the Washtenaw faction
will be trying hard to keep its record clean. Be-
tween the two groups, no effort will be spared 'to
put the most votes into the box,
At the Student Council .meeting Wednesday
night, little was said about precautions against
illegal voting in elections. If our memory serves
us right, identificaton cards were not in the hands
of the students at the time of the senior elections
last year. What is to prevent the student council
from asking for identification cards this year at
the polling place after first notifying the student
body? Formerly, it was the custom to have all
eligible voters listed on paper; a student gave his
name, and if it was on the list, the student received
a ballot.t
Th'ere is nothing to. prevent illegal voting un-
der this system. If the person with the right to
vote comes along, the vote may already have been
cast, and there is no remedy. The use of identifi-
cation cards would eliminate any such practice.
The combination of the lists of eligible voters and
the cards should prove to be foolproof.
There may or may not be any cheating next
Monday. But in previous elections there have
been charges of stuffed ballot boxes, "lost ballots,"
recounts and re-recounts. And, although we look
upon the present campus political system as not
being in harmony with the general character of a
Large University, nevertheless, it is necessary to
take all precautions. With a bitter struggle be-
tween the two parties coning on, there may be
bitter feeling following the election on the part of
the loser. Why not put identification cards to
some use?
Campus politics, by virtu of the manner in
which they have been conducted, have become
petty and insignificant. A noted British writer
last summer accused American university students
of lacking any interest whatsoever in contempo-
rary political problems. The present campus poli-
tics could certainly do nothing toward developing
civic-minded citizens. Two tickets are always pre-
sented. Fraternity and sorority students vote the
:icket according to what is promised them. Can-
lidates are mere puppets. If the independent stu-
dents could be persuaded to take an interest in
elections, if some sort of platform could be adopt-
ed by candidates, the campus politics might in
some degree help future citizens and voters to take
an active interest in national, state and city elec-
:ions, give them a better basis on which to judge
:andidates and parties. But to return to the origi-
nal point of our ramblings, why not put the identi-
ication cards to some use, after proper notification
:o the campus?
The Recent
[nterfraternty Ruling
rOMPLETE REMOVAL of the Union Upper

unteers from the junior and senior classes. Their
duty is to help the freshmen become adjusted to
University life and to instill in them class spirit
and unity.
They were to call at the homes of the five or
six freshmen, to whom they had been assigned,
once every two or three weeks. It was taken for
granted by the Union, since no objection was
made, that the judiciary committee would exclude
them from their ruling which prohibits fraternity
men to call at the homes of freshmen.
When the Upper Class Advisory system was
discussed at an open board of directors meeting
last spring, Dean Bursley said that some sort of
an understanding would be worked out with the
judiciary committee.
According to committeemen, the reason for the
ruling of the Interfraternity group, was that if the
Union was allowed to send advisors to the homes
of the freshmen, they would also have to allow
churches and similar organizations to send upper
classmen, who were fraternity men, to the rooms
of the first-year men.
The judiciary committee ruled that an advisor
could meet the freshmen as a group in the rooms
of one of the freshmen or in his own room. This
would, however, completely defeat the purpose of
the system which was the personal advice given
by an upper classman to a freshman.
Germany And An
Economic Crisis
ECONOMIC CRISES in the 17th, 18th and 19th
centuries usually brought about by lack of
foresight on the part of governments, resulted in
revolutions overthrowing monarchical systems
and establishing republican governments instead.
Today, in the twentieth century, the trend seems
to be the other way.
When France's monetary system, several years
ago, appeared to be headed for inflation, news-
papers were full of rumors of royalist meetings,
attempts to restore some member of the former
royal families to the head of the government, and
predictions as to' the possible success of such
movements. When Austria and Germany were
planning their customs union, which would have
helped Austria to regain her feet financially, there
were stories of French backing to put ex-empress
Zita on the throne provided the proposed Union
were dropped. The most recent scare is in Ger-
many where Hitlerites and Nationalists agreed to
combine their forces in an effort to oust Chancellor
The Nationalists constituted the party that put
Hindenburg into office; they were sorely disap-
pointed when he failed to turn out to be a regular
party man. Hitlerites are better known as the
Fascists of Germany, although in 1920 they, too,'
had dreams of seeing the Kaiser return to Berlin.
Naturally, the French watch this union with no
little fear, especially in view of the fact that they
appear to have concluded satisfactory prelimi-
naries with the Bruenig government toward co-
operatiori in the economic crisis no'r prevailing in
There should be, however, no doubt but that
the movement took place in order to 'embarrass the
present government, or to frighten several smaller
groups in the Reichstag into joining them. The
combined two groups have not more than 148
votes in a Reichstag of over So votes. Even count-
ing the other opposition votes, which group is not
in sympathy with the Hitler-Nationalist move-
ment, the government seems to be able to stand
the test when a vote of confidence comes up.
Should the reactionaries in the Reichstag, how-
ever, be able to muster enough votes to overthrow
the Republican government, there is little fear of
the Kaiser's return. France need not be over-
perturbed at the Hitler threat, since the Germans
are in too critical a situation to be able to afford
the enmity of other leading nations. The con-
servative center, the conservative bankers and
merchants, know that Germany's salvation lies
outside its boundaries, and that little, if anything,
will come of the newest royalist revival meeting.

Putting Professors
on Trialm
THE FACULTY of Columbia University, on
talbefore the students for "murdering the
English language," have entered a plea of "Not
Guilty." The plaintiffs, the student publications,
particularly The Spectator, the college daily,
charge in the indictment that professors "hang
participles with all the abandon of a buccaneer on.
the Spanish main." As a result, more than a score
of the faculty have been "blacklisted."
Naturally enough, the professors have come
out and denied any abuse of English, that gram-
matical errors in conversation and lectures were
"forgiveable." Students, they contend, are more
conservative" and "hold out for correctness
where the language has changed." No one will
deny this. All trades, all businesses, all profes-
sions have assembled jargons known only in their
immediate circles. Variations from the standard
are more the rule than the exception, a device for
making more vividbthe thing to be said. But it is
doubtful if the habit is widespread, such as The
Spectator believes.
Those who take lecturing seriously should be
extremely careful in the use of English, even to
the point of being over-cautious. To deliver a lec-
ture is not as easy as some would have us believe.
To listen to one may or may not .be as difficult-
depending upon the lecturer. But no one is im-
mune from making mistakes; they are the easiest
of things to do. Not only is lecturing difficult, but
writinr. too. has is coenomeatin+;of wn --c' x

Black sheep, have you any wool?
And speaking of black, that's just
the way things are looking now on
this campus. The greatest question,
n a y problem, yea question-the
nays have it-it's a problem-the
greatest problem that has arisen
on the campus in three days faces
us now. What (bf) shall the Daily
attack next??? Any suggestion
that you, Mr. Taxpayer, may have,
should be mailed to the Rolls Con-
test Editor. (there isn't any,) but
there won't be any suggestions,
either. If the Daily doesn't get
anything to attack soon, it will be
attacking itself, anon, and that
would just be too terrible, wouldn't
it? Who said "NO" there in the
back row? We see you, you snark!
FELLOW INMATES of this state
institution! Oh dear, we forgot
what we were going to say. Ah
yes, one of Buzzard's little LES-
SONS IN LIFE: Don't jump at any-
thing, i n c l u d i n g automobiles,
street-cars, concrete mixers, meat-
grinders and CONCLUSIONS. We
jumped at a conclusion a few
nights ago and landed squarely on
it. It was this way: the lamp in
our atelier (Now don't be obtuse,
atelier bears no relationship to
C h e v a 1ie r)-anyway, the lamp
wouldn't work, so we threw the
bulb out the window with appro-
priate remarks. Swiping a bulb out
of an adjacent room, and coaxing
it into the socket, we found that
the plug of the lamp was discon-
nected from the power outlet (I
lave that phrase-power outlet).
We spent the rest of the night out
in the woodpile under the window
looking for the bulb, and sure
enough the filament was broken.
So we were justified in throwing
the bally thing out the window,
after all, after all! What a tri-
umph-just like Michigan's victory
over Chicago. And in addition, we
found in that woodpile-Item; One
apple core, slightly discolored, and
slightly use. Item: One gin-ha ha
we fooled you-ginger ale bottle.
Item: Three rusty razor blades,
1912 model-and- what we mean,
we really found them too. Item:
One petrified freshman, complete
with pot, and bearing a Union but-
ton with a 1925.date on it, thereby
establishing his vintage as 1925.
Item: One pair of Wolverine tracks,
lined for use in cold weather, and
Item: One colored gentleman (not
less than one toa woodpile-that
is, well regulated woodpile, and
that's the only kind we talk about
in this column). SO DON'T JUMP
* * *
is this: the horse is not, so far as
we know, a motor vehicle; Ha, you
see now, my dear Watson? Why
not ride horses on the campus?
That is the solution of the fiat-
feet problem ina this city. And
speaking of fliat-feet, the . Univer-
sity cops will all be relegated to
street-cleaners' jobs., Hooray! Hoo-
ray! A group of co-eds have taken
a step in the right direction in or-
ganizing a riding-club. They call
themselves the ZEPHYRS, or some

other name taken originally from
the old Sanskrit. What we need at
this crucial time is enthusiasm.
Let us see horses on the campus--
but not very close to, please!
* * *
Yes, the trouble with. the whole
plan is thatrwedon'th ike horss,
and this dislike, nay distrust, yea
dislike- (the yeas have it this
time-Yea dislike! Yea dislike! Yea
dislike! Fight, fight, fight!), this
-dislike comes from our first (and
last) ride on one of the animals.
He bounced. He reduced us to our
lowest common denominator, and
we were three inches shorter when
we finally fell off the neck of the
noble animal into a watering
trough. His uphoastery was in very
poor condition, and he had no
shock absorbers, (the horse, of
course). One could not shift gears
on the beast, and he wouldn't steer
right. Now, when you pull the
steering wheel of a car to the right,
it goes to the right,' and never says
you neigh. (Accept our apologies).
But a horse-there's a different
matter! That animal would reach
around and bite us in the leg on
the side to which we pulled the
reins. The only option we received
in the whole matter was which Ieg
we preferred to have bitten, and
we are proud to say that even at
that tender age we were absolutely
impartial in the matter. Ah well!

at a Big Saving
See Page 2

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Hot Lunches at
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College men who know what to
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Blue,Black-and only $7.50!..
Other Alligator models from
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PEANUT BUTTER, 2 Ibs..... . .. .25c
WISCONSIN CHE ESE ... .........19c
ARMOUR STAR HAM whole or Half ."19c
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Send her a big bouquet of "Mums"
before the game. She can wear one to
"show her colors" and keep the others
to add cheer to her home when you
return, victorious!
But you might lose, you say? You
Scaat Ioserheu-yowsay it with flowers! ,
Fl werdays Flo0wers
609 East William Telephone



College-trained nginrs
si te atleic Fel

N more than a hundred
Floodlighted fields, foot-
ball is being played
and practiced in the evening
hours, before larger audiences
than ever before - with fewer
injuries and in better conformity
with classroom duties.
This constructive revolution in
athletics is largely the work of N
college-trained engineers -
young men personally familiar with the
needs of college and school. They are
dedicating the technical experience
gained in the General Electric Test De-
partment to the practical service of under-
graduate athletics-designing and instal-
ling floodlighting equipment for virtually
every sport-football, baseball, hockey,
tennis, and track.
Other college men in the General Electric
organization have specialized in street-

Nighr photograph of Temple Stadium, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
floodlighted with G-E projector.
lighting and Floodlighting projects, or in
the electrical equipment of industries and
mines or of immense power stations; some
are designing and applying electric
apparatus to propel ocean liners and
locomotives. All are engaged in the
planning, production, or distribution{of j
G-E products and so are performin a
work of national betterment and creat-
ing for themselves recognized spheres
of personal influence.

L You will be interested in Bulletin GEA-1206, "The Light that Started Sports at Night." Write for it to the

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