* * *
* *
1890 4
rowd to Prime Wolves
to Defeat Ohio
Tomeorrow. __
Federal Prohibition Director to
Be Principal Speaker
on Program.
Crusaders, Michigan Anti-Saloon
League, Students Will Be
7 "'
er Lang Will Give
arge to Team
at Rally.
"Beat Ohio State" will be the
warcry ringing from thousands of
Michigan rooters when they as-
semble at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill
auditorium to prime the deter-
mined Wolverines in turning back
the Buckeye invasion tomorrow.
Fielding H. Yost, "Michigan's
Grand Old Man of Football," will
put the assembly, who are seek-
ing for another win from Ohio, in
a fighting mood with one of his
famous pep talks.
Chester H. Lang, '15, former base-
ball manager and director of the
Alumni, association, will also deliver
a charge to wig. tomorrow, at the
"The Student Council should be
supported by every student on the
campus in these masshmeeting pro-
grams previous to te conference
home football games," Director Yost
Kipke Will Be Absent.
"There is a vast background to
victory, and much of this is in spir-
it, attitude, enthusiasm, and activ ',
support of the student body."
Coach Harry Kipke will be unable
. o attend the pep meeting because
it will be necessary for him to be
titi the players out at the Barton
HTills countriy club, on the night be-
lore the game, he said.
Edward McCormick, president of
the Student Council, will preside at
the meeting and will give a short
Michigan's fighting varsity band,
which will be on hand at the rally,
will march from Morris hall down
State street and over North Uni-
versity to Hill auditorium, calling
the students to the pep meeting.
The band will play, "The Victors,"
"Varsity," and "Maize and Blue."
Freshmen Urged to Come.
Members of the student council
and Director Yost urged all stu-
dents, especially freshmen, to learn
the songs f Michigan. Tonight
Prof. E. H. Mattern, of the School
of Music, will lead the songs and
it will be an excellent opportunity
for those not familiar with them,
to pick them up.
John Herbst, varsity cheerleader,
and several of his assistants will
lead the assembly in several rous-
ing cheers.
Alfred J. Palmer, chairman of the
* committee on pep meetings, stated
last night, "All undergraduates, es-
pecially freshmen, should attend
the rally this evening to demon-
strate to the team that the Michi-
gan spirit, which has won many
football games, is still as great as
State Buleins
(By Assodatd Press)
October 15, 1931
pONTIAC-Thirty members of a
group of 100 which had attempted
to conduct a demonstration for
greater welfare relief here were ar-
rested today when police halted
their motorcade at the city limits.
Both poll c e and demonstrators
were bruised in a brief encounter.
Those arrested later were released.
BY CITY-Frank J. Adams, 59,
recently resigned post master at
Rogers City, pleaded guilty in fed-
eral court today to embezzling pOs-
tal funds. Sentence was deferred
to Oct. 27.
BAY CITY-Presbyterians of the
Michigan synod closed their an-
nual meeting here today after re-
affirming their faith in prohibtio
Fielding H. Yost,
Athletic director of the University.
and former head coach, who will be,
one of the main speakers at the
football rally tonight in Hill audi-;
Buckeye Managers
to Observe Custom
The traditional planting of the
Buckeye tree, a custom. followed
by the Ohio State Manager's
club, wiill take place this after-
noon on the University golf
Wherever any Ohio Team goes,
a tree designated as the "Bck-
eye" is planted on the oppon-
ent's canipiis.
A Michigan delegation com-
posed of members of the Athletic
association and John Sauchuck,
'32, manager of the Wolverine
football team, will receive the
tree which will be placed directly
in front of the clubhouse.--
New Government, Under Azana,
Completely Severs All
Church Relations.
MADRID, Oct. 15.-(P)-Spain, its
state separated from the Catholic
church, completed the religious sec-
tion of its new constitution today
by guaranteeing religious freedom
within the limits of public morality.
With President Manuel Azana at
the helm of the new government,
the assembly approved Article 25 of
the constitution, which guarantees
"liberty of conscience and the right
to practice any religion compatible
with public morals."
Then the assembly, as a matter
of form, voted permission for the
introduction of Article 41, which
would permit legalized divorce and
begin consideration of amendments
which might alter its effect.
Catholic and Agrarian members
remained away from the assembly
today as a protest against adoption
of the article separating the church
and state.
Wets and drys from all over the
country will throng to Ann Arbor
to take part in the Union forum on
Prohibition, at which Amos W. W.
Woodcock, federal director of prohi-
bition, will speak. The forum will be
held on Thursday, Oct. 22, in the
Woodcock will come from Wash-
ington to be the principal speaker
on the program. He will discuss
various aspects of prohibition with-
out taning sides on the question.
Other students of the subject will
speak from the floor.
Crusaders Represented.
The Rev. R. N. Holsapple, super-
intendent of the Michigan Anti-
Saloon league, has already informed
the Union that he will be present
at the forum to take part in the
discussion, as has Congressman
Robert 'H. Clancy, a wet,
The Crusaders, a national organ-
ization for the repeal of the Eight-
eenth Amendment, have promised
to send a representative to the
forum to speak from the floor.
. Letters have been sent to Profes-
sor Emeritus Thomas C. Trueblood,
former head of the speech depart-
ment, Prof. O. J. Campbell, head
of the English department, Mayor
H. Wirt Newkirk, of Ann Arbor, and
Col. F. W. Alger, of Detroit, invit-
iigg them .to attend the forum and
take part in the discussion if they
Debating Society Invited.,
The various debating societies on
the campus, Adelphi, Alpha Nu, Sig-
ma Rho Tau, and Zeta Phi Eta,
have been asked to attend.
Anyone attending the forum,
which is open to the public, may
give his views or ask questions on
prohibition, Edward Kuhn, '32, re-
cording secretary of the Union
stated. It is expected that the
Union forum on prohibition will be
the most important held in the
Middle West this year, he said.
15.-(J)-Thomas A. Edison to-
night slipped into a stage of
coma from which Dr. Hubert S.
Howe said he probably never
would emerge.
Women Are Chosen on
State Street Ticket
N o r m a Brown and Elizabeth
Robertson w e r e announced last
night as the women members of
the State street ticket of the Sen-
ior Literary class elections. They
are nominated for the positions of
vice-president and secretary of the
class respectively.
Engineer Election
to Be October 23
Senior Engineering elections
wil be held Friday, October 23,
it was announced last night by
Edward J. McCormick, '32, presi-
dent of the Student Council.
Bulletin Diary Reveals Tha
(Special to The Daily) H aIed T exts K
COLUMBUS, 0., Oct. 15.-OhioHT
State's varsity football team was
given a rousing send off here last By Brackley Shaw
night when several thousand stu- Michigan students of 1844 liked
dents and followers of the team text books no better than do those
gathered at the campus entrance of today, and they have the same
an"High street for the final pep critical attitude toward their au-
onHingh stfret the igalep thors. The dairy of George W. Pray,
meeting before the big game. '4~ammeofteirtcssot
The team boarded sleepers im- 45,, a member of the first class to
mediately following the meeting graduate from the University, was
for :Ann Arbor from where they found not long ago and some high-
will go to Ypsilanti where they ly interesting ecerptsappear in
will stay at the Hotel Huron. They this week's Michigan Alumnus.
will rest Friday morning, followed The following quotation appear-
by a loosening up drill at the. ed under the date of June 12, 1844:
stadium in the afternoon. "Today took my usual solitary walk
Saturday morning they will in t h e w o o d s-replenished my
breakfast on orange juice, cereal, flower pot as usual and found a
broiled lamb chop, buttered toast, fine specimen in entomology. I
and choice of coffee, tea or milk, read over my lesson in Chemistry,
Then they will take a short walk which I perfectly hate. I like the
before going to their rooms for a study-but the author I hate. He
short nap. They will lunch at 11 writes in such a dry misty and un-
on a small steak, half baked po- intelligible style that it is almost
tato, one cup of weak tea and one impossible for anyone to under-
slice of dry toast. They will take stand him."
a bus to Ann Arbor. Later on the same day, "At the
Fifteen thousand Ohio State appointed time I called on Miss
students and followers of the fT-My conduct toward her had
team will make the trip to Ann been so blameable-that affairs
Arbor. looked rather gloomy at first but
after many explanations and ref-
erences to the past we at length
parted with good feelings on both
P tL .FU 31 t UV 11 U iil sides. I heard that I had been out
Iand stayed till two o'clock at night
U. S.WANTS P EA ' with a certain young lady which
" was partly true. But report was
mistaken about the young lady
America Invokes Kellogg Treaty with whom I stayed." Their troubles
were not so different in -1844.
and Nine-Power Pact in The same incident continues the
Plea to Japan. next day, "Chum Parmelee called on
Miss Tooker this evening and says
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14.-(P)- my case is desperate. She seemed
Determined to do its utmost for to be very angry at me which seems
odd to me for we parted friends
the preservation of peace, America last evening but it must be because
is ready to ignore Japanese pro- I laughed at her last evening when
tests and accept the League of Na- she was walking with Cook after I
tin's invitation to participate in saw her." Needless to say they did
tio snviio o arcip einnot have c-eds then. The Miss
its effort . to prevent a war ia then a -. h
Ackno'wledoing .apposition of S
Japan, but minimizig reports pic-
turing ,it as fiat rebuff, officials iii
feel that when the American posi-
tion is thoroughly understood atD A
Tokio the objections of that gov-
ernment will be withdrawn. Western Conference Decides on
The purpose of the United States Industrial Regulation
was described as purely one of as Season Topic.-
helpfulness. Bound up with a pri-
. kand Out of eight tryouts who com-
mary motive of keeping Japan and-peted Thursday afternoon in Room
China from open war, is an ex- 4003 A. H., for positions on the
treme felicitation lest the integ- Michigan debate squad, James H.
rity of treaties be impaired. McBurney, coach, selected six men.
This c oncerns principally, the This tryout period was the second
Kellogg-Briand pact under whichpa h held this week and gave the coach
China and Japanarenounced war- ample material for the squad which
fare as an instrument of national consists of 30 men.
policy. There is also the nine-pow- Names of those selected are: John
er Pacific treaty which pledged Huss, '33, W. J. Stone, '34, Leonard
the torbitratedisputes. Kimball, '33, H. Steen, grad., John
hem to ar e Moekle, '35, Alexander Hirschfeld,
'35. The last two men, being fresh-
men, will be unable to debate in
any of the intercollegiate meets,
but they will work with the squad:
T Two men, selected for the squad
NICHOL ON TICKE after Tuesday's tryout, were named
Wednesday. They are J. Moore, '33,
and E. F. Steffen, '33.
Daily News-Editor and Denler The purpose of selecting such a
large squad, stated McBurney, is to
Head East Side Group allow practice in debating among
After Caucus. the men without going to the ex-
pense of meeting other schools. In
By Barton Kane. the squad itself there are ten teams
David M. Nichol, was last night which will debate the question five
nominated by the Washtenaw party times and from which the final
as their candidate for president of Varsity debating squad will be
the senior class in the electins to chosen.
be held next Monday at Natural Final statement of the question
Science auditorium. The meeting to be debated by teams in the West-
was held at the Phi Kappa Sigma ern Conference Debating League
house. has been made and reads "Resolved:'
As candidate for the senior class That the United States Should
treasurer, the Washtenaw organiza- Adopt a Compulsory Nation-wide
tion selected John Denler, as its Plan for Control of Production and
candidate. The caucus was presided Distribution in Major Basic Indus-
over by Howard Gould. tries."
Washtenaw's solidity, proved in
three years of undefeated cam-
paigning with the class of 1932, will SABA TINI SEES MUS
be tested severely on Monday when CAPONE AS RASC
it faces one of the most active poli-
tical machines State street has yet
presented in Charles Kline, and Author Would Write About
Beach Conger, Jr., candidates for Men Were He Living 200
[president and treasurer, respec- Years From Now.
Kline and Conger were nominated Rafael Sabatini, who will appear
'Wednesday night at the Theta Delta Rfe aaii h ilapa
Chi house, and preparations on here Nov. 23 in the 1931-32 lecture
both sides have already begun. series of the Oratorical association,
Fraternities and sororities whose would take Mussolini as his hero
status has been doubtful for the and Capone as his rogue were he
'past few years, large women' s dor- Caoeshirguwree
mitories, and independent voters living 200 years from now.
.morP YSPIno- naa n T}..1dtQasnt niEtrT hPor n a haoni Said.annn
Gambler Perpetuates Fact That
Fool and Money Part
With Ease.
A fool and his money are quickly
Fraternity Joe, probably the clev-
erest and most subtle professional
gambler to go the rounds of Ann
Arbor fraternity houses in recent
years, is back in town.
Joe appeared at the door of a
prominent Washtenaw house Wed-
Joe's racket is "like this: he uses
a modification of the ancient shell
game, using cards instead of the
conventional walnut shells and elu-
sive pea. He lets the suckers win for
a while-and then he begins to
At the particular house where he
visited Wednesday, it occurred to
someone after a time that all was
not well at the cross-roads; in fact
the suspicion gradually dawned that
Joe's operations were not strictly on