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October 15, 1931 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-15

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Helen Newberry, Mosher Hall
Have Tied Score ins>Closely
Contested Game.
Kappa Kappa Gamma Defeats
Pi Beta Phi 3 to 1 in
Fast Game.
In the opening round of the in-
tramural hockey games played yes-

'Eran Tryouts Myr n
Assist or Drectory .
All second semester Freshmen IT
or Sophomore women-who are
interested in trying out for the Women Planning to Go to Game
Editorial Staff of the Michigan-
ensian should report at the Must Obtain Parent's
Registrar's office in Mason Hall Permission.
afternoon to 'work on the Stu- -
dent Directory. This work is very All women students wishing to
important, and it is necessary attend the Illinois-Michigan foot-
that try-outs be present.
AGNES GRAHAM. ballhgame are required to register
' in the Dean of Women's office. Let-
-__ _ters of permission from parents
must be received in the Dean of
ffl Women's office not later than
Thursday, October 22.
If a student wishes to go to the
game. by any means of transporta-
t ln besides the railway, special
permissionEfor such mode of travel
'!must be' included m parents'letter.
Executive Board Will Elect Two All women taking the train to the
Members, Discuss Plans game will be charged a chaperone
fee of $1.25. This fee is payable on
for-Drive. Iregistration.
A, new feature has been added
To discuss the membership drive to getting permission for leaving
as well as to elect two necessary town for games this year. Upon
members of the executive board, registration in the office of the
there will be a meeting of the exe- Dean of Women, the student will
cutive board o the Women's Ath- be given a card to be filed with her
letic Association tonight in the dormitory director or house head.
League building. This procedure assures the parents.
Members of the executive board of the University's knowledge of
of the W.A.A. are: Dorothy Els- the whereabouts of the student.
worth, '32, president; Jean Bent- The card includes the names of the
ley, '33, vice-president; Marjorie student, the date wher permission
Hunt, '32, secretary; Agnes Gra- was granted, and the signature of
ham, '32, treasurer; Helen Town- the assistant dean of women. i
r n '23i ' f n w vi n7 ,..,-c.:, ..1>

Professor McClusky
Notes Difference in
Manners, Traditioi





B'y A. G., '34.
"Women of America appear to
have more independence and seem1
to be more self-reliant than women
in .Europe," says Professor Howrard
Yale McClusky of the Education.
Prof. McClusky spent the past
summer withrthe American Seminar
traveling through Europe with a
group of educators, ministers, writ-
ers and political scientists. Th ey
were studying conditions in Europe
from various viewpoints, and visited
the League of Nations.
"In the question of manners,"
says Prof. McClusky, "American
women are more free than those
in Europe. Women in foreign coun-
tries are less active in the profes-
sions than women in this country,"
As for the peasant women Prof.
McClusky says that they seem to be
in a position much like a servant
"For example," he said, "when the
peasants are bringing in their harv-
ests, it is a common sight to see a
man simply guiding the cart while
his wife comes behind doing the
actual pushing." During a part of
their tour by automobile they saw
many women in the fields doingI
a man's work. Often when the peas-
ant is doing his plowing he will be
walking ahead leading his horses
while his wife is holding the plow

terday afternoon, good team-work
and fast plays were featured.:
Zeta Tau Alpha beat Alpha Omnic-
ron Pi 3-0 in a closely contested
game despite the final score. Both
sororities had full teams and ex-
hibited good forward and defense
playing for so early in the year.
Dorothy Aberle, '33, back, and
Dorothea Boger, '33, forward were
both outstanding players. The
goals were made by Lelia Hend-
riks, '33, Dorothy Elsworth, '32, and
Dorothea Boger. .
One' Team befaults.
Jordan Hall defaulted to Al-
pha Epsilon Phi but the two teams
played a practice game. Helen New-
berry and Mosher Hal had a tie
score 1-t. _
"-KappaKappa Gamma defeated
Pi Beta Phi 3-1 in another good
game. Annette Cummings played
good hockey for Kappa, making
one of the points. Pauline Brooks,
'34, made the other two points,
playing a fast game also. Marian
Martindale scored the only point
for Pi Phi.
Games Are Close.
Alpha Phi played a god game
defeating Delta Zeta 4-0. The game
was quite one-sided with ball most-
ly near Delta bieta's goal. Betty
Healy, '32, scored all 4 points for
Alpha Phi.
Alpha Xi Delta and Chi Omega
played one of the best games of the
afternoon. Alpha Xi Delta won
with a 2-1 score in a very closely
contested game. It was an excell-
ent exhibition of passing and fast
running. Jean Botsford, '33, scored
the 2 points for Alpha Xi Delta
, and RuthKurtz, '34, made the only
point for Chi Omega.-
Womnen Attend Special Schools
in Many Fields of Work.
G. G., '34.
"Intercollegiate football, with its
glamour and vibrant atmosphere,
typifies the spirit of the Amercan
people to -me," says Mlle. Fournier,
assistant director of Jordan Hall.
"French university work is so
much more specialized than the
courses in your American colleges.
Perhaps this is due to the fact, that
university work can be undertaken
only by those who have received
their B. A. from a lycee or high
school. Take, for instance, a stu-
dent of journalism, in America, af-
= ter , graduation froi college, the
prospective newspaperman enters
the profession with what might
be termed a fairly good general
knowledge of his subject. In France,
however, everything is different.
The newspaperman does not mere-
ly enter journalism, but he enters
a specialized field of journalism
for which he has carefully prepar-
"Yes,"' she answered my query,
"there are women journalists, doc-
tors and lawyers in France, but the
number is appreciably smaller in
contrast to the number of Ameri-
can women in the same fields. The
French women have a distinct
handicap when they begin univer-
sity work. The change from se-
cluded lycee life to the absolutely
unrestricted social life of a great
French university is often great
enough to make a woman lose her
perspective. .

in the furrow.

send , 2, mtinramural manager;
Clara.Grace Peck, '33, point recor-
der; Annete .Cummings, '33, publi-
city; Teressa Romani, '33, hockey
manager; Betty Gardner, '32Ed,
speedball; Lenore C a r o, 'S2Ed,
dancing; Corrine Fries, '34Ed,
swimming; Elizabeth Cooper, '34Ed,
riding; Jean Porter, '34, tennis;
Jean Perrin, '32, golf; Lydia Sey-
m o u r, '34Ed, archery; Gladys
Schroeder, '33, bowling; Glendora
Gosling, '33, outdoor; Lorraine
Larson, '32, rifle; Susan Manches-
ter, '32, A. C.A. C. W.
Central Committee Meetings Are
Called by Heads.
Plans for both the Panhellenic
ball and banquet are progressing
rapidly, according to Jean Bentley,
'33, and Emily Bates, '32, general
chairman. Selections of the com-
mittees will be made at an early
Meeting of the central staff for
the banquet will be held at 4 o'clock
next Tuesday in the Undergrad-
uate office of the League, while
Miss Bentley has announced 4'
o'clock Monday as a tentative date
for the first meeting of the ball

Resadents of Martha Cook Hold a small tea in her room on Mondays
Formal Dinner; Tea to Be and Thursdays. It is informal and
gives herrthe opportunity of becom-
Served at Jordan .Hall. ing better acquainted with the resi-
dents of the house.
Dinners, teas and parties are in-1
cluded in the entertainments which The regular weekly tea of Mosher
dormitories on campus are offering nordan hall willb rheld this afterE
to their residents.nah .,rs.MaryE.
Last night Martha Cook held its Buffington, assistant director of
firs fomal innr o theseaonMosher hall, will pour. Miss Miriam
first formal dinner of the season. Cortright, '32, and Polly Richards,
The dining room was decorated '32ED, will act as student hostesses.
with Talisman roses and tapers of Betty Utter, '32, Jane Cooper, '33,
matching color. The place cards Frances Walker, '32, Enid Bush, '33,
were In keeping with the ceremony Doris Clarte, '345M, Sally Wilber,
of the evening, since the dinner was '32, and'Dorothy Ryan,'32,will
really the final step in the initiatioh '32,n an Drothy R '
of the new residents into the dor- a s. serving.
mitory.Mrs, Morris P . Tilley, Mrs. -Edgar
mitory. .eN. Durfee, Mrs. Herbert Poppleton,
Coffeewasservedi th e sincharge of Psi Upsilon fraternity,
room and Miss Margaret .Smith, Mrs. Hanel Robeson, chaperon at,
social director of the dormitory, Collegiate Sorosis, and Mrs. Doggett,
poured. A three-piece orchestra chaperon at Kappa Kappa Gamma
furnished music, and afterwards will be the guests of honor at the
the residents danced. tea this. afternoon in Jordan hal.:
Last Sunday afternoon the regu- Mrs. W. J. Fenton of Grand
lar Sunday musicales were started:Rapids has been the house guest
at2Marth Co. IreneStiros nickh of Miss Isabel W. Dudley, assistant
32Ml layed two selections 'on, the director of Jordan hall, for the past
violin and Ruth Morrison, '32, gave two days. Mrs. Fenton is Miss Dud-
a reading from "Madame Butter- ley's sister. She is the head of the
fly." vocal department of Hope College
Miss Margaret Smith, the social in Holland, Michigan.
director of Martha Cook, is giving_________________

Chi Omega..
Chi Omega entertained its Ann
Arbor patronesses and alumnae at
dinner Wednesday night. Forty
guests attended. .The decorations
consisted of fall flowers and tapers.
Tonight, the sorority will hold a
rushing dinner.
Delta Delta Delta.
Four rushees attended the dinner
given Tuesday night by Delta Del-
ta Delta. Cut flowers and tapers
added to the effectiveness of the
Delta Gamma.
Delta Gamma gave a tea for the
Ann Arbor mothers and alumnae
of the sorority Tuesday afternoon.
One guest was entertained at a
rushing dinner held last night.
Five more guests are expected at
dinner tonight.
Gamma Phi Beta..
Gamma Phi Beta announces the,
pledging of Caroline Potter, '35,
Barton Hills, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
on Wednesday, October 7th. The
entire active chapter, including
pledges and alumnae, was enter-'
tained by Mrs. N. S. Potter at a
buffet supper at her home in Bar-
ton Hills Monday riight.
Kappa Alpha Theta.
Kappa Alpha Theta will enter-
tain several guests the week-end
of the Ohio State game. Those to'
visit Ann Arbor are Miss Helen
Miller and Miss Elizabeth Tarte
Pegasus Will Invite
Rdid ers to Membership~
I Pegasus, University riding club,
plan to enlarge their membership.
They will hold a meeting- Friday,
October 15, to discuss this plan.
Several have already been invited
to join and plans will be made at
this meeting to issue still more invi-
At their last meeting on Octobe:
8, Charlotte Hueson was elected
riding manager, end the club made
plans to ride when the new mem-
bers are initiated.
Bank Run Grayel
$1.00 Per Cubic Yard
Telephone 7112

from Grand Rapids, Miss Dorothy
Le Mire from Escanaba, Miss Mary
Jane Busch from Bay City, and
Miss Elizabeth Pardee, Miss Mar-
garet Seaman, Mrs. Franklin Moore
Jr., Miss Margaret Moore, and Miss.
Mary Widman from Detroit.
Delta Zeta
Delta Zeta will feature Home
Coming this week-end. The open-
ing event is to be in the form of
a dinner Friday night. The tables
will be decorated in rose and green,
the sorority colors. Saturday morn-
ing an alumnae meeting will be
held, following a special breakfast.
The sorority plans to hold a foot-
ball luncheon directly preceding
the game. The decorations will be
carried out in Ohio State and
Michigan colors.
Betsy Barbour Will Ho n o r
Guests at Reception.
Last evening the annual autumn
cabaret dinner of Betsy Barbour
was held. All decorations were in
maize and blue, and since it was
a costume party the colors used n
the costumes were also maize and
blue. Many of the costumes were
rather unique..
Tonight the Board of Governors
of Betsy Barbour house will be en-
tertained at dinner.
Saturday afternoon following the
I football game a reception will be
held for' Senator and Mrs. Arthur
H. Vandenberg of Grand Rapids
and Wasming;on, at Betsy Barbour
house where they are wee}-end
guests. President Ruthven and
Mrs. Ruthven will assist in receiv-
ing the guests.

Federation of Garden Clubs %
Meet in Grand Rapids Tues-
day to Complete Plans.
Last spring, at the inivitation
the three Ann Arbor garden clu
women from all over the state r.
here and The Federated Garc
Clubs Of Michigan was begun.
order to complete that organiz
tion another meeting will be h
in Grand Rapids on Tuesday. Sii
the Ann Arbor women furnish
the impetus for the organizat
they are especially urged to
The meeting begins at 11 o'clc
and a part of it will be a :unche
at the Grand Rapids Womens C
Club. Reservations for this must
made by this noon with either M\
Francis Lapointe of ' Washten
Mrs. Ransom Hawley of Ann Ar
Hills, or Mrs. Erwin Nelson of F
don Roaa.
Is Yours In Our
Miss Light, formerly with
Milgrims, in charge of
French Fur Felts
715 North University

Choral Union Concert










There's more than one way
of looking smart this sea-
son and we have Pinehurst
hats to suit every Miss and
Woman. Come in and see
a showing that will give you
a real selection and where
each hat will fit perfectly
because of the 13 head

7- I

ohn McCormack

in Song Recital




Wed. Eve. Oct. 21
SINGLE TICKETS $1.00-$1.50-2.00-2.50


"Making Faces at the Man
in the Moon"
They won't be pleasant ones if your feet
hurt. Guard against foot troubles by wear-
ing those famous WALK-OVER Shoes.
Built to fit > and we fit them correctly.

4 1I[ That Have Color,


U9 East Liberty Street

Verve and Dash
Also the New

SEASON TICKETS '(10 Concerts)
$6.o0-&oo--1o.o0-- 12.00


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i '


I I U,. * ----1

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