* 4 t ( MEMBE ASSOIATED PRESS, PRICE FIV CE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1931 co ITTEE PL COUNCIL WILL NOT RCTPSPPEDEFERRED RUSHING LOSES J AIL POST Interfraternity B o d y Most Houses Are on Financial Basis. Reports Good REERS RESOUTON TOMLE Council Members Will Attempt to Strengthen Constitution of Group; Sophomore Prom Set for Dec.11. Retracting the stand taken by last year's Student Council on the Administrative Council plan for student government, which was overwhelmingly approved in the campus-wide poll last spring, the new Student Council last night opened its regime by unanimously opposing the plan, which is now before the University Senate Com- mittee. The Administrative Council plan provided for a Senate Commit- tee on Student Affairs which would be composed of seven members of the faculty, appointed by the President of the University, seven 'ssociated Press roto Above is one of the first pictures from the Japanese-Chinese trou- ble zone to reach the United States. This is the Barracks of the Chinese fort at Changtu, north of Mukden, which burned following a clash with the Japanese troops. World statesmen are busy trying to iron out the difficulties of the Sino-Japanese situation. DANCE PLAN APPROVED Permission for Parties Will Be Required Week in Advance, Gould Announces. That no action to postpone de- ferred rushing rules will be taken this year became apparent last night at the 'first regular meeting of the Interfraternity council. Re- turns from a questionnaire sent to all house presidents show that' "fraternities are on a very good fin- acial basis," Howard Worden, '32, president of the council, stated. It was admitted that the condi- tion of the fraternities was not as good as during the past year but only a few reports showed anything of a serious nature. "We will go through with deferred rushing," Worden said. Freshmien, it was pointed out, will be allowed to attend more than' one open house on one day. Some confusion h as already resulted from misinterpretation of this rule It was also brought.out that houses will be allowed to give only one open house during the next week. The distribution of houses among the three groups will be reprinted; in the near future.- "There has been little or no flag- rant violation of the rules so far in connection with the deferred1 rushing," Worden claimed. At the meeting a resolution was passed to cooperate with the Union in the staging of an Interfrater-7 nity Dance. The date for the danceJ will be announced later. Howard G o u 1 d, '32, secretary- treasurer of the council, reported1 that permission for parties must be filed at least one week in ad- vance of the date of the party. This; will be effective after the present week. Dues for the current year will be payable before November 1. A fine was voted for delinquent houses.; CAMPU1S CAUICUSES NAME CANDIDATES Senior Class Nominees Chosen by State, Washtenaw Parties. By Barton Kane Inaugurating their campaign to win at least its last election, the senior class of the State Street or- ganization held their nomination caucus at 7:30 o'clock last night at the Theta Delta Chi house. Charles Kline and Beach Conger,' Jr., were named to run for the of- fices of president and treasurer, re- spectively. The caucus, at which James North presided, was singularly free of factional rivalry. Kline was un- animously chosen for presidential candidate, whereas Conger polled a majority over Edward Frey to the treasurer's position. The State street class of 1932 has yet to win an election on the cam- pus, and will undoubtedly spare no effort to carry a majority at the polls next Monday afternoon in the Natural Science auditorium. Political activity tomorrow night will center around the Phi Kappa Sigma house, where the Washte- naw faction will hold its nomina- L Linn ni'.', Thjm. . fu nn-i'r, i's4. n,ntni Associated Press Phot Francis E. Crawford, warden of the Colorado state penitentiary, was suspended by the state civil service commission pending a hear- ing on charges of incompetence. Crawford has been under fire since the prison riot at Canon .City in 1929. 21 DEBATING MEN Tryouts Will Compete Thursday to Fill Places Still Vacant on Team. After listening to tryout speeches of more than 40 candidates for pos- itions on the Varsity debate squad, from one to four o'clock Tuesday afternoon J a m e s H. McBurney, coach, definitely selected 21 of the number for the squad from which the actual debating .teams will be picked. Those selected are Victor Rabin- owitz, '34L, Uathan Levy, '34L, Al- b e r t Herrmann, '34M, Franklin Comins, '31, David G. Cannon, grad, Harold Hunsberger, '33, Nathan Flinker, '33, Gordon Galaty, '33, Howard Simon, '32L, Stanley Don- ner, '32, Gayle Richardson, '32, for the affirmative side. For the nega- tive: .Jhn Lederle, '33, Jacob Weiss- man, '34, Wilbert Hindman, 33, Gil- bert Bursley, '34, Jerome Pettit, Spec., Thomas Anthony, '32A, A. V' Lowenstein, '34, Charles Rogers, '33, Frederick Brown, '34, and Julius C. Bernstein, '33. Those selected met last night in room 4003 A. H. for a short organi- zation meeting at which assign- ments were made. There are several other places to be filled on the squad and men will be named to these after a further tryout to be held at 1:00 o'clock Thursday afternoon in room 4003 Angell hall. Those wishing to com- Pete at that time are requested to prepare a five-minute affirmative or negative speech on the same subject that was used by Tuesday's tryouts. Mr. McBurney urges those who spoke Tuesday and were not select- ed, to compete again Thursday with any newcomers who may pre- sent themselves. GARGOLE APPEARS ON CAPUS TODAY Campus Humor Magazine Has New Features; Art Revue Is Big Attraction. New and varied features char- acterize the first issue of Gargoyle, which appears on the campus to- day. Editorials on various campus events which have occurred since 'the beginning of classes are in- luded as well as the standard ar- tides on drama, sports, aid styles. One of the leading features in the 36-page issue is a review of the 'current art exhibit in Alumni 3M~mnria, hall. in which the hioh- STATE CONTINUES TO QUERY KELER Torch Killer's G i r 1 Resumes Stand for Prolonged Questioning. Outspoken, evasive, or hesitant as the tenor of the questions flung at her by the prosecution varied, Katherine Keller, on trial as an ac- cessory in the Ypsilanti torch mur- ders, parried with a rather blunt finesse the pointed thrusts of Ed- ward A. Bilitzke, assstat attorney general, as he cross-examined her yesterday afternoon in circuit court. In the course of her answers Miss Keller refuted the testimony of at least six state witnesses, directly or by inference. She said that Mrs. Louella Smith, Fred's mother, testi- fied falsely on more than one point. The entire cross-examination seemed an attempt to disclose Miss Keller as knowing of Fred's om- plicity in the killings. Evidence that would proye almost conclusive- ly that she was an accessory has been introduced, but the"state had had difficulty in establishing that she knew he was guilty. At every point Miss Keller has flatly and 'repeatedly 'denied that her actions arose from this knowl- edge, despite the prosecutor's at- tempts to trap her into such state- 'ments. She has admitted .her inti- macy with him, and there is con- siderable evidence to support this. During the dlay Miss Keller re- futed reports regarding telephone calls between her and Smith, one of which he was said to .have ex-' claimed, "If you're going to let her (Mrs. Smith) know, I might as well tell her myself." She denied also that she had asked Mrs. Smith to say that Fred was home the' night of the mnur- ders. She said that Mrs. Smith had told her over the telephone that 'officers had inquired at the farm about Fred, and that she told them he was there that night. This last was in direct refutation of 'Mrs. Smith's testimony. Miss Keller's sister, Eunice, who was involved in the activities of Smith and his sweetheart by the testimony of Madden Duty, hired man on the Keller farm, Tuesday, is to be subpoenaed as a witness. Edward A. Bilitzke, state's attorney, said the writ was issued yesterday. Miss Keller also.said she ordered Fred out of the Curtiss house be- cause she was about to lose her job, and would need the house, and not because she had heard that Smith 'was guilty of the crimes. Deposition of Mrs. Gladys Wig- 'gett, unable to appear in court be- +cause of illness, was taken at her home yesterday morning. The 'case will probably go to the jury .late this afternoon, attorneys said. members of the student body, an the dean of students. The student members would I the president of the Union, t1 managing editor of ThenDaily, t president of the Student Admai istrative council, the presidento the League, the chairman of te Judiciary Council of the Leagu and two seniors elected by the sti dent body. The Student Council was to I replaced by a Student Administr tive council which would have pur ly, administrative duties. The pres dent of this body would be electe by the Senate Cmrnittee. Membe: of the Council would be appint by this presient with the approv of the Senate Committee. At the Student Council meetir last night, it was said that t Administrative Council plan w drawn up after an investigatir committee, appointed by the pres dent to see what was wrong wil the council, reported that the pres dent. himself and the mxethod ' election of members wereat fault Not Unanimous. The plan was passed by the coin cil only after a heated debate an then not unanimously, it was said "In view of the fact that the pr sent Student Council thinks th the proposed changentakes aw what little student gvernelt there is in the University," Edwa: J. McCormick, '32, president, state "the following resolution was pas ed and will be presented to the sll committee of the Senate committ headed by Prof. Henry W. Mill of the engineering college:. Council Opposed. "Resolution passed unanimous by the Student Council at its mee ing on October 14. "It was moved and carried th in view of the conditions und which the Admiistrative Cun' plan was passed Last spring, and view of the fact that the plan h not as yet ,been acted upon by t] Senate Committee of the Unive sity, the Student Council go record as opposed to said plan." The plan was submitted to t Senate Committee last spring I approval. It was not actedupon that time because the personnel this body was thanged. It has be referred to the sub-committee hea ed by Professor Miller and as 3 no action has ben talen by ti group. Bursley Sees Delay. Joseph A. Bursley, dean of si dents, stated that probably no fin action would be taken for two three months, McCormik said. A committee was appointed McCormick to see in what way t present constitution of the coun could be strengthened. It cnss of John H. Denler, '32, Louis3. C lombo, '33, and Alfred J. Palm '32. It was decided at themeet that all resolutions passed byt council in the future would' printed in the Daily fficial Bul tin. McCormick announced that De (ontinued on Page 2) Hollerith Machines Explain Almost Anything About University Students By Lawson E. Becker machines have been in almost con- School is really more of a prison tinxal use by nearly every depart- than it may seem to most students. ment of the university from the The university even goes to the ex- school of Forestry and Conserva- tent of giving each student a num- tion to the sociology department. bet. The machines are known as Hol- IDown is the basement of AngellI lerith Machines, taking their name Hall there are m a c h i n e s that from the inventor who is a member change every name into a number, of the United States census bureau and furthermore change all one's at Washington. They were origin- history into numbers. Those ma- ally developed to aid the census chines know all there is to know bureau in the compilation of facts about one including residence, col- I which otherwise would have been leges previously attended, date of impossible to obtain. 'entrance, class, credits, degrees re- Each family in the country has a ceived, and courses taken. number which is placed on a card But the'se robots do not always two and one-half inches wide and stick to such impersonal data, they seven inches long. On this card know what sex one is, the date of the complete family history is plac- birth, the number of units and ed. Everything is done by ; code credits one is deficient in, whether which changes writing into num- or not one is on probation and if bers and then these numbers are Faculty Men Urge to Order Daily N s, <, Huge Brewery Found in Cellar of Garage All members of the facu who have not subscribed to