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October 14, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-14

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Published every morning except Monday during the University year
by the'Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
Postmiaster (General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; hr mail, $4.50
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
mitbihgan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
News Editor.............. ................David M. Nichol
Editoral Director ............. .. .......Beach Conger, Jr.
City Editor... .............................Carl Forsythe
Sporty Editor........... ......Sheldon C. Fullerton
Womn's Eio..................argaret M. Thompson
Screen Reflections...........................Bertram J. Askwith
Assistant News Editor .............. ..........Robert L. Pierce

Britten, at a safe distance from the searching rays
of a close-up, issues what some might term an "apt"
analogy, that the United tSates' navy is just like a
good insurance policy.
Then Representative LaGuardia for defense issues
a statement supporting a pacific program. I admire
LaGuardia for his position and realize that he was
at a disadvantage because a close-up was taken. Any
man would be, for a close-up searches out every
peculiarity in a man's physiognomy.
But with all due regards to Represcntative La-
Guardia, I do not think that he was the most able
of many pacifists available. If distributors of news
think it necessary to represent conflicting opinions,
I suggest that it be done with equality and with due
consideration to all interested parties.
Health Euation
Warren .E. Forsythe, M. D).

Frank 1B. Gilbrcth
Roland .Goodman
Karl Sciffert

J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis
Denton C. Kunze Jerry E. Rosenthal
George A. Stauter

Wilber J. Myers
13rian Jones
St'anley Arnheim
Sam )agIcy
Lawson E. Becker
Thomas Connellan
Raiph It. Cooper
Lester M. Harrison
Morton Helper
Joseph offlman
Josephine Woodhamne
Annette Cummings
Dorothy Brockman
Alma Wadsworth
Marjorie Thomson
Georgia Geisman

Sports Assstants
John W. Thomas
.himes Krotozyner
Robert Merritt
Henry Meyer
Marion Milczewski
Albert Newman
.lerome Pettit
.John Pritchard
Joseph Reuihan
Beatrice Collins
Ethel Arehart
Barbara Hall
tusan Manchesteir
Margaret O'Brien
Iouise Crandall

John S. Townsend
Charles A. Sanford
Alfred Stresen-Reuter
William Thal
(I. R. Winters
Charles Woolner
Brackley Shaw
Ford Spikerman
Parker Snyder

Cile Miller
1Elsie Feldman
,Eileen Blunt
Eleanor Rairdon
Martha Littleton
Prudence Foster

Telephone 21214
HA9LES T. KLNE..................Business Manager
NOvRIS P. JOHNSON..........................Assistant Manager
Department Managers
IAdvertising.............................Vernon Bishop
Advertising .....................Robert B. Callahan
4dvertising .....................William W. Davis
Service. ....................yron C. Vedder
Publications .................................Willan T. Brown
Circulation r.......................Harry It. Begley
Accounts..................................Richard Stratemeier
Women's Business Manager............ ..... ..Ann W. Verner
'Orvil Aronsen Willard Feebling Thomas Roberts
Gilbert E.'.Iursley Herbert Greenstone I. A. Saltzstein
Willard A. Combs John Keyser Bernard E. Schnacke
Allen Clark Arthur F. Kohn Grafton W. Sharp
Gustave Dalberg Bernard H. Good Cecil E. Welch
Robert E. Finn James Lowe
Kathryn Bayless Ann Gallmeyer Helen Olsen
Donna Becker Ann Harsha Marjorie Rough
Genevieve Field Kathryn Jackson - Mary E. Watts
M)axine Fischgrund Dorothy Laylin
Don't Force Your
Choice of College
"J ET your son or daughter go to the college
that arouses most of his intellectual curio.
sity," said Professor Bursley, director of Orienta-
tion week, over the radio Sunday. . "It is unwise
to send your son or daughter to a collegeyou went
to thirty years ago on the grounds that what was
good enough for you shold-be good enough for
him. If you feel that your boy or girl should go
o o a trade school, let him go. Far better to have
him the best manual ,toolmaker in the state of
Michigan with that reputation than to have him
a s'hyster lawyer or a third-rate doctor and known
as such."
Professor Bursley, thrice director of Orienta-
tion week and last year Counsellor to New Stu-
dents, has had ample opportunity to judge the
causes which result in college misfits, the mistakes
which are made in choosing a college, and the re-
sults to the individual. The chToosing of a college
is important to the student, and' if he is .sent to a
school that he does not wish to enter, he will
surely dislike it before he gets there.
No doubt, many students flunk out of college
,every year because they have chosen the wrong
one, or have been sent to the wrong one. Probably
those who come to Michigan solely for its athletic
reputation, find that the work is more than they
can carry; that life here is not 'one long football
or basketball game; that studies count to.
We believe that the day when high school sen-
iors pick their universities for athletic prowess,
or because their parents went there, will soon be
a thing of the past. The sole reason for not at-
tending a particular Uiversity will be because of
scholastic or financial insufficiency. The reputa-
tion of the institution in the particular field ii
which the student Is interested twill become the
main factor in choosing a college.
To The Editor:
If war were declared by the United States to-
morrow, e gines of propaganda would be immediately
set in motion. Every communicative process known
to man would be utilized in an effort to educate the
masses to war. The newspapers would distort facts.
Speakers, utlizing the radio, would glory in exagger-
ation. All energies would be directed toward the suc-
cessful prosecution of the war by fair or foul means.
This perhaps is as it should be. When the nation
is faced with possible invasion and disaster is upon
us, then such propaganda has some justification.
Understanding, however, that this propaganda exists
only as a means to an ultimate end, and that end,
the perpetuation of American ideals and institutions,
But at a time when the world is heavily laden with
economic problems traceable in a large measure to
the "Great War," militaristic propaganda is not in
order. I refer to the news short which is now show-
ing at a local theatre.
An announcement that the government is serious-
ly considering a reduction of naval appropriations
provides the lead for the news item. Then the film

Increasingly, the outstanding problem in public
health welfare is one of education. The older technic
in public health often required little or no under-
standing and cooperation on the part of the people.
These environment and law enforcement procedures
solved a number of important problems but are quite
futile in dealing with present day pressing public
health questions. The program which offers most
hope now requires understanding and cooperation
upon the part of the individual. Such a program,
designated as one of health education, has a very
broad scope in methods and application.
Since the program is one of education and train-
ing, the most strategic focus is in schools of the vary-
ing grades. The college is recognized as an important
place for the development of ideals of civic leader-
ship in health work.
Many colleges have formal courses of instruction
in hygiene required of all students. These courses are
justified but have often lacked the success which
the subject warrants. While many things in the
student's experience contribute to his health educa-
tion, the absence of regular proper courses of instruc-
tion in health for all students at Michigan may be
considered as a serious omission from the curriculum.
The subject matter and methods of presentation
have been mainly responsible for the fact that the
required college courses in hygiene have often failed
to receive the respect given to other courses. They
have been referred to as the yellow dog in the pack.
Subject matter has varied widely to meet a great
variation in material covered in secondary schools,
and to satisfy personal and unscientific notions on
the part of instructors in this subject.
Much progress has been made in the standardiza-
tion of subject matter and teacher qualifications at
all levels of hygiene instruction.
The trend of events gives added weight to the
opinion that every college graduate should have a
proper appreciation of many questions which con-
cern the health welfare of the individual, the family,
and society in general.
ff C ad DRAMA
John McCormack, the distinguished Irish tenor,
who will be heard in Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbor, in
the Choral Union Series, Wednesday night, October
21, received an ovation at the huge Denver Auditor-
ium, when he inaugurated his concert series in that
"This occasion marked the official opening of the
current musical season in Denver. It was the prelude
to seven concerts comprising the Slack-Oberfelder
series and if the attendance may be accepted as an
indication of sustained public patronage during the
winter, it would appear that musical entertainment
is not to be included in the general program of cur-
tailment. That the famous Irish tenor has retained
his uncontested niche in the hearts of Denver admir-
ers was attested by the warmth of his reception when
he first appeared upon the platform and by the per-
sistent applause which brought him back to add
numerous unprogrammed songs during the evening.
As has long been his custom in recital programs, Mr.
McCormack began with selections which fall under
the general classification of 'serious mnusic' and re-
served for the latter half, those Irish ballads in the
interpretation of which he is inimitable. Monday
night his first 'Minnelied', a Handel excerpt and an
aria by the early Italian Vinci. Songs by Arthur
Foote, Brahms and Sir Hubert Parry in the second
group completed the singer's offering of conventional
numbers. From then on he devoted himself almost
exclusively to the presentation of Irish songs, some of.
them new and others selected from his tried and true
It may still truthfully be said that no other singer
has approached his artistry in this type of song.
Fervent sentiment, unctious wit, naive simplicity, all
function appropriately and spontaneously in his in-
terpretations. Monday night's audience manifested
insatiable relish for the Irish ballads, and McCormack
was recalled again and again to add to this number.
At a belated hour, after the printed program was
finished and some people were leaving the auditor-
ium he sang Bartlett's venerable 'Dream'.
Mr. Edwin Schneider, who has long been asso-
ciated with Mr. McCormack, played most sympa-
thetic accompaniments and also contributed a solo
group which earned much applause."'

As Is customary at this time of
year, Caucuses are about to be held
for the mammoth State St. vs.
Washtenaw Annual Political Fias-
co. Nobody has ever been able to
forward a satisfactory explanation
to this department as to why any-
one should bother about such a
business, but the fact remains each
year there is a solemn gathering of
earnest young fellows at s o m e
house or other where speeches are
made. Not very good speeches
* *~ *
There is an attractive ele-
ment of mystery in these pro-
ceedings, however, uninterest-
ing as they seem on the sur-
face. Every time they are held,
this department has a repre-
sentative in each Caucus, and,
up to date, nothing has ever
been done in the actual elec-
tions which had anything at
all to do with what was said
We do not mean to insinuate by
the above that there is no use in
these little. gatherings. Far from
it! The fact is that they serve an
excellent purpose in disposing of
a lot of silly ideas before the actual
work of electing is done up in the
Student Council offices or some-
* * *
Rolls takes this opportunity
to make a nomination' for each
ticket which will, we hope,
eliminate the customary fifteen
hours of hooie which usually
precedes the first suggestion of
this sort. We really hope to
save a lot of fine fellows a great
deal of time which they may
spend in some profitable occu-
pation like preparing classes or
shooting craps or both.
We the undersigned hereby do
nominate, make public, and in our
right minds and of our own free
'will publish the following names
as nominees for the forthcoming
Campus Elections:
STATE ST.....Pres., John
Sauchuck; Vice Pres. Nobody,
as the chances of death for the
President seem slight; Secre-
tary, also nobody on account of
there are no secrets in Univer-
.sity Politics.
. WASHTENAW.... Pres., John
Sauchuck; Vice Pres., as above;
Secretary, George Washington.
*x * *

r t i

Telephone 7112
Back from Germany will
take appointments at the
For Appointment Dial 3083
YOue it t get more out
ei your Urversity career
if you are able to type
your own notes. themes
and theses. Your notes
will be muchbuller if you
take them in shorthand.
studnts h ave lehare
typewriting and short-"
hand at Hamilton Busi-
ness College. Many have
te dside or aduring vaca-
tion. You will also find
career after graduation.
Enter at any time day and evening
State and William Streets



(others $5 and $6)

Opposite Michigan Theatre

Suggested Solution for Political
All is forgiven, old man. We of
the Rolls Staff have stood it as
long as we could, but to have you
cold-shoulder us this way is simply
more than we are prepared to put
up with, you hound! Come around
to the Daily Office and hear some-
thing to your advantage. We have
Uncle Dan Baxter's will here, and
you are named as an heiress! Come
around quick and prove your iden-
tity to the Managing Editor and
come into your heritage!
CHICAGO, Oct. 12.-(P)--An in-
sight to the kind of phraseology
the new American Bible of Dr. J.
M. Powis Smith and Dr. Edgar
Goodspeed of University of Chi-
cago is to have, was made public
The Lord's Prayer, for example,
will read as follows:
"Our Father in Heaven,
Your name be revered.
Your kingdom come!
Your will be done on earth as it
is done in Heaven!
Give us today bread for the day.
And forgive us our debts as we
have forgiven our debtors.
And do not subject us to tempta-
But deliver us from the evil one."
The new Bible is to make its ap-
pearance next Nov. 1.
o *

Federal investigation into the workings of the
master counterfeiter believed to be the head of the
gang that distributed bogus football tickets here last
Saturday is under way. Probably the same man. who
took the pictures for Dean Bursley's identification
Quite a large share of publicity has been given
Joan Stampion, Detroit girl who presented a hit-run
driver with an ample black eye in return for a
pleated fender. Her telephone number has as yet
not been ascertained.


Fifi D'Orsay doesn't like Ann Arbor water. Older
residents have found, much to their surprise and

And we'll be right there wait-


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