*r tIt AllpopP 4a1111 M' ASS, IEMBER O0CIATE PRESS 1 .. r.....+. ." ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS PRICE FIVE KATHERINE KELLER Hoover's Business Plan Is Step nrmirn flnfliTil Iin Right Direction, Says Sharfman ULNIL- AIIIfl Y HER SWEETHEART'I I I President's Proposal Receives Wide Acclaim By E. Jerome Pettit. President Hoover's recent plans for relieving the severity of the business depression have received wide acclaim because they art un- q'uestionably steps in the right direction, Prof. I. L. Sharfman, of the economics department, said yesterday. "Aside from the June morator- ium proposal, which served to avert, if only temporarily, a grave inter- national crisis, these recent plans constitute the first comprehensive expedients of a practical character designed to stay the demoralization which was making rapid headway in the domestic sphere. They will not, in themselves, bring about business recovery, but they should contribute substantially .to the re- establishment of the background of confidence which is indispensable to recovery. The part of the plan which is de- pendent entirely upon the volun- tary action of the financial inter- ests-the marshalling of credit through the creation by the banks of a $500,000,000 corporation to which resort may be had for more liberal accommodation than is available from the Federal Reserve System-is already being set in motion. It will tend to give some degree of liquidity to large amounts of so-called "frozen-assets," to im- prove the ability of the banks to meet legitimate credit needs, to halt the downward trend of security prices arising from forced liquid- ation by financial institutions. "Most of President Hoover's other suggestions-including, for example, the broadening of the scope of paper eligible to Federal Reserve discount, the expansion, of the re- sources of the Federal Land Banks, and the reconsideration of the problem of international obligations in connection with the forthcoming visit of Premier Laval of France- will require governmental action for which the President cannot alone assume responsibility. Policies of (Continued on Page 6) EMOCRATIC PARTY OUTLINESFINANCES Plans Victory Fund' for Coming Campaign Expenses, Bills of Last Race. WASHINGTON, Oct. 13.-(/P)- To pay old bills and get the party' started on next year's battle for the presidency, Democratic head- quarters today announced plans for raising a "Victory Fund" of $1,500,000. A committee of more than 500 state and national party leaders has been mobilized. John W. Davis, the 1924 Presidential nominee, is its chairman. John H. Fahey, of Worchester, M a s s., is executive chairman, and James W. Gerard, former'ambassador -to Germany; is" treasurer. Shouse Outlines Budget. Jouett Shouse, chairman of the party's National Executive Com- mittee, said today that $400,000 was needed to wipe out the 1928 deficit, $600,000 to keep things going until the next convention and $500,000 for a flying start on the actual campaign. Subscription of t h e $1,500,000 fund was authorized by the Demo- cratic National Committee at its session here last March. Pending organization of the campaign the National Committee hasrested to additional loans from Chairman John J. Raskob in carrying on its work. The party now owes Ras- kob a total of $325,000. Mr. Davis, in a statement issued through Mr. Shouse today, said: "The Victory Fund is about to be instituted at a time when the political position of the party is almost impregnable. Its prospects of victory were never brighter." MCOR0MCK FIRST IN CHORALS E Many New Artists to Be Heard This Year; Radio Quartet Is Scheduled. Newcomers as well as those art- ists and organizations previously heard in Ann Arbor will be includ- ed in this year's Choral Union con- cert series which opens next Wed- nesday evening in Hill auditorium with John McCormick, famed Irish tenor, presenting a program of songs. One of the new features which have been scheduled are the Revel- lers, popular radio quartet and re- cording artists. They were secured in place of John Charles Thomas and will make their Ann Arbor de- but December 3. James Melton, first tenor; Luther James, second tenor; Phil Dewey, baritone, and Wilfred Glenn, bass, comprise the e "group with Frank Black acting as t director and pianist. James is the son of Mr. and Mrs. - Luther James of Ann Arbor and is well known both locally a n d . throughout the state. i Another premier appearance will d be made by Serge Koussevitsky g distinguished Russian conductor of University Auto Ban Privileges Extended Special permission to drive cars during the week-ends of home football games will be granted to all students whose parents plan to be in Ann Arbor at those times, it was announced yesterday by Walter B. Rea, assistant to the dean of students. Some slight relaxation of the heretofore stringent ruling was indicated by Rea, who said, "We will gladly -give students whose parents are i town permission to drive, We plan to extend the same privileges to such individ- uals as we do to students whose parents live here." Rea declared that the Univer- sity would exercise no restriction over the driving of the students whose parents or older brothers or sisters accompanied them in cars, but that such students must apply for pernission at Room 2, University hall. Those whose homes are in Ann Arbor may use cars, with special permission, on family business, or when accom- panied by parents. CHURCH AND STATE SEVERED__N SPAIN National Assembly Breaks With Catholicism as Official Religion. MADRID, Oct. 13.-()-The na- tional assembly tonight rejected the 'Catholic religion as the reli- gion of the state. By a vote of 267 to 41, the as- semblymen approved article 3 of the new Republican constitution which states "no state religion ex- ists." By this decision, when the new constitution is finally enacted, cen- turies of official Catholic worship in Spain will end. There has been conflict between church and state in Spain since the fall of Alfonso XIII. It came to a head several months ago with riots and burning of church p r o p e r t y, disturbances which w e r e attributed in some quarters to a pastoral letter, writ- ten by Cardinal Seguray Saenz then Primate of Spain, in which the people were urged to vote in the first republican general election for candidates who would defend the interests of the church. When antagonism against him became even stronger, the cardina left Spain and conferred with hi superiors at Vatican City. Later h was formally expelled by the re- publican government. State Street Caucus to Decide on Tickel Postponing nomination of offi cers until tonight, the State Stree senior caucus met last night at th Theta Delta Chi house and got th first political ball of the 1931 sea son rolling. James North, senior State Stree councilman, called the meeting t order, and shortly afterwards wa elected permanent chairman fo the campaign. Nomination of th LEAGUE COUN CIl ,[ H H T S Chinese Delegate Say. Japan Planes Bomb, Villages. HOPE MAINTAINEE Hoover Gives Report at Long Cabinet Meeting. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS The League of Nations counc heard both sides of the Manchui ian controversy yesterday fror the Chinese and Japanese spokes men and adjourned to continti consideration of the matter i: private conversations. Japan, at Geneva, Washingtoi Tokio and Nanking, continued t resist stubbornly diplomatic lnte vention by other countries and t insist that direct negotiations be tween Japan and China prevente the only road to solution. Japan Accused. Dr. Alfred Sze, Chinese spoke man, told the league council tha even while the council was sittin Japanese planes were bombing t Manchurian towns. Kenkichi Yost izawa, Japanese representative, de nied any knowledge of the Incident but promised to ask Toklo for i formation. Martial law was declared at Car ton because of the anti-Japane: demonstrations and Japanese N tionals were moving out of Hanko and elsewhere in the face of hosti ities. Washington was hopeful that ti league council would find a solo tion. President Hoover submitted E a long cabinet session reports whk were said to beoptimistic. Ministers to Arrive. At Nanking it was announc that United States and British -iii isters would arrive there today fro Peiping for conferences with heat of the Chinese government. The Japanese government pr sented to the American char d'affaires a set of principles agre upon as a basis for discussion wit China which included a demand f putting down alleged anti-Japane agitation and a declaration th Japan wants no additional righ ind concessions in Manchuria. STATECOMPLETE CAPONE TESTIMION Federal Evidence in Gangste1 Trial Took Two Years' Work by Agents. CHICAGO, 0 c t. 13,--(P)-T Government completed its tes * mony today in the income tax e against Alphonse Capone, the se a faced gang leader. The prosecution, which charg the big gangster with evasion tax on a six-year income of $1,03 000, rested after a handwritinge pert had testified that signatuj on telegraphic money orders a other Government exhibits w written by the defendant. John - Torrio, the former Chicago ga , boss, who appeared before i a Grand Jury investigating t;. ci and who was subpenaed as a w ness for the trial, was not cal to the witness stand. A few minutes after the start a the afternoon session George 1 Q. Johnson, United States distr s attorney, arose and made one e his few utterances of the tr - "Your h on o r, the Governm( rests," he said slowly, and "fir was written on the mass of e dence which Government age had worked on more than I t years. ;. Entrants to Register e in Union Tournamen e - Registration for the pool o ping-pong tournaments will be t today in the billiard room of o Union, it was announced yester s by Hugh R. Conklin, '32E, pr r dent. .e As in former years, the win