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October 13, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-13

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............ ...... . .......... . ... . . ....


Published every morning except Monday during the University year
by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
ublication of all news dispatches credited ' it or not otherwise
credited in, this paper. and tl?,c local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Office at Anm Arbor, Michigan, as second
class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
Postmaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; b mail, $4.50
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
News Editor................. ..David M. Nichol
Editorial Director....... .......................Beach a onger, Jr.
City Editor ....................................Carl Forsythe
Sports Editor..............................Sheldon C. Fullerton
Women's Editor........................... Margaret M. Thompson
Screen Reflections.......................... Bertram J. Askwith
Assistant News Editor...........................Robert L. Pierce

When the trial first came up in Judge Wilker
son's court, two months ago, Capone pleaded A New Yor<
guilty with the understanding that the prosecu-W r
tion had already seen fit to have his term set at
two and a half years. It was then that Wilkerson at Large
issued his now famous declaration that one cannot
bargain with a federal court. Capone lawyers im-
mediately switched the plea to "not guilty" and the By Mark Barron
trial had to be postponed until now. NEW YORK-When that feelin
What will happen when the decision is handed of idle languor creeps upon one
guilty, a difficult thing for most juries to do, the when there is desire to do nothini
chances are that a lengthy term will be handed except linger peacefully and watel
out and the case appealed to a higher court. The
the world go by-well, New York
future will have to take care of itself. has a haven for such moments.
We, however, are confident of a fair trial. Wil-
kerson has achieved an enviable reputation as an It is such a moment when on
honest judge and with him on the bench society dozes upon the front porch of the
village grocery store, using a water-
will, at least, get an even break. It is a pity, how- melon as a pillow and with tiltec
ever, that municipal and state judges aren't the hat shielding your eyes from the
same. All over the United States, the situation is sun.
one. Only in few instances can consistent fair and. In Paris one sits for hours at
honest trials be laid to a judge. Unhappily, Amer- sidewalk cafe, sipping apertifs and
ican justice in local jurisprudence has not been wondering about the parade of hu-
able to keep apace with the federal bench. manity sweeping by in a never end-
To get back to the trial itself, should Capone be ing panorama.
finally sentenced, the death knell of gangdom will New York has no front porches,
have been rung. Gangsters and racketeers, intent nor sidewalk cafes nor patios. But,
on destruction and cheating; will face a barrier in it does have Ffth avenue on Sun-
the federal government, local government might day afternoon.
even tighten up and people will not lose all confi- It is there a person finds the one
dence in our system of administering justice. More hour in the week when this city
important still, gangdom will not be on the ele- checks its pace, strolling illy by the
vated glorified plane it once was and with the dis- luxurious shops and contemplating
ccuragement of the system, safety and peace will the stream of cosmopolitan hu-
again reign in American metropoli. manity a sit flows gently along.
All America and even the world is looking to Like Quiet Waters
Chicago to see what will happen to democracy's Sunday afternoon is like a placid
greatest menace. It is truly a crisis, a battle to hidden pool where troubled waters
the death between law and barbarism. gain a moment's rest before thun-


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.1. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis
Denton C. Kunze Jerry E. Rosenthal
George A. Stauter3

Wilber J. Myers
)3rian Jones

Stanley Arnheim
Sam Bagley
Lawson E. Becker
Thomas Connellan
R.Oph It. Cooper
Lester M. Harrison
Morton Helper
Joseph offman
Josephine Woodhams
Annette Cummings
Dorothy Brockman
Alma Wadsworth
Marjorie Thomson
Gecorgia CGeisman

Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas
James Krotozyner
Robert Merritt
Henry Meyer
Marion Milezewski
Albert Newman
Jerome Pettit
John Pritchard
Joseph Renihan
Beatrice Collins
Ethel Arehart
Barbara Hal
Susan Manchester
Margaret O'Brien
Louise Crandall

John S. Townsend
Charles A. anford
Alfred Stresen-Reuter
William Thal
G. R. Winters
Charles Woolner
Brackley Shaw
Ford Spikerman
Parker Snyder
Cile Miller
Elsie Feldman
Eileen Blunt
Eleanor Rairdon
Martha Littleton
Prudence Foster


with every Parker Duofold Pen purchased, but only until Nov. 15
Convertfor Pocket Convertfor Desk
Take off T,. bet r- Take of Pocket Cap-
Puet on Pocket Cel, Put4 on Taper

Make a Tapeclred Desk Pen
out0of this ~Pocket.Pn.



Telephone 21214
CHARLES T. KLINE...........................Business Manager
NOHRIS P. JOHNSON................. r.......Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising.. ---.............................Vernon Bishop
Advertisinig....................Robert B. Callahan
4dvertising...................................William W. Davis
Servie.................. ............Byron C. Vedder
Publications........................... .....William T. iown
Circulation....................................Hary . Begley
Accounts... ...............................Richard Stratemneier
Women's Business Manager ...... ..............Ann W. Verner
Orvil Aronsen Willard Areehling Thomas Roberts
Gilbert E. Bursley Herbert Greenstone R. A. Saltzstein
Willard A. Combs John Keyser Bernard E. schnacke
Allen Clark Arthur F. Kohn Grafton W. Sharp
Gustave IDalberg_ Bernard II. Good Cecil E. Welch
Robert E. Finn James Lowe
Kathryn Bayless Ann Gallmeyer Helen Olsen
Donna Becker Ann Harsha Marjorie Rough
Genevieve Field Kathryn Jackson Mary E. Watts
Maxine Fischgrund Dorothy Laylip

Last Week's Best Sellers.
Shadows On The Rock, by Willa Cather.
Washington Merry Go Round. (Anoymous.)
Mirrors of 1932. (Anonymous.)
The American Epic, by James F. Adams.
Alexander Platz, by Dublin.
A White Bird Flying, by Bess Streeter Aldrich.
A Lantern in Her Hand, by Bess Streeter Aldrich.
A White Bird Flying, by Bess Streeter Aldrich.
Brothers in The West, by Robert Reynolds. (Har-
per Prize Novel.)
Shadows on The Rock, by Willa Cather.
Best Short Stories of 1931. Edited by Edward J.

Returns to High School
EVERYBODY, an article in a Detroit news-
paper informs us, has gone collegiate-except
the collegians. They have gone conservative, we
are, told. At last, ever since the day when the,
public adopted and the stage and screen started
in to commercialize the rah-rah spirit, we do not
have to bear the odium of baggy pants, loud over-
coats, pipes with numerals, and, last but not least,
red neckties. No more are we to be disillusioned;
the truth bas been told. Nor do we have to open
a magazine or read a paper touching on college life
and say, "This is what the public thinks of us."
To quote excerpts of the article. "The rah-rah
student has vanished with all his,.trappings. In
his place is a smoothly tailored, well-groomed,
conservative young man, and a modishly dressed
young woman, who look as if they had been poured
out of the same mold which produced the younger
business generation seen today on the streets of
any city.. ." And we heartily agree with the writer
when he says, "It is going to be a sad, sad day for
the cartoonists, the comedians of musical shows
and the song writers when they get the news that
the collegian of the present day is a sophisticated
person with a fine distaste for appearing conspicu-
ous." Which reminds us of the last time the Uni-
versity sponsored the interscholastic swimming
meet a little more than a year ago. A group of
high school students from Detroit, fearing that
among college students they would appear awfully
high-schoolish, appeared on the campus with nau-
seating "crushers" of brilliant hues. They wanted
to be, andsincerely believed they were, collegiate !
Dr. Ruthven, in commenting upon the change,
said the college student of today is far more
sophisticated than his predecessors of the turtle-
neck era. In other words, we have been growing
up; we have been completely orientated; and, in
retaliation for the "die-for-dear-old-Rutgers" theme
of the stage, screen and magazine, we have become
conservative, at times ultra-conservative, to re-
move this blemish of character. So we'll leave the
public to its collegiate ways, hoping they will get
a "kick" out of it. In the meantime, we'll continue
to live up to the new-found truth and take our hats
off to the writer and President .Ruthven.

That palatial Liberty Street cinema palace known
as the Michigan again comes to the fore with an all-
comedy bill the first half of the week wherein Fifi
of the D'Orsays appears in person to burn up the
stage while Robert of the Woolseys and Bert of the
Wheelers cavort on the talking screen in "Caught
While the inimitable Fifi only apepars for acom-
paratively short time, her act pleased a capacity
audience no end. She sings two songs from her pic-
tures, one. in French preceded by an amusing ex-
planation about the love affair of two elephants, and
generally favors with a peppy style.
"Caught Plastered" will appeal to those who enjoy
the Wheeler-Woolsey type of humor. They are quite
good in this story of two tramps who rejuvenize an
old lady's drugstore. Dorothy Lee is at her best as
the ingenue lead. B- for the picture while Fifi
D'Orsay raises the show's average to a high B.

dering back into the swirling tor-
rent that must begin again on
Monday morning.
Those few hours along Ffth ave-
nu& would be a class room of rich
material for Aldous Huxley, W.
Somerset Maugham, Sherwood An-
derson and other students of hu-
Here are mother and daughter,
neatly dressed but with desperate
looks in their eyes. Yet there is a
challenge of bravado about them
as they parade their few short
hours along an avenue of paradise.
Tonight they must fade away in-
to their hall bedroom for another
week of poverty-dictated seclusion.
That one short stroll by rich shop
windows gives them hope and cour-
age to go on for a little longer.
By Kirke Simpson
WASHINGTON - Glancing over
the record of turbulent Jim Reed
of Missouri in the political news
files of the last quarter century,
you discover one word more than
any other used to index the items
that make it up.
That is the -word "attack."
Over and over again it occurs,
telling of verbal assaults launched
by the fiery tongued, Ohio born
Missourian. His code of political
strategy has known no subtlety of
maneuvering, nothing but direct
frontal attack.
And at 70, with his active politi-
cal career supposedly behind him,
Jim Reed of Missouri looms again
as a possible pivotal figure in a
coming presidential campaign.

$5 v$7 $10
Other Parker Pens, $2.75to $3.50
Pencils to match them all, $2 to $5;
Desk ases-without pe- "but in-
cluding taper, $2.50 and uip

Change back and forth at will-Use the same pen two ways
A slender pen-taper changes the same Parker pen back
and forth in 5 peconds. This enables you to have a Desk
Set, as well as a Pocket Pen, yet save $5 to $10--the price
of a special Desk Pen.
You don't even have to buy a Desk Base to get the pen-
taper free with the pen. But you do have to go to your
Parker dealer before offer expires on Nov. 15.
Only the Parker Pen offers you this double duty feature
without extra cost. No other can give you the Pressureless
Writing Duofold Point; or Parker streamlined style. Even
the Duofold Jr. and Lady Duofold at $5 have 22% to 69%
more ink capacity than some pens priced 50% higher.
Go today to any Parker dealer. Then you can have your
pet pen both on the go and in a desk base at home or office.
Parker Pen Owners: Dealers will give taper, free, so you
can convert the pen you have, if you get a Parker Desk Base.
THE PARKER PEN COMPANY, Janesville, Wisconsin







The Pennsylvanian.
Edna Ferber, noted American novelist, in return-
ing from a recent trip to Europe, declared that she


was appalled by the contrast between the American Roosevelt Blocker
youth of college age and his European contemporary. He discloses himself as an aspi-
She pointed out that here in the United States the rant for'Missouri's democratic fa-
young men, especially, are addicted to the use of vorite son honors for 1932. In do-
a harmless form of wit, known as wisecracking, in ing so he blocked instantly a move-
their conversations, whereas the Continental youth, ment in Missouri f o r Franklin
regardless of class, has definite, and, at times, very Roosevelt of New York.
enlightening views on a variety of subjects, and ap- Just what does Reed's announce-
pears to be greatly interested in politics. ment signify?
Facts certainly support Miss Ferber's contention Has he actual hopes, even at his
concerning the European youth's interest in politics, age and with the known enemies
for even a hasty perusal of some modern history will within his own party his unsparing
reveal that changes of the governing party have tongue has left strung down the
often been due to the activity of university students. years behind him, of achieving the
In Europe, nearly every student is affiliated with long sought goal of a presidential
some political party. Over here the undergraduate nomination?
is contemptuous of politics and politicians, with Or is he merely the focal point
whom he usually associates all forms of greed and of a "Stop Roosevelt" drive, the
waste. Although the student may not be lacking in first definite hint of outspoken,'or-
understanding or interest, he is entirely passive. He ganized opposition to the tide that
fails to exhibit any of the enthusiasm shown by the seemed sweeping the New York
young men of Europe.
Who is at fault? Are we not attempting to excuse governor toward highest party hon-
our lack of interest by blaming it on a condition orshe spectre of that loering
which is of our own making? We caustically criticize Reed brow, under its mop of unruly
our government and jeer at its constituents, and and now snowy white hair, memo-
loudly declaim the value of certain legislation which ~~

Versus Gangdom

ALONG with the various Hoover economic'
schemes, the foreign situation, football and the
World Series, the nation is interesting itself in a
matter of prime importance occurring in a Chicago
courtroom. It is there in a federal district court
that Alphonse "Snorky" Capone, known king of
gangsters, is making a stand against the last bar-
rier which will keep him from thoroughly disrupt-
ing all government.
Capone, in the last several years, has success-
'fully beaten the city, county and state govern-
ments in his trials and if the Federal government
r-nnn+ hal+ +his mnar c, +to eenrit+ harP isnrnh-


is supported by the men whom we elect. At the polls
we act like a flock of sheep, blindly following the
leader-not knowing whether our vote is symbolical
of our convictions, for the party platform is a master-
piece of the art of dodging the issue.
The solution to this problem rests with college
students throughout the United States. Courses in
political science introduce the undergraduate into the
more tpehnicnl nhase sof the inhiet and such

ries of that slow reed drawl, un-
hurried even in giving play to the
scathing sarcasm that has been his
greatest political weapon, must
haunt the midnight slumbers of
Roosevelt men.
For the most fiery and uncom-
promising figure in national poli-
tics of his generation is stalking


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