N ESTABLISHED 1890 'I V Wit 4a1& .1. MEMBER. ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XLII. No. 14 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1931 TUESDA IY, OCTOBER 13, 1935 BROWN ANNOUNCES DATE OF CONTEST INCURRENTEVENTS New York Times to Give Annual Tests; Three Prizes Awarded. 20 SCHOOLS TO ENTER Former Winners Ineligible to Compete; Limited to Undergraduates. The annual New York Times Current Events contest will be held either March 1 or 2, Prof. Everett! Brown, of the political science de- partment, chairman of the com- mittee in charge of the contest, stated yesterday. "The New York Times contest is held each year in the belief that a wider understanding of public af- fairs is one of the essential parts of a college education," said Pro- fessor Brown. "With the coming presidential election, international complications, and economic mal- adjustments, there should be a great interest in public affairs on the part of college students." Covers News, Politics. "It must be remembered, how- ever," Professor Brown continued, "that the contest doesn't cover po- litical events only, but news gener- ally, including developments in art, science, explorations - everything regtded as important news." As before, three cash prizes will be awarded winners of the contest in the University, a first prize ofl $150, second prize of $75 for fresh- men and sophomores only, and a third prize of $25. The winning paper will be sent to New York for competition in the intercollegiate contest, where the best entry i awarded a $500 prize. The contest consists of two partsr the first being composed of names,1 events and places, 'which the stu- dent is to identify in a few wordsY The . second parb consists of com:n- ments, not less than 250 words long. on five out of fifteen subjects list- ed. A list of last year's questions is posted on the bulletin of the politi- cal science department, w h e r e those interested may see what type of material is used in the examin- ations. Contest Began in 1926. Twenty colleges and universities give the "eaminations each year. The University has participated in all contests, beginning in 1926. The contest covers the news f r o m March 4, 1931 until March 1 or 2,t 1932. It is open only to those who have not completed four years of} college work. Students who have won a first prize are not eligible te compete again. Roland Goodman, '32, was the winner of the last con- test; Jacob Kellmar '33, won sec-r ond prize; and Jose L. Lopez, 31- took third place. Students interested in the con-t nest who wish further information Concerning the eent, may con- sult with Professor Brown at hisk office in Angell hall.- State Bulletinst (Ry Assocatd Press) October 12, 1931 L A N S I N G-State agricultural statiticians reported to ay that farm crops in Michigan are above the average in quantity, despite the dry season, and that prices fa t farm products constitute the most discouraging factor.- SAGINAW-Issuance of bonds by; the city of Saginaw for relief o1 unemployed was approved by the state attorney general's office. The, proposed bonds will mature in three years. KALAMAZOO-Police investigat- ing the fatal shooting of L. V. White in an inner room of his of- fice here Sunday night said today his death still was a mystery. White was shot by his own gun, but a set, of burglars' tools was found in the room. PORT HURON-Members of the St. Clair county board of supervi- sors voted today to reduce their salaries from $7 to $5 a day. A petition asking that such a reduc- tion be made had been signed by a 'Kate' Keller, in Court, Faces State's Attempt to Break Down Her Character ATTY. W. D. GROMMON RAIL RELIEF PLN' NEARSCOMPLETION Hoover's Proposal to Buoy Bond Value to Be Announced Within Few Days. WASHINGTON, Oct. 12.-(IP)- President Hoover's plan to buoy the value of railroad bonds is nearing completion. Some officials expect an announcement within a few days. Word came today from the Ad- ministration quarters t h a t Mr. Hoover has a number of other plans under consideration to inject new-life into the sluggish veins of industry. One wa' skid to involve the general mortgage situation. The President has been at work on a proposal to strengthen the, finances of the railroads and help hundreds of small savings banks since his project was launched for improving credit conditions by the establishment of a $500,000,000 pri- vate corporation. Whatever is fi- nally decided upon, it is likely Con- gressional action will be required. A railroad revolving fund from which loans would be made to the carriers - is one of the proposals under consideration. Both savings banks and insur- ance companies owning rail bonds have been affected by the decline in railway earnings. Unless condi- tions improve materialy the bonds may be removed from the list of securities which state laws make aligible for savings bank and insur- ance company investments. Some improvement, however, al- ready has been obtained through State Banking Departments en- abling the banks to retain the bonds and write off losses over a period of time. The relief proposal was said in Administration circles to depend to some extent on the Interstate Com- merce Commission decision on the application for a 15 per cent in- °rease in freight rates. A decision is expected at any time. Ruthven to Be Given Honorary LID. Degree President Alexander G. Ruthven will attend the inauguration cere- monies which are to be held on Oct. 24 at Morningdale College, Sioux City, Ia., where he will re- ceive the honorary degree of Doc- tor of Laws. He was awarded this degree two years ago but will re- ceive it next week when Robert E. O'Brian is inducted into office as president of the college. President Ruthven represented the University last night at the in- auguration of Wynand Wichers, new president of Hope College, at Howell, Mich. Varsity Band Will Go to Princeton Contest Michigan's Varsity band will at- tend the Princeton-Michigan game on Oct. 31, at Princeton, N. J., Her- bert G. Watkins, assistant secre- tary of the University and faculty adviser of the band ----etrohli imes Phloto. KATHERINE KELLER ATTY KENNETH HUGGETT witnesses Testify to Intimate Relationships of Defendant With Smith. Katherine Keller, sweetheart of Fred Smith, convicted torch killer, heard state's witnesses attack her character and tell of her intimacy with Smith as she sat yesterday in the third day of her trial as accessory after the fact in the Ypsilanti murders. That her relations with Smith were of an intimate nature was brought to light by Madden Duty, a neighbor of the Keller family in Hillsdale township, who testified that he had spent the night in the Curtiss home in Ypsilanti, in company with Smith, Miss Keller, and Katherine's sister Eunice, "more than once." Duty told the jury that he had frequently heard Miss Keller say, "Freddie and I are going to get married," but declared that she wasI probably only "kidding." Students Testify. Another shot aimed indirectly at1 Miss Keller's character by the state came from two students at Michi-i gan State Normal college, in Ypsi- i lanti, who declared that after her first arrest and subsequent release, Thursday, Aug. 13, she had been aroused by a deputy sheriff who questioned her. They told the jury that she had, spoken of the deputy in language "extremely profane" and had said, "If he doesn't leave me alone I'll bust him with a beer bottle. I think I'd better leave town until this3 blows over." The state's attempt to prove that OFFICERS TO SEEK COUNTERFEIT RINGI Government Men to Investigate Printing of Fake Tickets. Federal officers are expected to arrive in Ann Arbor today to open an investigation into the workings of the master counterfeiter who is believed to head the ring that soldj numerous football tickets to spec- tators at the Michigan-Chicago game Saturday, Officials believe the gang has been working for some time, and that its operations have reached into numerous s p o r tin g events through Michigan. Numerous reports were received yesterday afternoon from all sec- tions of the state, saying that hun- dreds of spurious tickets have been passed off at various sport esvents. Government officials are inter- ested in the graft, it was said yes- terday, because they believe any person who would make football tickets so nearly perfect could turn out bank notes with equal skill. The attempt to pass off counter- feit tickets was revealed Saturday when a gateman discovered that a ticket when torn in two, was not made with the same stock as the regulation tickets. Eleven Detroit youths are being held in jail here pending a hearing for obtaining money under false pretenses. Bulletin EBBETS FIELD, Brooklyn, O c t. 12.-(.P)--Jack Sharkey, Boston heavyweight contender, Miss Keller had tried to destroy evidence of the crimes gained momentum yesterday when Andrew Chaffion, farm hand on the Smith farm, stated that he had driven Smith and Miss Keller to the Wig- get home in Ypsilanti, where she was employed, the night after the murders, and that she had gone into the house and returned with a package which she handed to Smith with the remark, "I've wash- ed your shirt." Smith's Brother on Stand. Smith's 16-year old brother Sam- uel testified that he knew Miss Kel- ler possessed a revolver, and that they had used the weapon in target practice during the summer of 1930. He denied that he had seen the pistol since that time. A party in the Curtiss home the night after the murders were dis- covered was revealed by Helen Crippen Twist, who stated that she had seen Smith and Miss Keller to- gether there, but denied that she had heard them mention the crime. Subpoenas were issued for addi- tional witnesses yesterday. Louis Chamberlain and George Fram, members of the Wayne county sher- iff's department, are to be called into court as defense witnesses, it was announced. Faculty Men Urged to Order Daily Now All members of the faculty who have not subscribed to the Daily are urged to do so during the current week in order to get full benefit of the subscription. Faculty men with the rank of an instructor or above are en- titled to a free paper. Subscrip- tions are to be turned in to the Secretary's office in University Hall. SEEK JURY PROBE OF $450000 BOND SWINDLE__CHARGES Petition Says Four Detroit, Windsor Firms Defrauded Washtenaw Citizens. STOCKS WATERED, CLAIM Sample Asked for Investigation of Statements; Criminal Action May Result. Charges that $450,000 was obtain- ed from 200 citizens of Washtenaw county by the sale of spurious bonds issued by four Detroit and Windsor companies h e a d e d by Howard C. Wade, city treasurer of Detroit during the Bowels adminis- tration, are contained in an infor- mal petition filed yesterday with Judge George W. Sample for inves- tigation by his one-man grand jury, it was revealed by representa- tives of the victims. Two in Receiver's Hands. Two of the firms are now in the hands of receivers, it was said. The companies involved are the Mortgage Guaranty Co., United States Bond and Mortgage Co., and the United States Trust Co., all of Detroit, and the United Bond Co., of Windsor. In the petition it is stated that $500,000 in -watered stocl of the United States Bond Mortgage Co. was given as security for the $450,- 000 bond issue. Byron Hunt,of Manchester, sign- ed the statement, making it public before presenting it to the judge. Reguests Action if True. The petition asks that Judge Sample investigate, andarequest criminal action if the claims are found to be true.. It was under- stood the judge would look into the matter immediately. The securities were approved by the State Securities commission, it was said. COLLEGE STUDENTS SCORN BAD DICTION Columbia Professors Criticized for Improper Usages of English. (SPecial to The Daily) NEW YORK, Oct. 12.-Students at Columbia university have taken a stand against English professors who are continually making fun of student publications, and h a v e published a list of full professors who are "murdering" the king's English. The agitation, which has been brewing for some time, did not be- come a matter of public record un- til the Spectator, student publica- tion, suddenly published an article directed a g a i n s t the infinitive- splitting professors. Horrified students gasped when a "black list" of 26 prominent met- aphor-mixers was printed. The editors complair that the professors say "don't" for "doesn't" at least a dozen times in one lec- ture, that they end sentences with horrible prepositions, and that they hang participles with all the aban- don of a buccaneer on the Spanish Main. Numerous letters are showering into the publication office. Do Students Drink? No, Claims Newkirk Ann Arbor is lily white-or, at least, Mayor H. W i r t Newkirk thinks it is. "In the years since prohibition I have seen only one drunken stu- dent on the streets of Ann Arbor," the mayor said last night. "Ann Arbor is as quiet following football games as on Sundays. When I was in school it was a perfect riot after the big games." Newkirk's statements were made following a speech before the Stu- dent Christian association in which he defended the younger genera- tion and attacked opposition to the 18th amendment. "Less than $100,000 is spent an-' nually on liquor in the city, while 50 years ago the annual liquor bill here was approximately $600,000." In conclusion, Mayor Newkirk attacked the much-praised Cana- dian system and likened the 'Cana- dian "beer parlors" to the old-timet American saloon. Referring to his scrap book of newspa r clippings, he cited cases of open drinking by young girls in the Canadian "beer parlors," heavy week-end arrests for drunkenness in Windsor, andt the great increase in liquor expen- ditures by workingmen under gov- ernment control Mayor Newkirk warned the stu-t dents never to disgrace those whoI had sacrificed themselves to sendt them here by indulging in liquor. "Most liquor drinking begins in ans attempt to show off and then con- tinues through the enslaving al- cholic effects."s CAUCUSES TO OPEN;( POLITICALBTTLEt Two Campus Machines to Starti Organizing Members for Fall Elections. By Barton Kane. Campus political groups will start swinging their adherents into linej this week when Washtenav and State Street seniors hold their first caucuses. State Street representatives willl meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the1 Theta ' Delta Chi house to begin formal plans for a short campaign, the elections being scheduled for ' Monday of next week. Fred Crum- i packer, who was chairman last1 year, has not returned to school,! and Jim North will probably call the meeting to order. It is expect- ed that he will be elected perman- ent chairman for the remainder of the year. The Washtenaw faction, follow- ing Democratic tactics, will wait until Thursday night for its cau- cus. Howard Gould has already been elected chairman, and will preside. The time and place of the gathering have not yet been an- nounced. Three elections in the class of '32, as well as the recent student council appointments, have elimi- nated many men who might have' aspired to the senior class presi- dency. However, there are still at least three men on each party who have their boosters and will prob- ably attempt to win the nomina- tions. On the State Street side there are Charles Kline, member of last year's executive committee, Wallace Miller, who was slated to run on the. J-Hop committee, and Edward Frey, last year's J-Hop chairman nominee. lIvid Nichol, Ralph Hardy, sophomore class president, and John Denler, senior student council member, are slated to fight it out for the Washtenaw nomination. Anderson to Address. University Press Club Sherwood Anderson, nationally known novelist, has accepted an invitation to speak at the three- day meeting at University Press Club to be held here Nov. 19, 20 and 21. Mr. Anderson has done consider- able research in the newspaper field. At present he owns two small newspapers. His talk will deal with country journalism as a career, and is to be given at the Friday eve- ning banquet, Nov. 20. NOTICE The Judiciary committee of the Inter-fraternity council will CHINESE LEADER THREATENS WARrN LEAGUE WILL ACT Chiang Seeks to Force Just Settlenment by Pressure. U.S MARKS TIME' Awaits Action on Part of Geneva Before Intervening. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS A threat of war was made by the President of Chita Monday on the eve of consideration by the League of Nations council in Geneva today of the Man- churian controversy between Japan and China. An unofficial conference of Chinese and Jap- anese in Tokio was also con- sidering the situation. President Chiang Kai-Shek has threatened war against Japan un- less the league obtained a "just set-. tlement" for China. The Chinese president charged Japanese troops were occupying Manchuria without justification. Chang's statement was not taken seriously in Japan where a foreign office spokesman said it was merely an effort to force the league and United States to intervene in Man- churia. Must Settle Own Dispute. The foreign office spokesman said that the matter was one for Japan and China to settle and that China must protect Japanese residents in Manchuria before soldiers would be withdrawn. Japanese and Chinese officials, meeting informally in Tokio, to consider terms of a settle- ment did not comment on the war threats. In Washington it was understood in official quarters that the Amer- ican government -was awaiting action by the league before taking any new steps to end hostilities. No reports of further fighting in Manchuria were received during the last 24 hours. WASHINGTON, O c t. 12.- (M- With Japan and China showing a disposition to substitute words for bullets in their Manchurian dispute, the American Government tonight looked forward hopefully to an early and peaceable settlement. A report late in the day from Tokio that Chinese and Japanese officials had undertaken to arrange for settlement of their difficulties by direct negotiation was seen as the most hopeful sign since the trouble began. Portent to Decide League The development cameo just as the neutral nations of the/lworld were preparing to play their trump card to prevent war-concerted ac- tion un der the Kellogg-Briand pact.. A momentous test of the effi- cacy of the pact in the hands of the League of Nations had been expected at a special session of the League's Council tomorrow. COUCILTOFIGHT FOR LOWER RATES M'Cormick to Represent Student Council at Hearing Tonight. The Student council, represented by President Edward J. McCor- mick, will present the case of the student body. in the fight for low- er taxicab rates and elimination of "free-lance" cabs before- the Ann Arbor council at the open hearing tonight on the proposed amend- ment to the city cab ordinance. The hearing, originally announc- ed for last night, was postponed at the request of Ald. Benjamin Graf, acting head of the ordinance committee. It is understood stu- dents will attempt to get lower maximum rates, without necessi- tating the use of expensive meters. If students anid cab operators, who also will be represented at the hearing, agree on the changes to be made, the amendment probably will be passed next Monday, Oct. 19, and will go into effect Thurs- day, Oct. 29. Ah Ouil Tlees Ann Arbor Water, Says F ifi, Eet Ees Very Terrible HH! Oui! Oui! 'zere she was!' Zee grande Fifi! Not a peec-I ture but in zee flesh, and typing away on a small portable to the tunes of a dreamy tango Vic- trola record as I walked timidly into her dressing room backstage at the Michigan Sunday night. Attired in flaming orange loung- ing pajamas, she greeted me apolo- getically as s h - stopped typing and, . t ur n ed off thrt phonograph. "1' was once a steno-. g r ap her, y ou know? Yes, yes- and not from Par- is, non, non!" she nulip.MlU v xn1a inpr <><; would be 'Let's Get Ze H--Out of Paris,'" she laughed. This was a swell intcf'iew, I soon realized, for the vivacious Madam- oiselle D'Orsay talked continually faster and I had merely to sit back and enjoy her charming antics for half an hour. She got up repeated- ly, paced across the floor enacting scenes from her pictures, imitated Will Rogers on and off the set "ah, he ees nice," slapped her thighs and wrinkled her nose with laugh- ter at the recollection of Will's practical jokes, beamed and tossed her dark locks around at the thought of her fiance (Terrence Ray) and the fun they had mak- ing "Young As You Feel" ("zat waz grand!").