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Everybody has his own idea of what real economy means .
. .you
have yours . . . and I have mine... maybe we agree, and maybe
we don't... but I'd like to set my idea down here, and see if you
don't think it's logical reasoning ,. . We all know that now is a
mighty goodtime to buy ... values are certainly the best in years
... so it isn't good economy to pull the old pocketbook string too
tight and miss these values . . . neither is it smart to throw your
dollars to the four winds... The best economy is spending wisely
... spending well... making every dollar do its full duty!. .. And
that goes for cleaning, too!... IDo you know that Goldman Bros.
are the only cleaners in Ann Arbor who have Miraclean? . . And
Valeteria Form-Pressing? .. . Do you know that Miraclean and Valeteria Form-
Pressing are yeairs ahead of ordinary methods in quality and value? ... And do you
know that Goldman Bro
pay for ordinary every-d
s. give you these exclusive services at the same prices you
ay quality? . .. 75c for a man's suit, cash and carry ... $1.00
called for
$1.25 and
so pleased
and delivered ... $1.00 and $1
$1.50 called for and delivered .
and Valeteria Form-Pressing ...
you'll wish you had tried them.
L.25 for plain dresses, cash and carry .. .
.. I hope you will try Goldman Bros.'
for I'm sure that when you do, you'll be
?1ax Qoidman
President Goldman Bros. Cleaners
)i clean a' a breath-of Fpring
Phone 4213
5 Stores in Ann Arbor:
214 South State Street 1115 South University
703 Packard Street 113 East Liberty Street
701 South State Street
(Corner Monroe Street)
Ann Arbor's Oldest and Largest Cleaners. Ann Arbor's Only
gleaners with Miraclean and Valeteria Form-Pressing. Member
of the Miraclean Institute of the United States and Canada. Also
Member of the National Association of Cleaners and Dyers,