THE MICHIGAN DAILY f iidligatt Dail Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant 1ostmaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; b~r mail, $4.50 Office.s: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR RICHARD L. TOBIN News Editor. ...............................David M. Nichol Editorial Director...............................Beach Conger, Jr. City Editor ....................................Carl Forsythe Sports Editor .............................Sheldon C. Fullerton Women's Editor..... ....................Margaret M. Thompson Screen Reflections.........................Bertram J. Askwith Assistant News Editor............ .... . . . . . ...Robert L. Pierce Hoover and Business Rejuvenation TTo) !ED IDENTIFICATION CARDS ARE ' ! Frank B. Gilbreth Roland Goodman Karl Seiffert NIGHT EDITORS J. Culen Kennedy James Inglis Denton C. Kunze Jerry E. Rosenthal George A. Stauter Wilber J. Myers Brian Jone , Stanley Arnhelm Sam Bagley Lawson L. Becker Thomas Cornnellan Ralph I. Cooper Lester M. Harrison Morton Helper Joseph Hoffman Josephine Woodhams Annette Cummings Dorothy Brockman Alma Wadsworth Marjorie Thomson Georgia Geisman Sports Assistants john W. Thomas REPORTERS James Krotozyner Robert' Merritt Hlenry AMeyer Marion Mijezewski Albert Newman Jerome Pettit John Pritchard Joseph Renihan Beatrice Collins Ethel Arehart Barbara Hall Susan Manchester Margaret O'Brien Louise Crandall /. John S. Townsend Charles A. Sanford SW EDNESDAY President Hoover met with leading bankers and real estate men to dis cuss his plan by which the government will ai banks in giving credit for home building plans From all appearances the result will certainly be most encouraging. The sudden rise of apparently lifeless stocks and a show of unprecedented con fidence in financial circles already forecasts thi ultimate end. Ever since the depression began to effect the national government, Hoover has searched foi various means through which the people might regain their lost confidence. Many schemes were put on foot, all well advertised and encouraged by "big names" but always the result proved dis- heartening. A few months ago, he organized his unemploy- ment relief committee with more "big names" but as yet, no definite results have been reached. His latest plan, mentioned above, might prove the needed stimulus which business needs.... .... General conditions and the stock market have always gone hand in hand, either the stocks fol- lowing business or business following stocks. At present, no one is ignorant of the low mark which both institutions have reached and everyone is sincere in wanting to alleviate conditions. As soon as the news of the conference in Wash- ington reached Wall Street, stocks shot up and a new life entered the financial world. With the relation stocks have to business conditions, the conclusions people can come to are obvious. We do not want to appear too hopeful nor do we expect a federal subsidization of home building to prove a panacea which will lift us out of a slough into which the whole world has fallen, but from these early indications things might improve a little, anyhow. Home building long ago was urged by the President and other leaders but no one seemed !h I" L D C Alfred Stresen-Reuter William Thai G. R. Winters Charles ,Woolner Brackley Shaw Ford Spikerman Parker Snyder vU wm - W~ BEI 0 N S T A T E S T d NOW IN VIEW! Yesterday we went over to Room 4 In order to get our Pcture Card and if we hadn't been an intimate y friend of Tom Muir we would have - been there yet. (Alright, alright, s Tom, you needn't get hard about it; we'll never say it again.) We e had a perfectly wonderful time all r yesterday afternoon scaring peo- ple with it. We would pull it out quick when they weren't expect- ing it and shout "BOO" and they would jump about two inches and - a half. Then they would tell us what we looked like. It was just like Hallowe'en. Nobody who saw the picture thought the same way about it, and a few even told us that it was a good likeness, but we suspect that they said that because they didn't know us very well and feared the power of the press. Here are a few of the answers. * * * "You look like a hound listening to a hunter's bugle."-T. Cooley. "Now isn't that a lovely thing." -Dr. Binkley. "You look like a rabbit gettin4 ready to hop."-Red Laskey. "You look like a moron-a man going to prison."-H. Gage. "You look kind of worried."-H. Patterson. "You look like a guy who is grad- uating from the Eight (-ade."- Dr. Kunze. "Alias Dopey Joe."-B. Conger. "You look like Huckelberry Finn with Indigestion:"-Peg O'Brien. "You look 'like a little boy who has just been told that the stork didn't bring him." Somebody who ought to have known better than to have said such a thing to us. (Name on request). "Why you look just like George Arliss."-E. Feldman. "Hurray! Friture! Hurray ! "-R. : L. Tobin. i. r BLACK DIRT $2.00 Per Load KILLINS GRAVEL COMPANY Telephone 7112 11 In these days of extracting one hundred cents from every dollar, the Ann Arbor Savings Prank can be doubly valuable to you, for its counsel and service are based upon I EXTRA PANTS FREE Suit ...............$25 Suit ..$35 All Guaranteed to Fit CHAS. DOUKAS 1319 South University . 11 I om Qile Miller Elsie Feldman Eileen Blunt Eleanor Itairdon Martha Littleton Prudence Foster BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 CHARLES T. KLINE............... .........Business Manager NORRIS P. JOHNSON............... ......Assistant Manager Department Managers Advertising............- ..-.... ...-.--..- Vernon Bishop Advertising........ ............Robert B3. Callahan Advertising...............................William W. Davis Service ......................... ... .Byron C.' Vedder Publications...............................William T. Brown Circulation .... ... ... ,........... ..:..arry It. Begley Accounts ..... ................Richard Stratemeier Women's Business Manager................... ...Ann W. Verner Assistants Orvil Aronsen Willard Freehling Thomas Roberts Gilbert E. Bursley herbert Greenstone R. A. Saltzstein Willard A. Combs John Keyser Bernard E. Schnacke Allen Clark Arthur F. Kohn Graf ton W. Sharp Gustave Dalberg iernard H. Good Ceciir. Welch Robert E. Finn James Lowe R, !~ryn Bayless Ann Gallmeyer Helen Olsen Donna Becker Ann Harsha Marjorie Rough Genevieve Field Kathryn Jackson Mary E. Watts Maxine Fischgrund Dorothy Laylin, NIGHT EDITOR--J. CULLEN KENNEDY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1931 6 years of varied experienec. Ann Arbor Savings Bank to pay much attention to it. Now, when every-' thing else has been tried and hasn't proven suca cessful, this might. At least, it may instill a mite of confidence in the public mind which is, after all, the desired result. With the open houses for fraternities a matter of less than two weeks away, the prospective rushees can now take memory courses and harden their hands for a few evenings of remembering multitudi- nous names and shaking practiced hands for hours at a time.W North Main Street North University '1 How Much Time Are Activities Worth? FIFTY years ago there were very few outside activities which students could indulge in; there was, probably, only one, and that was not legal. University records of 1849 or, thereabouts show that several men were expelled from school for a "drinking spree." Yet one is inclined to wonder today whether or not the time spent on extra-curricular activities is wasted. Students spent enormous amounts of time on such phases of their college life. Is it worth while? Sometimes a complete afternoon is given over to some phase of an activity;;when two or more activities are undertaken, when shall the student study? Extra-curicular activities in college tend to be overemphasized. Football, especially, bears the brunt of the attack. Yet there ate hundreds of other students who work hours daily writing stor- ies for papers, selling tickets in box offices, con- ducting tryouts for theatricals or rehearsing, tak- I, C II B 0OX S i And that doesn't begin to in- clude all those people who did- n't want to hurt our feelings, or one thing or another. A few were left speechless and we mustn't forget them. Below we print our picture as the Uni- versity has it. We don't think it's very good either, but then one mustn't be too critical. iT SrI I LIVING PHILO$OPHIES (A symposium). Simon and Schuster:$2.00. Some one on the staff of Forum magazine, it mat- ters not who, conceived the idea that a series of brief credos, written by outstanding modern thinker , might prove profitable to the magazine and the woidd at large. Therefore Henry Goddard Leach, astute Forum editor, proceeded to collect one of the most remarkable philosophical symposia that it has been our good fortune to encounter; these he published, one by one, in successive issues of Forum during 1928- 30. We now have the rare privilege of reading, with several additions, these credos in parallel in a volume called "Living Philosophies." The writers, all eminent ing care of routine work in the larger student intellectuals, include in their number Albert Einstein, organizations where there are executive functions H. G. Wells, Fridtjof Nansen, John Dewey, Bertrand to fill. Russell, George Jean Nathan, and 16 others of similar This overemphasis, however, has also been note. responsible for a myth which has caused the crown of success to'be placed on the brow of the activities Perhaps the best contribution from a standpoint man before he leaves college. Because he has been of unity and lucidity (if one can, for a moment, doff prominent in college work, he is destined for suc- his individual philosophical prejudices) are the cess in later life. But, as we have pointed out, splendidly expressed credos of John Dewey and H. this is but a myth. Yet this myth is.responsible G. Wells. It would be difficult to hit upon two more for a gradual tendency away from the spirit which coipletely different expressions of personal belief. first encouraged activities. Organizations were Dewey expounds the philosophy of every-day exper- then groups of students who had similar interests ience; Wells sketches the merging of individual outside their studies which they wished to pursue thought into the total quantity of the human race. in common. "Men who look for a single purport and a single Today fraternities, unfortunately, regard the end" (of the universe), says Dewey, "either frame an extra-curicular activities as races in which to enter idea of them according to their private desires and their members; the "prestige" of the house, what- tradition, or else, not finding any such single unity, ever that might be, is considered more important give up in despair and conclude that there is no ever that might e, is cheimem . Thu important genuine meaning and value in any of life's episodes. trehnt ihesoutforveiousac. Thus fi ... There is no need of deciding betwen no meaning freshmen trying .out for various act&ties because at all and one single, all-embracing meaning. There their seniors told them to do so. are many meanings and many purposes in the situ- It must be conceded, however, that those stu- ations with which we are confronted-one, so to say, dents who succeed in their outside work are those for each situation." who have been- interested from the star.t and enjoy "I do not believe in the least that either the body the work. It would be useless to try to make a of H. G. Wells or his personality is immortal," says journalist out of an embryo actor; or an actor out Wells, the biological dreamer, "but I do believe that of one whose interests lie along athletic lines. It the growing process of thought, knowledge, and will will cause fewer disappointments among the fresh- of which we are parts, of which I am a part, and of which you are a part, may go on growing in range men. .and power forever. I think that Man is immortal, Extra-curricular work has been the point of but not men." many an attack through reports, speeches, or com- We maypass over the ponderous incoherence oi mittees. For reasons listed above, students have Theodore ("Genius") Dreiser in favor of the amuse- become disinterested in their work and have not ment, almost comic relief, in fact, of the ultra- hesitated to tell professors why. The activity is modern, hedonistic credo of the critic, George Jean blamed instead ofi the individual, who is really at Nathan. S fault. But those who succeed, those who enjoy A few scattered extracts may be quoted: "A man's 'the work, are students who really want to work in beliefs, after all, save he be a professional practi- that particular field.Is ir not worth while to them? tioner of letters and hence a racketeer of words, a self-blackmailer, and a Judas unto himself, are and To the freshmen this year, we offer a word of should be his private, personal property, as his love - advice-if you participate in activities, choose making or his underwear.. . Although I myself, due them carefully. If it is the prestige, the glory of doubtless to defective skill, have to work pretty hard . the senior position that attracts you-stick to your I do not believe in too hard work. . . I believe in the sudies. A student forced into outside work is apt state of bachelorhood, at the very least'up to tne Smiley ,CH!IMES (This is a reprint from the In- diana Daily Student of October 2. 1931. We don't know who the au- thor is,.but we rather like this lit- tle excerpt.) "As we said, we labor far into the night. We jump out of bed eagerly-how we hate. 1 i a r s-to brush our teeth up and down ten times apiece before we go to break- fast. Enter us (we're at the toast and coffeery now)-enter coed. Oh, any coed, Elmer, what difference does that make? She picks up a copy of the Student. Pound-Pound- Pound. Business of heart; palpita- ting. She looks at the front page. Glances at Band Drive publicity and pictures of Miss Solar System. Then (big moment now) she turns to page two. In case you're reading this and you probably aren't, its on page two. Is she going to read CHIMES? Something happened yester- day that made our heart go bing, and swell up big as any- thing. Dr. Case said that a prerequisite for his course (Or- ganic Evolution) is a reading of "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass." Its a real pleasure to find someone who appreciates Alice. We read it every year all over again and we like it better each time. We are very fond of "The Hunting of the Snark" too, but Alice holds first place in our heart. '* * * The Gargoyle office is still seeth- ing and fermenting. which is a FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts. Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, Minister 10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship. "COURAGEOUS REASON." Dr. Fisher 7:30 P. M.-Evening Worship. "THOMAS JEFFERSON AND .RELIGION." Dr. Edgar DeWitt Jones, of Detroit (Wesleyan Guild Lecture). THE FIRST BAPTIST 'IHURCH E. Huron, below State R. Edward Sayles, Minister Howard R. Chapman, Minister for Students. 9:30 A. M.-The Church School, Mr. Wallace Watt, Superintendent. 10:45 P. M:-The Hon. Grant M. Hudson member of the Allied Campaigners will discuss the 18th Amendment and Prohibtion. 12:00 Noon-Discussion omitted to- day. 5:30 P. M.-Friendship Hour at Guild House. 6:30 P. M.-Devotional Meeting. Miss Jean Davidson Grad., will lead, with the topic, "Making the Grade." We Are Supporting the Allied Campaigners. TIE WESLEY FOUNDATION - State and Huron Streets METHODIST STUDENTS AT WESLEY HALL DISCUSS RELIGION 12 M.. SUNDAY UNDER ABLE LEADERS Freshmen, Prof. Carrothers. Upperclassmen, Dr. Blakeman Graduates a Forum. HILLEL FOUNDATION Cor. East University Ave. & Oakland Philip Bernard Heller, Director Philip Bernstein, Assistant to the Director Sunday, October 11 11:00 A. M.-Services in the Chapel of the Women's League Building. Rabbi Heller will speak on "The Effect of the Economic Depression on Spiritual Values." Conservative services each Friday eveing 7:00 P. M. at the Founda- tion. 1 - FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Huron and Division Sts. Merle H. Anderson, Minister Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate 9:30 A. M.-Class for Freshmen meets at the Church House, 1432 Washtenaw Avenue. 10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship. Sermon: "Who Are Your Own?" 12:00 Noon-Class for Upper-class- men at the Church. 5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young People. 6:30 P. M.-Young People's Meet- ing. Speaker: Robert Ropp, one of the Allied Campaigners. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Allisdn Ray Heaps, Minister Sunday, October 11 10:45 A. M.-Sermon by Mr. Heaps. Subject: "THE N E ED OF BRAINS IN RELIGION." 5:30 P. M.-Student Fellowship. Supper followed by address by Rev. B. N. Dukes of Jackson, Mich., on "The Need of. a New Social Philosophy." FIRST CHURCH CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 S. Division St. 10:30 A. M-Regular Morning Serv- ice. Sermon topic: "Are Sin, Death, and Death Real?" 11:45 A. M.-Sunday School follow- ing the morning service. 7:30 P. M.-Wednesday Evening Testimonial Meeting. The Reading Room, 10 and 11 State Savings Bank Building, isopen daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except "Familiarity with the Scriptures is the most valuable, part of a man's education."-President Angell, Uni- versity of Michigan. RO THE "UPPER ROOM" BIBLE CLASS For all "Michigan" Men. The Class that is "Different." The Class with a History and a Prospect. Every Saturday Evening, from Seven to Eight O'clock. "Discussion" Section meets Sun- day Morning at 9:30. Meetings . held in the "Upper Room," Lane Hall, 212 South State Street. Read the "Upper Room" Bulletin, published weekly. Everything free to Sudnt:T,.v ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third and West Liberty Sts. C. A. Brauer, Pastor Sunday, October 11 9:30 A. M.-German Service. 9:45 A. M.-Church School. 10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship. The Pastor will speak on "The Christian's Beauty in the World." 5:30-6:30 P. M.-Fellowship Hour and Supper. and Supper. Dr. W. B. Stoddard of Washington, D. C., will speak on "Church or Lodge." 7.0 P t~.r.. 11 11 I1 II Al