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October 10, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-10

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.LII. No. 12







orwalder, Pray, Osbon, Woods,
Wiggett, Squires, and Odem,
Give Testimony.
'dem Repudiazes Former Report
That Murderers Had Been at
Speakeasy Before Crime.
Attempting to draw a connected
ory out of the. tangled mass . of
rcumstances surrounding t h e
rch murders, the state delivered
e opening blasts ,yesterday in
rcuit court in Jts battle to prove
atherine Keller, sweetheart of
ed Smith, guilty of harboring
id assisting the ringleader in the
lling of four young persons Aug.
near Ypsilanti.
Howard Forwalder, awaiting sen-
nee en a liquor charge, and Otis
lem, keeper of the speakeasy
here the slayers congregated, were
.e chief witnesses called. They
me at the end of the day, after
aunty Clerk Claramon L. Pray,
wis Osbon, Dr. J. J. Woods, John
Wiggett, and Lynn Sqluires, eject-
* deputy sheriff, were called.
Courtroom Packed
The courtroom was packed, with
ore than 200: spectators seated
d about 50 standing outside the
ors. Court offieisls, members of
e bar, pricipals in the case, re-

'Rail Road Jack,' History Expert,
Challenges University Professors

He was pushing a wheelbarrow
along State street. In front of
Nickels Arcade, he stopped and
paused, resting his burden, on
which was 'placed a huge red sign,
bearing white letters against a red
background, reading "RAIL 'ROAD
"Mention the name of any char.-
acter of prominence in history,
boys," he asked students, "and if
I attempt an answer and make one
mistake I will forfeit ten dollars."
Taking him on his word, they,
started in, and Railroad Jack was
soon supplying vital facts. in the
lives of such persons of historical
importance as Aristotle, Gregory
VII, Henry VIII, and Richard the
Lion Hearted. One asked the name
of Napoleon Bonaparte's first wife's
husband, and Railroad Jack an-
swered correctly.
Railroad Jack was born Harry
Cooper in Oskosh, Wisconsin. He
was educated at Wisconsin State
Normal school and Rush Medical
school int Chicago.
Though dressed in a shabby'
black suit and slouched hat, Jack
claims that he "frequently dolls
up, wears a silk hat, high collar
and things to match."
He asked one of the boys to tell
Complete Coma May Be Result
of Condition in Which Aged
Inventor Is Found.

him the year, month, and date of
his birth and if unable to tell him
the day he was born on within one
second he'd forfeit ten dollars. He
was right.
He -mopped his brow, picked up
his wheelbarrow and continued
down State street.
The following challenge appears'
under Rail Road Jack's signature:
"To whom it may concern:
'Know~ all mhen by these presents:
That I, Harry D. Cooper, known far
and wide as Rail Road Jack, his-
tory expert, and philosopher of the
simple life, do hereby agr.ee to pay
to any professor of the University
of Michigan one hundred dollars
($100) who in a public demonstra-
(Continued on page 6)
The office of the Dean of Stu-
dents, room 2 University Hall,
will be. open until 12:30 o'clock
to accomodate students whol have
not called for their identifica-
tion cards. All students must
have these cards before attend-
ing the game Saturday after-

Unity of Action Follows Recent
Proposals to Improve
Credit Conditions.
Faces Problem of Stabilization
of Rail Bonds; Increased
Earnings Sought.
plan with a double purpose-to
strengthen the finances of the rail-
roads and help hundreds of small


Gcrman Liner Picks Up
Aviator's Body at Sea
PARRSBORO, N. S., Oct. 9.-(VP)-
Local agents of the North German
Lloyd Steamship Line were advised
today that the body of Lieut. Fritz
Simon, one of two aviators who died
Tuesday in the crash of a mail
plane from the steamer Bremen,
was found this afternoon.
A motor boat was dispatched to
Cobequio Bay to bring the body to
Parrsboro. The plane, which also
carried Pilot Wauchnecht, was
catapulted from the Bremen Mox-
day 800 miles at sea.
Lefty Grove Holds St. Louis to
One Run; Paul Derringer
Runs Wild.

1. [

told how Blackstone had
it his house, and related
day or two before the mur-
e killers and Kate were at
drinking and singing. The
y man is now serving 2 to
on a liquor law conviction.
uspected Blackstone
alled that Blackstone gave
.38 caliber revolver the
after the murders, a cir-
ce which made him im-
y suspicious. He handed
over to Police Chief Ralph
I, of Ypsilanti, at once, and
its evidence that led to the
and confession of the "hot
nan," the first of the kill-

WEST RANGE;,1q. 'J . Oct. 4.-
; } ---Trie'oil f Th Ai>Et, di-
son eagerly grasped a thread of
hope today when the aged inventor
sat up in bed long enough to be,
However, Dr. Hubert S. Howe had
found it dificult to rouse Mr. Edi-
son in the morning, and said then
that the stout-hearted veteran of
long hours in the laboratory seem-
ed to be slipping into a stupor.
Such a condition, he said, usually
precedes a complete coma. Dr.
Howe explained that a patient
could be roused from a stupor but
not from a comatose state..
"I do not think death is im-
mediately imminent," Dr. Howe
said, "but I would not be surprised
to receive an emergency call at any
time now."
"Mr. Edison has spent a quiet
comfortable day," said a bulletn
issued by Charles Edison, his son,
at 5 p. m. "There seems to be little
change in his condition since this


Forwalder told a c o m ple t e,
;hough rambling and self-conflict-,
ng story of the activities of Fred,
Smith and Kate Keller during the'
wo weeks before the murders and
he Tuesday and Wednesday after

Spent Fortune for Luxuries, ButZ
Refused to Pay Federal
Income Tax.
CHICAGO, Oct. 9.-(A)-A Ai-
phonse Capone who speht money
like a feudal lord was portrayed
today by the Government when
charges-he was too stingy to pay at
tax. With a hotel clerk and cashierc
on the witness stand, the prosecu-k
tion read into the records of Al+
Capone s income tax trial suchl
items as "$1,500 room rent" and
"$633 incidentals."
From early in 1925 to 1928, Mac
Ramsey Smith, clerk and cashier,
said Ca'pone; occupied a five-roomt
suite in the Metropole Hotel. He'
paid always in cash, sometimes
with bills as high as $500, and tip-
ped frequently at $5 a tip, Smith;
Paid for Rooms for Guests. t
Three or four other men usually
occupied the suite with Capone, the
witness said, and in addition there
were usually at least a half dozen
other rooms in which guests of
Capone stayed.
Asked if the gang leader's rooms
were furnished better than thel
others, Smith 'said emphatically, "I
never was in those rooms." His
duty, he said, was merely to accept
the money from the big gangster
and record it on the cash sheets.
He did not know what the monthly
rental was.
Fred Avery, former manager of
the hotel, said he got inside the
Capone suit just once, about the
time of the Dempsey-Tunney fight.
He asked the gangster for some
money for the eight rooms he then
occupied, Avery said. "The next
day he paid the bill, I think it was
about $3,000.sHe paid it in cash
from his pants pocket."
'Outgo Indicates Income.'
Capone's attorneys objected to,
the introduction of his detailed ex-
penditures, Albert Fink saying, "I'
thought the Government had to
prove his income, not his outgo."
"Well," said Federal Judge James
H. Wilkerson, with a smile, "it
would appear what you pay out is
at least a circumstance to show
that you get something in." And
the testimony continued.
Lindberghs Will Sail
from Yokohama Today
NAGASAKI, Japan, Oct. 9.-P)
-Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lind-
bergh arrived here today from
Shanghai and took an afternoon
train for Yokohama. They will sail
tomorrow for the United States.
Thp1 T~indb'fhs abanh~doned their

savings banks-is the next objec-
tiv of President Hoover.
The President is greatly encour-
aged over the unity of action that
has developed behind his project
for improving credit conditins and
now 1s seeking a means of stabil-
izing railroad bonds.
Praises Political Unison
Mr. Hoover feels that the emerg-
ency $500,000,000 credit corporation
will go far in restoring. the normal
processes of credit in those sections
of the country where there has
been stress.
Moreover, the President regards
the demonstration of unity among
the Senators and Representatives
who attended the White House
conferene Tuesday night as re-
It is his view that in the three-..
hour meeting, held .between men
e iews orrmally 'd iyv e r'g e,.
there was evolved what amounts to
a major legislative program.
The railroad situation and tha.t
of. the small banks are inextricably
related. As demands for commer-
cial loans slackened, many savings
banks, particularly in the west, in-
vested their funds in these securi-
ties. Life insurance companies fol-
lowed a similar policy.
Bond Values Fall
But railroad earnings fell off to
such an extent that unless they
improve materially by the end ofI
the year, the bonds of many car-
viers must be removed from the list
,f securities which State laws make
eligible for savings banks invest-
In addition, the market value of
the bonds has depreciated. The
banks, in many instances, cannot
dispose of them without a loss.
However, they are fundamentally
interested in retaining them as in-
vestments, and the prime concern
now is to work out a plan for keep-
ing the securities on the eligible
list and assuring dividend pay-
ments. .
As the situation stands, it threat-
ens to deprive the banke of an im-
portant avenue of investment, and
to take away from the roads their
principal source of financing.
Rates Decision Pending
Alert to this condition, the roads
early in the summer applied to the
Interstate Commerce Commission
for a blankethincrease of 15 per
cent in freight rates. Extensive
hearings and argument followed.
The commission now has the case
under advisement and may render
its decision before the end of the
What the Government can do to
improve the situation was a topic
of much speculation-and disagree-
ment-today among observers here.
Since the key to the problem
seems to be increased earnings, the
discussions constantly turned to
the possibility of the commission's
approving the advance in rates. It
was pointed out, however, that, in
view of the commission's quasi-
judicial status, the Administration
could hardly use its influence to
bring about a decision favoring the
Druids Elect Sikkenga
President of Society
Jay Sikkenga, '32, varsity foot-
ball player and former president of
the junior class, has been chosen

Connie Mack's Men Surprise St. 'Doe Morrison,
Louis Fans as They Come Michigan center, who is expcted
See Ivades Beten. to star for the Wolverines again this
to season, will be at his regular posi-
.- (- Tido against the Maroons today.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 9.--(AP)--The Nrild _______
flight of the Martin Bomber and his
fellow Red Birds of Prey was
abruptly halted today.COU TWI DA
The Homecoming of the Cardinal
squadron was completely spoiled by
the uhdden return to form of Lefty
Grove, wh stoppedhe spectacular
Pepper Martin for the first time and aG id Jurors Uphel by Federal
led the Athletics to an 8-to-1 vic- Law in Demand for Records
tory in the sixth game of the World of Anti-Smith Campaign.
The triumph enabled the world WASHINGTON,. Oct. 9. - (P) -
champions to draw level with their Federal law won over the rules of
rivals for the second time, each now the House of Representatives today
having three games, and forced the in a decision that cleared up legal
series to the seven-game limit for paths. for Grand Jury action on the
the first time in five years. political activities of Bishop James
Spoils Day for Home Folk, .Cannon, Jr.
It was a crushing jolt to the home Justice James Proctor, of the
forces, who came back. here in the District of Clumbia Supreme Court,
full flight of an inspired dash halted a criminal trial to order
toward the championship, Martin Wililam Tyler Page, clerk of the
nothing less than a national hero House, to produce original reports
and their enthusiasts out in full of 1928 anti-Smith expenditures
force to cheer the anticipatnd filed by the Cannon organization's
downfall of Connie Mack's crew. treasurer, Miss Ada L. Burroughs.
Instead of seeing their favorites Mr. Page expressed a willingness
duplicate the startling pace they "if need be to put my official neck
maintained in the East and again in a noose and run counter to the
sweep the 'American Leaguers off jealous regard of the House of Rep-
their feet, a near capacity crowd of resentatives."
39,401 fans saw the Cardinals virtu- Assistant District Attorney Joh
ally go to pieces, at least for the AisantDiosectorctattorneydJhn
day. They saw the young right- Wilson, prosecutor, announced he
hander, Paul Derringer 'blow up' would hold the grand jury in spe-
under fire for the second time with cial session Saturday to receive the
a streak of wildness. They groaned campaign reports from Mr. Page
as the St. Louis defense cracked and close the inquiry to find out
wide open at critical junctures, and whether the clergyman violated the
they were stunned as their week- ye. PagCrru e Practices act.
long idol, Pepper Martin, went hit- Mr. Page refused Thursday to
less for the first time in the syield the court his files on grounds
rwnseriesBn e wasprohibited by a House reso-
Martin Brought Don:uino 89.M.Wlo n h
The law of averages and the great grand jury foreman, Theodore B
Grove, pitching at the very peak Gittings ppeandTo eP -
'of his form for the first time in tor for appealed to Justice Proc-
this intersectional warfare, finallyoriginal ruling, contending the
brought down Martin on the wing. es reports and not copies were
(Play by play on page 3) The court ruled Page had "mis-
construed" the House resolution
which excepted from its prohibition
those papers "the house itself may
have made public."
The Grand Jury continued to
F M A S M O Bh a te t m n .EJicdited B ishop C annon's accounts w as
-= I longest on the stand.
President of Women's Republi-
can Club Lauds Mrs. Morrow I Slosson to Inaugurate
as Highest type of Woman. Series of Radio Talks
RIDGEWOOD, N. J., Oct. 9.-(R)- Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the
The "Mrs. Morrow for United States history department will speak on
senator" cry raised by members of "Problems of Post-War Europe"
the Women's Republican club of over the University broadcasting
Ridgewood, gained momentum to- station at 8 o'clock tonight. This is
day as persons prominent in New the first of a series of five talks,
Jersey politics approved the sugges- sponsored by the Bureau of Alum-
tion. ni Relations, that Professor Slos-
Mrs. E. B. Thornton, president of son will give on the five following
the Ridgewood organization, wrote Saturday nights.
in behalf of the club to Gov. Lar- Prof. Leonard L. Watkins of the
son, asking him to appoint Dwight Economics department will also
W. Morrow's widow to his unex- speak on the program tonight on
pired term, as "she represents the the significance of the action taken
highest type of American woman- by the British government in abol-
L1 hood." I (, .

. Testimony Interesting
Forwalder's story of his bootleg-
ging activities, his meetings and I
rides with the killers, and the party
held in Kate's house the day after
the slayings proved intensely in-
teresting to the spectators.
Lewis Osbon's testimony concern-
ed the telephone conversation be-
tween Kate and Smith Wednesday
morning. Mrs. Wiggett was unable
to appear because of illness, and
Dr. Woods was called to testify to
this. Her statements at the pre-
liminary hearing were read into
the records by Mr. Bilitzke, how-
ever. They also were about the
Kellet-Smith conversation,
Lynn Squires, ousted d e p u t y
sheriff, was called in the afternoon.
He identified clothing found at
Kate's house as being that which'
she said Smith changed there, Mon-
day night. The state hopes to
prove that Kate wished to estab-
lish an alibi for Smith by this
It is believed that Miss Keller
washed clothing belonging to Fred,
in order to remove bloodstainR.
Examines Clothing
Mr. Wiggett also examined the
clothing, but said the shirt, a white
one with purple stripes, was one
he had never seen Smith wear.
Fred always wore a blue shirt, the
witness said.
Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp, in his
opening statement, outlined the

Government to Remind Princi-
pals in. Manchurian Dispute
of Kellogg Pact.j
WASHINGTON, Oct. 9. - (IP) -
Lest the agonies of war wrack the,
Far East, the United States Gov-
ernment will act soon in the Man-
churian dispute between Japan andI
President Hoover concerned him-
self with the situation in today's
cabinet discussions. That important
meeting over, Secretary Stimson
hurried across the street to the
State Department to work on the
Manchurian problem and nothing
Signs point to this Government
reminding the principals and the
world of the obligations imposed by
the Kellogg Pact renouncing war.
Reliance then would be placed on
world opinion.
It may be that this Government
will hold back a while longer be-
fore acting again. The decision in
Geneva today for, an urgent meet-
ing of the League of Nations Coun-

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