B rings 57 Original Stone Pieces
From- Rouen Buildings
for Exhibition.
.....~....... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SU CQESS OF CAIVI
Ministry of Fine Arts Grants
Architectural Models
to University.
Placing on exhibition 57 frag-
ments from some of the finest ex-
amples of gothic buildings, the Col-
lege of Architecture now offers tc
the students of the University, what
is thought to be the only display of
this kind in any college in the
'these lime and sandstone pieces
which have been obtained throgh
the courtesy of the French govern-
ment, have been placed in the main
corridor of the architectural build-
ing. They are the original stones
from cathedrals in Normandyw. ich
have been repaced in the process
of reconditioning.
All fragments come from41, buil--
ings situated in or neai te hi4qi-
cal city of Rouen, called the "mupem
um of rance," where Joan d '
was burned at the stk an ,A
where the Norman rulers had their
Found by QnderdQnk.
The credit for obtainng .these
pieces goes chiefly to Fracis S.
Onderdonk, of the architectuaJl col-
lege, who, while traveling through
Rouen in the summer of 1929, saw
that workmen were employed in re-
placing the more weather beaten
stones for new ones that were mod-
eled from the old. Doctor Qxider-
donk attempted to buy some of
them but was informed, that if
bought they could not be xported,
from the country without special
permisson from the French govern-
Obtaining a letter from the Amer-
ican Embassy, he appealed to the
French Ministry of Fine Arts who
finally granted the 57 pieces to the
University as a gift.
"The value of the fragme4s,"
said Dr. Onderdonk, "lies in the fact
that they represent the architecture
of the six different buildings fromn
which they were taken. Each of
these are of a different period of
gothic construction."
Date from 13th Century.
The pieces range in date from the
eight fragments taken from the
Rouen cathedral, which was built in
the 13th century when Gothic ar-
chitecture was at its best, to the
38 pieces from the Saint Malcon
cathedral, built in the 15th century.
"The fact that the stones are
weather beaten and chipped only
increases their value," Doctor On-
derdonk continued, "because they
create an atmosphere that a re-
stored model could not give." The
patches of moss on some of the
stones and the primitive method of
joining them together ,by. using
bones and lead fasted in holes drill-
ed in the edges, help in creating
this atmosphere.
The stones were slightly damaged
in transportation but were repaired
by a local stone mason before being
set up.
The Board of Regents is to send a
letter of thanks to the French gov-
maningjpuments-Pme-HM CMF
Harvard Will Increase
Faculty Members' Pay
Members of the faculty of arts
and sciences at Harvard university
are to be given increases in salary,
ranging from $500 to $2,000 a year,
according to an article in the Bos-
ton Globe Wednesday morning. The
increases were voted by the corp-
oration last June, effective this
1930-31 academic year.
The move is the first general in-
crease in the salaries for the faculty
that Harvard has made since 1920,
when a change was made because
of the rise in the cost of living. It
was made possible by adjustments
worked out under the budget of
the university.
The following figures were estab-
lished by the vote: professors,
$8,000 minimum, $12,000 maximum,
associate professors, $6,000 mini-
mum, $7,000 maximum; assistant
professors, $4,000 minimum, $5,500
maximum; instructors, $3,000 mini-
university debating team here will
meet two foreign forensic groups
this year. One debate will be held
with t h e Cambridge university
team and another with debaters
representing German universities.
Anthony H. G. Fokker (inset) is the designer of this unique monoplane developed for military observation.
By Oscar Leiding
(Asspciated Press Aviation Editor)
D4YTON, O.-A new warship of
the air--a Fokker of unusual design
-will remain an enigma until rigid
army tests here are finished.
Neither the builders nor the war
dpartment has divulged the ability
of the craft, though through brief
appearances of it at Teterboro, N.J.,
Washington, and Dayton,.army ob-
servers have said it will prove revo-
hitionary in aerial warfare tactics
and strategy.
The ship is practically a flying
wing-in flight merely a single full
cantilever wing, plus a long narrow
fuselage, and two whirling propel-
Banquet at League Will Honor
Bernard Heller, Noted
Hebrew Scholar.
Plans have been announced for a
student banquet of welcome for
Rabbi Bernard Heller, new director
of the Bnai Brith Hillel foundation,
to be held Oct. 22 in the Women's
League ballroom. Chairman E. A.
Miller of the banquet committee has
announced that prominent civic
leaders of Detroit and faculty mem-
lers of the University will be pres-
Rabbi Heller, succeeding Rabbi
Adolph Fink, who left last week to
assume the leadership of one of the
most influential temples o the
West, in Spokane, Wash., comes
here from the Madison Avenue
Temple of Scranton, Pa., where he
occupied the pulpit for the past
decade. He r eceived his bachelor's
degree at the University of Pennsyl-
vania, and his master of arts de-
gree at Columbia. His rabbinical
regree was obtained at the Hebrew
Union college of Cincinnatti in
Rabbi Heller brings with him a
reputation as a scholar, orator and
an executive, having been the au-
thor of "A Harvest of Weeds," and
"Is Spinoism Compatible with Juda-
ism?' as well as the writer of a
paper on "Humanism" that will be
published soon. He is also a con-
tribator to the Nation and The
Menorah Journal, and served as a
member of the United States good
will commision to Mexico several
years ago. His activity in Scranton
civic life and community work was
instrumental in his being the guest
of honor at many farewell banquets
in the Pennsylvania city.
Associated with Rabbi Heller here
will be Morris Sostrin, national or-
ganizer of Hillel foundation.
Our specialities are
Finest Ice Cream
In Town
109 South Man
Its twin motors are barely per-
ceptible bulges streamed into the
leading edge of the wing. No land-
ing gear is apparent, for in flight it
draws up into the engine faring
that becomes part of the wing.
The plane is designed for use far
behind enemy lines for day or night
observation, photographic missions,
ground strafing, and light bombing.
Its crew will comprise a pilot, a
photographer, and a radio man.
Added to its protection of speed,
which has been estimated by engi-
neers, pending army tests, to be
from 150 to 175 miles an hour, the
ship will have two machine guns
covering attacks from ahead, astern,
above, and below.
The craft is the product of plans
being developed for two years be-
tween the war department and en-
gineers of Anthony H. G. Fokker,
Dutch inventor and builder of Ger-
many's famous war-time planes.
Development was rushed more
than a year ago after a mimic air
corps war in Ohio, where military,
experts found a need for a faster
long-range reconnaissance plane.
The monoplane is 64 feet from
wing tip to wing tip and 47 feet
from nose to tail. The nose extends
15 feet ahead of the wing, with
cockpit in the extreme front for
the photographer and the pilot'sl
seat behind.
Additional Two Week's Session
Added to Five Planned
for Summer.
In respect to the number of boys
attending the utilization of new
ph'ysical equipment, and the results
in carrying out the program which
was planned, the 1930 University
Fresh Air camp was an unqualified
success according to Prof. F. H.
Menefee of the, engineering schoolI
chairman of the Fresh Air Camp
"The operating expense for the
season was about $9,000 which(
was $700 above the budget esti-
mate. This was occasioned by the
fact that the camp held an extra
two wee's session at the conclu-
sion of the five regilar sessions
which were originally planned,"
stated Professor Menefee.
Theodore R. Hornberger of the
English department, who served
during the past year as director of
the camnp, reports that letters have
been received recently from most
of the Detroit Social service organ-
izations who recommended needy
boys to the camp, commending
highly the value of the work done
by the Fresh Air camp.
Chief probation officer F. C.
Baxter of the Wayne county ju-
venile court says, ''I sincerely be-
lieve these boys return to their
homes greatly strengthened both
morally and physically." The De-
troit Visiting Nurse association'
writes, "Our four boys reported al
fine time-to them it was a great
and rare experience to be at camp."
In discussing the camp season
Hornberger stated that he particu-
larly appreciated the fine work ofr
the counselors, who with three ex-"
ceptions were Michigan men. These
leaders included Walter Gavey '31,
Marshal Levy of the sociology de-
partment, Richard Paine '32, Frank
Harrison '32, George Preuser Grad.,.
and Wallace Carr '33.
On July 13 Professor Menefee
presided at the unveiling of a stone
memorial near Patterson Lake
'dedicated to Virginia R. Ives com-
memorating the purchase of the
camp site ten years ago.
Pep meeting for Purdue game-
Hill auditorium at 8 o'clock. Yost,
Oosterbaan to talk.
Dancing- -Michigan Union, 9 to 1
Graduates --Assembly in ball-
room of Michigan League, 8 o'clock;
husbands and wives invited.
Coach Will Talk on 'Michigan
Niaght' Broadcast.
Frankbn "Cappy" Cappon, in-
structor ii the theory and practice
rf athhjti c cching, and assistant
athletic diretur. will discuss "Scout-
ing and II',, Value" on the next
Michigan Night broadcasting pro-
gram over Station WJR from 7:30
to 8:30 o'clock, Saturday night.
Dean Samuel T. Dana, of the
School of Forestry and Conservation
will speak upon the subject, "What
Forests Have Done for Michigan."
Prof. Arthur Aiton, of the history
department, will discuss "The Lost
Colony in North America," material
for which he has dug from the files
of the William L. Clements library.
The music on this program will
be presented by two members of the.
University music school -faculty,
Mable Ross Rhead, assistant profes-
sor of piano, and Thelma U. Newell,
assistant in violin.
HIV Y rN Y r V-r N'.rr' NNN
Motion Picture~s
Lydia Todeisohn Ebenstein's
"Old and New," 3:15 o'clock; no
Michigan---"riglt Lights" with
Dorothy MacKaill.
Majestic-"Three Faces East"
with Constance Bennett and Eric
von Stroheim.
Wuerth---"MAidnight M y s t e r"y"
with Betty Cornpson; "Personal-
ity" with Johnny Arthur.
Junior Class, School of Educa-
tion-Assembly in auditorium of
University High school at 4:10
o'clock, this afternoon.
Phi Delta K a p p a-Business
meeting of Omega chapter in 306,
Union, 7:15 o'clock.
Hiillel Players W/IllII Start Second
Season on Camp us With
One-Act Programs.
Beginning their second year as an
active campus dramatic organiza-
tion, the Hillel Players plan to ini-
tiate their activities with produc-
tion of a series of one-act plays, ac-
cording to an announcement made
by Sylvan Simon, student president
of the group.
Announcement of try-outs for
par ts in this initial presentation
will be made soon, in an efIfort to
discover talent for other offerings
of the year. A heavy tentative pro-
gram has been planned, with its
direction being aided by Prof. J.
Raleigh Nelson of the English de-
partment in the engineering college.
An attempt to produce a very
rare manuscript of "The 6olem," a
dramatic legend, will be undertaken
if a sufficient number of caipabl~e
actors and technicians are available
during the early productions. The
manuscript to be used for this play
is one written in Russian construe-
tivist -style as directed by Boris Gla-
golin of the Pittsburgh Playhouse.
Membership into the Hillel Play-
ers, an outgrowth of the former
Hillel foundation dramatics com-
mittee, is secured by a vote of the
memb'ership; before being chosen
a student must have participated in
some capacity in at least one Hllel
Players production.
Dr. Van Tyne Returns
From Work in Chicago
Dr. Joseph Van Tyne, curator of
birds in the Museum of Zoology
has just returned from a trip to
the Field Museum in Chicago,
where he arranged for issuing of
his forthcoming book on the birds
of French Indo-China, collected by
himself while a member of the
Kelly-Roosevelt expedition. The re-
port is to be illustrated with col-
ored plates by Weber.
While away, Dr. Van Tyne visited
Mr. Lyon's bird banding station
near Waukegan, Illinois, the oldest
and one of the most important
stations in North America.
ness depression is making itself
felt here in the scarcity cf work
for students. The Y. M. C. A. has
received 300 applications but has
no jobs listed.
Map Will Show Points Visited,
Dates, and Names of
the islands of the Pacific in 1921.
Dr. Carl Guthe, museum expert, and
H. H. Bartlett have also been active,
in the Far East in search of scien-
tific data.
Included in the Oct. 11 issue of Farthest north has been reached
the "Michigan Alumnus," as issued by Profesor Hobbs and Dr. Larry
from the office of Dr. Frank Rob- Gould, while the latter was also
bins, assistant to the President, will with Byrd on the antarctic expedi-
be a map of the world on which the tion to the South Pole in one of
many and varied expeditions of the the greatests scientific achieve-1
University to points on all the con- ments of the day. Professor Kelsey,
tinents are listed by the nacre of again, dug around in northern Af-
the investigators and the dates of rica in 1925, while the Lamnnt-
the expeditions. Hussey observatory still floats Mich-
According to the map, the Mich- igan's flag on the other extreme of
igan colors have been flown in every the dark continent. In North, South
corner of the earth.e On the oldest and Central America, Dr. Ruthven
of the continents, Asia, Prof. F. W. himself has been very active, with
Kelsey and Prof. L. Waterman have no less than three major explora-
investiyated buried cities, while in tions before his ascendency to the
the Far East, Norman Wood has head of the University.
hunted rare birds, and Dr. E. P. Considering the fact that all of
Creaser has sought fishes. Prof. these expeditions have been highly
Robert Hall, of the geography de- successful, the article in the Alum-
partient, has studied Japanese life nus states that Michigan's prestige
and living, while Prof. W. 11. Hobbs in the field of scientific exploration
has written a book on his trip to is growing. From the first expedi-
--_---- -- - tion, the Leal-Steere trip to South
America in 1870, to Ass't Prof. Lewis
Vacant Rooms Listed B. ellum's geological, zoological,
for Week-end Guests and botanical work in the San
____y Carlos mountains of northern Mex-
Complete lists of available rooms ico this summer, the University has
and prices are on file at the desk! been constantly in the limelight for
in the mn .Inhhv, of m TTUnion.-for.scientific leadership in exploration.
-- - - - - -
- , - - -- -. __ o. -n -
the benefit of persons seeking ac-
commodations for the week-end,
according to an announcement
made yesterday by Harold O. War-1
ren, '31, recording-secretary of the
Persons who have rooms that
could be rented for the week-end
are urged, Warren stated, to call
the operator at the Union and have
them listed.
This rooming bureau service willl
be continued on all football week-
R.O. T.C. Class Shows
Enrollment Increse
Enrollment in the advanced course
of the Reserve Officers Training
corps shows an increase of 25 over
last year, Major Basil D. Edwards
announced yesterday. At the -pres-
ent time there are 101 students in
the advanced course. Total enroll-
ment figures for the entire corps
have not yet been completed.
OCT. 13
8:15 P. M.
I' u
Ilil li
r i x n = : i !1 K k x ,, tM .i, fi' 3' .-:: a 'i -i
" ^;n
, i^,
Saturday Night
OCTOBER 11, 1930
Grangers Academy
(Huron near State, Ann Arbor)
Under the Auspices of
- -,
Oct. 31 Clare Clairbert, Belgi.n
Nov. 7 Alexander Brailowsky,
Russian Pianist
Nov. 20 Don Cossack Russian Male
Serge Jaroff, Conductor
Consisting of 36 expatriated
oficers from the Imperial
Army in a program of R.s-
sian Church music, folk songsi
and soldier songs.
Single Admission Tickets .
Dec. 12
Detroit Symphony Orchestra
Ossip Gabrilowitsch,
Jose Iturbi, Spanish Pianist
Jan. 12 Detroit Symphony Orchestra
Bernardino Molinari,
Guest Conductor
Jan. 27 Albert Spalding, American
Feb. 2 Paul Robeson,
Negro Baritone
Feb. 10 Sergei Rachmaninoff, Pianist
. . . $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50
I r .______ - r ""''' {