'E rol THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURS-DAY, OCOr~tQB1F 9,: 120L,-,'_ . . .............. ......... . . ... . ....... . . .............. . _... __ '.a:. .m x x . Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in thie 'paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by ThirdeAssistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50" Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY City Editor Frank E. Cooper News Editor ...............Gurney Williams Editorial Director ...........Walter W. Wilds' Sports Editor ...............Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor ............ Mary L. Behymer Telegraph Editor..........Harold O. Warren Music and Drama.........William J. Gorman' Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowl NIGHT EDITORS S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Carl S. Forsyther ich ard L. Tobin David M. Nichol Harold O. Warren Sports Assistants Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy. Robert Townsend Reporters Walter S. Baer, Jr. Wilbur J. Myers Irving J. Blumberg Robert L. Pierce Donald 0. Boudeman Sher M. Quraishi George T. Callison C. Richard Racine Thomas M. Cooley Jerry E. Rosenthal George Fisk George Rubenstein 7Zernard W. Freund David Sachs Morton Frank Charles A. Sanford Saul Friedberg Karl Seiffert Frank B. Gilbreth Robert F. Shaw Karl E. Goellner Edwin M. Smith Jack Goldsmith George A. Stauter Roland Goodm~n Alfred R. Tapert William HI. Harris John S. Townsend James H. Inglis Robert D. Townsend EmilJ. Konopinski Max H. Weinberg Denton C. Kunze Joseph F. Zias Powers Moulton Lynne Adams Margaret O'Brien Betty Clark Eleanor Rairdon Elsie Feldman Jean Rosenthal Elizabeth Gribble Cecilia Shriver Emily G. Grimes Frances Stewart Elsie M Hoffmeyer Anne Margaret Tobin Jean Levy Margaret Thompson Dorothy Magee Claire Trussell Mary McCall Barbara Wright primarily practical or commercial. As a courageous and timely asser- tion of this necessity in preparing for a civilized and sophisticated society, Chief Justice Hughes's plea for an intelligence served by learn- ing is exemplary. THE SOVIET RAILROADS INDIA The extension of the Siberian railroad down into Turkestan, ac- complished by the Soviet govern- ment a short while ago, has been viewed with alarm by the British government as the beginning of an attempt to spread propaganda in India, with better success than in China, if possible. The original Siberian road was built for the purpose of furthering the cultivation and settlement of large tracts of unsettled land, as well as provide an access to the Pacific ocean. The Soviet govern- ment, after having meddled in Persia in an attempt to compete with the British monopoly there and failed, is seeking another ter- ritory to spread its propaganda, as well as trade. The recent uprisings and troub- les in India have no doubt encour- aged them. The boycott of British goods' by the natives may have opened up a ,market for their pro- ducts. The entire chain of events cannot but have given the Russian government hope for further suc- cess in that field. At present the railroad, in the opinion of economic experts, is a long way from ever becoming a success, as far as the financial end is concerned, but it gives the Sov- iets a decidely strategic advantage. The two new extensions run down into Turkestan from the northeast and northwest, converging at the southern end of the country, not in India, but close enough to cause the British worry enough. What the English are going to do in re- taliation, if they intend doing any- thing at all,.is not quite plain. But their control in both India and Persia is menaced by this new de- velopment, and it may lead to serious trouble. o 0 I Editorial Comment o BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER T. HOLLISTER MABLEY Assistant Manager KASPER H. HALVERSON Department Managers Advertising.................Charles T. Kline Advertising.........Thomas M. Davis Advertising............William W. Warboys Service..............Norris I. Johnson Publication .. ......Robert W. Williamson Circulation.............Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts. ........Thomas S. Muir Business Secretary... ..Mary J. Kenan Assistants' Thomas E. Hastings Byron V. Vedder Harry R. Begley Eale Kightlinger William Brown Richard Stratemeier Richard H. Hiller Abe Kirshenbaum Vernon Bishop Noel D. Turner William W. Davis Aubrey L. Swinton 1. Fred Schaefer Wesley C. Geisler Joseph Gardner Alfred S. Remsen Ann Verner Laura Codling Dorthea Waterman Ethel Constas Alice McCully Anna Goldberg Dorothy Bloomgarden Virginia McComb Dorothy Laylin Joan Wiese J osephine Convisser Mary Watts ernice Glaser Marian Atran Hortense Gooding Sylvia Miller e s s i z r r z THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1930 Night Editor-DAVID M. NICHOL EDUCATION REDEFINED Before the air is entirely cleared of discussion about orientation and our purpose 'at the university, it might be well to reassert a new definition of education. Chief Jus- tice Hughes, at a recent Phi Beta Kappa anniversary, stated that "Liberal education may be taken to mean the coming into the in- heritance of accumulated intellect- ual riches and the acquiring of wisdom in their use. Learning is not its aim so much as intelligence by learning." This considered definition, com- ing from a worldly man of affairs, is chiefly significant because of the emphasis it places on the purely intellectual side of education. Ped- agogues, and especially psycholo- gists, seldom approach such rigor- ness in their demand that educa- tion should perfect the intellect. For instance, John Dewey sets a much broader requirement upon the educative process by empha- sizing a re-creation of individual attitude, when he says: "Educa- tion is that re-construction, or re- organization of experience which adds to the meaning of experience and which inscreases the ability to direct the course of subsequent ex- perience." Certainly this is ex- ceedingly more naturalistic than Mr. Hughes's specification. Mr. Hughes's definition stands out as a kind of gauge of contem- porary ideals, and in this respect it is a landmark against the cur- rent trend of -curricula-building by educators with the minds of voca- tional guidance experts. His state- ment of the aim of the liberal col- lege, even though ennunciated by a thoroughly m o d e r n lawyer, shares conspicuously in the medi- cal scholastic conception of educa- tion as the acquiring and use of stored-up knowledge, while it re- flects in a lesser degree the belief of the modern educator and the ancient Greek in education as in- dividual development. At the present time, our literary colleges have become quite gener- alv yand ouite sadl a hvhrid nf THE POLITICAL PLOT THICKENS (From the Yale Daily News) The prohibition problem assumes a new significance with the com- ing of congressional and state elec- tions. Virtually for the first time, the wet and dry issue has been precipitated out of the academi- cian's. test tube and injected into the active body politic. Candidates openly advocating a change in the Eighteenth Amendment are cam- paigning on wet platforms, and as in the case of Ambassador Morrow, Governor Roosevelt, and former Attorney Tuttle, are holding if not gaining prestige. A political show- down on prohibition is imminent. The problem is chiefly interest- ing, however, in its relation to the next presidential election. It seems certain that the Democrats will nominate a wet-possibly Gover- nor Roosevelt. The Republicans, in writing their plat form, can no longer use the bubble of prosperity as a campaign issue, nor can they without making themselves ridicu- lous, blame the Democrats for the present business depression. The corruption of Tammany is not a sufficiently nation-wide issue for capitalization in the Republican platform. In addition, the Repub- licans will have to speak in mild protective phrases on the farm question after the doubtful success of Hoover's farm relief plan. And the series of Soviet scares which the Republicans have been using as political red-herrings are as inap- propriate for platform material as they are far-fetched in nature. What major issue is left for the Republicans? At present, prohibition seems to be the only answer. The Republi- cans will have to come out clearly and definitely on one side of the fence or the other. If they come out dry and Democrats nominate a wet candidate, without any Cath- olic entanglements, the voters of the country will have a fair chance to express their feelings directly on the prohibition question. Such a chance was not offered in the last presidential election because of the fact that Republican prosperity and the desire to maintain the status quo, coupled with the reli- gion of the Democratic candidate, obscured the wet and dry issue. But with the prosperity bubble so rude- ly pricked, and the enthusiasm for Republicanism considerably cooled, the position of the two parties is now more nearly equalled, and the prohibition issue can stride forth on its own feet. It is unlikely, however, that the Republicans will go wet in 1932.1 eaain-Inticnshe ls Si- shover, or teveseforecaster, patron's. Just a minute. . ... .. Ah, just as I thought, but I won't tell you. Far be it from me to discour- age the young and hopeful. No foolin', though, it's high time some of our public-mind- ed citizens got together and started a campaign to move the University somewhere else. Maybe that would wake up the board of commerce and get them busy on the project of im- proving the atmospheric condi- tions.-The lazy things. CONTEST CONTINUES! I am overjoyed to find that my few simple words have moved the better feelings of some of our con- temporaries, and caused them to see the despicabilitude of their ways. Three letters have I gotten in two days-a hitherto unprece- dented occurrence in this office- which, I think, shows that people's hearts are in the right place, even if their chivalry has fallen into slight disrepair. The following letter shows at least that I have made the boys "Chivalry Minded" as they say in advertising circles. Here is one of them.... Dapper Dan: Wish to file application for one of those medals or some- thing because:- While walking out of ilist. of Art a beautiful coed trod on my heel. Instead of saying "Chawmed" or some such tripe, I snarled over my shoulder, "Walk off, sap, walk off!" Then I looked. It wasn't my fault that it wasn't Brother Whoosit as usual. I feel that someone, somehow owes me some sort of compensation. Anathematized. * * '5 It's too bad Anathema old kid, but we haven't the authority to issue the chivalry diplomas for such episodes, and, as you didn't sock her in the teeth we can't offer you the "Men Who Love Michigan" medal for those who are striving to better the University by clearing away the clutter of coeds. * * * Here is the next of the contribu- tions. This shows nothing with relation to chivalry in itself, but I am inclined to put the boy on the list of contenders, merely because he refrained from feminacide. Here is his yarn, judge for yourself what nobility must have been his to allow her to live . . . . Or if you deduce from the last line that he did not, he is equally worthy in that he removed one who could not but be a reproach to her sex. My Dear Toasted: While I was talking to a beautiful freshman (There are too!) says she, "I think the place where they teach French has the silliest name, and so cynical, isn't it? And to my natural query she replies, "They tell me it's called the Romance Languishes." Aha Mr. Holmes, you'll never find the body! Sin merely Yours, Willie. Thanks Willie, We're all for you, kid. * * * Since I made the mistake of letting Elmer get to be an Asst. Editor, he has made himself a per- fect nuisance (His only perfect ac- complishment) with stuff he writes and won't take the blame for. The big bully pushes most of the just opprobrium off onto some innocent freshman and then walks boldly abroad clad in a smug smirk and a funny look, just as if he had a right to be alive. Take this for an example-go on, take it! See if I care. Dear Dan: Here's one reason why there must be freshman rhetoric .... She filled his thoughts through- out the day He told himself it didn't pay To think so long on just one girl In time his mind would be a whirl. He tried forgetting for a day, But soon he knew he'd have to say My dreary days will pass in C vainI ~MUSIC AND DRAMA TONIGHT: In the Mendelssohn Theatre continued showing of the Russian film "Old and New" made for the Soviet Government by Ser- gius Eisenstein. MENDELSSOHN AND MIMES. From the two seats of campus theatricals, the Mendelssohn and former Mimes Theatres, comes a hum of activity which, ostensibly at least, indicates an unusual state of health in the local situation. The Mendelssohn Theatre is ap- parently humming with projects. Two announcements in as many days have meant the establishment of several more possible impres- sarios. Sororities or similar femi- nine organizations will be allowed the rental of the theatre in order to bring professional artists here. This increase in the number of possible people who plan projects will mean increasing activity and - consequently a richer year of pro- fessional entertainment. This an- nouncement seems already to have materialized in the program of spirituals to be given Tuesday night by Edna Thomas, who is being brought here by a sorority. The other announcement con- cerns amateur activity. Some twen- ty-five women have been selected as the nucleus for an organization within the Women's League to make further use of the League Theatre. Actually what is meant is that a limited group of interested girls will be allowed the recrea- tional advantages which a theatre and theatre rooms offer. Their work, it .is intended, will be entirely in- formal and in no sense competitive to the organized dramatic clubs on the campus. The type of project that this group is contemplating is the production of plays with and for children, the construction of a marionette theatre, and similar out - of - the - way entertainments which good theatre equipment makes possible. Both of these innovations seem to be intended to emphasize the obvious (but hitherto, one thought, rightfully insignificant) fact that the Mendelssohn Theatre is in the Women's League building. The op- portunity to become impressarios is opened only to women; the mem- bers of the new informal club are all women. That type of emphasis sounds questionable. Meanwhile there are the caress- ing tones of paint-brushes and hammers from Mimes Theatre which is being transformed by the theatrical enthusiasm and physical energy of Play Production students into a building suitable to the div- ersity of their interests. There are, it seems, to be many rooms with double-meanings: class-rooms that will turn into comfortable lobbies, offices that are also libraries, etc. All this in a necessary and valiant effort by the students to make, at least for the present, an actually impossible imaginative leap into thinking that Mimes Theatre can adequately house what a University Theatre could be and is elsewhere. One cannot help but feel the somewhat humorous and irrational contrast between the easy, comfort- able theatrical advantages and equipment which the informal group of women shall enjoy and the agonies of Play Production in an attempt to make its advantages by renovating Mimes. W. J. G. LECTURE ON RUSSIAN DRAMA. Elmer Kenyon of the Nev York Theatre Guild and National Direc- tor of the American Drama Asso- ciation is to lecture on "Modern Russian Drama" in the Mendels- sohn Theatre at 4:15 Friday after- noon. Mr. Kenyon's lecture is being sponsored by the Speech Depart- ment of the University and will be open to the public. EDNA THOMAS. Edna Thomas will be making her Ann Arbor debut next Tuesday night when she appears at the Mendelssohn Theatre. Miss Thomas is The Lady From Louisiana who saw in the negro spirituals, creole melodies, and street cries genuine art-material to which to devote her classically trained mezzo-soprano voice. Her progranis of these ditties, stolen out of the streets of New Orleans, proved fresh, stimulating entertainment, the "something new" jaded senses are always look- ing for. And her American reputa- tion was quickly made. The New York World, somewhat awkwardly enthusiastic over her metropolitan debut, said "last night the Booth Theatre posively reeked w i t h OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Lenses and Frames Made to Order Optical Prescriptions Filled H rwAL L ER ' S STATE STREET JEWELERS WANT ADS PAY! H. W. 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Free specin n pa if you name this paper. 6.&C.&MERRIAM CO. Springfield, Mass. Zll I,,,, I 'IN "MII -- ._. - - -- -- __ _... - d __. _.__ r ._..__ w.__ ____ _ __ __ _ _. _ -_ - _... __ I