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October 09, 1930 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-09

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THE MICH vIGANw w Y 1 a L 1Y.w. ¢TVh54ThAY uTCV14

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i I-fo rds







RTE ! . T MTEi iLSSi


Oratorical Association Manager
Describes Eagerness of

Michigan Possession Described
in Alumanus by T. Hawley

Small and White to Confer Here
With Eddy and Edmunds
About Narcotics.
Dr. Lyndon Small, chemist at
the University of Virginia, and Dr.
William C. White, of the National
Research council in Washington,
and also chairman of its commit-
tee on drug addiction,will be in

M~eur ay


Associated Press 1'J,(at'
Sao Paulo, razilia coffee center, is believed to be an objective of rebel forces reported to be driving
forward to unse 4 te f derAl government of President Washington Luis, Associated Press dispatches indi-
cate. A view of tie bissiness section of the city is shown above. If the reports are true, federal troops such
as those pictured below rarching in Rio Janeiro, may soon be engaged in combat with the revolutionists.
Modernization of Sao Paulo has been going on for some time. The city is now one of the most important
in all Brazil.

Ann Arbor Monday, Oct. 13, to
hold a brief conference with two
staff members of the, pharmacolo-
gy department of the Medical)
They will confer with Dr. Nathan
B. Eddy and Dr. C. W. Edmunds
concerning t h e progress being,
made on a morphine research pro-
ject, the physiological side of
which is being carried out here by
Dr. Eddy.
The object of this research,
which is being financed by the Na-
tional Research council, is to find
a morphine compound, which will
furnish the same physiological ef-
fects as actual morphine, yet
which will not reduce its user to a
narcotics addict.
The chemical side of the prob-
lem is being undertaken at the
University of Virginia under the
supervision of Dr. Small, and is of
a two-fold nature. Some of the
research workers begin with the
true morphine, and strive to grad-
ually strip it of its components,
sending samples to the pharma-
cology department here after each
step of diminution. The remainder
of the chemists begin with the base
of morphine and add, one-by-one,
the chemical parts in its make-up,
submitting their samples here af-
ter each upward step.
Dr. Eddy's work here is on the
pharmacological side of the pro-
ject, each sample of morphine sent
here being tested on such animals
as cats and rabbits. The effects of
the samples are compared with
those of true morphine. To date
14 samples have been tested.

Veritable riots by person, eking
to get into theatrcs hay ,- m
p1 bed the irs two lecturcs of
Rear-Admire. B rd' ±p aking tour
which bega i la:>'1ursd .,Xa-
cording to notices re cived hdt rc by
Henry Moser, o tie se h depart-
ment, manaescr of h 0ratorical
association, under vhose auspices
Byrd will lecture here Nov. 10.
"After the rio_: were qullfed,"
stated Moser, "oficial1 anlmcunced
that another lecture would be giv-
en the following rnngu to take
Edna Thomas care of the crowds turned away
Prominent entertainer known as by the police called to handle the
"The Lady from Louisiana," who situation."
will appear on Tuesday, Oct. 14 as Moser also announced tat he
the second attraction of the sea- had received word from Admiral
son at the Lydia Mendelssohn Byrd that the piciAres whih ,would
theatre. accompany his lecture are som
which have never been shown be-
fore, and are not part; ,1 tho Far-
NRWs rekS eCfd amount picture which appars re-
on Trip From Roston cently in An Arbor.
Single tickets for the Byrd lee-
(Y Associalyd Press) ture may not be available, indicat-
VALLEY STREAM, L. I., Oct. 8.- ed Moser, unless all the season
Capt. Frank Hawks, transcontinent- tickets are not sold. In that case.
al speed champion, brought his fast what tickets are left will be broken
al eed cup for the individual lectures. Sea-
plane down here at 3:40 p.m., Tues- son tickets may be obtained by ap-
day, having flown from Boston in plying at the offices of the asso-
55 minutes. The previous record j ciation in room 3211, Angell Hall.
was 57 minutes, established in 1924 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS - A
by R. Curtiss Moffett, an army pilot, student Republican club was or-
Curtiss Field officials said. ganized here recently.

nent, and the museum of zoology
10ve had parties on the island col-
1e cting valuable material. DTERSELECT
'red Dustin of Saginaw, an ex-
perienced field man in the studies
of tie Michigan Indian remains,
was engaged to make a careful re-
connaisance of the island to discov-S
er suich traces as the Indians may High School League to Discutss
have left such as camp and village Detriment of Chain
siues, trails, copper mines, and skel- Groceries.
_tons. Dr. Carl E. Guthe, director of
t 0 anthropology museum of the TO BEGIN NEXT MONTH
University, spent a month during
the last season visiting several "Resolved: That national chain
c4mp and village sites and conduct- grocery stores operating in the
gcareful excavation of the most state of Michigan are detrimental
promnisng ones. to the people of the state," is the
Povah Heads Botany Group. subject chosen by the Michigan
Four men were in the party con- High School Debating league for its
cljiting the botanical s t u d i e s debates this year.
Il rough the entire second summer. This subject has been endorsed
They were Dr. Alfred H. Povah, of by the National Chain Store Asso-
t University of Cincinnati, a n d ciation, the Independent Merchants
Josiah Lowe of the University her- Association of Michigan, and other
$arium who studied the lower plants similar organizations.
such as fungi, lichens, and mosses. The league, which consists of 265
James B. McFarlin and Clair A. high schools located in the state of
Brown also of the University her- Michigan, holds an elimination se-
ariuin studied the flowering plants, ries every year to determine which
trees, and shrubs. school has the best team. The first
A detailed study of the old beach- step in this forensic race for state
es of the island was undertaken by honors will be taken on Nov. 7.
George Stanley of the geology de- From this time until Jan. 9, every
'partnient with the hope of ascer- school must debate four times.
taming its history in relation to, the Starting with Feb. 20, an elimina-
mainlands. tion series will be held in which
Prof. William H. Hobbs of the ge- the schools with the highest per-
ology department visited the island centage of victories shall take part.
independently for a short time. The state champion debate is to be
Prof. Kenneth Murry, of the geog- held on May 1. Last year this was
raphy department, with his assis- won by Clawson High school, the
taits, made a survey of the island debate being held in Hill auditori-
Lii regard to its vegetation types, im.
tNOi extent, and other geographic The debating league is the largest
i~tures. Dr. A. Murie and his as- of its kind in the United States. It
features. was organized by the Board of Re-
gents in 1917 and since then it has
CHARGE STUDENTS grown steadily from a membership
ASSAILED AMERICA of 64 schools to the present num-
bec of 265.
(By Assochted Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 8.-A group of the Talks on Sex
1 Russian students were held at 5orsy
Ellis island today while immigra- Before Debating Club
tion authorities investigated charg- --
es that they had spread anti-Amer- In an informal discussion, Dr.
i,n propaganda among aliens a- Warren G. Forsythe, head of the
bagrd the White Star liner Majes- University Health service, presented
14. Tuesday to the members of Alpha
A party of American engineers Nu, forensic society, his views on
rctuning from Russia made the the "modern attitude toward sex
ceiplaint against the students education."
'wten the ship reached Quarantine His lecture was followed by a free
Tuesday. The engineers, who un- discussion by the -members of the
!rstpd Russian, told immigration society of the topics touched upon
spe ctors they overheard the stu- by the doctor. Both Dr. Forsythe
aynts making remarks derogatory and his audience were very frank
to the United States government in their discourse which included
TId' asserting that revolutionary such topics as "what is the sex
activities in China and India were problem" and "what is the general
tfoe result of Soviet agitation. solution of that problem."
Complete Line of Everything Musical
Terms to Suit
University Music House

VWTHEN the Purdue pigskin
pushers invade Ann Arbor i
Saturday, it will not be for the first creen Reflections
time. Reminiscent tears come to
these old eyes with the thought of
what happened forty years ago this Shhhhhhhhh!
fall. Spies ani spies flit across the
"By general goo pay our eleven Majestic screen in "Three Faces
managed to pile up a respectable East," a drama of under - cover
score," says The Daily for Nov. 3. work during the
1890, "and except for a questionable world war. Con-
decision on the part of the umpire, stance Bennett of
would have kept Purdue from scor- te Ben-
ing at all." the versatile Ben-
"Play begins at 3:10 by Purdue nett f a m i 1
(father Richad
dribbling the ball to Houghan, who vater Joan)
runs twenty yards behind a V, and sister Joan)
dribbles the account. This play, it urns in a edit
is rumored, was originated at able performance',:..
Vassar.!as the charming
"On the pass, it is dropped, but spyess.
Dygert falls on it. Grosh takes his Despite a rather
turn at running and dropping the clever and inter-
ball, but Pearson gets it," the story esting plot and a
continues, rather enigmatically, capable support-
"Umpire stops to warn a man for ing cast which CoRINNE GRFFITH
offside play, giving the impression i n c l u d e s the
that time has been called, when much - publicized . Von Stroheim,
Finney grabs the ball and runs h a z y direction
down the field untackled, putting a n d continuity
the ball between the posts," the ac- t prevent the film
count states. from realizing its
The score a the game was 34-6 possibilities. The
in favor of Michigan. But those lines are good in
were the days when football was, themselves, chop-
so to speak, football. Things were py sequence seem-
much simpler then. There were ig to be the
none of these shifty, deceptive main fault.
quarterbacks of the younger school. Rather differ-
All was open and above board. ent from the us-
----------^__ual run of talk-
Pharmacists Attend ing pictures,
"Three F a c e s
Faculty's Reception East" is on the
- - r Twhole sufficiently
Students of the pharmacy college entertaining t o
attended the informal reception - make it worth
sponsored by the faculty of the seeing.
college held from 8 until 10 o'clock Lovely Corinne.
last night in the League building. Miss Griffith glitters in the cur-
The affair took the place of the ! rent Wuerth feature which closes
general assembly which has been today and is titled "Lillies of the
held in the last years. Field." Bert.
A bowlof Kellogg's Pep Bran
Flakes with milk or cream
makes you "sit up and take
The most popular ready- They are so much crisper.
to-eat cereals served in
the dining-rooms of And what a flavor! It's the
American colleges, eat- famous flavor of PEP. As you
ing clubs and fraterni-
ties are made by Kellogg eat each spoonful remember
in Battle Creek. They that you are getting the nour-
include ALL-BRAN, Corn
Flakes, Rice Krispies, ishment from the wheat. Ask
Wheat Krumbles, and that Kellogg's Pep Bran
Kellogg's Shredded
Whole Wheat Biscuit. Flakes be served at your fra-
AlsoKaffee Hag Coffee ternity or campus restaurant.
-the coffee that lets
you sleep.9


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