0 WEDNESDAY, OCTOE1 8, 1930t THE MICHIGAN RAIL-Y _ _ _ __ . ._ .__._. _ _ . . .__. .. _Y .DA I L Y_... _ VEEKERTOR START DRLL NEXT WEEK Sophomore Tryouts Will Push Last Year's Veterans and Substitutes for Posts. LACKS GOOD PIVOT MAN Coach George Veenker will issue the first call for basket ball can- didates next week, and plans to have his squad out for its initial drill October 14. Practice sessions will be held three times weekly un- til the close of the football season. Michigan lost four important letter men by graduation last year in Captain Bob Chapman, Joe Truskowski, Bill Orwig, and Dick Lovell. The Varsity players that are left for this year's team are Joe Downing, captain and guard, Who saw action in only one Con- ference game last year because of an injury; and Hank Weiss, the snappy little forward who did good work in several games last season. From last year's Varsity substi- tutes and "B" team there are Dan- iels, Ricketts, and Hudson, two of whom will be with the football I team until the close of the season, but will be out for the squad later. Coach Veenker will also have plen- ty of good material from the strong freshman team of last year. Eve- land, Shaw, Baldwin, Petrie will cntest as forwards; Manuel, as a center; and R o o t, Williamson, Tessmer, and Oltenhoff as guards. Tosnimr and Williamson are also out for football right now. Perhaps the chief problem that will face Veenker this year will be to find someone who can fill in the blank pivot position that Bob Chapman held down so capably for three years. For this position alone is there a lack of candidates FRESHMAN SQUAD- SHOWSPROMISE Picked Team is Drilled With Purdue Plays for Varsity. = From the 100 candidates who have reported for freshman foot- ball, Coach Ray Fisher and his staff of assistants are hopeful of developing some real footballers. During the daily practices a great deal &f emphasis is being placed on the fundamentals of the game. Coach Fisher has personally been taking charge of the backfield candidates, while Orwig, Poorman, and Steinke have been working with the ends, tackles, and guards, respectively. Yesterday afternoon C o a c h Franklin Cappon of the varsity staff took asquad of first year men in hand and drilled them on some P#rdue plays in preparation for a scrimmage with the varsity eleven. Among the men picked by r Cappon who have been displaying some promising ability were Ever- hardus and Renner in the back- field, and Austin, Cantril, Conover, and Emling in the line. Ratterman has been playing some good football in the scrim- mages so far, but will be kept out of the game for a few days due to a minor injury. Miller is another man on the injured list. FRESHMEN SWIMMERS Coach Matt Mann wants to see every Freshman interested in swimming at the Intramural pool Wednesday afternoon at 4:30. All those who fail to show up will have their names cross- ed from the list of candidates. DETROIT-In a recent match in- volving four of the nation's rank- ing golf professionals the new ball was used with satisfactory results for all concerned. Walter Hagen shot 70, Charley Guest 72, Tommy Armour 72, and Al Watrous 74. Sideline- Chatter By JOE RUSSELL None of Fielding Yost's great With the annual battle with "point-a-minute" teams opposed Michigan State a matter of gridir- the Lafayette squad, since the great on history, Coach Kipke has turned coach did not come to Michigan his attention to what will probab- until 1901, and was not in charge ly be the most important Big Ten of the squad last game on the Wolverine's 1930 year after a schedule. The Boilermakers from twenty-nine year lapse in gridiron Lafayette are slated to invade Ann relations between the two schools. Arbor Saturday, and football cri- Purdue's "big four;" Welch, tics have predicted that the team Harmeson, Sleight, and Cara- which wins the- game will plow Way have been graduated and through the rest of the season to will not take the field to rip a Conference championship. the Michigan line to shreds as they did in the last quarter However tis may be, it is last season. Two others who certain that the Wolverines figured greatly in that same vmi be on edge to avenge the rout, Woerner and Mackle, the 30-16 surprise defeat with the latter a regular cad have also then Phelan-coached squad played their last game 'at Ross handed them so neatly in their Ade Stadium, but the center of meeting last season. Likewise the line which will show at the Purdue will be anxious to make Michigan bowl is veteran. it two in a row with a possible flying start toward its second Coach Noble Kizer, who succeed- Big Ten title in as many years, ed Jimmy Phelan as head coach and incidently in the football at Purdue, has five guards and two history of the school, centers who won latters last year to work with, while the great Van Purde was the first member of Bibber holds down one tackle the present Big Ten to meet Mich- birth. Van Bibber vas rated above igan on the gridiron, the first game Sleight by many critics last year, between the two schools being and is certain to have a good sea- played forty years ago in 1890. son again. To add to these men This contest ended in an over- Coach Kizer has five men who, whelming Wolverine victory, 43-6, while not starting the Michigan bu the Boilermakers came back game last year, saw plenty of ac- two years later to take a shutout tion during the downfall of Coach descision from their opponents, Kipke's hopes. PKissel, Chasey, 24-0. This was the first of two Deutsch, and Purvis are backs ktimes when oneof the teams has who won letters last year, while blanked its opponent, the seco ,nd Calvert played at an end position coming in 1896 when Michigan duringptheMichigansedpton pushed across 16 points while hold- g e igan set-to. ing Purdue scoreless. Add to these numerous let- termen who are back for com- Of the eight battles which petition at purdue the, "Big have b e e n waged between HaIimmer," in the boilermaker Michigan and P u r d ue the backfield combination of last Wolves have taken six and lost year, Alex Yunevich, and it is two. The Varsity wins came in easy to see why those who have 1890, 1893, 1895, 1896, 1897, and seen Saturday's invaders in 1900, this being the last game practice predict that the Pur- until relations were resumed due team of this year will be with the heart-breaking loss even more powerful than the last year. None of these games one which they put on the field came during the heyday of last season. Michigan football power from 1900 till 1925. so the Wolves do not have an impressing list of victories over Purdue as they have over most of the Confer- ence schools. ADUCKY CARRIES WOLVES CHARM -1 p yifJi S Grove to Face Hallahaa as Series Is Resumedc (Continued From Page 6) t ances to the box during the series Earnshaw has allowed only one run in 16 innings, a remarkable feat of pitching at any time, but especially so in the baseball classic. The two contesting teams have been about on a par as far as num- ber of hits goes, but where the Ath-i letics have gained the advantage1 is in the distance of their blows.t Home runs decided the first game, played an important part in the second, and won the third for the Mackmen. Jimmy Foxx's circuit clout, coming as it did with a run- ner on base and the score tied in1 the ninth inning of Monday's game; has been the most timely blow in; the entire series so far. Outstanding in the Cardinals camp has been the great work of j the little-heralded Charley Gel-' bert at shortstop. Gelbert has been taking everything that has come his way, killing of many chances' of the Philadelphia batters. At the plate Gelbert has wielded one of the strongest of Cardinal clubs, his triple and single in the fourth game going a long way toward de- ciding that tilt in favor of Babby Street's team. If the Cardinals are victories to- day their pitcher for the finalj game tomorrow will be rather doubtful. It will probably lie be- tween Jesse Haines, who won Sun- day's game 3-1, or Burleigh Grimes, who has lost two decisions despite the fact that he has pitched brilli- ant baseball in both efforts. Intramural Members Plan Dinner Meeting Members of the Intramural De- partment will hold a dinner meet- ing tonight at 6 o'clock in the Michigan Union. Elmer D. Mitchell, director will attend and also super- visors, John Johnstone, Earl Riskey, A. A. James, and Randolph Web- ster. Plans for the year will be ar- ranged at the meeting in regard to the Intramural activities. The seventeen student managers will be assigned to their respective activity. Ben Guill of Canyon, Tex., thought he had lost his golf ball until he found it in the cup after making a hole-in-one on the West Texas State Teachers c o 11 e g e course. VARSITY TRACK All men interested in trying out for the weight or jumping events should report to Yost Field House at 4:30 any after- noon. Experience is not necess- ary. Coach Hoyt. C LASS IF IE ADVERTISIkG SEND your clothes to Moe Laundry for the best service at all times. Satisfaction guaranteed. 204 N. Main. Dial 3916. C BOARD BY WEEK or by single meal. Mrs. Palm, 332 E. Jeffer- son. Phone 7716. 612 WANIED WANTED-Students' laundry, call- ed for and delivered. :Phone 7992. ? WANTED-Three young women of upright character to escort three clean young men of personality to the Pan-Hellenic Ball. Exper- ience necessary. Address Box 151. 234 WANTED-Use of piano for prac- tice in private home. Helen Van Loon, Martha Cook 8luilding. 2 WANTED-Four student salesmen for part time work. Call at 615 E. William. A very good proposi- tion to the right parties. 23 Captain Bucky Simrall Will lead the Michigan warriors on to the field next Saturday with the same luck charm that he firmly believes beat Harvard last year. This charm is a much battered left hind rabbit foot which is taped inside the left leg of his moleskins. Quite a history was attached to the luck piece when it arrived last year from one of Ducky's admirers in Kentucky. One of its most import- ant values is the fact that the rabbit was caught at midnight in a large graveyard. Carletonian College men a r e chaiienging the women to find the star dish-washer of the campus. The challengers estimate that they wash 1,390 dishes in one half hour, three times a day without ever breaking them. EXTRA Order your fall suit now and get extra pants FREE. $30 to $35 CHAS. DOUKAS 1319 S'uh University 4i WANTED-A few student washings. Work done - carefully. Phone 7027. 61 I INSTRUCTOR desires one, or two rooms. 141. This Paper. kitchenette, Apply Box 5X I LANE HALL TAVERN I sI The Choicest of Wholesome Foods PRIVATE ROOMS FOR DANCES AND PARTIES Mrs. Anna Kalmbach . . ._.. / HANWAY'S UPSET VICTORY STANDS OUT IN TOURNEY (Continued from Page 6) green were wild, continually fall- ing short or finding traps. Hicks, on the other hand, found many of his drives in the rough and missed several short putts. Those first-round matches not played yesterday must be finished this afternoon, unless arrange- ments are made with him, Coach Trueblood announced last night. Contestants are to meet at the University course at 1:30. Prof. Trueblood also requists that fresh- man golfers, and others of ability who have not competed in this tournament get in touch with him. There are already about half-a- dozen first-year men who have qualified for match play, but he desires to have a squad of eight or ten, who will play against the Varsity, and perhaps against some outside teams. The star of the freshman con- tingent, Fisdher, set a record for the University course that will probably resist quite a bit of bat- tering, when he shot a 71 in prac- tise fast Sunday. Japanese teach baseball to sav- ages in the mountainous wilds of interior Formosa. The savages a few years ago were head hunters. Miss Virginia Cuniff recently sank a hole-in-one with a 125-yard mashie rap at the Oakhurst Coun- try club at Tulsa, Okla. THIRTY thousand welcoming shouts as he steps to bat the idol of them all. Ball one! Ball two! ... and cr-r-ack! he's done it a'gain. Popularity to be lasting must be deserved. J.' i. 4 ONE WANTED-Students bundle wash- ing. All socks darned free. Will call for and deliver. Call .,2-3 65. 23456(2 ) WANTED-At once, TUTORS in Zoology, Psychology, Botany, En- glish, History, Languages. MACK TUTOtING AGEN'CY 310 South State Over College Inn Phone 7927 123 WANTED-Student washing. First class. Price reasonable. Phone 8889. 123 rOR RENT ATTRACTIVE ,comfortable bed- room, single or double, second floor, private farily. Dial 3196. 1015 Michigan Ave. 2 FOR RENT-Front room in a new house to a young lady, at half price. Call 21126. 23 3 ROOM furnished apartment; very attractive; heat, light and gas supplied; $40. Tel. 2-1840. 612 FOR RENT-Large double roont $6 double or $4 single. 420 Thompson. Dial 2-1559. 61 ROOMS-Suitable for upperclass- man or graduate student. Mod- ern, clean, quiet house. 601 E. Catherine near State. Phone 9033. 612 FOR RENT-Piano studio far prac- ticing. Phone 5407. 561234 ROOMS for students and young business people. Newly decorated. Mrs. Palm, 332 E. Jefferson. Phone 7716. 612 FOR RENT-Nice, light, warm front room. Double $6.00, single $4.50. 724 S. Division. 456123 2 VERY attractive rooms fr men. Newly decorated; new beds; very reasonable rent. Phone -7019. 923 Greenwood. 1X TWO and three room apartments- Private bath, Murphy bed, frigtd- aire, hot water. Reasonable. 405 E. Jefferson. 123456 Oft SALE FOR SALE-Typewriter, portable rartype, mathematical standard, and petite type, excellent condi- tion. $40.00. Write for details. R. H. Swart, Kelvinator Corp., Research Dept., Detroit, Mich. 362 FOR SALE-Large ice box. Holds 150 lbs. In very good conditir.. Reasonable. 1830 Hill St. Dial 8759. 12 LOST LOST-Sorority pin, between Wash- tenaw and Church. Name Olive L. Matthews on back. Please call 6845. 612 LOST - Waterman, brown onyx pencil between Jordan Hall and West Medical Bldg. Return to Mary LaBour. Tel. 23281. 123 LOST-In or near Stadium at MSC game, leather pocketbook with initials F. B. B. Call Bicknall at 22515. 300 N. Ingalls after 5. 12 LOST - Diamond Ring; finder please call 3018. Valued as a gift. Reward. 234 wit1 always stand out 7 HOME RUNS are made at the plate - not on the bench! Likewise what counts in a ciga- rette is what a smoker gets from it - not what is said about it. Chesterfield has a policy-give smokers what they want: MILDNESS-the wholly nat- ural mildness of tobaccos that are without harshness or bitterness. BETTER TASTE-such as only a cigarette of wholesome purity and better tobaccos can have. '19111999111 U II I[ 9111919 '111911 191'111 111119C9191 111119'111'11tI t11 1111nti lllii ll lli 1; t - E 6 err Mr-- - , r ( With a IPURPOSE . -r L There is a zest to seeing the figures mount steadily in your Sdeposit book--bringing you nearer and nearer your Oeur- c _.Re ' Z ! .:: :;; ;:< : : 1 \ ,' 1 ::; rf .: L; ':4 tti ' i~ rv, 2 C'i K- a w t Chesterfield Cigarettes are manufactured by LIGGETT & MYERS TOBACCO CO. I READ THE DAILY WANT -.moot /' - f I1 i