PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1930 Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in thie paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY City Editor Frank E. Cooper News Editor. ... ........Gurney Williams Editorial Director ........... Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor .............. Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor.............Mary L. Behymer Telegraph Editor ........Harold O. Warren Music and Drama.........William J. Gorman Assistant News Editor..,Charles R. Sprowl NIGHT EDITORS S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin David M. Nichol Harold O. Warren Sports Assistants Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy. Robert Townsend Reporters Walter S. Baer, Jr. Wilbur J. Myers Irving J. Blumberg Robert L. Pierce Dornald . Boudeman Sher M. Ouraishi George T. Callison C. Richard Racine Thomas M. Cooley Jerry E. Rosenthal George Fisk George Rubenstein Y7ernard W. Freund David Sachs Morton Frank Charles A. Sanford Saul Friedberg Karl Seiffert Frank B. ilbreth Robert F. Shaw Karl E. Goellner Edwin M. Smith Jack Goldsmith George A. Stauter oland Goodman Alfred R. Tapert William H. Harris John S. Townsend sames H. Inglis Robert D. Townsend Emil J. Konopinski Max HI. Weinberg Denton C. Kunze Joseph F. Zias Powers Moulton Lynne Adams Margaret O'Brien Betty Clark Eleanor Rairdon Elsie Feldman Jean Rosenthal Elizabeth Gribble Cecilia Shriver Emily G. Grimes Frances Stewart Elsie M. Hoffimeyer Anne Margaret Tobin Jean Levy Margaret Thompson Dorothy _Magee Claire Trussell Mary McCall Barbara Wright BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER T. HOLLISTER MABLEY Assistant Manager KASPER H. HALVERSON Department Managers Advertising.. Charles T. Kline Advertising.........Thomas M. Davis Advertising...... ..... William W. Warboys Service. ...............Norris J. Johnson Publication............Robert W. Williamson Circulation............Marvin S. Kobacker Accounts. .............Thomas S. Muir Business Secretary. ..Mary J. Yenan Assistants .Mar Thomas E. Hastings Byron V. Vedder Harry R. Begley Erle Kightlinger William Brown Richard Stratemeier Richard H.hHiller Abe Kirshenbauin Vernon Bishop Noel D. Turner William W. Davis Aubrey L. Swinton H. Fred Schaefer Wesley C. Geisler, Joseph Gardner Alfred S. Remsen An Verner Laura Codling Dorthea Waterman Ethel Constas Alice McCully Anna Goldberg Dorothy Bloomgarden> Virginia McComb Dorothy Laylin Joan Wiese Josephine Convisser Mary Watts ernice Glaser Marian Atran Hortense Gooding Sylvia Miller WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1930 Night Editor-RICHARD L. TOBIN greater amount of the wants of the more fortunate members of the University. Student services and agencies that are controlled by the University with the profits going to the students that operate and manage them have been tried and have proved successful at many schools throughout the country. Laundry service, shoe repairing agencies, pressing establishments, student controlled book and cloth- ing stores where the co-operative plan would pro-rate profits would be a valuable recourse for income to the working students. Of more immediate necessity is the relief which would be achieved if persons having board jobs, room- ing places open which may be rented through tending furnaces, odd jobs, or permanent positions of any kind would communicate with the employment bureau at the dean's office. The duress and strain of staying in school which many students are experiencing is so great that even the slightest assist- ance would be of tremendous im- portance. Certainly there need be no further argument for this help than the plight of these students. AIDING DETROITERS. Even in a period of economic de- pression as severe as that which has gripped the United States for the past year, it is still compara- tively easy to find men who will speak in glowing terms of the out- look for the future, whose chief stock is a rather time worn appeal for optimism but whose activities extend little further than the speech. Much more difficult is it to find men in positions of import- ance who will take definite steps to end the crisis. Recently, Mayor Frank Murphy of Detroit has issued orders to the effect that all the hiring in the city departments should be done through one central agency. He has made very explicit his orders that the men that are hired must be married and have families to sup- port and, since his inauguration into office, he has done much to rid the city of political job-holders. Even though the number of men affected by these particular orders may not be large, it is still a move in the right direction. Such action by the mayor of a great city is invaluable when compared to the words of the optimistic speech- maker and may, quite probably, lead to more definite moves by other men in positions of public prominence. Behind it all is the indelible stamp of political astuteness, for this movement may well be ex- pected to gain the favor of Detroit's unemployed. But it will undoubt- edly do much to ease the economic depression in Detroit. LLS TED Alk THREE LOUSY CHEERS'. , Several of my acquaintances among the fairer sex have come to me in tears with a sad story of how their seats for the Purdue game are located in the cheering section. The poor dears haven't the slightest idea of how to behave in such a place, and in addition they don't like the idea of having to hold up colored cards in front of their faces when they want to watch the game. Here is a wonderful business opening ,for ambitious young men who want to lay in a sup- ply of periscopes to sell to the members of the shout-squad so that they may see the game as well as those who sit in the student section and are thereby excused from having to cheer at all. *s * * From the performances of the student body at the last few games I have attended, the players would get more encouragement if the cheer-leaders did the vocalizing and let the stands go through the funny motions. The guy that sat in front of me at the last game put on a show with a bottle and a program that I defy any cheer- leader in the country to parallel with any amount of equipment. No fooling, though, this -new system is really a whiz. Just so long' as I don't have anything to do with it, I enthuse without stint, but I dare anybody to suck me into try- ing to run the thing,-or, for that matter trying to keep the cards straight myself. Dear Dan: Upon reading your scathing de- nunciation in yesterday's Rolls I was ,naturally enough, just a trifle incensed at what I believed to be your injustice. Then, after looking back over the past years, I found that you were entirely right. I had been sadly remiss in the matter you mentioned. If anyone had asked me, I should have attributed it to the lack of opportunity, but a moment's honest communion with myself showed me that this was a mere excuse. I, therefore, set about to seek a chance for some romantic and chivalrous adventure. No sooner had I started on my quest than I saw a beautiful girl whose face showed clearly that she was sad and discouraged. I immediately followed her as she walked de- jectedly down the street, sure that I could find some method of aiding her in her trouble. Unfortunately, however, I had no sooner started after her than I slipped and skidded in a very undignified man- ner to fall at her feet. At this her expression grew still more sad, and as she lifted me to my feet she sighed and said-a trifle petulantly perhaps-"You're the third half- witted, slue-footed bozo I've had to help this week. Why don't Michi- gan Men (she capitalized it very carefully) learn to walk?" I lifted my hat (after retrieving it from the gutter) and thanked her grace- fully which, I think, ought to rate me some sort of an award. Very Sincerely Yours, Arthur T. McWhoosh. * * * Good work, Arthur me bye, Uncle Daniel is certainly proud of you. You have certainly merited some sort of a prize, but I am afraid that nothing I could give you would properly express my sentiments. And the rest of you birds,-I hope this lad's spirit will move, you to higher things, and if you can't rake up a chivalrous bone in your carcass, and do simething nice for one of our beloved sisters, you might send in an idea for some way to get the nuisances off of the campus. * * * Dear Dan: In French class it seems there was a story in which the main character was reading a newspaper. Just to find out how many had really done the stuff at home (al- though it really isn't done, is it Dan?) the prof asked what the name of the paper was. The first (and of course only) answer was "The Michigan Daily." And the answeree just couldn't understand why it wasn't thus. More power to us! ! Elmer P. S. Are you going to announce my appointment as assistant About Books FAMILIAR NOTES. A NOTE IN MUSIC: by Rosamond Lehmann; by Henry Holt and Co., N. Y. C.; Price, $2.50. A Review. It is pleasant to note Miss Leh- mann's second novel as a best- seller. "Bestiseller" regains some- thing like an accurate connotation with such an event. Miss Lehmann just at present is a charming personality, who reads the best novels well, and writes very well. Her latest novel, A NOTE IN MUSIC, very refinedly borrows the 'contrapuntal structure popu- larized by Aldous Huxley but in- vented by Andre Gide in "The Counterfeiters," uses some of the fundamental intuitions of Virginia Woolf, politely emulates the same lady's excellent style, makes an at- tempt here and there at Proustian reflections. And yet it never gets tangled, never moves off a very clear level of apprehension. Actuallyn one of the material is new. The novel deals with the problem of Woman's sensibility, its pangs in an unsympathetic setting, its Emily Dickinson-Elionor Wylie stone-like attitudes in thise situ- ations. Yet Miss Lehmann's assimi- lative intelligence (excellent writer of excellent second-rate novels that she is) works so fluently that in the first reading one never realizes the type of integration that has taken place. One has enjoyed the novel. Even upon the discovery of the ways of its structure, one is grateful for getting significant (One will 'recognize these things things integrated so pleasantly. more intelligently when it is time to go back again to Virginia Woolf, Huxley, Gide and Proust.) Such best-sellers are easy, pleas- ant worthwhile reading. More of them are welcome. It is quite prob- able that in England (which has novel traditions) such books appear more often. For us a "best-seller" has more insidious connotations. Reading of our best-sellers more often distorts than assists the mini- mum of significant reading done. Miss Lehmann writes her story primarily of two women of lively sensibility forced into inadequate, torturous marriage-relationships, succumbing to them externally, escaping them in mental attitudes: Grace who is married to Tom (a likeable, stupid fellow whom his fellow clerks call "good old Tom") in beingElinor Wylie-like "stone before the world, telling no one 'I also suffer'"; Norah, who is married to Gerald, a penniless professor desperately introverted and com- pletely nasty socially, in a pretence at sociability and social work and in preoccupation with her children. Into the lives of these four middle- aged people comes a happy couple, brother and sister, Hugh and Clare, very dexterous socially, with charm- ing eccetricities, and a general air of having attained a happy secur- ity in their sensibilities. Mild pyschological complications ensue. Grace makes Hugh the sym- bol for the happy freedom denied her, gains personal strength in her slight associations with him, and finally reaches some sore of pyscho- logical solution through the deli- cate opportunity of telling him what he has meant to her. Gerald temporarily abandons introversion (which is largely self-defence for him anyway), makes a desperate social effort in his attempted con- quest of Clare. This failing, he and Norah fall back into their old rela- tionship with some new strength gained after that climax and the consequent discussion and under- standing reached. As should be apparent, the struc- ture is very lucid and entirely admirable. Miss Lehmann has a nice Virginia Woolf feeling for "the weight of things not said" and an astute gift for getting at those things. The only thing that makes the novel definitely minor is the insignificance of the material: that is, the limtiations of the people written about, which, I suppose, means in turn the present limita- tions of Miss Lehmann's sensibility. And in addition, the apparent lack in Miss Lehmann's intelligence of the moral approach: the function that evaluates material. She merely accepts the situations she writes about. Another well-worn term that has DICTIONARYOF CHEMICAL EQUATIONS Containis 1welve, thousand completed and I :alaieed chemical equations, classified and irranged for ready reference.. It is no more d ienlt to find a desired equation in this 1111k than it is to 1amd a word in the Standard GEORGE WAHR-Bookstore 105 North Main Street AUCTION! My entire stock must go ANTIQUES CURIOS, RELICS and USED FURNITURE Today 1 P. M. Cor. State and Fuller JAMES JOHNSON, Prop. J. TINNELL, AUCTIONEER Fall Flowers Ferns and Foliage Plants Special Flowers by Wire Service FLO WE'DAY & SON 609 East William Phone 7014 D IP DRUG SOE The new wall placque w it h fraternity coat 723 North University Avenue of armis exe- 217 South Main Street 207 North Main Street cuted in inlaid woods is rich Pepsodent . 0 0 0 . 43c Sii d durable We suggest It as an unusually desirable gift. Specially priced Pebeco . . . Listerine Tooth Paste Squibb Tooth Paste Ipana Tooth Paste S. T. 37 Tooth Paste, $1.15 Listerine . . 1 Pint Antiseptine . " 0 " e S 0 . . M 23c S. . . 0 0 . 37c . '. . 0 . . 43c . . . . . . . 50c . 0 . . . . 89c 43c at seven dollars and fifty cents. . 0 . . . 0 . 69c . . . 23c 3 Bars McK. Hard Water Soap 60c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 53c 'Burr Patterson Auld Co. Fraternity Jewelers Stationers 603 Church Street WANT ADS PAY! 1 Pint McK. Milk of Magnesia 1 Pint Rubbing Alcohol 45c Kotex . . . . . . . . 39c . . . 49c . 39c Lucky Strike, Camels, Old Golds, and Chesterfield, tins of 50 . . . . 30c - -- - - - -= 11 Chora Union STUDENT UNEMPLOYMENT. Figures compiled in the office of the Dean of Students indicate one of the most unfortunate years in the history of the University's efforts to find employment for needy students. With the reports for September and the first days of October on file, more than 800 have filed their' names as appli- cants for any kind of a job what- ever, from dishwashing to painting. Only 125 have been taken care of by the dean's office. With the demand for positions more than double and the scarcity of available openings greater than in past years, Michigan students are finding difficulty in locating even temporary employment in the city. Although the employment bureau handles only those who wish its assistance and does not come into contact with hundreds of students previously employed and now at, the same posts, the figures at the dean's bureau indi- cate the shortage of general stud- ent jobs. An anlysis of the employment al- ready found for students shows the ephemeral nature of the situations on file at the University office. Of the 492 given jobs, both temporary and permanent, before October 1, 107 were board positions, 37 were for room rent; 325 odd jobs earning but a few dollars each, and 23 steady cash positions. In one case brought to the attention of the employment bureau this year, a student was forced to leave school after classification, registration and payment of tuition fee because he had but 34 cents in his pocket and was unable to secure a position. Some amelioration has been found through loans; but even this recourse has been unusually pinch- ed through lack of funds for use this year. Despite the good offices of several alumni who have made outright cash gifts to the Univer- is I r ------ Editorial Comment 0 -0 RUSH WEEK IS OVER; FRATERNITIES CHECK UP (From Ohio State Lantern) It's all over. A new crop of pledge pins has blossomed forth on the campus, and wvhile star fraternity salesmen are recovering their voices, house managers are figuring out the budget and getting a line on just who was pledged during the last wild week. Whether or not the neophyte isI satisfied with the fraternity, or vice versa, will become known in the next few weeks. He's pledged now and it's just too bad if a mistake has been made. A number of cases of this nature will show up soon enough. They're the inevitable result of high pres- sure rushing tactics. A few of the dissatisfied pledges may obtain their release and join other fra- ternities, but the majority of them will hang on in the hope of be- coming adjusted to their new sur- roundings. It is hoped that they succeed. That many fraternities were not so sure of their pledges was shown by the rush at the Pledge Registra- tion Bureau when it opened Sun- day at midnight to receive the names of the new men. To the surprise of officials of the bureau and veteran fraternity men, no freshman had signed two cards and there were no duplications. But now attention is centered on the new bureau, where all the pledge cards are tucked away care- fully in the files. If there are argu- ments over any of the pledges, the bureau will clear them up. And if any of the boys want to change fraternities, there is where they will go. Cocet Oerthescounter se 1---Oct. 2-Oct.; 3-Nov. 4--Nov., 5--Nov. TEN STAR NUMBERS U' 13 Fritz Kreisler, Austrian Violinist. 31 Clare Clairbert, Belgian Coloratura. 7 Alexander Brailowsky, Russian Pianist. 20 Don Cossack Russian Male Chorus. Serge Jaroff, Conductor. Consisting of 36 ex- patriated officers from the Imeprial Army in a program of Russian Church music, folk songs and soldier songs. 24 Detroit Symphony Orchestra Ossip Gabrilowitsch, Conductor 6-Dec. 12 Jose 1turbi, Spanish Pianist 7-Jan. 12 8-Jan. 27 9-Feb. 2 Detroit Symphony Orchestra Bernardino Molinari, Guest Conductor Albert Spalding, American Violinist Paul Robeson, Negro Baritone 1 . , I 11 11