THE MICHIGAN DAILY P~AGE THREO REPTILES. FISHES ADDEDL TOLMUSEUM FOSLCLETO Quarries of Northern Michigan Yield Large Deposits of Fish, Coral. RARE SKULL DISCOVERED Second Largest Fossil Deposits of Reptiles and Amphibians Found in Texas. Traditional pictures of museum workers as bent, old graybeards por- ing endlessly over mummies in musty rooms are quite out of keep- ing with the active life of the mod- ern scientist-teacher at the Uni- versity museum here, from which expeditions were sent this summer to seek material in Michigan, Texas, Ohio, England, Wales and South Africa. In addition to the search for new specimens, Dr. E. C. Case, director of the museum of paleontology, has visted museums in Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm," and Upsala, arranging for exchange of material in some cases. Michigan Yields Fossils. The expedition to northern Mich- igan in the St. Ignace, Rogers bity and Alpena regions brought back three-quarters of a ton of fossils, including many fine specimens of coral from the great coral beds or reefs which were laid down in this' region in Silurian and Devonian time, many years ago. Interesting deposits of fossil fishes were also uncovered in a quarry near Rocka- port, and donated to the University by the superintendent of the Kelly Island Lime and Transportation company. 'This trip was in charge of Prof. John M. Ehlers. Find Large Deposits. The second largest deposit of rep- tiles and amphibians ever discover- ed was the success of the party in- vestigating the Triassic time beds7 of Texas. - Among other animals found was a perfect skull of Phyto- saur 36 inches long, the, reptile re- sembling the modern crocodile. Ac-s cording to W. H. Buettner, who headed the party, Texas seems to; have been the American stampingt group for the reptiles and amphibi- ans that ruled the world millions of years ago. Better than average luck, also saw the location of an unusu- ally rich field that may be quarried by future expeditions. Theodore White, student assistant to Buettner, also joined Norman Hartweg, another student, on a trip to collect specimens of the living snakes and lizards of the region. Search in Ohio Region. Fossil plant material was obtained in Ohio by Dr. Chester A. Arnold, who later studied and collected sinm- ilar specimens in England and, Wales.. South Africa furnishes a number of specimens from the Karro re- gion to a party in charge of H. F. Donner, who is also an observer in3 the Lamont - Hussey Observatory which the University owns at YOUNG AVIATOR ATTEMPTS TO SET NIOR TRANSCONTIN ENT AL RECORD .# BoXaiatr fElzbehNwJey yshwfhr js bfreh lf 3 I- is ": v) +W- 3 \Frank Buck, Bay aviator of Elizabeth, New Jersey, shown here just before he left the Newark airport for the west coast recently in an attempt to set a new junior transcontinental flight record. WILL ADVISE STUDENTS Under the direction of Dr. Theo- phile Raphael, who for the past three years has been connected with the Detroit recorder's court, as wellj as being a lecturer in the Univer- sity sociology department, the Health Service is continuing a treat- ment for minor mental- disturb- ances, which was inaugurated some time ago. Last year this integral part of the Health Service's facilities was supervised by Dr. John M. Dorsey who is also assisting with the work this year. Dr. Raphael recently ex- plained the function of his depart- ment as being to advise in situa- tions having other than a purely physical basis, such as nervousness, worry, and depression. He also men- tioned that voluntary advice was given in such matters as undue self-consciousness and m a r k e d sensitiveness, which, while not seri- ous, have nevertheless, come to represent real problems to the in- dividual. "Obviously," continued Dr. Raph- ael, "there is nothing extraordina- rily anomalous in these conditions, for they are really very common in greater or lesser degrees among most of us. Yet often they may prove distressing and even handi- capping, although frequently easily corrected by the proper advice." When asked whether men or women were most prone to seek his advice, Dr. Raphael answered that there was no great difference in the numbers, pointing out that about equal numbers of both sex visited him. "Also," he mentioned, "although it is still too early to tell whether we will constantly be kept busy and to determine whether our advice will prove successful in most cases, this department, in the past, has had its hands full and has had very encouraging results." BROUGHT TO ANN ARBOR. Arrested in Jackson, where they had fled after stealing a car be- longing to Frank McClellan here, two boys were returned to Ann Arbor yesterday by police. The boys, Glen Morrow and Wesley Spurgeon, drove to Jackson in the car, a Chevrolet two-door sedan. Detroit Is Doctor, Lecturer Here, Added to Health Service Staff. "Freshmen, freshmen everywhere but not a bar of candy bought." Such is the complaint of the pre- sentable young lady on duty at the candy booth in U hall. It seems that freshmen coming out of Paducah or Oshkosh or wher- ever freshmen come out of, are more interested in the location of the registrar's office than they are in the personal consumption of chocolate bars. In fact so great has b e en this predfilection that the girls have turned into veritable Mr. Fosters. As to sophomores, they are more interested in the personal activities of the girls themselves than they are in the very necessary daily cal- ory quota. Juniors are too serious INSPECTION SHOWS NEW SEWER NEED Drains Overflow in Many Parts of Citya Inspection of the present sani- tary sewer by City Engineer George H. Sandenburgh yesterday shows that the sewer is running to capa- city,, although there has been no rain during the past few days. In some sections of the city, Sanden- burgh found the sewer overflowing, emphasizing, he said, the need of a' modern drain. A bond issue of $350,000 for con- struction of a new drain has been proposed, and the issue will be de- cided by voters at the fall election. During heavy rains, Sanden- burgh pointed out, sewage water backs into dwellings throughout the city, causing an unhealthy condition. Water drains, connect- ed to the sanitary sewers, were re- moved by the board of public works several months ago. This Was done in the hope that complaints from back sewage during a heavy rain might be lessened. However, board officials stated that citizens call regularly as soon as normal rains fall. Books on Display Among ten featured books on display this week at the Ann Ar- bor public library is one from the pen of one of England's greatest present day women writers, "Shep- ard in Sackcloth," by Sheila Kaye Smith. Other notable books are "Jungle Portraits," "Lobagola, an African's Own Story," Mirthful Haven," "Essays on Things," and "Introduction to Art." INTEREST OF FRESH OF REGISTRAR, Even Upperclassmen, Girls Say, ME N:gL IFail to Buy at Booth. MEN IN OFFICE WOT IN CANDY BARS to eat candy and seniors are always in Detroit, the girls say. So the black shadow of business depression has, temporarily it is hoped, set.ed over the candy booth in U hall. However, as soon as trade picks up the stand attendants intenU to incorporate, naming the cone.ern, "Ye Maidenly Mint Mart, Inc." Debating Schedule Will. e EXtend ; Tryout to be Held At a meeting early this week, the speech department decided to ex- tend its debating program for the coming year. Although no arrange- ments have as yet been completed a definite announcement will soon be forthcoming. At the present time only two de- bates are scheduled, with 'Indiana and Ohio State, to be held on Dec. 13. We will debate Ohio at home and Indiana away. The question has not been decided yet. In view of the plans for extend- ing the debate program, the depart- ment has agreed to hold another tryout. This will be held Tuesday, Oct. 14, at one o'clock in 3209 A.H. This course is speech 81 and can be taken either with or without credit. The tryout will be a five-minute argumentative speech on any topic. These tryouts are open to both men and women students. Further details will be disclosed as soon as The department an- nounces thei' plans. FREED ON BOND. Bond of $20 has been posted with Ann Arbor police for the release of James Fay by Edward Byrne. According to Byrne, Fay, who was arrested on a charge of drunken-, ness, is sick and will answer. the charge as soon as he is physically able. Law Grad aqe Says New Style of Procedure May Have Great Value. LEAVES FCOR WISCONSIN "Procedure for Discovery Before Trial" is the subject of research that has been conducted by George Ragland, Jr., at the lbw school. Ragland is a graduate of the law school of this ,university and last year obtained the degree of doc- tor of juridical sdience here, choos- ing as the sub ;;ect for his thesis the history anc development of the above topic. His topic dea s with the finding of facts before the case is actial- ly brought to t rial, with the vew of preventing t1;e surprise element from entering into the trial. Should this procedure be found satisfactory an efficient it will have inestimable. value in further- ing the cause 'of justice, for it would necessitate the trial of is- sues on their merits alone, Rag- land says.o Ragland left yesterday to con- tinue his research at the Univer- sity of Wisconsin.. After several weeks at that institution he will be connected with the Legal Research Institute as rcesearch associate, studying the act ual working of dis- coveryndstatutes in several states, including Ohio, Kansas andNe- braska. Oct~erCourtOf ps Judge George W. Sample presid- ed at the opening of the October term of circuit court yesterday morning, wiith more than 25 mem- bers of the Washtenaw County Bar present. Motions, short causes and a review of the October term dock- et occupied most of the morning session. INFIRMARY ASKS OFFER OF RADIO Convalescents Miss When Old Set Programs Fails. Students confined in the health service infirmary wish to inform tpe outside world that they are sadly in need of a new radio. { The only set now available, an antiquated outfit of pre-superhetro- dyne days, even defies the efforts of the University electrician who ha§ been trying to restore it to a properly functioning condition. The absence of a continuous flow of entertainment from over the air, especially after acquiring the habit of listening in, is painfully notice- able. And the patients miss the pre- occupation which the radio has af- forded them and which has aided in their convalescence, particularly during the world series and football' season. A good radio set given or loaned to the health service infirm- ary will be immensely appreciated by the students confined therein. Convention to Discuss Unemployment Relief (By Associated Press) ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Oct. 6.-- Six hundred delegates to the Na- tional Recreation Congress gather- ed today for a five-day meeting which will include discussion of measures "for the relief of unem- ployment." It is the contention of the dele- gates that liberal opportunities for wholesome play will help tide over the period of depression for the Prof. Browne to Talk on Chemical Research Prof. A. W. Browne of the chem- istry department at Cornell, will lecture on "Adventures in Re- search" in the ampitheatre of the chemistry building at 4:15 the af- ternoon of October 13. Professor Browne is a graduate. of Wesleyan and Cornell. He has been a professor in chemistry at Cornell since 1910. During the World war he served in a consult- ing capacity as chemical expert in the ordnance department at large. Three Admitted to Bar Admission to the Washtenaw County Bar association was granted three June graduates of the Uni- versity law school by Judge George W. Sample. The three, one an Ann Arbor resident, are Charles J.. Spaulding, jr., of 1312 Olivia avenue, Ann Arbor; Reinhardt Nank, Mt. Clemens, and John Patrick Murphy, Potsdam, N. Y. , 111!10111'r 11 1111i110111i1l11It11111.1 ii ui11. l lt l N f1l1 11 E 0.#t 111A 111 1111; eadquarters for Stag inery Your name and address or monogram HYLITED A' in raised letters. 100 Sheets-109 Envelopes-$2.00 ALSO MICHIGAN SEAL STATIONERY *: P 1111 SOUTH UNIVERSITY . HALF BLOCK EAST OF CAMPUS PHONE 4744 X1!!!11!!111 1 ! I I Dl 1111 1l H 1l l llllilIlllIHt1 il lliIltlIIi11tIIIlllmIII III 1I III, $loemfontein, South Africa. man out of work. for only $5.00 Any prodigal son can write home with this Conklin pen" and pencil set. It was designed for the ones who "bought too many other things, rst.M Made with the utmost care of highest quality, beautiful, non- breakable materials in two colors, Glossy Black and Green and Gold. with gold mountings. The non- 1eakable pen has "generous ink capacity. The pen nib is 14-1.. /'Al d i11A t7:7,' 11+ 97 T1' h tippea witn ir um. e: iatic pencil includes all the sive features that provide nth, easy action. It is coM a e with lead magazine and ser. Both pen and pencil adsomely boxed for only' .5.o... Leadina colleve ~rI ~ Mt Wt'.?I T 1 iL ' iU'fiJ4 a I''