Air 44
Goes Baseball
as Westerners
W x"'
Invade the East.
Possible End of Series Today
Attracts Nationwide
Interest of Fans.
(BAy Asswated Press)
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 7. - Staid
old Philadelphia, suddenly aware
that the clfsing act of a highly
dramatic world's series is to be
staged upon her door step went
slightly baseball batty today.
Pride in the hammering Athletics
of Connie Mack, who surprised in
the gallant comeback of the St.
Louis Cardinals, mingled to stir up
in the faithful the excitement that
was so obviously lacking when the
American league champions swept
the opening two games of the an-
nual classic here. The rally of the
Cards to capture two of the three
battles in St. Louis has set the
whole town to scrambling to be in
at the death when the sixth game
starts at 1:30 tomorrow afternoon
in. Shibe park. Grove and Hallahan
have been named as probable start-
ing pitchers.
Return Is a Surprise.
The baseball bugs of, William
Penn colony had no idea that the
mighty sluggers of Mack would ever
be back to wind up the series in
their own' back yard after belting
the National league title holders
around in the first two matches
here. They saw the Cardinal Aces,
Burleigh Grimes and Flint Rehm,
go down under the clouting of the
boyish Jimmy Foxx, smiling Al Sim-
mons and the fighting Micky Coch-
rane, saw Lefty Grove and big
Geo ge Earnlha dominate the
pitching situation, and concluded
as they had thought all along that
there was not enough opposition to
really, get excited about.
But the Cardinals, grim and de-
ternmed, rolled' back into Phila-
delphia early this afternoon, trail-
ing twb games to three in the series
count, faced with the problem of
wining to'morrow or joining In
defeat the three National league
champions in a i row before them-
the Pittsburgh Pirates of 1927, the
Cardinals of 1928 and the Cubs of
1929. There was nothing of defeat
about them as they jostled about,
gayly in the railroad station, threw
their bags into a line of taxicabs
and wheeled away to their hotels
under escort of motorcycle police.
Crowd at Station.
A crowd of several hundred form-
ed in the station to point out slim
Bill Hallahan, the quiet Southpaw
who plastered a shut-out on the
A's in the first game at St. Louis
Saturday, Big Jeff Haines, the
knuckle-ball artist who overcame
the white elephant Sunday and
Grimes, scrappy, courageous, fight-
ing foeman who went down yester-
day to a two-to-nothing defeat
when Foxx pelted him for a home
run with Micky Cochrane cn base
in the ninth. There was respect for
these Western warriors in the at-
tentiveness of the faithful and the
hoots and catcalls from the fringe
of the crowd attested at least the
fact that the rabid ones still con-
sider them dangerous.
(By Assoiaied Press)
LEIPZIG, Oct. 6.-The newspaper
Neue Lepsiger Zeitung. today quotes
Dr. Hugo Eckener, Graf Zeppelin
commander, as saying that he has
decided to accept an invitation to
lead a Zeppelin expedition to the
North Pole. The death of Dr.
Fridtjof Nansen this summer left
the proposed expedition leaderless
and Dr. Eckener hesitated when
asked to take his place.
Substitute for Union
Opera to be Planned
Mimes will hold its first meeting
.. -1 *1n+ 4-n +HO thsfternon
Former Washington Newspaper
A4an Will Talk at First
All Campus Forum.
Following up the campus-wide
liquor question discussion of last
spring, the Student Christian as-
sociation brings to Ann Arbor Ben
H. Spense of Toronto, Ontario, for-
mer United Press correspondent at
Washington who will lead a pre-
limenary open forum to be held
at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in
room D of the Alumni Memorial
hall. The subject of the forum
will be "Canada's Liquor System"
according to the announcement of
William Kearnsn '32, chairman of
the open forums committee of the
Student Christian association.
Spence's long residence in Cana-
da combined with his familiarity
with our own government gained
through his experience as special
correspondent at the White House
qualifies him as an excellent au-
thority to discuss the Canadian
liquor system from the American
point 'of view. Spence has spoken
on the same subject in a series of
lectures over WJR Detroit during
the past week..
According to the announcement
of Kearns this forum is in the na-
ture of a preliminary extra series.
The regular fall series of open for-
ums will start Octdber 16 when
Prof. William H. Hobbs of the geo-
logy department' will talk on the
subject "The Value of Present Day
Exploration"to Civilization."
Owing to his proposed trip to
California Dr. Alexander G. Ruth-
ven will not open the series as
previously planned. He will speak
on November 13, however, the sub-
ject to be announced later.
Warren Announces Continuance
of List at Union.'
Provisions are being made for
the re-establishment of a rooming
bureau at the Union for footbal
week-ends, Harold 0. Warren, '31
recording secretary of the Union,
announced yesterday. Household-
ers are asked to cooperate and call
the operator ati the Union to list
all available rooms and prices;
Warren stated..
This bureau is operated each
year by the Union and person
wishing accomodations for week-
ends of the football games may ob-
tain a list of rooms and prices at
the desk in the main lobby of the
--- ~,
Jensen Assumes McClusky's Post
as Instructor of Neophytes.
With the continuation of class-
es, the college of engineering has
resumed its policy of conducting a
'special "how to study" class under
the instruction of Prof. Gordon L.
Jensen of the mechanical engin-
eering department.
For the past three ycars Prof.
Howard Y. McClusky of the educa-
tional psychology department has,
been in charge of it.1
Previously this "how to study"i
class was primarily for sophomore
engineers whose past academic
averages were poor, but this year"
certain members of the freshman
class were selected during orien-
tation week to take this course.
There will be three sections this
semester each running through five
weeks. Membershofnthe second
section will be chosen from the
freshmen in poor standing when
the first Mentor reports are made.
The classes are held twice a week
and last for one hour. No credit
toward graduation is given for at-
(By Associated Press)
BOSTON, Oct. '7.--Jimmy Ma-
:e ni e, Bo st on heavyweight,
sprang the unexpected by pure-
ly out pointing Primo Carnera,
Italian rign behemoth, in a wild
end serious 10-round bout to-
night in the Boston Gardens.
Malone carried five of the
rounds and one was even. There
were no knockouts. Carnera
weighed 260 pounds, 65 more
than the Boston battler.
The defeat was the first the
- Italian suffered in 23 bouts
since he came to this country.
Malone carried the battle to the
Giant in every round and land-
ed the cleanest punches, Car-
nera being an easy mark for a
stiff left to the body and wide
swings to the jaw.
[ntolerable Heat Is Described
in Letter; Valuable
Coins"F9n d.
News of the Waterman expedi-
tion, which left Ann Arbor but a
month ago, was received by Presi-
dent Alexander Grant Ruthven
yesterday. in a -letter from Leroy
Waterman, expedition leader who
is now engaged in scientific ex-
ploration of the buried city of Iraq
in the Persian area. The letter
told of the discovery of 450 valu-
able pieces of early Volograses
coins during the first day's work
while 236 more were added within
a few hours on the second day.
These coins date back to 140-19C
A. D.
Terrific heat has halted progress
which would have been made in
cooler weather, the dispatch to Dr
Ruthven stated. Temperatures of
111 degrees in the shade were not
uncommon during the first week
Dr. 'Waterman stated in his let-
ter, and the glaring heat forcec
the greener men to seek shelter be-
tween the ' hours of 11 and z it
Working on the undiscoverec
cities of Asia Minor, the Watermar
expedition, made the trip fron
Ann Arbor to Baghdad in 20 days
a record breaking journey. Th
staff now assembled at - Iraq in
cludes 250 workers, mostly natives
as well as nine experts who ari
directing the task of digging ou
relics of more than 1750 years ago
Although the importance of th
discoveries made to date indicat
the immediate success of the ex
pedition, the letter to Dr. Ruthvei
also implied that the major worr
of the entire trip would lie in th
battle against the heat. More tha
two-thirds of the letter was uses
to describe the depressing effort
of the high temperatures and th
results on the workmen.
It is not known how long the ex
pedition will remain in Iraq, al
thoughnsuccesses such as the pres
ent may cause the leaders of th
expedition to s t a y for man
Telephoto shows the wreckage of the British dirigible R-101 which crashed late last Saturday on the
side of a hill about three miles from Beauvais, France. Police are shown carrying away the half-burned
remains of the airship victims. Of .the forty-six who lost their lives in the tragedy, a large percentage
were aircraft experts from the various governments of Europe. Since many of the bodies were not able to
be identified, the British air ministry plans to interr the remains in a single grave near the scene of the
disaster. It is also planned to erect a memorial to those who perished, near Cardington, England, the
home port of the dirigible.
J. Fred Lawton Will Deliver
Principal Address at
Freshmen Urged to Attend First
Regular Football Rally
of Current Season.
Plans for the first pep meeting
of the year assumed definite pro-
portions last night with the secur-
ing of the Varsity band and cheer-
leaders for the rally before the
Purdue game, Friday night.
Although positive assurance has
not yet been received, it is expect-
ed that J. Fred Lawton, '11, com-
poser of "Varsity," will deliver the
main address before an expected
assembly of several thousand stu-
dents and townspeople.
Lawton Will Speak
Lawton, who is an ardent Michi-
gan man, is well known by stu-
dents in the Universities for his
inspiring meeting talks preceeding
several of the games last year as
well as for his speeches at ban-
quets, student rallies, and class
functions in the past.
Arrangements are being made to
take care of a large gathering of
students, who are anxious to let
the team know that they are seek-
ing revenge for the 30-14 defeat
suffered at the hands of the cham-
pionship Purdue eleven last fall.
Shick to Bead Cheers.
Montgomery Shick, '31, Varsity
cheerleader, with his staff of yell-
masters, will be on hand to lead
several of the rousing Wolverine
cheers. Besides playing the better
known Michigan songs at the rally,
the Varsity band will play "The
Victors" and "Varsity"' as they
parade down State street and over
North University to Mail auditor-
ipm, calling students to the ,rally.
"Freshmen, especially are urged
to attend the first of a series of one
of Michigan's traditional affairs,"
stated Edwin A..Schrader, '31, sen-
ior councilman and chairman of
the arrangements for the pep
1 Hobbs, Sharfman Named to Act
on Deans Advisory Board.
Committee appointments made
in the regular faculty meeting o
the literary college Monday wer
announced yesterday by Dean John
R. Effinger.
Prof. William H. Hobbs of th
- geology department and Prof. I. L
Sharfman of the economics de
partment were selected as member.
I of the dean's advisory committee
Prof. Arthur Boak of the histor
n department and Prof. Louis C
Karpinski of the mathematics de
e partment were named on the libr
ary committee.
, Representatives of the literar
e college faculty on the Senate Com
t mittee on University Affairs wil
. be Prof. Carter Goodrich of th
e economics department, and Prof
e John G. Winter of the Latin de
- partment.
d (By Associated Press)
e MATANZAS, Cuba, Oct. 8.-Pro
Georges Claude, French scientis
- and n pineer t~f. f nii rp f f + fltr
Opportunity for 50 Cent Saving
Will be Withdrawn.
Final sale of the pledge stubs
for the Michiganensian, yearbook
of the University, will take place
on the campus today, tomorrow,
and Friday, George Hofmeister, '31,
business manager of the yearbook
announced yesterday.
The stubs may be purchased for
fifty cents and are good for one
dollar credit toward the price of
the annual at the time it appears
in the spring. Tables will be plac-
ed along the diagonal during this
sale or the stubs may be procured
at the offices of the 'Ensian in the
press building on Maynard street.
Only enough books necessary to
meet the stub sales are printed,
Hofmeister said, and this is the
final opportunity for the purchase
of the stubs at less than face
Council Elects Ward President;
Dobbin and Houston Given
Other Positions.
James Ward, '31, was elected
president of the Interfraternity
council at the first meeting of the
ear held at 4:30 o'clock yester-
day afternoon when 54 of the 58
houses belonging to the council
sent representatives to the Union
to meet with Dean Joseph A. Burs-
ley. John M. Dobbin was elected
secretary, and Jack Houston, treas-
W. Wallace Wessels, '31, and
Dean A. Esling, '31, were elected as
new members of the advisory
board which will be composed of
the officers of the council, two stu-
denlts xapreenting the council, ad
alum-nt' hnd .fa .. yepresenta-
The council this year is compos-
ed of two represertatives from
each fraternity, one junior mem-
ber and one senior. Next year, ac-
cording to the constitution of the
organization, only junior members
who have not missed more than
two meetings will be eligible to
hold office in the organization.
Following the election of officers
Dean Bursley spoke briefly concern-
ing the necessity of a powerful or-
0 ganization this year in order t
consider and put into effect the de-
t ferred rushing system. "It is a
hard problem to solve, and one that
must be faced from the start," he
f The next meeting of the counci]
will be held Monday afternoon at
the Union when deferred rushing
will be discussed, and the plar
drawn up last spring by a specia
e committee will be considered. Rep-
resentatives will also be selected tc
- attend the National Interfraternit
s council meeting which will be helc
Friday and Saturday following
y Thanksgiving in New York. Repre-
sentatives are requested to bring
- their dues for the year.
Donohue Plans Early
- Sale of Union Tickets
e Because of the large crowds tha
. have been attending the week-en
- dances at the Union and the diffi
culty of obtaining tickets, Albert F
Donohue, '31, president of the Un
ion, announced yesterday that th
ticketsmay be purchased any time
after 5 o'clock on the Wednesday
before the dance, at the desk in
f. the main lobby of the Union.
t Students are asked to note, Dono-
hue said, that tickets may not b
4~~A~ ~ jJLLU i1~~~.V~~iL. LI) WU .tre nfrarfn fe 'lc
(By Associated -ress)
DOVER, Enigland, Oct. 7.- A
akish :British destroyer speeding
hrough choppy Channel seas to-
light brought back to Britain and
he honors of the empire, 47 coffins
ontaining the remains of the great
.ompany of air experts and airmen
vho perished in the wreck of the
lirigible R-ro at Beauvais on sun-
The destroyer Tempest slipped
nto her berth at the Admiralt pier
:o the salute of an honor guard of
o men of the Royal Air forces and
:he representatives from every arm
)f the British Military service.
Accident Mars Return.
A single accident marred the rp-
urn of the dead from the stern
farewell of France at Boulogne-sur-
Mer, across the Channel.
The Tempest came in alone,
ringing all the coffins. At the start
she had been accompanied by her
sister ship, the destroyer Tribune,
but the Tribune ran aground in the
rough seas after the Boulogne
The Tempest, running on ahead
th rough the twisting channel with
aboit ha :of the coff ns, was forced
to turn back to her assistance.
Tribune Breaks Propeller.
When it was found that the Trib-
une had damaged her propellor, all
the coffins she had had aboard
were transferred to the Tempest,
which then started under full speed
for Dover. The Tribune went to
Portsmouth for repairs.
At the pier in Dover harbor, the
bodies of the illustrious dead, from
Lord Compton, minister of air, to
the helper in the cook's galley, was
brought ashore by details of men
from the Royal Air force airdrome
at Hampton and Hawkinge.
A common grave, to accord with
their common fate, was being plan-
ned for them at Cardington, home
port of the R-101, from which she
set out on Saturday night on her
disastrous voyage to India.
Erstwhile orators among the bus-
iness classes of Ann Arbor will find
an excellent opportunity for the
development of their powers in a
new night school extension course
in public speaking to be offered
here by the speech department of
the university in cooperation with
the extension division. The first
meeting of the course will be at
7 o'clock Wednesday night in Room
1035 Angell hall according to the
statement of Charles A. Fisher, as-
sistant director of extension work.
Prof. Ray K. Immel, formerly of
the public speakingddepartment of
the University and now head of
that department at the University
of Southern California, will con,
duct the Ann Arbor course. Prof.
Immel is'on thle campus this year
to conduct some research work and
has been called upon to give the
course designed for business men
and others desiring special train-
ing in the art of making an accep-
table speech when the occasion re-
Detroiter Makes Hole
in One on Main Street;
Cracks Skull, May Die
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, Oct. 7.-A pedestrian
was struck by a street car and
thrown half way across Woodward
avenue and head foremost into a
man hole late here today.
Remains of 47 Airmen
Arrive at Dover
from France.
Destroyer Is Grounded
During Channel
Senior Literary Class
Will Select Officials
Wednesday Afternoon
The series of annual fall class
elections will be started when the
seniors of the literary college
choose their officers Wednesday
afternoon, Oct. 15.
The junior literary election will
be Wednesday Oct. 22, while the
sophomores will select their offi-
cials on the following Wednesday
afternoon. Election dates f or
diiueiiicieijjU 11L'Ue G woK ;turned in for a refund after 6 o'clock
here yesterday and kept 40 500-watt on the evening of the dance.
P1PnE~ir lanc h~nina nr m r a
I eiec uric lamps ournzng for m o r e
Labor Union Platform
to Include 'iWet Plank
((BY . ssociated Press)
BOSTON, Oct. 7.-Change in the
1 prohibition policy of the American
Federation of Labor from modifi-
cation to repeal was requested
today in a resolution submitted to
y the annual convention. The Feder-
r ation now favors modification to
n w - fI n f -) 7r -
than a half hour.
The feat culminated five years of
constant and unremitting effort and
expenditure of about $2,000,000 of
his own money to finance a scheme
utilizing thermal differences in sur-
face water from the gulf stream
and water from 1,800 feet below
the surface to generate steam, run
a turbine, drive a dynamo and gen-
erate the electricity to light the
A gathering of engineers and sci-
entific men saw the demonstration
Heavy Seas Pound Ship
Grounded in dense Fog
(B, Asociatd Pess)
MILWAUKEE, Oct. 7.- Shrouded
by fog, the freighter Burlington,
with a crew of 23 men aboard, to-
night was aground on rocks in Lake
Michigan a mile off Cudahy, Wis.
Two coast guard life crews and the
light ship Hyacinth stood by to
render assistance. Moderately heavy
seas pounded the Burlington as she
-- -novrn o7+ - - - x -o +r fot 11