ESTABLISHED 1890 Y Akv fltlr4 .i1M4M MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL XLL No. 93 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MIGHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS 1831 JmHOP MUSIC WILL BE BROADCAST OVER STATION WJR Completed Decorations Portray Revelry of Parisian Cabaret. ABBOT WILL ANNOUNCE I Committeemen Will Continue Distribution of Favors Till Day of Hop. Final arrangements for the 1932f J-Hop, to be held Friday, Feb. 131 in the Intramural building, wereI completed last night with the con-. NEGRO BARITONE TO SING MONDAY, DICTATOR IOGES GENERAL BUTIER'S INSULTING SPEECH Premier Mussolini Certain That 'Just Redress' Will Follow. APOLOGIES CONTINUE Senator Heflin, of Alabama, Says Il Duce 'Most Red-Handed' Tyrant on Earth. (Bv Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.-Premier Mussolini had "already forgotten" Major General Smedley D. Butler'sl Philadelphia speech tonight but an approaching courtmartial forcibly recalled it to the fighting marine. While the first ripple of comment swept across Congressional waters, preparations went ahead for the prosecution and defense of the marine who distinguished himself in carrying the battles of the sea soldiersrto their enemies all around the world. Mussolini Cables Ambassador. Mussolini cabled Ambassador de Martino that he had felt sure he "would obtain just and prompt re- Varsit y Psck Team Beats Maquette, 4-0 1HOC EY Michigan defeated Marquette for the second time on two con- secutive nights, 4 to 0, at the Coliseum last evening, neariy 1,000 fans witnessing the contest. 'Te victory gave the Varsity sex- tet a two to one margin for the season over the powerful Mil- waukee team. FENCING Ohio State bowed to the Vars- ity fencers last night by a score of 9 to 8. The match was the first on the Michigan Big Ten sched- ule for 1931. GYMNASTICS Michigan lost her first gym- nastic meet last 'night when the veteran Ohio State squad out- pointed the Wolverines by a score of 931 to 874. .. --- __ _ t v BUS COMPETITION CA USES RAILWAYS TO REDUCE FARES Frisco Leads Seven Western Lines in Establishing Two Cents Per Mile Rate. CUT BEGINS TOMORROW Interstate Commerce Commission Fails to Pass Order for Suspension. (IBy Alws cited JPress) ST. LOUIS, Jan. 30.-A two-cent coach fare will go into effect on the Frisco railroad system in 9 south- western states tomorrow night and on seven other railroads between points where they compete with the Frisco. The reduction from three and six-tenths to two cents a mile was designed by the Frisco manage- ment to meet motorbus and private automobile competition, which has been making serious inroads on its passenger business. Frisco officials also said the cut was the "railroad's contribution toward bringing busi- ness improvements." Fare Effective Today. The fare became certain today 1 Textbook Exchange Will Open Tuesday on Cooperative Plan LUmp~ietU iasu nigi5n11U w~i me uu -Paul Robeson, tracting of a Detroit company to Renowned negro baritone and ac- sponsor the broadcasting of the tor, who will present one of the Hop music two concerts scheduled by the Choral Union during the examina- The music, as played by Jan Oar- tion period, next Monday, Feb. 2 in ber and his Columbia Recording Hill auditorium. Robeson has re- orchestra and Herbie Kay and his cently returned from a European band, will be transmitted over a trip, where he scored successes in special wire to Detroit and broad- "Show Boat" and "Othello." cast over WJR, the "Good-Will" Station. Prof. Waldo Abbot, of the English department and director of 0R DLESOU W"11ILSING' University broadcasting, will an- nounce the program.T Decorating Is Finished. IN C R T ES Decorations for the gymnasium have been finished and will be as- Noted Negro Baritone to Appear sembled the day preceeding the in Recital Monday Night Hop. The mad revelry of a Paris-, at Hill Auditorium. ian cabaret will be graphically rep-{ resented by the decorative scheme .IPaul Robeson, distinguished ne- Distribution of favors will con-I gro baritone, actor, scholar, and tinue until the day of the Hop at college athlete, will present a pro- the store of Burr, Patterson and gram of songs as the ninth con- A Ch sdu cert in the Choral Union series, atf Auld on Church street near South 8:15 o'clock Monday night in Hill University. auditorium. Permits to drive cars the week- Robeson's program, a number of end of the Hoo are now being is- classical songs and also a number sued by the office of the dean of of negro spirituals, among which students. Banas,7 o be filled out ,°ilr be included "G lYown, Moses' and signed by parents of students "Deep River," and "Water Boy." applying for permission to drive, His classical selections will include. Cemplete Sports on Pages 6 & 7 JACOuRE HPOEM WILL[ FEATURE -PROGRAM Dr. Fisher Will Discuss Famous Indian's Unpublished Writing Sunday. i may be secured at the office. House Party Rules. Fraternities p 1 a n n i n g to give house parties the week-end of the Hop will be required to have an authorized representative p 1 e d g e that the regulations for the house parties, as drawn up by the J-Hop committee, will be observed. No permission will be granted to any1 group until this is taken care of.- In view of the compromise reach- ed by the committee and Ann Ar- bor taxi cab companies, setting the rate at 75 cents a couple for a onea way trip from any point in the city,I those attending the Hop are urged to report any overcharges to thel committee. Ticket sales will continue from; 3 to 5 o'clock each afternoon next week at the side desk of the Union, providing the quota has not been reached before.'I State Bulletins (13y Associated Prc January 30, 1931.I TRAVERSE CITY --Two girls of1 this city have been chosen to lead the grand marches of the annual) proms of their respective colleges. I Miss Helen Monroe will be the part- ner of George Wynn, of Buchanon, in leading the Western State Teach-> ers' college grand march this eve- ning. Miss Albertine Haviland and Frank Conover, of Jackson, are to, lead the J-Hop at Michigan State college Feb. 2. BENTON HARBOR-It was an- nounced here that the tentative dates for the ninth annual blossom festival of St. Josephs and Benton Harbor has been named -as May 4 to 10. Thirty-four cities are to be invited. LANSING - The Michigan Life Underwriters association re-elected all officers at the close of its an- nual convention here Thursday. They are: President, Donald T. MacKinnon, Detroit; vice-presi-I dents, Harry M. Commins, Flint,' and W. Roy Bryant, Kalamazoo, and secretary-treasurer, J. Arthur Pino, Lansing. MT. CLEMENS --Captain Milton J. Brown, of Cleveland, was re- elected nresident of the Grand lodge 1 "Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur," , by Beethoven, "O Isis und Osiris," by Mozart, and "The Two Grena- diers," by Schumann.' The negro singer has enjoyed one of the most meteor-like sensations in the musical world. His earlyE work in high school won for him a scholarship at Rutgers collegeI where he earned the key of Phi l Beta Kappa, in addition to letters in four major sports. He was named in 1917 to the late Walter Camp's All-American football team. He had planned to be a lawyer but a role in a Y.M.C.A. play at- tracted the attention of Eugene O'Neill. Since that time he has played in "Emperor Jones," "Porgy," and "Black Boy," where he has scored outstanding successes. At the present time, he is mak- ing a singing tour of the country. Former Daily Editor Gets Journalism Post Stewart Hooker, '29, former city1 editor of The Daily and managing, editor of The Summer Daily in 1928, has left his work as reporter on the Toledo Blade to take a posi- tion in the office of the American Newspaper Publishers' association at Indianapolis, it was learned yes- terday. Before he went to the Toledoh Blade he was on the staff of the Sandusky (Ohio) Register. He was a member of the local chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, professional jour- nalistic society. The committee on which Hooker will be working is maintained by the publishers in the United States and Canada for service to them in any disputes which may arise or negotiations they may wish to car- ry on with any one of the five newspaper trade unions. MICHIGAN BANKING SAFE, SAYS REPORT Commissioner's Survey Declares Finances in Sound Condition. (By Associated Press) LANSING, Jan. 30.-Rudolph E. Reichert,. state banking commis- sioner, issued a report today de- I i E r ' dress from the fairness, loyalty and with the failure of the interstate friendship of the American govern- 'The Babe," new unpublished commerce commission to suspend ment." poem by the distinguished Indian the proposed new rate announced He instructed the ambassador to poet, Rabindranath Tagore, will be by the Frisco beginning Feb. 1 and "communicate to the federal gov- the subject of Dr. Frederick B. six competing railroads fell in line. ernment that I consider closed the'F s'r today, announcing similar fare cuts incident which for my part I haveFo beTween competitive points. The already forgotten." at the First Methodist Episcopal other roads are the Missouri Pacific, In the Senate, Heflin of Alabama, church. Dr. Fisher is an intimate Missouri, Kansas and Texas (Katy), demanded that before Butler was friend of Tagore's, and it was to the Cottonbelt, Rock Island, Sante disciplined an investigation be him that the poet sent the poem Fe, Kansas City Southern, and Illi- made into the truth of the state- for copyright and publication.- nois Central. ment that Mussolini ran over a Luren D. Dickinson, lieutenant- Commission Sees Tariffs. child and did not stop. governor of Michigan, will be the The Frisco laid its new tariffs be- "It sounds exactly like Mussolini," speaker tomorrow night at the fore the commission last month, an-' Heflin said, recalling "I stood here Methodist church and will discuss nouncing at the time that it took three years ago and related stories "The Wickersham Report." This is this means to meet motorbus com- of Italian Masons being murdered one of the regular l resleyan guild petition. Along with the fare cut, at the instance of- Musselinl.Therej qturs . -'ithe' Frisco has been conducting:. a were 137 of them in one night if I -The Rev. Merle H. Anderson will campaign among its employees to remember correctly." continue his discussion of the liquor work for stricter regulation of buses Defends Geni. Butler. problem tomorrow morning at the and truck competition. "Why should any American gen- First Presbyterian church, where The new tariffs met with imme- eral bow down and crawl in the one will talk on "Prohibition: Ra- diate objection from three compet- tto the most red-handed ty- np ." At the Cngrega-ing railroads, the Missouri Pacific, dust ton theamosreh--hande - nal church, the Rev. Allison Ray the Cottonbelt, and the Missouri, rant upon earth-Mussolini-t h e Haswilpeaho "h ibe monarch of the old world?" he ask- Heaps will preach on "The Bible- Kansas and Texas, but as no sus- ed. Late today, Secretary Adams What Use Can We make of It To- pension order was forthcoming from approved a list of six rear admirals " the commission, the Frisco rates and one major general of the mar- the topic of the Rev. R. Edward stand. ines for the court to try Butler. Sayles at the First Baptist church, +while at the Unitarian church, the . E Rev. H. P. Marley will continue his series of sermons on the church T ARTMNDAY comMIT 11 lfi 5and discuss "What's Wrong with U H g N9M10ProtestantismnT ,, ON 9 1 for Spathelf . Will be Held Sunday Supervisors to Probe Activities Vinal Taylor, Senior Ball Leader, of Road Commissioners; Appoints Seven Chairmen Funeral services for George Spa- Bail to Testify FSchools.thelf, 64 years old, who died Friday aiey y. From Ten noon after an illness of more than Controversy over alleged irregu- Chairman of sub-committees for six months, will be held at 2 o'clock larities of the county road coi- the 1931 Senior Ball, scheduled ten- Shay aftern i te Muehir mission may burst out with new tatively for 9:30 o'clock, Friday, view cemetery. vigor Monday when the board of May 29, were announced yesterday vi . cemtey. supervisors convene at a special by ina 0.Tayorcharma ofthe Mr. Spathelf, who was born inI session to begin its investigation. by Vinal O. Taylor, chairman of the Ann Arbor Jan. 1, 1867, was the son so har egs maesARgaiey, event. of the late George and Katherine of charges made by A. R. Bailey, JeanM a r i e Boswell, secretary, Seeger-Spathelf, pioneer settlers. In deposed engeer-manager of the and Albert Klick, treasurer, will 1893 he opened a grocery store on commission. complete t h e general committee, Wall street, and was active in busi- Those around which mterest cen- Taylor said. T h e sub-committee ness until a few years ago. He was ters-Bailey and members of the chairmen, representing 10 schools active in a number of civic projects. commission, principally George B. are as follows: Millard Deutsch, Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. McCalla, chairman-will testify be- tickets; Palmer Crawford, music; J B. Waterman and Miss Rena fore the 10 supervisors who signed Charles Cory, invitations; Keith Spathelf; one sister, Miss Anna the petition calling for an investi- Bennett, programs; Robert Scoville, Spathelf, and one grandson, George int.i publicity; George Weyl, floor, and Bradley Waterman, of Ann Arbor. Toe ofetwguti, however, is on- Robert Young, decorations. _ly one of two questions which the James Keenan, Rhea Schiel, John supervisors will consider. Action Keyes, Julia Mae Keenan, Ben State License Plate will be taken on the county health Patch, and three others will be Deadline Postponed unit, the adoption of which has added to the various committees. been urged in petitions by numer- All members are seniors. Arrange- The time limit for motorists to ous local organizations. It appear- ments are being made to secure a ed likely last night that consider- nationally known orchestra. It is purchase 1931 license plates has ation of this matter would be taken expected that the Union ballroom been extended until Mar. 1, accord- up after investigation proceedings will be used for the Ball. ing to a telegram received by Sher- had been concluded. iff Jacob B. Andres and Thomas Irregularities of the commission University Glee Club O'Brien, chief of police, from Frank grew out of charges made by Bailey 'following his dismissal by McCalla. Will Sing Over Radio Fitzgerald, secretary of state. One of these, Bailey has pointed Extension of the time limit was out, is the purchase of asphalt road The University Girls' Glee club advocated in a bill introduced and oil costing $20,000, which the com- will furnish the musical entertain- passed several days ago in the legis- mission, he said, did without ask- ment for tonight's radio program lature. ing for bids, prescribing specifica- broadcast from the University stu- tions, or conducting an inspection dio through Station WJR. of the.materials. Ten numbers have been selected Special issues of The ]Daily will to be given during the half hour appear on the campus both Fri- Report of Sport Board concert which starts at 7:30 o'clock. ,daight. Feb.13.nd SaturdayI., SLEEP ESSENTIAL FOR GOOD FINALS Health Service officials proved yesterday that they had the students' mental as well as phys- ical welfare at heart when they expressed their regrets on in- ability to advise all students how to get A's on the approaching examinations. They admitted the best they could do was to attempt to keep the students healthy and advise them against burning the mid- night oil. A clear head resulting from proper rest will be of great- er use than one crammed with half-learned facts and dizzy from loss of sleep, the doctors explained. "The necessary exercise, -rest and diet are as essential during this time as any other and. should not be neglected," Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of the Health Service, said, "The dispensary will be open, however, to those finding the strain un- bearable." (For complete exam schedules see page two, column one.) 'REOUD' TO OPEN' FOR J-HOPMATINEE Play Production to Give Revival of Piece for Students Attending Dance. Reservations for the J-Hop ma- tinee revival performance of "Re- bound," the high society comedy by Donald Ogden Stewart, may be made at the Laboratory theatre box office and blocks of seats may be reserved to accomodate house party groups, Valentine B. Windt, direc- tor, announced yesterday. The production, which was pre- sented four nights last week at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre by stu- dents in the Play Production cours- es, was received with such enthus- iasm that numerous requests have been made for a revival in the Lab- oratory theatre the afternoon after the annual J-Hop in the Intramu- ral Sports building. The matinee performance will start at 3 o'clock. The cast of the production, as or- iginally presented, includes Eugenie Chapel, '32, Harry Allen, Grad., Josephine Timberlake, '32, Irving Cooper, '31, Evelyn Gregory, Grad., Gurney Williams, '31, Janet Wood- mansee, '31. Sets for the production have been designed and executed by students in the stagecraft class of the Play Production course. Union to Hold Dances During Examinations Announcement was made yester- day that dances will continue at the Union on both Saturday nights during the examination period. They will also be supplemented on next Friday when a regular dance is scheduled. Russians to Sponsor I U. S. Railroad Study (By Associated Press) BALTIMORE, Jan. 30.-The Rus- sian Soviet government is to trans- port an entire supervising force of 150 men from this country to put American railroad methods into effect. it was said today by Charles A. Gill, who, as consulting engineer, will be directing head of the enter- prise. The advance guard is already in Russia, he said. The appointment of Gill, super- intendent of motor power for the eastern lines of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, was announced yes- terday. Baker to Give Speech at Baltimore Banquet Site Undecided; Move Started by Round TableClub. WILL RESELL TEXTS Students Will N a m e Own Price Under New System. Final steps toward the creation of a campus text-book exchange were formulated by members of the Round Table Club late last night when a decision to open a cooperative association was an- nounced by Leonard L. Kimball, '33, president of the organization. The exchange will open on Tues- day and will function on a plan comparable to that used at Mich- igan State Normal since 1929. The "exchange" will accept the standard text-books from 'Uni- versity students for re-sale. The price sought by each student for his used text-books will be marked. in the front of the publication on a white card bearing the owner's name, address, and proposed selling price. A duplicate of this card will be given the owner on depositing his book at the exchange. When the book has been sold, the owner may collect his money by presenting the receipt. Ten per cent will be de- ducted from the price affixed on the fly-leaf to defer ordinary expenses of exchange. Location Not Definite. The location of the campus book exchange has not yet been definite- ly settled, although it is certain that either the S. C. A. or the va- cant residence on Jefferson "'anxd State streets will be chosen, pend- ing approval of University officials. Announcements about the eact location of the exchange will be posted throughout the campus and in current newspapers. Hours dur- ing which the exchange will operate have been fixed between 9 and 12 in the morning, and 1 to 3 o'clock in the afternoon every day but Sun- days. No new books will be sold at the exchange, although it is hoped that students will be able to secure bet- ter trades through this non-profit organization. Successful for more than a year at Ypsilanti, student organization of the book exchange is hoped to be of financial assist- ance to many members of the Uni- versity upon whom the burden of text-book buying is an annual weight. Seven Others in Big Ten. In a statement issued by Presi- dent Kimball last night, it was made known that Ohio State, In- diana, Illinois, Chicago, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and other middle- western schools now have success- ful systems of book-exchange co- operation. The Round Table Club felt that "it could be of service to the student body-recently appoint- ed an investigating committee to learn if there was some means whereby the costs of books could be reduced." The investigation hit upon the successful plan used at Ypsilanti and other neighboring schools, secured all necessary in- formation, and "asks only the co- operation of the student body" for complete success of the new system. - The statement concluded that it ! was hoped the action of the Round Table Club would meet with the "approval of the entire campus." Should Michigan's new plan prove successful, the University would be- come the eighth member of the "Big Ten" to adopt such a system. DEBATING SOCIETY Sigma Rho Tau Chapter to Meet I Detroit Technical School Squad Next Friday. Alpha, University chapter of Sig- ma Rho Tau, engineering student debating society, will meet the Beta chapter of the same organization l t "I l i t l 1 Nora Crane Hunt, instructor of voice in the music school, will di- rect. Two speakers are also scheduled. for tonight's program. Dr. Harry UCy l£dV, cl. 1 , C u kIM ~ " morning, Feb. 14, in connection with the J-Hop. The Saturday morning issue wil contain a pho- tograph of the grand march, conilains of uets.and fea- Denies Over-emphasis' A defense against the charges that football is over-emphasized in modern colleges and a plan to,