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January 30, 1931 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-30

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PAa s




,..., a ........
ir .. . .rrr ri rrrrirrrrr

P ucmen ownMarqett, 4=l; eet gai

aFrq F~lD11IRI

"Wall IINI scot'RIVAL r3R7 WARJS

Reid, Crossmnan, Sindles Count'
Goals That Decide First
Gate of Series.j
Bly Theldor' C. Fullerton
Michi--ain's hockey sextet, corn-
bining a hard skating forward line'
with the same stellar defense that
has marked all of its late contests,
handed the Marquette team a de-
cisive 4-1 defeat in the first clash
of a two-game seies last night at
the Coliseum.
Wtih Emmny Reid and Keith}
Cossman again showing the way,i
the Wolverines left no doubt as to
which of the two teams was supe-
rior, but the victory was not won!
without the hardest kind of battle.
During the first period there was
little- to choose petween the two
clubs, but, after the Maize and Blue
icers once scored they were not to!
be denied.
Crossmian opened the scoring af-
tereih minutes of the second
pe od had elapsed, taking a pass h
from Schianderer directly in fronte
of the Marquette goal. G oalii e
Schultz, had no chance whatever to
make the stop, as he had been
drawn out of position to take an
expected shot from Schianderer's
stick. Following this shot the Mar-
quette puckmen bore down on the
Michigan net, the climax of the at-
tack coming when Jack Tompkins
shunted aside a puck that was shot
from a position about five feet di-
(Continued on Page 7) 1

IDsplays Form; Wn
League Chainpions hi
IBy .John Thomas
In the ne_.c'ilIt league Alp!,a
1Kappa Lambdaranks as the le ,,1,,
This aggregatlion lha"s not h .c
c-.ance tosowtl eir veal iav :
ability thu i..r. a.'!two gameni.>Ie .
forfeited iots ie in. In the first ga 7r
I of the s -a son, they wont hancily,
!A1lthrough x ining b1ut on)e gaui.
they have tIre officially aceoicd~it i
to them. Tfhe othecr tceais of this,
' leaoye ai not esp eci1ally .,trong mud
for this reason Alpha Kappai Larne--
I da should take this ?-lc.gue.
Simon seems ton be the b.est con
the team. -He,,is",,6feet 2 ii lushestoll
and jum.,ps cen:tei. Gidharn {L, gard
is the se-conci best man on the learin.E
CromNbie and Wise araci the forwards
and F-ersions .rand .Spcner alterniat.

ZUCeYF FE , o . ~a
ri rv


:eneiiccxi Ohjc~:is
to '1OVie~ txcn;:T

kH ±7lers Will Start
Practice in Earnest
After Exam Period


Y" Y-rt..

i itaste of Con "ei .flue ,,coirl'teti-
1", State 'wrdtm Jc b
' mi1t xt 'i s r ii y
* AtJocok to Cnia1b1 tU~e
cad to catch a 9 :X30 tr;.<n back
' '<llah] 0on th~e Scarle'tand -iGray

After the opening of the second i_ . It L UL U Wil
semeterbattery practice for Vars-
l;> baab l adidatles will begin in
earnsi Seere me hae ben Tomimy Courtis, Veter~an Win,
work~g ut n th Fild ouso~ ~jfjClose COllegate
~~~s~~ pat1 uk 1ht ch Hockey Career.
~ &~' a. nt syetl, e any,
O~aIU 115Wtoe. JWith the first game the series;
~ a~ltin t tie Vasit cadi-against Marquette safely tucked lin
cots te Ye~han urlrs aybe the bag, Michigan's hockey sextect
carlled o or c-eaontra iningII will meet the Hilltoppers aga irn at
so tfhat Coach Fisher will be able to 7:30 o'clock tonight in an ef nrt to
gtaline oni the itingir material. make a clean swe-cep of the tw;xo
- -_ -._ -__- nies, If the ol i n( s can shiow
rt (# I anywhere near the form that they
exhibited las t night, 'when they
_.E YN S si; c anco te lonenodfora se-l
scoreconcethae oed fofase--
r' rd aTe l l fthm ch
j ? ?T Whie p0concaMy Blue triMh
Lu I igan goals were of the sensational
variety, the team as a whole showed

I '

I at the otnier g uarc! positioin. 'he s a ms sorniewhat zof a Tnyt r1 Last
toea in is well -balanced vAWiOLU Iyearthe.? u 'rke ellhef'is r John-
much he ig-ht n o"very fast, he
shoilcl captur' !a>e . by uiN 'i I vta eet ehiis by a >; .3"t~i

Mis r :3an° First Intercollegiate I
Gymnrnastic Teamv Will Face
Buackeyes Tonight.


Toni Prouse,
Michigan defense man, who was
instrumental in halting the attacks
of the Marquette forwards in last
night's hockey battle.
State Champions Perform Before
Hockey Game Audience.
Those who attended the first
hockey clash between Michigan and

. I

SUMMARY Marquette last night at the Colise-
um were treated to an exhibition of
Michigan POS Marquette figure skating between the periods
Tompkins ...-.. G......... Schultz by some of the best experts in this
Williams ...... LD . McFayden. ]ine in the entire state.
Prousema......D......Fuetron! Dave Thomas, state figure skat-
Crosidan..............Mcurangn in g champion, and his sister, Dell
CRis........RW.......Eclnne Thomas, who holds the -woman's
Spres:M...chigan......Schlneechampionship, featured the exhibi--
Sparles: icign- clnd , tion. Two other skaters, Marie Zar-
Side;Marquette-Mcoad em and Hubert Moore, also per-
Finkbeiner, Wettlaufer, Nicholson. formed before the 600peleta
Scoring. epl ta
1st erid -one Pealtes-Me-had gathered for the ice tilt. All
1,S Peio-Noe. enltis--c-of these performers were members
FPzyden, Cour'tis, Nicholson. of the Michigan Fgure Skating Club
2nd Period: Michigan--GrosSman; of Detroit.
(Sianderer) 8:00; Sindles unas-. The state championships in figure
sit d 16:30. Penalty-Grossman. skating will be held at 2:00 o'clock
gmdPerod:Micign -Rei un ISunday afternoon at the Detroit
assiste d 1:54; Marquette---Elnes un-CulnCub 2 'es wruI
S~i; cd":40 Mihign--Cossai Detroit. All of t~he skaters who ap -
unai ssisted 12:00. Penalties - Mc- peared at the Coliseum last night
Fa-,,yden, Prouse, Elnes, Williams. ilb rmnn mn hs h
Stops- -Tomphkins, 27; Schultz, 22.wilbprmntaogthswo
-are to compete for the state title ;.
"The Down Town Stoi

rg V ,kughut y coseRathes If* -I ,iiig- idevotees of the nimble i
SL L the majority of that Ohio squad I art of tumbling will get their ini-
rU 'e ba:ckr for th1i.5yea:r'rs mp L- W: tial view, of the first squad to ever
r epresent this institution in Con-,
II rr ~ ~ T 1~s h ov~as hne f1-' ference competition tonight at 7:30
ii r i pe tig their victory are rather4> I slim. Io'clock when Coach Bill West's<
ILL ~ U ~ sim. Asociated Prtess Photo gymnastic team will compete witht
- - HYowever if a number have grad- " the visiting Ohio State Varsity team t
ExamnsDepktc '' Basketball ?,aged the prospects for a Michigan Kienneth Goff, in the small Intramural gymnasi-
ThtWllMk rium _oh will be rmuch brighter.' tr full back of the Rhode Is- ' um. This will be the Big Ten open-
Coach Johnstone is preparing hi land State football team, who has em for both outfits.I
- eci team, and in the event that; the Army team. West Point officials institution indicate that several of!
Tonight the Junior ~~~~~~Varsity ba-giaduation has taken its to'l in v have denied the charges. tervtrn h okhnr n
ketbll qua gos t Flnt o pay hio tat's ank Mihign wll e lthe Conference meet last year will
a return engagement w'ith the Gen- j ust that much ahead. FR S MAIR CK b nbet participateintem t
i eal Motors Tech team which they Aside from rather inform-l meets'j to nahbde to inelgblt.eCoach
I owedinthi frs econtrby , with the alumnni, faculty and fresh- ! TEAM G T REST Staley will have to fill the positionsj
the humiliating score of 39 to 14. m-an teamrrs this will be- only theI I of George Sting who has beena
The Jayvecs will be out to defeat Iscodmeet MeettEndsePractice working
teTech court squad 'again and loen s. Tofltedose asonr theiuura-S quad Me nsPatc okn on the horse and the par-
the Wnte rlin hpe olvaenestwoedsao itwas isoundfor£Two WeekPiod.allel bars, and Clarence Chavisr
their record of egh;consecutive eaeutetwoaeeksagomit hedultedY WO '(Kwhose specialities were the high'
vitre n n e t foIt e nc ute, ad feecedldarings, and parallels. Adrian,1
vitrean n eetfrtefr!br last week with Michigan State With the termination of the in- 'Coons, Green, and Headley are thel
selasoin. The yrfact that m they areI was postponed until next monthe. ter--squad meet held on Monday veteran nucleus about which the
mean anything to the "B3" plryers e the laxprgetfctonr weirs illa-and Tuesday, freshman track prac- Buckeyes are basing their predic-
be tteclahassbeencsuspeedediuntil-the tions of a victory over the inexperi-
unless it would be that it gives gainlst their chances as most of the . I ehaneedenWolverineuVarsity. Stone,
themachnetad totermeni are now showing unmistakable oreigoftescn smser I Hoover, Barnaby, Mercer, Hepp
glory byoroucigb tamon its~gs of mechanical skill.j This season's yearling thincladsI berger, and Holberg makeup the
Comin jus befre te fial Cata in Grdn.xvii e t ei work igadded another mark to their string sextet of newcomers to the visitor's
amn ost for e frthseestalexasFtei with bethe smbe worigof records in n irn o h atsrisc sthis last meet, whren squad this season.
iiith foils «Pe h areeia <ti :c'_w noved t:ie 39 pound shot I Lineup of time Michigan team as E
ah~ gaedes a p ob cheen romt sn«raong Gordo.t'n, 44 fet 10 1-4 inches. announced by Coach West is as
pr blnlof getting enough men wiho .liri'aiid D~e;elano. Ona h1('. The Aler1thoresumi pticnlaetwathitmeonl of practice follows: horizontal bars, G. Gold-
this ? fleaned has nottso easy to 3olii11.;th1 yearlii&'-;will continue the in- smith, H. Steinberg, F. Schiller;
re n wi k out ( -L7 e t r-S iu coptilion and i d side horse, N . H anna, A . Steinberg,
knew of but four men whro are t i sp iW>c< i - ' c.-_u-r i ay. Jeipato in several ii. Steinberg, fying rings, O. ark- -
that tiiey can actal mk.hea r vis s ~ I(i ~ JCc5~l m(05with f reshn em, A. Decker, F. Schiller; parallelF
til. This means that the proba- 'oein i he tak uteams in otle r .Big Ten Ibars, A. Steinberg, F. Schiller, H.
Continued on l'a8e 7r(',., ..... so fi,l"3 u _w.;.._ ._-- (Continued on Page '7)

much better coordination of play
and scoring, ability than their op-
ponents. Marquette on several oc-
casions was able to get far down
in Michigan territory in a threaten-
ing position, but each time its pass-
ing was broken up by the Michi-
gan defense men, Prouse andl Wil-
liams, or by a stop by Goalie Tomp-
kins. Unless the Marquette passes
can begin clicking better tonight
than they did in the first gamne
their chances of winning are slight.
Tommy Courtis, veteran Michi-
gan right wing, wvill close his col-
legiate hockey career in tonight's
battle. His place will probably be
taken by Captain Art Schlanderer,
who has been used as a spare all
Although the Wolverine's tri-
umph last night was decisive, the
difference in the two teams was so
slight that either club may come
out on top in this second game.
Two of the Wolverine goals were
(Continued on Page 7)

- ((}}
,A.. m . .,u....... -

we for Michigan Men"




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and you will be
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Nunn Bush Shoes . ,.. .., . . . . $8.50
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Stud Sets, Ties, Suspenders, Black Silk Hose, in fact
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assures distinguished appear-
ance unm is kaiy that oti


Our Rental Department
contains a complete assortm ent of styles and sires
and is kept for your convenience.
$3.75 ane evening





- -

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