PAGE FOU9h THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JANUARY, 30, 1931 !i Published every morning except Monday dut ing the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Merber of Western Conference Editorial Asso-ation. .The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use-for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Enitered at the postofllce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- niater Geera. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Sfre . Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 492s MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY FAANx E. COOPER, City Editor News Editor............ Gurney Williams Editorial Director........ .Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor...............Joseph A. Russell Wome's Editor .. ........Mary L. Behyrner Music, Drama, Books.......Wn. J. -Jorman Assistant City Editor....... HarolId0. Warren Assistant News Editor......Charls R. Sprowl Telegraph Editor ..........George A. Stauter Copy Editor ...............Win. F. Pype NIGHT EDITORS S. flach Conger Carl S. Forsythe David M. Nichol .Tohn D. 'Rein del Richard 1. robin Harold (. Warren SPoaTs ASSISTANTS Shedon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Robert Townsend REPORTERS { E. Bush Thomas M. ooley Morton Frank Sau~l Friedberg Frank B. Gilbreth ack Goldsmith oand Goboma M4orton Helper Edgar Hornik zanies Johnson jpryaft Jones .o ers Moulton Eilen Blunt Elsie Feldman Puth; Gallmeycr Ei G yGrimes can Lev orotny Magee Wilbur j. Meyers rainard W. Nics Robert L. Pierce Richard Racine Theodore T. Rose Jerry E. Rosenthal Charles A. Sanford Karl Seiffert Robert F. Shaw Edwin M. Smith George A. Stauter John W. Thomas John S. Townsnd Mary McCall Margaret O'Brien Eleanor Rairdon Anne Margaret Tobin Margaret Thompson CiairejTrussell COrhpus Opinion Contributors ac asked to be brief, confining themshes to less tha. 300 words ifpossible. Anonymous com munications will he dsregarded. The names of commniicant s wil, howwer, be regarded as conbdential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construel as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. To the Editor:t Students in the introductory1 course in psychology have been re- quested to contribute, voluntarily,1 their opinions as to the practica- bility of the laboratory period sup- plemented to the course for the first time this year. Throughout the semester numerous complaints have1 been heard concerning the step taken by the psychology depart- ment; and almost without excep- tion criticism has been destructive. The elementary course consists of the text, one lecture, one recita- tion, and one three-hour labora- tory period each week. For this, three hours credit is given. From the viewpoint of the stu- dents, it would not be difficult to ascertain prematurely the conclu- sions which the department will re- ceive as to the advisability of mak- ing the laboratory part of the course. If questioned as to the or- der in which the text, recitation, lecture, and laboratory p h a s e s should be made, the students un- doubtedly would place laboratory work far down the list, making it, so to speak, a relatively unessential feature. Summing up these objec- tions, it would be found their criti- cism is aimed at the length of time that must be devoted to experi- mental work; that the three-hour period is not sufficient time to complete experiments; that the de- partment's method in conducting and defining the procedure to be followed is not explicit, not de- tailed enough to give the student a workable basis upon which to pro- ceed. But the main objection which students will be found to offer is that the laboratory is not impor- tant enough to warrant its contin- uance. Some of the objections are not without foundation. It is true that the present arrangement has proved unsatisfactory, inasmuch as stu- dents, almost wholly without ex- ception, are compelled to return to complete experiments, taking up time which far exceeds the allotted period. This is true with most lab- oratory courses, one will admit, but those .who complete experiments in three hours constitute a minority. It has been stated above that three hours is not sufficient time. But as to the method of conducting C and defining procedure, the de- partment is not at fault. Similar situations will exist wherever radi- cal changes are instituted into an already smooth-working machine; and it is only natural that such a condition should prevail here, espe- cially when this procedure has been a working force only four months. This condition will be less notice- MUSIC AND DRAMAj PADEREWSKI AT THE FESTIVAL According to an announcement made by Dr. Charles A. Sink, presi- dent of the Michigan School of Music, Ignace Paderewski, the dis- tinguished Polish piano virtuoso, has been prevailed upon to extend his American tour for one month in order that he may appear as so- loist at the Friday evening concert. of the May Festival. This exten- sion of his American visit was brought about as the result of ne- gotiations which have been carried on for a number of months. After a prolonged illness, Pader- eski came to this country last No- vember robust in health and has About Books THE INLANDER. INVITATIONS AND PERSONAL CARDS PRINTED BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 T. HOLLISTER MA LEY, Business Manager -KABPER H. HALVERSON, Assistant Manager AderisngDEPARTMENT MANAGERS Advertising .harles T. Kline 11 vertising......... .. Thomas M. Davis Advertising............William W. Warboys Service...................Norris J. Johnson Publication............Robert W. Williamson Circulation ..............Marvin S. Kobackcr Accounts...................Thomas S. Muir Business Secretary.......... .Mary J. Kenaa harry R. Begley Vernon Bishop William Brown WRobert Callahan William W. Davis Richard H. Hiller Miles Hoisington Ann W. Verner Marian Atran flelon Bailey T sephine onviuse 'Mtxine Fishigrund Dorothy LeMire Dorothy Laylin Assistants Erle Kightlinger Don Wv. Lyon William Morgan Richard Stratemeier Keith Tyler Noel D. Turner Byron C. Vedder Sylvia Miller Helen Olsen Mildred Postal r Marjorie Rough Mary E. Watts Johanna Wiese I FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1931' Might Aditor -JOHN D. REINDEL THE SENATE OPPOSES. Although the Senate opposition forces have been defeated on sev- eral occasions, they have again seized upon an item that is almost trivial and with much talk about "humanity" in general, they have determined to create appropriations for federal relief work in several mid-west states, particularly since the refusal of the Red Cross to ac- cept the administration of a $25,- 000,000 fund. since been astoundng auidences with the breadth. of his programs and the astonishing vitality of his execution. He is to be the soloistl at the Friday evening concert ofI the Festival and for the first time in years an instrumentalist will be prominent in what has come to be thought of as the gala night of the Festival series. He will be heard with orchestra under Frederick Stock in an concerto as yet unan- nounced. Negotiations for the other soloists to appear in the Festival are still being carried on and an- nouncements are pending. PAUL ROBESON. A man whose extraordinary sens- ibility has adapted itself to a suc- cessful athletic career, the pa'rt of Emlneror Jones and the part of Othello appears Monday night in his deepest, most genuine role, as the interpreter of the marvellous songs of his people. Paul Robeson is one of the thrilling concepts of, this age and his presence Monday night on the stage of Hill auditori- um is one of the finest events in the present Choral Union Series His program for Monday night includes in addition to the collec- tion of spirituals several excursions into classic songs. This type of at- tempts is new with Robeson this year and will add interest to the evening. The program follows; Go Down Moses Git on board, li'l chillen Deep River Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel Water Boy Didn't it rain Dere's a man goin round taking names I want to be ready Steal Away. Joshua fit do battle ob Jericho Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur. . . .Beethovenf O Isis und Osiris. ....Mozart Passing By................. Purcell The Two Grenadiers....Schumann There was absolutely no literary reason for the publication of the] present Inlander. It is dedicated to the theatre and yet contains no 314 attempt at a sane and serious deal- - ing with modern dramatic prob- lems, of which it is safe to say there are quite a few which deserve such treatment. It contains two one-act plays of some merit, an experience f the poetry of Edith Sitwell which defies criticism, an unimportant and meaningless specious article on the New York theatre, two poems just as unimportant, an article by Jesse Bonstelle which appears to have been dashed off while waiting for a train and a thoroughly bad and inexcusable short stoy which is quite the worst of any I can remember as appearing in the In- lander. Unless the dedication was conceived as a magnificent gesture on the part of the editors dorie purely through love of the theate it would seem that it necessitated a serious and somewhat lengthy lead article dealing with one Of dozens of questions. This howevr is a matter of editorial policy pe haps and cannot be criticized. Btt lacking this article, there shoud have been at least something else of merit to justify the dedicatiowl That there is not is obvious at first' reading. Despite the shoddy presentation last evening, Harold Courlander's "Setebos Laughs" possesses a bodily naturalistic merit. Helen Fortune's "Judgement Day,, is perhaps more strictly in theatrical convention of crises and climax. Neither of them however justify the Inlander. "Al- chemy" is a type of writing which if regarded rightly as having no particular value unless one is inter- ested in the psychology of Dorothy Boillotat (which is perhaps a very interesting study), may be enjoyed, but it becomes insidious if it is con- sidered as a critical. work. Such im-I pressionistic criticism is the horror of the more serious literary breth- ren. Anyone who has read his NTew York Times consistently for the past few months (and especially on Sunday's) could have gathered what Victor Rabinowitz perceived in his holiday study of the New York theatre. The failure of the New York theatre to produce anything of value as measured on either Swinburne's or Archer's standards is tea-talk by this time. Here is in fact (if the suggestion is allowed) a suitable issue for a lead article. "Experimentation in the Theatre" contains facts which may be of value, but in a critical review, facts should be related and measured.- And then we come to "David Sloan." S. S.F. SYNTHESIS. FESTIVAL: by Struthers Burt: published by Charles Scribner's Sons New York: Price $2.50: Re- view Copy courtesy of Slater's Book Store. Without much publicity or much general attention, Struther Burt has continued his literary activity until in retrospect he looks very like a major figure among Ameri- can writers of fiction. He has al- ways had enough literary talent to do justice to his intentions. And that, of course, is reason enough for writing. His intentions in this new novel are important. He is critical of certain values that have appeared and re-appeared in the literature of the age. His central I Long years of experience Dependable Service A Red Arrow Place 0. D. MORRILL South State St. Phone 66151 FRATERNITY JEWELRY PARTY FAVORS ARCADE JEWELRY SHOP CARL F. BAY JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST Nickels Arcade 4 But behind all this talk of "hu- able next semester, and still less man suffering," there is a still very noticeable the next semester. If one distinct threat of filibustering and could but realize the amount of holding up the appropriations bills work and time spent in formulatig until such relief agencies shall have plans for such a change, criticism been formulated. on this point would be practically nil. There may be some grounds for But the main objection is unwar- such speeches as that of Senator ranted. Dr. Ford, of the psychology Joseph T. Robinson who asked department, in an interview pub- "that senators with a spark of hu- lished Jan. 16 in The Daily, ad- manity repudiate this policy, that vances an excellent argument in no action whatevery shall'be taken in this time of national distress," justification of the laboratory. His bu thsoundmorelikeatheamidistr conclusions stated that "the stu- but it sounds more like the minister dent is enabled to judge for himself who, when he could not think of of the t.ruth of laws which he would anything to say, just shouted. otherwise have to accept arbitrari- Senator Robinson's argument is ly; that he is better able to com- merely that the $10,000,000 fund prehend theories when he can see which is being raised by public do- them demonstrated," and that lab- nation is not nearly sufficient for oratory training "will prepare him the tremendous amount of work to cope with frauds that are based; which must be done along relief on pseudo-psychological princi- lines. plcs." Laboratory methods, he add- These arguments would seem ed, "tend to explode fallacies and, rather foolish when one considers strengthen substantiated theories," that, probably more than any other pointing out that "the person with organization in the country today, laboratory training in psychologyy the Red Cross is in first hand con- is bctter' prepared to analyze the tact with local conditions. Who, mcrits of this system than the one other than such an organization, is without it." Dr. Ford's arguments able properly to judge the expendi- are invulnerable. It is a well-knownl tures which must be made for re- fact that improvements are neces- lief? Certainly not a United States sary but in this case they cannot senator, even though he may come be immediate. from one of the states most criti- With this in mind, it would be cally exgangered by the drought interesting to note the conclusions and business crisis. that will be received by the psy- The people of the United States chology department---if they were1 have responded generously to the to be made public. appeal of the Red Cross and this A. G. A Dissonance ............. Borodin figure, Dorn Griffiths, a banker who The Captive ........ Gretchaninow decided to retire in middle age that he may "live," has been done in STUDENT RECITAL 1 vicious caricature by Sinclair Lewis. Frances Peck, student of Profes- sor Maud Okkelberg of the School of Music, is giving her graduation recital this afternoon in the Men- delssohn Theatre to begin promptly at 4:15. The program follows: Prelude and Fugue in C Sharp Minor ............ Bach Intermezzo Opus 117 .......Brahms' Capriccio Op. 76 ........... Brahms Tambourin .... Rameau-Godowsky Elegie ......... Rameau-Godowsky Thirty-Two Variations on a theme in C Minor.. BeethovenI Quatre Contes Op. 26....Medtner Etude, Op. 8 No. 1 .......Scriabine Oiseaux Tristes ............. Ravel El Vito..........Manuel Infante LYSISTRATA The classic revival that was a popular success comes to the Cass Theatre for a two weeks run open- ing next Monday night, in its rol- licking contemporary adaptation by Gilbert Seldes, its Norman Bel Geddes sets, Humphrey-Weidman corps de ballet, and Leo Ornstein Dorn's daughter, Delice, dazed by the bewildering thinking that is be- ing done today about love and mar- riage, is similarly recognizable. The group of people who are promiscu- ous on Lake Como are quite clearly Ernest Hemingway drinking futil- ,ists, Dorn's period of "life" after re- tirment consists (except for the realization he wins of the ridicu- lousness of a Platonic love affair he had been having for twenty- five years) primarily of participa- tion through understanding in the life of his daughter Delice. When Delice finally finds a solution in a permanent marriage with an hon- est man, Dorn finds his solution by deciding to enter American politics. The writing and the thinking it takes to make such a solution for Dorn valid even for a moment are both very interesting. Burt's at- tempted resynthesis is for me la- bored and quite unconvincing. But it deserves respect. IIm vwc T I organization, in close contact with conditions in the drought areas, has estimated that $10,000,000 will be sufficient. It would be more ex- pedient to let the Red Cross handle its own job, confident that it has enough funds to complete the task, and for the Senate to settle down Much is made in California of the report that Dr. Einstein now and then eats with his knife. Well, just so as he doesn't draw theories on the tablecloth. -etroit News io Ril ,, ne n h .h~ 1 I ~I Press Building, Maynard Street Phone 21214 IJ/I*