PRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1931 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAF THPm ..._ _ .._ , It Eighth W|LL BE PROGRAM FO R 1931 AFi Idea Submitted by Alan Handley Chosen for Design of Affair. 1ternationa ,Nlgh't to be Given in March INDIAN NATIVES IN UNIT ED STTAT ES RpiEjOIflA TAII1ITIM REJOICE AT FREEDOM O! G i AD iLIt MOUSE ARISTOCRATS HUMILIATED BY UNIVERSITY MAMMAL CURATOR ACTS TO HAVE STORY C Ten Selected to Head Varion, Committees; Ruth Oakes Will Direct. Selection of the winning stage de- sign and story, and the appoint- merit of the committee for the Cos- mopolitan club's eighth annual In- ternational Night, which will take place this year on Tuesday, March 10, in Hill auditorium, was an- nounced yesterday by William G. Jacobs, Grad., F & C, treasurer of the club and general chairman of the program. Fourteen settings and stories were submitted in the contest for the design of this year's International Night program. From this group, a committee, under the direction of Mrs. Ruth Anne Oakes, who for several years has been an active participant in Play Production and dramatic activities on the campus and who has been named to direct the program, senected the idea sub- mitted by Alan Handley, '32. Exact details as to the setting and the story were not given out but it will be similar to the last year's pro- gram with a number of acts con- nected by a definite story instead of the grouping of vaudeville acts as had been the custom in previous years. Tcn Named to Committee. The committee for the Interna- tional Night program this year was named by Jacobs and will comprise 10 members. They are: tickets, Maida Kuo, '33; stage, Ewe Cheong, '31E; program. Elsie Baukman Grad.; posters, W. P. Lei, '33A; pho- toraphs, Joseph P. Akau, '31; pub- licity, David M. Nichol, '32; proper- ties, Elizabeth M. Norton, '33; eligi- bility, Behire A. Refik, Grad.; speakers, William Compton, '31; and floor, Chanan S. Gill, '33E. The program, given each year under the direction of the Cosmo- politan club, had its beginning in the "AllNatons Revue," presented in1915 under the direction of Prof. J. A. C. Hildner, of the German department, who has been active ever since in the work of the club. It was on this "All-Nations Re- vue" that Albertina Rasch, widely known toe dancer, appeared and her Ann Arbor debut was heralded by the first electric sign to be used in the city. Appealed to Campus. More than 100 students partici- pated in this first program and al- though it was not a financial suc- cess, its appeal to the campus was strong and the Cosmopolitan club was encouraged to produce the "Magic Carpet" in 1916. It was written and directed by Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, of the department of engineering English. Succeeding years have witnessed the steady growth and develop- ment of this annual program until it has been possible to produce some spectacular extravaganza. In 1923, the club adopted the name of "International Night" program. From the first, these annual pro- ductions have been for the purpose of bringing together the large num- ber of foreign students, who are registered with the University, rep- resenting most of the countries of the world today, and to weld them together into an active unit of im- portance on the campus. In addi- tion to promoting international welfare and goodwill, the annual program forms a large part of the sozial life during the year of the foreign students. 'Festival of Eldorado' Given. Last year's presentation, "The Festival of Eldorado," was built round the idea of a mythical coun- try where the peoples of all the nations would gather "to laugh at one another's follies and glory in one anothers' triumphs." More than 50 artists from 11 dif- ferent nations combined their tal- ent in the show. Lavish settings and an elaborate musical score aid- ed in the staging of a brilliant ex- travaganza with a large number of choruses. Authentic costumes add- ed much to the general effect. Sunderland Attends Chicago Bar Meeting Prof. Edson P. Sunderland, of the Law school, left yesterday for Chi- cago for a conference with a com- mittee of the Chicago Bar associa- tion regarding the draft of a re- vised practice act for the state of Illinois. Professor Sunderland pre- Spanish Teacher Cites Growth of Self-Consciousness in Spanish District. In an address before the Romance Laanguiges Journal club Wednesday ntfr noon. Nelson Eddy, of the > isl.h department. sloke on the It" thod by which the people of Galicia were becoming more self- eon scious' Galicia is the name given to the northwestern district of Spain. The 1Galielans, who are more Germanic than Latin, have always been looked down upon by the other .paniards. They have, however, oroduced many great poets and .riters, Eddy declared. The writ- ings have been in the Germanic ctain and consequently the Span- s.h people have given them little -otico. Now, however, several stu- dents of Galicia are writing a num- ber of works in the popular Span- ish style discussing the Galician literature. Dr. Lee R. Dice and Assistants Subject Animals to Examinations. By Morton Frank, '33. The aristocrats of the in o u s e world are being subjected to exam- ination--and Dr. Lee R. Dice, cura- tor of mammals in the University museum of zoology, is the cause of their humiliation. Under his direction, several as- sistants, both men and women, are preparing an exhaustive analysis of the American field mouse. The common house mouse, so common to the knowledge of ye comely fe- male, is not being included in the research-for he is an alien from Europe. "The American mice are of the first families," Dr. Dice remarked yesterday, "and they remain almost constantly in the open fields. Oc- casionally, in the winter, some of their number migrate cityward, and take abode in dwellings on the city outskirts." The work of Dr. Dice and his as- sistants has as its purpose a deter- mination of the relations of the various species and sub-species of the field mouse. Each mammal un- der examination has a number pe-' culiar to himself, and a record card containing an account of its birth, number of children, death, and other data pertinent to its biogra- phy. After being killed painlessly by ether, the mouse is skinned. His skin then undergoes the consecu- tive operations of stretching, dry- ing, measuring, and depositing in an envelope, which is in turn stored in one of many iing cases for Dr. Hazel M. Losn, of the astron- future reference. Simultaneously, omy department, spoke before the operations on the mammal's skull'Obysearortmnlspokebyeorerthe which has been saved, includes Observatory Journal club yesterday cleaning, measuring, and being de- afternoon on "Photometry of Hyd- posited in a glass container re- I rogep and Calcium Lines in Stellar sembling the test tube used in the Spectra." chemistry laboratory. It, too, is !Tta stored in cases for future reference. The talk was a review of an ar- The research work that Dr. Dice ticle which appeared in one of the is directing has been aided by a astronomical journals recently grant of $350 from the National written by Payne and Williams. Research council, announced last Mathematical proof dealing with week by the board of regents. A the work done in the absorption similar award was received by Dr. lines of stellar spectra was pre- Dice last year. sented. j What's Going On THEATRES Majectic-Bert Wheeler and Rob- ert Woolsey in "Dixiana," with Bebe Daniels and Everett Marshall. Michigan-Charles Rogers in "A long Came Youth," with Stewart Erwin. Wuerth-Billie Dove in "O n e Night at Susie's." Losh Reviews Article for Observatory Club : . I Associated Press Photo I Natives of India now living in the United States are shown in front of Independence hall, Philadelphia, as they celebrated the release of their imprisoned leader, Mahatma Gandhi. Pictured (left to right) are: Dr. Haridas Muzumdar of New York, who was with Gandhi on the latter's march to the sea; Permala Shane, a student, and an American, M. F. Doyle of Philadelphia. ANN ARBOR NEWS-BRIEFS Ii Ll ... ; aI Ann Arbor Police Seek j H. J. Bond, 248 Crest avenue. . Bond was turning into his drive Auto Stolen in Saline on Crest avenue when the accident occurred. He took the boy to Dr. Police records showed yesterday Edwin C. Ganzhorn, who dressed that a car was stolen from Mrs. the injured knee, and then took Mildred Burgett, of Chelsea, Wed- him home. nesday night. Mrs. Burgett report- ed that the car was stolen in Saline uomobile Damage between 10 o'clock Wednesday night by Skidding Trader and 1 o'clock yesterday morning. I 4 Cycalist Sustains Knee Injury F rom Collision Murray Smith, 722 Packard street, sustained an injured knee Monday night when the bicycle he was rid- ing collided with a car driven by Skidding around the corner of I Fourth and William streets, the trailer of a truck driven by Emery Fox, 15743 Riverdale street, Detroit,j collided with a car owned by Caro- line Lodex, 503 N. Ashley street, yesterday morning, and damage the left side of the passenger car. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 8) History 11, Lecture Section One fine Sl iin i- ti srtrv . paper entitled "Longitudinal Wave Transmission." nma examna ron February 4.,9-1z 2UU It is hoped that all interested will Mr. Long's and Mr. Scott's sections make note of this. There will be noj in the Natural Science auditorium; Daily on this date. Mr. Kemipers' and Mr. Slosson's in . Lieutenant W. P. Roop, Construc- tion Corps, U. S. N,, will be in Ann Political Science 107: The final Arbor on Monday and Tuesday, examination will be held in the February 9 and 10. He is desirous Natural Science auditorium, Sat- of meeting prospetive graduates in urday, February 7 2:00 p. m. Engineering a Eingineering Phys- ics who might be interested in Mo- Geagriyhy Final Examinations: del Basii work and other technical Geog. 1 -Thurs. Feb. 12, a. in., A-K activities of tne f'ederal service. inclusive in room 35 A. h. and L-Z The Model basin was founded for inclusive in room 231 A. h. the purpose of studying resistance Geog. 2-Sat. Feb. 7, a. in., in and propulsion of ships, and until room 25 A. h. recently has drawn its personnel Geog. 33-Tues. Feb. 10, a. in., A- from among men trained in Naval K inclusive in room 25 A. h. and L- architecture. These are not now Z inclusivein room 231 A. h. available in suf cient numbers. and 1 Examinations in other courses{ men with an aptitude for wo 4k of will be held in the rooms in which testing and research will be ap- the classes meet at the time speci- ( pointed, even though unfamiliar fled on the examination schedule with the details of ship-practice. unless an announcement to the fActual and anticipated extensions contrary has been made in class. of activities of this establishment for engineering research in hydro- I Mathematics Courses: Final ex- dynamic and elastic lines as applied aminations for the first semester to design of ships and aircraft have in courses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7, will caused a shortage of qualified per- be held Monday, February 9, from 1 sonnel. 2-5 p. in., according to the follow- Lieutenant Roop will show mov- ing schedule: Anning, 25 A. h.; ing pictures of some of the work Baten, 1025 A. h.; Coe, 35 A. h.; P. done in the Model basin, in room Field, 2225 A. h.; S. E. Field. 1035 248 West Engineering building, at I A. h.; Fulton, 35 A. h.; Garnett. 25 7:30 p. m., Monday, February 9. A. h.; Graves, 231 A. h.; Hilde- brandt, 1035 A. h.; Menge, 231 A. h.; Craftsmen: Meeting of the crafts- E. B. Miller, 231 A. h.; Newsom, men at Masonic temple, 7:30 p. m., 1035 A. h.; Oldenburger, 2225 A. h.; Saturday. All Masons on the cam- O'Toole, 1025 A. h.; Pierce, 25 A. h.; pus are urged to be present. Poor, 25 A. h.; Wagner, E. H., 1025- A. h. I Congregational Student Fellow- gat The Extra will give the only full and authentic account of the dance. Read all about it Saturday morning after the Hop. Features of the evening, fashion notes, re- m iniscences of past years, and a full and complete list of the names of lady guests, all contribute to make this a worth-while feature. BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT, THERE WILL BE A *CtUC O t eT1 March on the front page of the morning edition. Delivered to All Houses On Order and On Sale at All Stores - - - - - _ _ _ I 11 I 11 Children's Rhythm Classes: A new series of classes in rhythms for children will begin on Saturday, January 31, in Barbour gymnasium.1 ship: Meeting at 5:30 p. m., Sunday in the church parlors. Six o'clock luncheon to be followed by a short musical program; Mrs. Chas. Koella interpreting Norwealan sonas and I !1 il ii III 11 1111