ESTABLISHED 1890 5701 Ar AL low 44ir r 1111 MEMBER ASSOCIATED 1 -PRESS -- EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVE RSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL XLI. No. 92 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS ' H BUTL COURT MARTIAL ORDERED;E C ITL ETS AMERICAN APOLOGIES EIEI MELLON INFLUENCE PREPARE FOR NEW IN MKI T L FIGHT Democrats Suggest Manipulation of Market Was Planned 'for Bonus Defeat. } rr MILLS, RAINEY DEBATE Secretary of Treasury Urges Finance Committee to Think of Nation. (By Associatcr I'ress WASHINGTON, Jan. 29.-Secrc- tary Mellon carried his opposition to cashing veterans bonus certifi- cates to the House ways and means committee today and was met by a question of whether the b o n d Following a protest from Italy market was "manipulated" yestcr- through Amabassador Giacomo De day to "agree" with his warning. ! Under-secretary M il1s answered yesterday proffered apologies to Pr the question. He said the reaction derogatory remarks concerning him of the bond market naturally fol- (right) in a recent speech at Philade lowed reports that Congress was ordered a general court martial of ti s e r i o u s ly considering conversion -- proposals and "was to be expected." Rainey 1tks Questio. Representative Rainey, of Illinois, a Democrat, asked the question. B Mills came in for a general quiz by Representative Garner, of Texas, the emocratic leader, on Mellon's ii roESS B iILDING statement yesterday that the otherE----- end of the capitol, that a deficit of Project to House Publications $375,000,000, was anticipated. to Cost $1$0,00;Chicao Rainey said Liberty bonds de- g scended $1 yesterday and that "very Men Prepare Plans. few changed hands."r "I want to know," Rainey said, Bids for the proposed new build- "whether that wasn't a manipulat- ing for the student publications' ed market for the purpose of agree- ! will be received soon after Feb. 11, ing with the secretary's warning it was announced yesterday by and defeating the soldiers bonus.' Prof. Edson R. Sunderland, of the and efetin th sodies bnus" ILaw sohool, chairman of the Board Mills Offers Reply. in Control of Student Publications. "I certainly don't think so," Mills Cd returned. "Word went out last week Several local contractors and a that this proposition was being con- Inumber from other cities are bid- sidered seriously. What are these l ding on the project which will government bondholders going to house the offices of The Daily, the !Michiganensian, and the Gargoyle. do? They are going to sell their When completed, the building is bonds-th~e very suggestio nlt ht government is going to do this has expected to cost about $18D,000, of abdernmet ongtegovernment which more than $20,000 will be bad effect on the expended on equipment. Work on bond market.''"oe c dt sn Mellon urged the committee to the project is expected to be finish- consider its responsibility in the ed by the fall term of 1932. nation's finances. He asked Secre- 'he builing wi e locat tary Mills to read the statements Naynry street opposite the Helen he gave the Senate's finance com- Newberry residence. Plans and spe- mittee yesterday, and calmly sat cifdcations have been rep ared by by, wtchig. lPond, Pond, Martin, and Lloyd, by, watching. IChicago architects, who also de- signed the Union and the League ins buildings_ _ Sta e 'ulletllS (By A if IPrac) _January 29, 1931. 'BLTISH _LABORITES Associated Press3 Phot. received by the State departmentI Martino (left), the United StatesI remier Benito Mussolini for alleged made by Maj. Gcn. Smedley Butler elphia. Secretary of the Navy Adams he marine commandant. f-Hop Music Ma~y Be Broadcast Over WJR Negotiations for the broadcast- ing of the J-Hop music over WJR, the "Good-Will station" of Detroit, are being made, accord- ing to an announcement issued by the committee last night. Although no sponsor has been definitely secured, as yet, for the usual broadcast of the Hop music, it is expected that a con- tract will be signed with a prom- inent Detroit company within the next few days. Osteopath Says Doctors Expect Ultimate Consolidation of Health Bodies. LOBBYISTS PROMINENT Medical Society Would Combine 13 Boards in Education Department, (Hv Associa e' Press) LANSING, Jan. 29.--The chiro-j practors, osteopaths, and the medi- cal profession today were revealed ! as digging their trenches in pre- paration for their biennial legisla- tive battle. The battle may take the form of a series of skirmishes extending over into the 1933 ses- sion. Printed material was being plac- ed into circulationby the osteo- paths charging that the medical profession had embarked on an ex- tended legislative journey looking toward the ultimate consolidation of all boards dealing with public health in the state under the de- partment of education. Osteopathic leaders warned members of theirl profession to be on their guard. Inl the chiropractic camp, leaders were, also ready to assume the aggres- sive. INDIANA TO HELP IN MINE DISASTER Cornmennce Relief for Destitute Famnilics of 29 killed. (13y Associated Press) LINTON, Ind., Jan. 29.-Rehabili- tation of the bereaved families of the 29 victims of yesterday's ex- plosion at the Little Betty mine was begun today by an emergency relief committee. Gov. Harry G. Leslie, who came from Indianapolis to counsel with relief workers, pledged $1,000 from his state emer- gency fund. Rescue crews brought the last of the bodies from the mine shortly before the governor's arrival. He before the governor's arrival. He visited the mine and talked with its officers and with Albert C. Daily, state mine inspector, who had started an inquiry in an attempt to' learn the cause of the explosion. STORY - - OF CHR T TO BE^6 GIN HERE' Whitmore Lake Man Is Stricken in Street The shock of his wife's death is believed to be responsible for the death of William Spiegelberg, 65, of Whitmore Lake, who fell dead late yesterday afternoon at the corner of Main and Liberty streets. Spiegelberg was a resident, of Washtenaw county for m o r e than 50 years. Funeral services for his wife, who died Tuesday after an illness of more than a year, were to be held today. Services for both Mr. ond Mrs. Spiegelberg will be held at the Whitmore Lake residence at 1:30 o'clock Saturday after noon, with services in the Whitmore Lake Methodist Episcopal church at :30 o'clock. Interment will be at Whinore Lake. APOLOGIES SENT TO ITALIAN AMBASSADOR FOR REMARKS MAGE BY BUTLER IN SPEECH l J I TEqST 72 CENT FARE Reduction of Charges to Meet Bus Competition Spreads in Middle West. (B A sso.ated Irerss> CHICAGO, Jan. 29. -Use of thec old two-cent fare of pre-war dec- ades to wheedle the travelling pub-' lie back from bus competition isl spreading in the middle-west. Local l passenger business had fallen off to almost nothing in certain areas.< The Frisco line started it, pro- mulgating a two-cent coach rate on all its routes beginning Feb. 1. Others, followed, along competing stretches. Now the Chicago and Northwestern railway and the Chi- nnnM1il nika RE Pm :and Pn- SHELBEYVILLE---Alletan county farmers and warehouse owners of this section today shipped a car- load of onions to the American Red Cross headquarters in Little Rock, UL AI UL I IIIUN M'Donald Government Assured Ark., to be distributed in th of Power until Budget sa,,.1. rUL a .1. cific are conducting little private drought area as the Redl Cross SC(' Presentation. tests of their own to decide wheth- -. h----- eCr "spursepressure" is really the Asworiated Press)travelers' ailment. PON T tA C -Assistant attorney- LONDON, Jan. 29.- -Safely past "The experiment has been ttn- General Philip H. Robinson an- I the most formiaable obstacle plac- der consideration for some time ," nounced today that Oakland coun- S ed in its path in months, Premier said R. Thomson, assistant passen- ty's 23 man grand jury, will open Ramsay MacDonald's L a b o r gov- ger traffic manager of the North- its investigation Monday, Feb. 9. ernment today appeared assured of western, "but inasmuch as it is He said the jurors will be summon- power at least until presentation of necessary to increase traffic more ed Feb. 2 and will be instructed to the new budget in April. than 80 per cent in order to sus- report on the later date. Mr. Rob- The Labor members, singing "Auld tain the new coach rate, we are inson has been assisted by Prosecu- Lang Syne,",swarmed into the gov- frankly dubious of its success." tor Clarence L. Smith in gathering ernment lobby of the Commons just While the Northwestern experi- a mass of evidence to be laid before before midnight last night and re- ment starts Feb. 1 and runs to Apr.f the jury when it convenes. pulsed with a 27 majority a Con- 30, the Milwaukee road's "little servative attack on the Trades Dis- gamble" as George B. Haines, pas- MT. CLEMENS-The internation- pute Bill, up for its second reading. senger traffic manager calls it, has al shipmasters association, who are The vote was 277 to 250, Sir John been going on since Jan. 1 and holding t h e i r annual convention Simon a n d seven fellow-Liberals will continue until the last day of here, adopted today without major voting with the Tories. J March.1 chanze al rersolutinns vnronosd es- ------- -- --- - .-------- ------ --- ,I I Chiropractors to Rely on Culver. The "p u b l i c relations counsel" made his appearance in the legis- lature this week to guide proposed medical legislation through chan- nels for the approbation of thel membership. The osteopaths alikel have their lobbyists. The chiro-1 practors, as usual, were relying up-j on the genius of Representative Charles H. Culver, of Detroit, chair- man of the House public health committee, to take up their sword for the impending conflict. Will -Propos -.nColidation. The proposal for consolidation of public health activities under the department of education follows a' series of meetings by the state medical society. A representative said that some 13 boards would be affected by the proposed consolida- tion. Even plumbers would be in- cluded, he said. He added that some 1 boards would consolidate. A circular written by Dr. Harry F. Schaffer, head of the state osteo- pathic association, warns of the im- pending attempt of the medical profession to e if e c t its desired 1 change. Twio YOUTHS HELD0 ONf LIQUOR CHARGEl Alleged Leader of Campus Ringf Demands Examination; to Have Hearing Feb. 6. Waiving examination on charges! of possession of liquor, Robert K. Custer, '31Ed, of Marion, Ind., and Allen Thompson, also of Marion, were placed in the county jail in default of $2,500 bond and held for, the March term of circuit court at a hearing yesterday before Justice Jay H. Payne. A third youth, Orrie E. Brown, '33L, of Detroit, said to be the lead- er of a campus bootlegging ring un- covered early Wednesday by Sheriff Jacob B. Andres, demanded an ex- amination, however. Brown, charged with the sale of liquor, will be given a hearing Feb, 6. He was also placed in the county jail on default of $5,000 bond. Thompson is not a University student. He came to Ann Arbor last fall to register, but did not enroll. The youths were arrested when Sheriff Andres, stationing deputies in a fraternity, telephoned Custer. and, using a code message, asked that liquor be delivered to the ad- dress. Custer and Thompson com- plied and were arrested. Brown was arrested when a similar ruse failed and officers raided his apartment. Florida Has Country's Youngest Grandfather (yA sile I'ess) JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Jan. 29.- Florida enters the claim on having Original Freiburg Passion Play Cast Will Present Drama Feb. 20, 21. The Freiburg Passion Play will be presented Friday a n d Saturday, Feb. 20 and 21, in Hill auditorium with its original cast, as produced in the summer of 1922 in Germany, it was stated yesterday by Valen- tine B. Windt, director of Play Pro- duction. Play Production is spon- soring the presentation. The presentation will be given a local aspect by the participation of more than 200 students in the af- fair. Prof. Earl V. Moore, of the School of Music, is training a chor- us of 200 voices to participate in the choir, while another 100 stu- dents will take the parts of "supers" in several scenes. The Passion Piay is a veritable heritage of the ages. Centuries be.e fore Shakespeare was born, the Play was being given in Freiburg. It dates from 1246, and is many years older than the famous Ober- ammergau Passion Play. More than a century ago the lead- of theoretical physics, from the ing characters of The Christus and University of M u n i c h, Germany Judas were first enacted by the an- and. Wolfgang Pauli, professor o§ cestors of the present interpreters theoretical physics at Zurich, Swit- of these roles, the Fassnacht fam- zerland, are the men from school: ily. George Fassnacht, jr., is the on the continent, while Edward fifth generation of the family to Adair, professor of history at Mc- enact the role of The Christus, and Gill university will represent Can- his father will play Judas. With ada. their policy of giving the produc- Seven of the men to be on the duction wherever people would see staff of the Summer Session will the story of Jesus Christ, they have be located at the biological statior traveled into Russia, France, Hol- in northern Michigan. land, Denmark and Italy. They Some of the men from othe first came to America in 1928. schools who will teach here thi: In addition to the evening per- summer are Thomas Atkinson, pro- formances, a matinee will be given fesscr of law, Kansas university; Saturday afternoon. Keivin Burns, director of the Alle- g h c n y observatory, Pittsburgh; Gargoyle Sales Reach Wilford Lorn Coffey, dean of the New FeruaryCity college of Detroit; Francis Lee wrRecord Dewey Goodrich, librarian, College More than 1,500copie of the of theCity of New York; Albert , pCharles Jacobs, professor of law; February Gargoyle were sold yes- Columbia; and Marion Rice Kirk- terday in the largest February sale w mod,;dandMhrcolRof lKw, in the history of the magazine, Stanford university. Bruce Palmer, '31, business manager StGeordEuNichrspo of the Gargoyle, announced yester- George E. Nichols, professor ot day. Because of the large demand, botany, Yale university, and George campus sale of the magazine' will be Oscar Russell, professor of phone- continued today at the candy stand tics, Ohio State university, will also in University hall and at the book- teach here this summer. stores. The issue features especially the The Weather examination period and the J-Hop---- festivities. The cover is similar to (Vy Associated Press) that of a bluebook even to the Cloudy and warmer, probably grade, and the issue contains some rain or snow in north and central subtle comments on 'the marking portions Friday; Saturday, partly system. cloudy. PLANET EROS IS ONLY 16,000,000 MILES AWAY FROM EARTH TODAY SUMMER FACULTY Teachers From America, Three Foreign Countries Will Instruct at Session., Dean Edward H. Kraus, of the Summer session, announced yester- day that the faculty list for the summer session of 1931 has been completed. More than 400 teachers are maintained on the staff, more than 50 of whom are men from outside schools and universities." Not only are these instructors drawn from schools in the United States, but Germany, Switzerland and Canada will be represented a~t well. Arnold Somimerfield, professoi Court-Martial Ordered for General by Stimson. WILL END CAREER H a d Brilliant Record for Peacemaking in China (fly lAs0oitt I /YeSO WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. - Out of Smedley D. Butler's speech in peaceful Philadelphia the other night came an apology today to Benito Mussolini by the Ameri- can government and an order that the fighting marine be courtmar- tialed. In the brief address before the Contemporary Club on Jan. 19, Major General Butler said he had heard Mussolini ran over a child and paid no attention to the acci- dent. A reverberation of this was Sec- retary Stimson's note of apology to Nobile Giacomo De Martino, Italian ambassador. Stinson Regrets Incident. "I have the honor," Secretary Stimson said, "to express the deep regret this government feels at the reflections against the prime min- ister of Italy in the unauthorized speech of Major General Smedley D. Butler." Just a little while before, Secre- tary Adams ordered the court mar- tial for one of the country's best known officers. General Butler is under technical arrest at his quar- ters at Quantico, Vn. Machigry hs been set in motion for a 'cli ax,or anti-climax to a career filled with drama and melodrama. Lauded for Work in China. Paradoxically enough, in a book Published through the Navy today, General Butler was lauded for his work toward peace while on duty .n China in 3927 and 1928. The title was "The United States Navy in Peace Time." His peacemaking achievements in -hat war-torn land were said to be one of the finest examples of suc- :essful arbitration by American fficers in recent years. General Butler's speeches have ,aused him more trouble than all ,he bandits he has fought in Haiti, icaragua and China. His remarks .ire extemporaneous. His home town s Philadelphia. He talked of the ?ossibility of future wars on Jan.,19. -- UgADISES Boston Banker Suggests Federal Reserve Rediscount Charge be Made Higher. (['y A s. a h- d fires WASHINUTON, Jan. 29. - The Senate banking investigating com- mittee received a suggestion today that the federal reserve rediscount cates be maintained at a higher evel than those on commercial oans to minimize or eliminate 'scalping" operations. W. D. Trafford, vice-chairman of Uhe First National Bank, of Boston, said it was "poor banking" to bor- row fromr feedral reserve institu- tions at low rates and loan to stock brokers a id dealers forspeculation at much higher charges. The financier also recommended ^ontinuation of security affiliates of national banks under simultaneous federal supervision with the banks, but said he saw no need in New England for extension of branch banking, as has been proposed by J. W. Pole, coin mptoller of the cur- rency. Reporter Stops Dogs' Barks with Gum Drops NEW YORK, Jan. 29.-- The re- sourceful reporter always carries gum drops. Toi-bv in -Hrlem crt ir.Mr.Viols. terday recommending changes in navigation aids on the Great Lakes. DETROIT-It w a s announced here today that William T. Tilden, II, is expected to make his first ap- pearance in Detroit as a profes- sional tennis player Feb. 28. in a series of indoor matches at Olym- pia arena. JACKSON-Alichigan sea scouts will hold a convention in the fair- grounds auditorium, which is to be converted into the replica of a ship, here Saturday. Among the speak- ers will be Commodore Wilson of the Detroit Yacht Club and Captain, A l f r e d Niezychowski of Detroit. Three hundred boys from all parts of the state are expected to at- tend. G~RAND RAPIDS--.Amn ord er i v "BUSINESS DEPRESSION' EXHAUSTS EXAMINATION SCHEDULE SUPPLY Student Rcsponse to Entreaty jury to insult THERE ARE NO for Catalogue Prompts MORE EXAM SCHEDULES! It's' Pica for Lists, nothing short of criminal! Not only -f -are we prevented from classifying for the second semester, but we are Now it's examination schedules! denied the sacred-you heard me- Yesterday's plea for University right of finding out just when and catalogues-rush order assistance where we meet our respective Wa- to the office of the registrar, room terloos! 4, University hall-was answered The only remaining exam sched- nobly by the student body, 75 of the ule in existence now hangs--literal- 1930-31 announcements being re- ly-on a bulletin board in room 4. ceived by noon, along with two or It is thumb-tacked to the wall; just three from 1929-30. But all this has as the three surviving announce- been to no avail if the'student body ments are chained to the desk. It fails the classification force at this is too thumb-worn to be longer use- new crisis-and with the examina- ful, and it might as well not be tion beginning tomorrow! (See the there at all as tempt passing stud-, Rolls Column). ents to try and read it-just try F;irly Good Telescope Needcd to Discern 'Little' Piece of Rock. By Edwin M. Smith, '33. An important little piece of iock, Eros, today will make its closest approach to the earth. The adjective "little' is used here in the astronomical sense, as this rock is about fifteen miles or so in diameter. Today it will be about 16,000,000 miles away, and is so small that even at that small dist- ance, astionomically speaking, it requires a fairly good telescope to The northern winter season has been very unfavorable for the ob- servation of Eros, Dr. Heber D. Curtis, head of the observatory, said in an interview yesterday Eros is now rapidly moving south and will soon be beyond the observation of astronomers in the northern hemisphere, but it will be favorably placed for observatories south of the equator. Dr. Rossiter,.in charge of the Lamont-Hussey observatory of the University, located at Bloem- fontein, South Africa is already taking such observations, Professor Curtis said. "A ;r,.rintc're'sv1'"rin