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January 29, 1931 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-29

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Squads Show Strength as Last
Year's Aces Return for
Season of Play.



Purcell Will be Among Experts!
(f /lbfcar ~n lrctrh 2 ECRU ITING PLAYER'


lucI internal Dissent ILLI NOIS YEARLING
Breaks Out i? Big Ten COACH NAMED
CHICAGO, Jan. 28.--1111 is not CHAMPAIGN, Ill.. J~fn. 23.---Illi-
uiet along the Western Confer- nois selects no football coach more
nce front. In the snake of the era carefully than the man iio has
f peace and traoncuilitiv y hat fop- (harge of the freshman candidates.


New York Business Man Asserts'

According to Ray Courtright, whoz
is in charge of this year's Tennis
and Golf squads, prospects for the
coming season appear to be excep-
tionally bright. As soon as weath-
er conit ions permit, outside wor
will get under way in earnest, .but %
utl O then only 'Bei-formal lprae-
tice will be attempted.
The only man, why wllbemiss -
ing from list year's Wstern Cor-
fercnce tennis champnions will be
eal. All of the other letter win-I
ners including Fred Brace, this
year's captain, Ed Hammer, Bob
Clarke, Rollin Clark, and Colby F
Ryan will return with added experi-
ence since most of them put in a r
strenuous summer of tournament -'
play. John Reindel, one of last
year's substitute members of the
team, will also be available to helo Tommy Courtis,
fill in the vacancy left by Beal's Who has starred on the Michigan
graduation. hockey team for the past two sea-,
New Men Add Strength. sois in a wing positioi, will grad-'
In addition to these seasoned iate next month leaving a big hole
men, Courtright is expecting great for Coach Lowrey to fill for thel
things of Mills and Sheman, two remaining games.
transfers from other schools. Also,!--------
Snell who established an enviable VA RSIT Y CAGERS
reputation last year as a member
of the freshman team will be on HOLD LONG DRILL
hand when the roll is called. -
In Golf, Courtright is equally Jayvees Join Veenker's Squad
well fortified with seasoned mate-foHadSim ge
rial, having all of last year'sregu- for Hard Scrimmage.
lar team returning. The team last (Continued From Page 6)
year, composed of Cap't Royston,
Hicks, Howard, and Lenfesty cap- ( not far behind with six. Four points
tured runner-up honors in the Big by Shaw gave them a two-point
Ten meet and should easily be able advantage at the end of the half.
to move up that last notch in the Veenker shifted the Blues around
standings this year. Jim Lewis a with Petrie and Eveland as for-
member of the team two years ago wards, Daniels continuing at the
is back in school this year and ex- pivot position, and Altenhof and
pects to put in a determined bid Tessmer going in as guards. The
for. a Varsity berth again. Also, lineup lost their advantage of play
Livingstone, one of last year's subs, and were forced to follow the
and Jolly from the freshman squad Whites most of the time. Ackerson
are capable of giving any of the and McDonald, forwards, and Wil-
veterans plenty of competition for liamson and Bremen took over the
regular assignments. guard work, Ed Garner being left
Workouts Irregular. to carry on the pivot work again.
Although there are several prac- This lineup looked better and held
tice nets in both the Field House the ball most of the period, piling
nnrA Tn,.1m ir 1 iiria Q nn i.._. - - - , 1

Iimuinton o c wers wviii be giv-
en a Chacie to see thi, sport as<
Sa:i played by champions in De-
r e;i SurcL', Jan. 31. Le ding the;
e'iln of s'a: pl"-ers is Jack
Pur CCi! (a Tor:o t) an ehO holds y
te Werd Am1teampaonship. . I
In h-, ana6;l--Unit ._,a 1'r'tes Exii \
tien Matches will see CCl. G'G.
Y W 2y C;'_ C z T ';. 1, o0 is afule C
?; " ta iniy the fteth er of L.c.hnliaton'
"s he revisd the gae for an in
"100, ; arit from the original.'ouit--
deor recreation.
Vi lliamrn tewart and Jc C- =a-
tl-.n. doubles champions of Ottawa.
_ S.WOIl l.r1 .1-L A 1 _ mbC . ,s
champions in t}e_-e tyre doubles
match of the evening
The iixel Coubles m-tch v i be I
between Mr. and Msv. 0. E. !'iim- I
ii:, j'., We.Stcrn Ontario mixed $
douei:cs champions, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Richardson, fnlalists Associated Press Photo
trem Windsor. I
Th e Intramural decariment is Win Day,
s? iscring the Ann Arbor part of Fifteen year old Chicago high
the ticket sale. Many ich igan school boy, who made a name for
dent' and faculty members have himself by winning the Miami mid-
taken an added interest in this winter amateur golf tournam-it
Jp21t :ifle~ Ch reent exhibitien in and going to the semi-finals of the

I wiiwar ce That Goff Was



r.t tea,. uv.,, w...,. ,. ..,..,... ..._.... ., .. _..._ I

the Sports building.
Fencers and Gymnasts
Will Face Ohio State
(Continued from Page 6)
ho se, Coons, horizontal bars;
Headley and Green, parallel bar
performers. Stone, Hoover, Barna-
by, Mercer, Holberg, and Heppberg-1
er will also be used in several of
the events, but as yet have seen no
Conferencekservice. This will also
be the Bucks first meet of the sea-
son. .
The fencers have been working
consistently this past week in an
effort to polish off the defects that
showed up in the freshman meet.
Coach Johnstone has gotten the
men into the best possible shape
for the opening Big Ten meet, but
the outcome of the engagement is
sort of doubtful as the Buckeye
squad has failed to fall into the
shining light of publicity thus far.
The visitor's team, however, is rat-
ed as one of the outstandingea tmi


Miami-Biltmore invitational tour-
Leading Florida League of I-M
Basketball Tourney.
By John Thomas
Tau Delta Phi have established
themselves as the outstanding team
in the Florida league by winning all
their games in the first half of the
Interfraternity basketball race.
After being held to a 13-5 score
in their first game they stepped out
to take the next 50-1. This stood
as the high score until recently.
The third game was taken easily,
25-4. Weinstein leads the team
from a running guard position. He
was a member of the B squad last
year and has four years of high
school basketball to his credit. He
is the high-scoring ace for the
first-half of the season followed,

G lowed Iowa's reinstatemen'm to good
Star on Gridiron. standing last spring, many intern )
(RI, IssocW -d 're'ss) disputes and ruptures have broken1
NEW YORK, Jan. 28,-When he out. to
irst initiated efforts to obtain an Down at Indiana Coach Pat P-age c
appointment for Kenneth Goff, was involved in a dispute with the
Rhode Island State backfield star, university athletic beaid over his I
to West Point, W. T. Wrightson, resignation and salary differences.c
New York business man and mendi-I A sharp reverbera- ion of its ex- i
ber of the Army Athletic Associa- pulsion from the conference was I
tion, did not know the boy was a heard over at Iowa where the edu-
football player, nor was he inter- cational committee of the state1
esteciin "recruiting" gridiron talent House of Representatives demand-
for the Army's forces. ed an investigation of charges that r
The statement by Wrightson, Walter A. Jessup, president of the cf
whose name has figured 'conspien- university, was largely responsible
ously in the Providence Bulletin's for the conference's ouster order. r
disclosure of alleged recruiting on - -
behalf of the academy. followed the L A SS I F IEl
Publication of several additional A'
statements and letters todayall
revolving around the case of the, rcko,_as,_owoaslt
Breeton M~as. boy who as late- -- --
,s yesterday wrote his friend, Cadet NOTICE
'G ul Carrollathat "I do hope to
oinit." .IEe cEnglish, eemetary French or
NWillNt Enter School. i Spanish, in exchange for working
Gtff illnot enter West iSaih Poinit, knowledge of Chinese.- Phone
but the unofficial attempt to ob- Ik2g90s Pn3
tain an appointment for him, 21903.
through Congressman Stobbs, of FRATERNITIES & SOPORITIES
Worcester, Mass., has developed Piano Tuning! Get your order in.
something of a teapot tempest. NOW for your J-Hop parties.1
The Providence Bulletin today Phone 6776, Victor Allmendinger,
published another letter from Cadet the concert artist turner. Tuner
Carroll to his ex-classmate at for Univ. School of Music. Office
Rhode Island indicating Major at residence, 1608 Morton Ave.
Ralph Sasse, West Point's football( 12345
coach, had taken an interest in the --
case to the extent of suggesting TUTORING IN GEOLOGY 1 AND
what Goff could do to further his HISTORY 11 FOR FINALS. Tom-
chances of appointment. I mie Mack, 310 S. State St. Phone
Says Charges "Far-Fetched." 7927. 12345C
At West Point Major Philip B. --______
Flemning, graduate manager, issued TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair
a statement saying that charges of rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087.
proselyting by Army were "decided- C
ly far-fetched" and giving the de-
tails of exchanges between Carroll WANTED
and Goff, showing, Major Flem-
ning said, that it was a clear case
of "boyish enthusiasm and admira- WANTED-A student barber. C. L.
tion for his school," together with Petrie, 111 E. Washington St.
an effort of a civilian to help a Phone 8616. 234
deserving boy to get in the military - -----_-
academy. FOR RENT
Sasse Explains Action. "
Supplementing this, Major Sasse NEWLY decorated, completely fur-
said: nished apartment with private
"I told Carroll what he could sug- bath and shower. Also beautiful
gest to Goff, just as I would tell large room for two. Steam heat.
the same thing to any boy. Natur- Convenient to campus or down-
ally, I could take no steps other- town. Available now. Dial 8544.
wise. As a matter of fact I never 345
gave the matter another thought. _ ___
It would be utterly ridiculous for FOR RENT-Steam heated, single
me to attempt to recruit football and double rooms for boys.
players." Board, 21 meals $7.50; lunch and
Meanwhile Wrightson told the dinner $6.00 per week. Phone
Associated Press quite frankly his 4973. 825 E. University. 345
part of the case, exhibiting the cor- -----
respondence he had with Goff and APARTMENT-609 E. William St.,
others. He denied he was 'actuated) 3 rooms, furnished, hot and cold
by any other motive than a desire water steam heat, shower, desir-
to see an ambitious boy enter West able for quiet couple. Phone
Point. 8313. 34

Appointiment is a cachet of ap-
proval which indicates that the
Rlini are certain that the coach
neasures up to a high standard in
character and ability.
Accordingly, Wendell S. Wilson,
former Illinois end and a member
of the football staff since his grad-
tation in 1927 may feel proud that
lic has been appointed to succeed
Carl Voyles as head freshman foot-
ball coach.
Illinois' freshman coach is far
nore than a coach. He is a, guide,
counsellor and friend to the young
aspirants for positions on the Illi-
niis varsity in the future.
ROOM FOR RENT - Large single
room, located in a new private
home on Morton Avenue; S. E.
section of city; tiled bath and
shower; soft water; plenty of
heat; use of large living room;
radio and recreation room con-
tining pool tables. Prefer men
students or instructors. Garage
if necessary. Available end of
first semester. Call student own-
er at noon or 6 p. m. phone 3378.
FOR RENT-Suite for one or two
graduate girls, office girls or
teachers or nurses. -Phone 4972.
family. Graduate women student
or teacher preferred. Phone
5929. 345
VERY PLEASANT front suite for
two or three boys or business
people. Also double room, first
floor furnished apartment. 909 E.
Washington. 3

FOR RENT-One double room for
two boys $5.00, single rooms $3.00,
near campus. 433 Hamilton Place.
Phone 23496. 23
FOR RENT-1 double; 1 suite for
men students; reasonable. Call
after 5 o'clock. 707 Tappan. 2345
FOR RENT--A pleasant and com-
fortable room with shoWer bath
for man student at -535.8. Divis-
ion. Phone 7981. 12345
ONE single room at ,$3.50 and one
double room at $3.00 each to rent.
Lunches and dinners $6.00 per
week. Single meals 50c, Sunday
dinner 75c. Mrs. M. -C. alm. 332
East Jefferson St. Dial 7716. 613


elan lnuamur l D11Cin s, no 1n up 16_cua i "vvuatruu utt points to their opponents1., in the race and will probably be at clsely by M. Mark. Mark plays a
door work has been assigned to (the e ido
golfing candidates, as some do not Wllamsondebyeenpinson bth ThebesinthemetFiayn tfrard fp osit hereheghsformel
apprpove of inside practice. nts y fencers who will de- of Detroit and was selected for All-
Spsecond period and stood high man ( fend Mihigan's honor in the good State birth in that position. He was
MARQ ETTEfor the day, but the White center old honorable way include Lovell, also an All-State football player.
M R U T E ICERS was trailing only two points. These Friedman, and Gordon. who are Seapup ete lhuhh
TO FACE VARSITY two men contributed a lot to giv- working with the foils. Gordon, De- 1sbtSgl5jfejmsh
ing the Whites the advantage in Stefano, Edelman, Bourland, and is0utp5feet10 ernches tall. HIe atog -ewas
(Continued From Page 6) the second half as both put on a h Ide are the outstanding candidates out for the freshman hea this year
and Sharples. Of this squad Niel- g work in their respective for the sabre events from which stardoedrnomther g sqad l h
son, Peterson, Furlong, and Elnes positions. Daniels and Petrie were the team will be selected. In the isaneexcelnent upertnd lht
tAR UE TE CEthes raitnwonlaw ons hsodhrbewyersluehCvelaon Atafeot. . all playet.e
hail from Minnesota, while the re- toe oie to see all epee contest are Winig, Powers, ando heg t. juwm d apntrin lays the
mainder of the squad come from time action during the scrimmage, Reichard. sut fowr and Singe is
andheacd mans a emSangEddma, Bbacndkangua frd.fehmntati er
four differentCanadian provincesandec h aged to help theI Last season, uheVarsity tookdoves bakt garped ro eds88a
This two-game series will mark Blues by good offensiveTheistaemfatheshireS8a8epeointstom w
the final pair of college battles for sitv work, although and dee the Oi State steam,. to7ai the opponex ents10i tre game
cNormhadwtllhave difficulty in repeating the This indicates the stellar defense
Tommy Courtis, aggressive right considerable trouble yesterday in win this year. Coach Johnstone is put forward by this aggregation
wing of the Wolverines. Courtis. holding down the game of lanky Ed dubious as to the quality of the and the scoring power;
will graduate at the end of the first Garner who was playing better competition which they can put up,
semester, and his place will proba- than usuaL for the team as a whole does not
bly fall to Captain Art Schlanderer. The scrimmage session as' a appear to be on a par with the
While not one of the leading scor- i whole could be given to either team I talent available last season.
ers on the team, the veteran for- only on the basis of actual points,__
ward has always played a nice which were more the result of ac- CHICAGO-Bob Lewis, secretary
game on the defensive, where his curacy in shooting than in contin- of the Chicago Cubs has annogiced
capable back-checking has stood ued superiority of teamwork. The the release of Pitcher Malcolm
him in good stead. In addition to work of all the players drew little Moss to the Los Angeles Angeles.'
this he has cooperated well in the of the shape criticism from the Moss, a port sider was purchased
scoring efforts of the Michigan side lines that coaches Veenker and by the Cubs in 1929, but went back
team, although he has not sent Courtright can so effectively sing to the minors in a trade for Long
many of the goals home himself. out from time to time. George Kelly last year.
Marquette's team has made an
enviable record for itself this sea- Shute to Defend Golf
son, dropping only a pair of games
early in the campaign against the Title Wok Last Year EN AVANT evn orward
Duluth West Ends and the Hibbing ---
Hockey club, both of them strong (nv a /soen Pu)ress>
amateur aggregations. Minnesota, 'AN ANTONIO, Tex., Jan. 28.-
however, managed to tie the Hill- Den.more Shute, Columbus, O., pro-
toppers on one occasion after a fessional, has arrived here to de-
double overtime period had failed fend his championship in the Tex- B A
to break the deadlock. In the other as Open golf tournament getting , 0 0
game between the Gophers and under way with a qualifying round'
Marquette Coach Hancock's icers for amateurs today.
finished on the long end of a 6-3 John Dawson, of Chicago, who


FOR SALE-Home of faculty family
leaving city. Cheap with easy
terms to satisfactory buyer. Ex-
cellent condition with Mwell-
shrubbed yard in faculty neigh-
borhood. Call 8373. 234

" .
; moo," r
/ _


Is one of these
longer than the


do your eyes deceive you?

score. can)c here with a golfing army
fromf Los Angeles, was favored to
Hack Wilson, Chicago Cub out- win the amateur event, a battle for
fielder, hit a home run every 10.4464 positions in the amateur-pro con-
times at bat in setting his National test starting over the Brackenridge
league mark at 56. Course tomorrow.








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jAjN U A.A.14mly





Brand and Other Good Makes



tel/s the Truth!





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