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January 29, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-29

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VOL XLI. No. 91




Methodist Board of Temperance
Finds Wet Publications
Gairt Circulation.
Federal Alcohol Bureau Adopts
Wickersham Commission
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28.-A con-
clusion that the nation's anti-pro-
hibition newspapers as a whole
have approximately doubled the
circulation of those favoring the
dry law was reached today by the
Methodist board of temperance.
In a survey of 1,346 daily papers
having an aggregate circulation of
32,994,609 the board placed only 520
of these as definitely "wet." Their
combined circulation, however, was
estimated at more than 21,000,000
or 64 per cent, while that of the
809 "dry" papers was 10,488,553, or
32 per cent. There were 115, mostly
of small circulation, described as



Gargoyle's Blue Book Issue HARTMAN SUBMITS
to Appear onCampus TodayD
February Number Will Feature who attend the houseparty but notBill. TO CUT iU
Comments on J-Hop, the Hop and find the time on Fri-
day night beginning to drag. For
Fial Exams. those students who are going to
their first J-Hop there is an item
Combining the essential elements of special interest, "Hints for the
of that anomalous period of ex- J-Hop," by Harry Price, '33. Administration Leader Presents
aminations and J-Hop festivities, "Further Cures for Athletes' Measure Complying With
the February number of the Gar- Foot," by Gurney Williams, '31, Brucker's Policy.
goyle will go on sale today on the Brckrsolcy
Diagonal and in University hall. gives the findings of a commission
The cover is especially seasonal who would prevent the spread of GREEN FACTION DEMURS
asar smecomnt o te ar-the disease during the J-Hop festiv -___
as are some comments on the mark ities. Also dealing with class party
ing system of the University, pub- week-end, is a "Bootleggers' Guide," Four Sources Offer Opposition;
isvem nt tho lange thegraecnt which Gargoyle suspects will be un- proposal Referred to Ways
system. "J-Hop Substitutes" are in- Asugh one cC the judges in and Means Committee,
cluded as an aid to the students Gargoyle's widely heralded beauty
contest, dissented as to the winner, (B Associated Press)
NIthe answer is printed in this issue. LANSING, Jan. 27.-The admin-
The dissenter later admitted that istration launched its additional
the selection "would gain second finance measure on its legislativel
place in his list." tour today amid a maelstrom of
The February number also con- other proposals dealing with occu-
tains an unusually large Campus pational diseases, appointive terms
Talk section and several shorter for judges, apportionment, and de-
articles in addition to a carefully linquent tax lands.
Gilbert E. Bursley Announces selected exchange list. Representative Gus T. Hartman,
ComtteAppitet of Houghton, an administration
Ce pn sleader in the House and chairman
foil Annual Dance. D IH lIIg of the ways and means committee,
submitteda bill identical with the
Committee appointments for the recommendations of Gov. Wilber M.
annual Frosh Frolic, Friday, March Brucker calling for sharp revision
13, in the Union, were announced rin the $23,000,000 building program.
yesterday by Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, It provides that the building ap-
general chairman. propriations for the coming bien-
George Lambrecht, '34, was nam- Giant DO-X Ship Will Take off nium be shaved downward from
ed to head the orchestra sub-com-MA $11,970,000 to $4,429,500 and the bal-
mittee while Virginia Lane, '34, was Saturday Morning After ance be deferred until the fiscal
placed in charge of the favors. Motor Test. years ending in 1934 and 1935.
Other appointments are as follows: Opposition Develops.
Decorations-Abbie M o r 1 e y, '34' LISBON, APocad , .28.-The The measure was immediately re-
George Downing, '34E, and Albert start of the giant German fying ferred to the ways and means com-
Stresen-Reuter, '34E, co-chairman; boat Doth on its south Atlantic mittee where it will undergo sharp
refreshments and b al11r o om__boatrDt-nyonnitsrsoutheAtlanticn.
Charles Burgess, '34E, chairman flight to Brazil was postponed un- sources o pposi io e eop
and Harvey Nicholson, '34E; tickets til 7 o'clock Saturdayi mrinwa ed to the recommended reductions.
-Wilbur Bohnsack, '34, chairman few hours before the a liner wa Enthusiastic followers of Former
Robert Cass, '34E, and Edmond scheduled to take off. . governor Fred W. Green are dis-
Woodruff, '34; floor-Warren Kahn Postponement of the fi i g h t, I pleased at any attempt to revise
'34, chairman. The chairmen will which had been planned for to- his original program. The governor'
pick their assistants at a later date, morrow morning, was decided upon this week reiterated his expression
p'_tonight at a meeting of delegates that the program should go on as
of the German ministry of trans- i originally planned. Speaker F r e d
portation. Officials said they weren R. Ming heads a group which will
not quite satisfied with the behav- Mi n h easigru wichillis
ior of the 12 American motors in welfare work in the program in-
today's test flight, although they eluding the possible construction
asserted a record had been estab- of a tuoerculosis sanitarium in
lished for heavier-than-air ma- northern Michigan.
chines by carrying for the first time nor y Michigan
Early Preparation Urged.
Arrest Made by Sheriff Andres a weight of 55 tons. Some legislators believe that no
After Telephone Ruse The plane will be given a rest change should be made now in view
tomorrow morning while the en- of unemployment c a n d i t i o n s.
Traps Offenders. gines are overhauled, the last test Others are expected to protest any
flight before the take-off being c u ts in appropriations affecting
Two University students, and an- planned for the afternoon. their particular districts.
other youth, who were arrested Friday will be a day of inaction, Representative Hartman confer-
early Wednesday morning in con- according to the commander of the red with Governor Brucker today
nection with an alleged liquor ring, DO-X, Captain Friedrich Christ- and urged the executive to prepare
will be arraigned at a hearing this iansen, who said that "no captain the administrative budget at an
morning, it was said at the sher- goes to sea on Friday." early date.
iff"s office last night. It was stated I

Twenty-Three Miners JESSUP MAY
Die as Back Powder NEW POLICY
Blast Wrecks Shaft

Few other prohibition develop- I
ments came during the day.E
Prohibition Director Woodcockr
said new regulations were beingX
considered to give dentists the same
amount of medicinal liquor as is
now allowed physicians..
Wickersham Proposal Accepted.
Commissioner Doran of the in-
dustrial alcohol bureau announceds
adoption of one of the Wickersham
commission recommendations. Itf
would permit physicians to enter
on their prescription stubs, without
specifying in the prescription itself,'
the ailment for which whiskey was,
The Senate appropriations com-
mittee approved the fund requested
by the prohibition bureau, adding
$147,880 to bring the total to $11,-
The House expenditures commit-
tee, meantime, postponed its in-
vestigation of wire tapping by pro-1
hibition agents because of the ill-
ness of Attorney General Mitchell.
He was said not to be seriously ill.
Survey Figures Revealed.
The Methodist temperance board
also made available the figures of
another survey, covering 1,438 news-
papers, of which 37 per cent were
said not to give prohibition anr
"even break," while 35 per centi
were described as "biased" in han-t
dling prohibition news. Board offi-
cials said that not all of these, by
any means, were "wet" newspapers.1
From a point of view of circula-
tion, the 340 newspapers covered in
the 11 northeastern states were de-
scribed as m o s t predominately
"wet." Of a total circulation of 13,-
653,613, the anti-prohibition papers
had 10,382,129 circulation or 76 per
In the 14 western states, however,
circulation was dividedn ay y o s t
evenly, being 47 per cent by "dry"
papers and 49 per cent "wet," with
the rest neutral.

(B Assoiaed Press)
LINTON, Ind., Jan. 28.-More
than a score of coal miners were
killed when 600 pounds of black
powder exploded in the little Bet-
ty mine near here late today.
About 25 men were in the north
main sector of the mine when
the blast occured. Two of the
men, critically i n j u r e d, were
brought to the Linton hospital.
One of them is expected to die.
Dr. C. C. Hamilton, who was
dispatched to the scene from the
hospital, reported tonight that
rescue workers had reached all
of the blast victims and that all
were dead.
Salesman Now Soliciting Orders
Not Representative of
Official Makers.
Seniors of the literary college
were warned last night by Frank
E. Cooper, '31, chairman of the class
cane committee, that any persons
who are soliciting orders for class
canes do not represent the com-
pany which will furnish official
class canes this year.
Orders for the official canes will
not be taken until the latter part
of February, it was announced.
Reports received at the Daily yes-
terday indicated that a number of
fraternity houses have been visited
during the last two days by an un-
identified man w h o represented
himself as a salesman authorized
to take orders for senior literary
class caries. The canes he has, have
not been selected as official class
insignia, Cooper said. He asked
seniors to place no orders until the
regular sale of banes is 'announced
ii The Daily.
Picture of March Will be Taken;
Ticket Sale, Distribution
of Favors Continues.
Details of the Grand March for
the annual J-Hop Friday, Feb. 13
in the Intramural building, were
announced last night by the floor,
committee for the Hop.
The march will begin at 11 o'clock
from the committee booth at the
east end of the gymnasium and
proceed to the patron's booth at
the other end before making the
turn. As the double lines pass on
each side, couples from the booths
will take places in the lines. The
couples will then join at the upper
end of the gymnasium and march
back four abreast. They will con-
tinue the march until they number
32 abreast, at which time the J-
Hop picture will be taken.
Meetings of the floor committee
will be held this week to complete
arrangements for the Hop.
I Distribution of favors will con-
tinue from 1 to 5 o'clock each after-
noon at the Church street store
of Burr, Patterson, and Auld. Ticket
sales will continue at the side desk
of the Union for the remainder of
the week.


Associated Press Photo

Walter A. Jessup,
President of the University of
Iowa, against whom charges of mal-
administration has been made. The
state legislature was asked to name
a joint committee to investigate
the charges,
Senate Attacks Organization for1
Refusing to Accept
Relief Funds.
(By Associated Press)k
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28.-A threat
that Congress would find its owni
relief agency came today in answer1
to a fiat refusal by the Red Cross
to administer the $25,000,000 relief
fund proposed in the Senate.
Demorcratic leader Robinson told
the Senate, Congress would find its
own agency for the distribution of
such funds as it feels can be used in
emergencies "if the Red Cross re-
fuses to measure' up to the proper
Robinson was speaking in reply
to testimony John Barton Payne,
chairman of the Red Cross had
given the House appropriations
committee. Payne said his organiza-
tion could not accept administra-
tion of the funds. He presented a
resolution adopted by the Red Cross
central committee.
The Arkansas senator called on
all senators who had even an ordin-
ary regard for suffering to repudi-
ate the policy which implies the
refusal on the part of those respon-,
sible to the people as a whole to
take any action whatever to relieve
the distress-.
Art Society Presents
, .'


Mellon Tells Finance Committe4
Cashing of Bonuses Would
'Deepen' Depression.
Despite Evidence of Hoover Veto
Committee Proposes to Favor
Plan Fulfillment.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28.-Secre-"
tary Mellon told the Senate finance
committee today that proposals for
cashing the bonus certificates of
World War veterans are without
"economic merit" and ihstead of
improving conditions would "deep-
en" the world depression.
Mellon was closely questioned as
he predicted a treasury deficit of
$375,000,000 and warned the cash
conversion plan would not only
have "serious consequences" on
:public credit but would "greatly
disturb world equilibrium."
Harrison Favors Payment.
The veteran treasury secretary
had barely concluded his statement
of the adminis-
tratiof's opposi-
. tion when Sena-
! for Harrison, of
Democratic mem-
ber of the com-
mittee, told the
Senate "a major-
ity of the com
-tmittee is going to
f a v o r some re-
Harrison an-
nounced he fav-
,\PNDRE\4 1AnELLOk ored .payingt. he
veterans the pres-
ent cash value of their certificates.
Harrison announced he favored
paying the veterans the present
cash value of their certificates.
Mellon's personal appearance was
considered by committee members
as added evidence of the adminis-
tration's strong attitude toward the
proposed legislation. It increased
the belief among some senators
that President Hoover would veto a
bill to pay the veterans the cash
value of their certificates.
Would Cost $3,400,000,000.
Mellon's prepared s t a t e m e n t,
which was read to the committee
by Under-Secretary Mills, confined
its attack to the proposal for pay-
ing the face value of the certificates
which would cost about $3,400,000,-

State Bulletins
(By Associated Press)
January 28, 1931.
SHEBOYGAN - Financial stress
here was eased today when $787,-
000 was paid to creditors of the
First National.Bank, closed last
summer, as a first dividend, and a
new bank was opened. Today's divi-
dend represents 60 per cent of ap-
proved claims and further pay-
ments were promised. N. D. Fralick
is president of the new bank which
has $50,000 capitol stock and is
called the Citizens National Bank.
MARSHALL -- Three men were
dead ;here today as a result of
drinking poison liquor. The dead
are William Caffrey, 53; Clark
Mumbrue, 47, and Nathan Laber-
teaux, 57. They died after having a
party at Mumbrue's home. Laber-
teaux died in the hospital shortly
after leaving the party and the
other two were found in the house
PETOSKiEY-Patrick Samuels, 20-
year-old Indian who had been'
given up for lost after he was


that no charges had been made
against the youths.
Those arrested were: Orrie E.
Brown, '33L, of Detroit; Robert K.
Custer, '31Ed, of Marion, Ind., and
Allen Thompson, of 1127 S. Univer-
sity avenue. The latter, it is under-
stood, came here to enroll but
failed to register.
The arrests were made when
Sheriff Jacob B. Andres telenhoned.
Custer, and. using a code message,
asked that liquor be delivered to
a fraternity in which two deputies
were stationed.
Custer, accompanied by Thomp-
son, complied with the request.
They were placed under arrest and
lodged in the county jail.
A similar ruse was used in tele-
phoning Brown, said to be the
"brains" of the ring. He failed to
accept the message, however, and
checked the call. A raid followed,
the sheriff and deputies confiscat-
ing a slot machine and hundreds
of slugs wrapped in bank folders.
Sheriff Andres and deputies of
his office had been following up
rumors concerning the alleged ring
for several weeks. The source of
the liquor supply is not known, the
sheriff said, but arrests are expect-
ed soon.


Lyrics and short poems by Ten-
nyson and Browning made up the
program of readings which was
presented to the public at a meet-
ing of the local chapter of the
Michigan Interpretive Arts associa- Adams Awaits Answer to Request
tion last night. That Officer Give
The association is dedciated to! His Version.
the encouragement of public speak- I
ing and interpretative reading. Its (By Associated Press)
membership is open to interested WASHINGTON, Jan. 28.-Smed-
townspeople and students, it was ley D. Butler's speech which arous-
announced last night. ed Premier Mussolini's wrath to-
night was still unexplained official-
State Examiners Close ly.
Detroit Brokerage Firm Secretary Adams was awaiting an
answer to his request that the ma-
(By Associated Press) rine officer give his version of an
LANSING, Jan. 28.-The state se- address in Philadelphia on Jan. 19
curities commission Tuesday rev6k- which resulted in a formal protest
ed the license of Lawrence S. Kemp I(to the state department from the
& Co., Detroit brokers. Members of Italian embassy.
the commission said the action was Reports about the incident per-
takn bcaue eamierswere un- sisted during the day but none of
able caseeminers them were confirmed. Another well-
sale tofdtrn the finybyeacia known name was connected with it
ination of its books and that the when a speech that Cornelius Van-
company had ben charging exces- ago was recalled.
sive commissions. agoa el.
Vraihob of 1haoynRar r1

Vro gram or ieaaings ILater, however, Mills said the
Dr. Ralph W. Gerard, professorI same objections would apply, to a
of physiology at the University ofIesser degree, to the proposal to
Chicago, who was scheduled to de- 1-pay the present value of the certifi-
liver a series of lectures on nerve cates, the cost of which has been
physiology here today and tomor- $stiatd at from $1,700,000,000 to
row, wil be unable to fulfill his en- "It's only a matter of deg "
gagements due to sudehnillness it Mills said. "One would cost $3,400,-
His talks were to be the conclud- 000,000 and the other $2,100,000,000."
g gMembers of the committee did
ing group of a series in various not wait for the reading of Mellon's
fields of biology that have been tatmonterea ingo es
given here during the last two statement before beginning to ques-
months under the auspices of the tion him.

Gerard Cancels Talks
Due to Sudden Illness



zoology department.
The Weather
(By Aswociated P'rcss)
Lower Michigan: Cloudy, some-
what colder in west and north por-
tions Thursday; Friday also partly



Statistics Find Food, Room
Text Books Priced


Indications that the average ex-
penditure of the student at Michi-
gan will be from $200 to $500 more
than the estimate in the freshman
handbook and in the University
circulars were apparent last night!
after more than 150 of the ques-

150 answers being little more than,
$1 per person. The entertainment
item is running about as was ex-
Books are also high, according
to the preliminary findings.
With 350 questionnaires still to
be tabulated, it would seem that
the average student spends about
80 per cent of his total expenditure
during the year in the city of Ann
Arbor. Styles would also seem to be
generally regulated by the current
f~YnrcA o Tm-v a fX

mem ers orL tu eRenox, oLary cub
and journalism students at the
University of Nevada said today
that Vanderbilt related a story in
which he said the Italian premier's
automobile ran over a child.
Major General Butler's speech al-
so was reported as containing a
I reference to that story, Butler be-
ing quoted as giving as authority
for his statement an American
friend' who was said to have been
riding with the premier.
Church Run in Front;
LiquorSold at Back
(B), Associated Press)
T'RAPTEA1 Fn Ih i.9n 9-1

Officials Despair as Lack of take to classify for an 11 o'clock
Materials Becomes and then have to go at 8 all
Alarming. through the spring!
The last straw occurred the oth-
er day when all the second semes-
Without catalogues, classificationI ter classification cards were ex-
cards, announcements, supplements I hausted and registrar workers had
or anything with which to make to re-make the first semester tick-
out the schedules for students un- ets by scratching out things with
Pl ified to d ateP the offi of tha pen and writing other things in


CIU161t s U Ut, Ll lcU it
registrar, in room 4, University hall,
has struck the worst dilemma in
years. Officials of the University
are at their wits' end; they are
literally between two fires-the
students demanding their rightful
announcements on one side -the
administration demanding careful
- ,A-m-,P ,hin-o c varhnin

on a typewriter. This sudden."econ-
omy" which the University has to
face may lead some -of us well into
March before we know where we're
going every day.
It's been a little job of pass the
buck so far - the way it goes is
from the dean's office to the regis-
trar's, from the registrar's office to
the classifieation dlnartment from

Welcoming Crowd Disappointed
as Indian Leader Leaves
Train Early. '
(By Associated Press)
ALLAHABAD, India, Jan. 28.-A
large crowd which had assembled
at the railroad station tonight to
greet Mahatma Gandhi on his ar-
rival from Bombay, was disappoint-
ed when the leader of the civil dis-
obedience movement left the train
at Cheoki Junction, eight miles
After avoiding those waiting for
a glimpse of him, Gandhi, with
several friends, came, by automo-
bile to Allahabad, India's "city of
gods," where are assembled most of
the National Workers' committee,
With these, he will confer on Bri-
tain's offer of an eventual qualified

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