1 1( L+ ( a a . a a a v a- ar a ...
Unbcaten Recd,oilo 1vin
I cr~as--d Attenidance,.
For the first timesin e cin-
auguration, of the "Bc: ', ramidaclf
into Wes,,tern Co::afe;rence athiet icsa
followers of the lMaize and Blue:
athletic fortunes arec taking nrotice
of this year's Ja.yveo squvad. Tihei-
30-19 victory Saturdlay night Over
the Detroit "Y" 'brought their
string (f consecutivecto c ;to
eight;, with not a si ugle dcfeat on
the wrong ,Jide of the led,T,°,,.
Adopt New Systcn .
The re a,,o ,; for this xzibout urn
in the fortunes of tthe "Bees" uin-
doubtec'ly lie primarily in the nexV1
system, adopted here thais year The
original plan was that each school
should have two teams of equal
strength, and th,:s is the first time
that anything even approximating,
this conception has been tried
The Varsity squad and the "B"
team squad work out together, in-
stead of having the freshmen and
Varsity scrimmaging as has been
the practice in years past. Thus1
the Junior Varsity is composed
mainly of men who arc of Varsity
caliber, but might be having diff'i-
culty in hitting their stride, or are
in a temporary slump. For in-
stance, on occasions Eveland, Hud-
son, Shaw, MacDonald, and Ricketts
have, been found' in the "B" team
lineup as well as in the Varsity
To Continue Plan. {
Both Head Coach Veenker andI
"B" team Coach Ray Courtright arc'
well satisfied with the way the sys-
tem is working out, and feel confi-
dent that the continued success of
the plan is assured.
This Friday, Coach Courtright
will take his squad to Flint to meet
the team* from General Motors
Tech, a team which they defeated
badly in the last encounter 39-14.
The squad will probably be made up3
of men who will not be burdenedl
with early examinations.
Heavyweight Battles
Scheduled for Miami
(Continued From Page 6).
week earlier. Schemling and Strib-
ling will give exhibitions with spar-
ring partners the night of the Ris-
ko-Walker scrap. Whether these
matches will clarify the heavy-
weight muddle remainis to be seen.
Camera should hand Maloney a
neat beating unless the Italian gi-
ant has slipped considerably since
the last time he fought.
Mickey Walker figures to defeat
the Cleveland trial horse, repeat-
ing his previous win over 'him in
Detroit. The "Toy Bulldog" now
looms definitely as a formidable op-
ponent for the rest of the plodding
Lcfi-vding on the :Michigan hoc-
key teamu, who has outscored all
ot-her oln °inmepu(ckmnen so far in
this season7's gm His margin!
over Cros-,sman, his nearest rival, is
two p)oints, one on a goal, and one
on an assist.
Daniels, /lltenho f, Weiss Rank
jAmong First Four Leaders.
(Continued from Page 6)
scoring now with 40 points to
his credit, averaging 10 points
pergame, about two more than
Daniels has looped in, and it is
highly probable that he will
have at least reached Daniel's
54 point mark by the time his
team has completed 7 games.
Illinois, which seems headed for
a new record for games lost in a
single season, has the weakest de-
fense in the Conference if figures
may be taken as proof. Their op-
ponents have scored 136 points
against them so far this year, and
their standing is still .000. Wiscon-
sin seems to have the tightest de-
fense, since they have been touched
for an average of 20 points per
game since the Conference season
Right now it would appear
that the Wildcats were headed
Ifor the title on which Purdue
took out a short term lease last
season. The Boilermakers are;
wvell down the list, while :North-
western is riding cn the crest
of a wave of victories which
may carry it through the sea-
son undefeated. With Michigan
out of the way the 'Cats should
have a fairly open road to the
title. Had the Wolverines shown
the form against Northwestern
that they did against Ohio
State Mvonflay night the. story
might very well have been a
different one.
By Bill Myers.f Russell and Noyes seem to be J I E IR L O
leaclinu. tho field for the veterans
Wfvith the closing of the first seirmes- in the 440.) but C lading is up anmng
t' activity ,in the track program them de-spite hi;> lack of experi-- McAfee, Montague to Receive
_hih; hs ben oig , fot I.' ne se. LmNys~it yrnotd_ From Braves and
)t l -,mo .t, 1 1 ithe field house ie, .T1KaYiiv 'uu htav'e also been making a
s' t°:),semsasue of a f girly t ', 11i 1 (1;ttr-il<Chicago Cubs.
T' ,' )r: o('en 1 io in several Of ThletI llne in1.)_ ; vent has bee
,t C~t >U!tV r on- ar-iCenly (oad t V . cg30ate,'dPress)
~ujnaanhaebenfaily I NW YORK, Jan. 27.--AhIriled
P. Impste' lr1it'1tld pe tmet di e 1 di; f:r wGih Camlpbell g>lance over the list of new players
1C 1 .'--och-hale l1 ,; Kmu st inainyining;1.. asI1,,'-yovral eni, f raL, i teNation-
' . r'techance(031oni 13in he cie:;trs tdi lroln, vet- 'al lea.gue this spring reveals "),lib-
(r!O e YUI--;tile1mile, tim half % t dit:1'l J11Mrlke cm'l sprinkling of college menl, a
ai heqarer e veral Vi t erl17n;1',11f! f 41w0det a'~ y1~
j .1[; heseegh n r .. asi Cgsye IIl t aremaoity of themi fromixthe
in e bu thre s aweath f ii W Lmb a'- ~.wa ~'.l~e At least 13 colleges will be rep-
:;h;nmre alet wichisbidlin ~ii e ib--~inn~i ol f-an ~foyresented by rookies in 'the training
I l ! , y fo hono) rs. In fac< t t v51 hxcreand can bIe dpe lo te ihtlege lus
camps o h ih egecus
111.11 r 1a"rsophvomore s r' VW l iul) cI br eVera - l c)IS in.the ;r-le.Suth l: willsed-mnfo
.1,121 U cth 10lot~x rm-td rwt.>Ji'd' - jidi.;.--- 3ol gis Tech, AlabamI7a. iGeoffgia;I
1. : a .t fild oue reorand Ili I leet ill .ieC ) i University of Louisville, Mississippi,
t ce 19 5. lie :oot he1n1 CVC f';. L rw' urra era als wor igAuburn and Cle mnsOn;z the
1", it~~. n r far , East from Amhxlerst and Tufts, the
d E"a1Caw' r, 'A s Tal Jam'irs Midwest from Wisconsin and Mich-
~ fli'~0('ma~.A lack ol 1t> ii iiiU.I c i g, :the far West from Gonzalra
Th ot euit ataot the (' hP,'1 .t elto 'se l n lee university, and the Southwiest from
hir~d hsfar is the ftx;e spirit I cami. Ca:ptain P(hot, lut fair i xasMA.t&gueGoes Up.
adpwihtheyhaebn put-- ti, vault, bt1 a fye't gotten Ms of these rookies have to
tinginto their trials sdurin g the back ~into hi', old form. Egglestonre nc oera onidralesno
txainingl sea31on. Some of the trials dI ,lea din1g a host of sophomolcre mla-
had all the contagious enthulsiasmn teri~1i i the lhurdcles and hasCs- years before they reach their col-
of inid--season competition. Most of a )'a;"dhi ef h mi~ le cre but at least two of
lhe men;'2 have been faithful in their sl,:Iln aspirant f 1 the firstheHwrGoskOSfAu-
training and are in goad condi- choice in1 both hi gh and low. Gold- ertadDcMoagefMih
lion, ;showing some real form in s;mth is at presen t the most logical i'gen, will hit the major leagues di-
the weekly tests which have co- hC~ nfor tie shot, wihCox mr etlurmnh-oleecaps
stantly improved. ni1W 111 second place. N either has Grosskloss was a fine all-around
Austin and Wolfe will be the vet- dunei anything overly thrilling, but athlete at Amherst and will get a
cran mainstays of the mile and have plenIty of possibilities. The chance to show his infielding abili-i
two-mile runs. with Austin doing broad jump is ,..lso weak in candi- ty with the Pittsburgh Pirates at'
his best in the latter event, al-- dates thuar 1, and H-oyt is-deped- P'aoRbe.Mnauargt
though )there is very little to chioose in g'on several spsto flptend - aso Robe Montagueawih t-e
be;tween the two in the eight-lap breach.( Chicago Cubs. Neither. of course,
run. D'Anna, Fi tzgibbons, Feustal, ________________ may be ready for the majors yet.
and Smith are also veterans of lastI One of the most interesting col-'
season who will be available for loI ge recruits will be Tom Nash, a !
ths vns r j trfobl n tGoga n vHowell, Braden, Hill, Ostrander Idraifted by the New York Giants
and Levine are some of the out- from Asheville of the Sally league.
standing sophomores who are wvork- Ie n ah an outfielder, hit .312 last
ink; into a place in the distances. Season.
Eknovich, also a sophomore, has TIhe Boston Braves will give trials
been showing some fine work in the (Continued From Page 6) to Bill McAfee, right-handed pitch-
880, but was out of practice for aI er f om the University of Michigan,
time due to illness. In his showing Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock alnd Ray Paul Flaherty, from Gon-
last week-end he looked like a and there is a faculty class also onl zaga. McAfee was obtained from
comer and should develop into a Monday; Wednesday, and Friday at thet Chicago Cubs and won seven
real speed artist before the season noon which is conducted by Coach games and lost eight for Reading,
is very far gone. Mann.____
__ __--- _-----_-.___ - Handball instruction is offered at i vanlce to the semi-finals where this
4 o'clock on Monzday. Wednesday team was defeated by the Walker-
Canzoneri Earns Win and Friday in court No. 2. Flo obnto.Pep sfo
by Outpointing Farr CII IPON 01 TWO SPUt, Saginaw and worked as a life-
C1111guard last summer.
(BivAssociatedt Press) Williamn G- Phelps, '32L, has won i
t NEWY ORLEANS, Jan. 27.--Credit- the charm:iollshi.}s i'll twLo Sports HOCKEY
ed by ringside critics with getting this year. Startig out the seasI~on King, playing center for Delta
the better of Johnny Farr of Cleve- early by winning the Ail-C=ampus Upsilon, defeated Delta Sigma Del-
land, in five of 10 rounds here last singles tennis championship, lie ta in a hockey match by scoring
night, Tony Canzoneri, lightweight then teamned with Cole to win thel- the winning goal in the last minute
chamipion of the world, earned a tennis doubles chamnpionship, of play, 2-1.
newspaper verdict in their non- 1 After winning the All-Campus Wednesday's game sees Delta
title bout. Jack Dempsey was thesingles championiships in handball. Kappa Epsilon against Pi Lambda
referee.-------____ Phcips played with Carter to ad-I Phi.
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Jan. 27. -1
though the football scisl of ) 19'2
was the most profitable u, :p tot !hat
time in University of tla n
tory, to carry on other-j _i-; tn
4 tiiviles and build an ad eI
the Stadium the Ilh (:' m
their net profit and luh( ,l 0 C
rescrve, it is shown ina in-
i 1
iI 1
7 _
FOR RENT--1 double; 1 suite for
D'RATERNITIES <& 3c tI~ 'uw1S men students; reasonable. Call
Piano Tuning! Gei your order in alter 5 o'clock. 707 Tappan. 2345
NOW for your J-Hlop -nlrties. FOR RENT-A pleasant and com-
Phone 6776, Victor- Aihecuidinlger, Portable room with shower bath
the concert, ar-tt :;turn ec.Tunler' for man student at 535 S. Divis-
for Uniiv. School of Muii,_.Office ion. Phone 7981.12345
at residence, 1603 Mo n on Ave.------------__
123451 FOR RENT-1411 E. Park Place,
---I modern six room, newly decor-
Your old fur coat-Will make you Iaced, full basement, garage, good
a Jacquette - Chic in Style--i location, rent reasonable. 612
Reasonable in price. Also fur re.- -------___
modeling, repairs, and cleaningI ONE single room at $3.50 and one
promptly done by experts, at double room at $3.00 each to rent.
ZWERLINGS FU1SOPLunwe.siad ngl es$6c.00unda
ZWEDLIG'SFURS 3CP LneSind dines 600 pera
-- -- -- -.- - dinner 75e. Mrs. M. C. Palm. 332
TUTORING IN GEOLOGY 1 AND Ea~st Jefferson St. Dial 7716. 613
HISTORY 11 FOR FINALS. Toni- --- -__
mie Mack, 310 S. Sta te St. Phone FOR RENT-Pleasant double room
7927. 12345Cj with sleeping p~orch. 702 Arch.
-..... 21966. 612
TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair I _ __ _. _______
rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9987. FOR SALE
FOR SALE--Home of faculty family
jWANTED leaving city. Cheap with easy
_____ ___ __terms to satisfactory buyer. Ex-
WANED-Stuen fo spretime cellent condition with well-
WA NE D--Stud penf r spai-e r- shrubbed yard in faculty neigh-
slswr;peeal 1owcr- borhood. Call 8373. 234
classman. Call Michigan Union, -___________
302, four to eightWednesda. 2 LOST
re port for the fiscal year which
e~nded June 30, 1930.
To build a.1sou th stand and double
the< numbe lr of rest rooms in the
stdhunt cost $252,000. This used up
all ;i thene operating profit of the
Y( .. ; 109,705, as well as $72,575
m:acwich xvas ' in a reserve fund.
!~l et allemegedwith a profit
: hltO , t all he other sports
nv9i~etiit cslost money.
I tBRENT -One double room for
tivo boys $5.00, single rooms $3.00,
neazr camesus. 433 Hamilton Place.
Phone 23496. 23
i' ~ ~ a> .~ _______
W ANTED-A student barber. C. L.
Petrie, 111 E. Washington St.
Phone 8616. 2341
! LOST-A red Parker fountain pen
Iwith name on it. John J. Sauc-
huck. Phone. 23721. 1
ated Press, through organization .1n
i 1848 of the New York Associated
Press, this cooperative news-gathcer-
itng alliance has had but one ideal-
the gathering and dissemination of
1 news without partisan, factional or
religious bias. It has adhered to
his ideal for three-quarters of a
) The Associated Press today serves
1 a membership, and thus a public,
which represecnts every possible
shade of political belief, religious
faith and economic sympxathy. It
does this accurately. No news is
tinged with prejudice, as you will
note in the
UIr Aav
: 3
F r ..
kk ..l k+
ast exam comes on
Thursday morning, Mother"
"6That will gave me Thursday afternoon
to go home and T can spend Friday and
Saturday with you and come back here
Sunday. I'll call you later, and let YOU'
know when to meet me. "_
Students more and more are using long
distance telephone service to call home,
make plans with out-of-town friends, or
keep in touch with friends and relatives,
wherever they may be.
Long Distance rates are surprisingly low.
Rates from Ann Arbor to representative
points are listed below- (Day Station-to-
Station rates, three minutes conversation):
Ann Arbor to:
-n --- ' _ & ern AAr.-- ---_- - &I on