THE MIACHIAN L AILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1930 0CHEMISTRYPRIZE [BI\ WON BY STUDENTS 1J| IIAL fdN OR KundFor Analyzing HalgefsinCompounds. For their 'development of a meth- od and apparatus for the determin- ation of the halogen content of or- .agans compounds, J. J. Thompson, Says Increasing Emphasis upon assistant in quantitative analysis, CMid Welfare Is Sign and U. O. Oakdale, both students f Sol Prgress. in the Graduate school, have joint- ____a gly won the prize of $100 annually offered by the American Pharme- PUBLIC SCHOOLS AID ceutical manufacturers association for work of special nerit during Head of Health Service Claims the year, it was announced yester- Child Disease Is Considered day. in Public Schools. Their paper, "A General Method jor 'Determination of Halogens in Organic Compounds," was .publish- "On~e of our most assuring signs OgncCmons"wspbih emed in the March issue in the Jour- of social progress is the increasing !,al of the American Chemical so- eiphasis upon child welfare," said ciety. Dr. Warren Forsythe, director of "In the past chemists and phar- the University health service, in his rado talk on "School Health Work" macists have encountered many delivered last night from the Uni- substances which were very diffi- versity studio. cult if not impossible to analyze for halogen.. "Child health programs should be ; broad in scope, emphasizing the prevention of disease and numer-' ous constructive health features." according to Dr. Forsythe. "It is3 being more and more realized that ril the public schools offer the most effective means of promoting child health and increasingly, the health, f ' the school child is being consid- Eighty-eight Menbers to March ered a primary objective of our on Field at P.rdue Game public school system," he said. F Points to Success Next Saturday. The fundamental reason for the With big games on three succes- success in public health is that this sive Saturdays, the Varsity band work has been directed upon the has settled down to earnest prac- p'rinciple of prevention rather than a the cure of disease, according to tice' Ei'. Forsythe. One of the outstand-, Eighty-eight members will com- ing of these triumphs in public prise the membership when the health is that secured in the health band marches on the field Satur- of children, he says. day at the Purdue game. On the However, Dr. Forsythe points out following Saturday, when the foot- thousands ball team takes on Ohio State at t~t fro hunred ofColumbus, the same number will of examinations of school childrenCm the samp. it is found that about one-third make the trip. have noteworthy defects which in1 For Homecoming, however, the a significant way retard the growth membership will be raised to 96 happiness, and development which and this number will be kept for is so much desired for all of these the rest of the season. The week future citizens. "The method which following the Illinois game, the is exkpected to solve such problems band will go to Cambridge for the imiist be individual in its apprecia- Harvard game with the football tion. It may be characterized by team. the term Health Education," he! said. I .. .. , AGED FR-ENCI PRINCESS PICTURED IN LONDON AFTER RECENT MARIAGE Z 4 ~ ~'.-'C'~w dPC' S Photo Seventy-three-year-old Princess Marie Chariotte Constance de Brog- lie and her husband, Prince Louis Ferdinand D'Orleans-Bourbon, photo- graphed in London after their recent marriage there. Complete Line of Everything Musical THE MATCHLESS BALDWIN LINE OF PIANOS VICTOR MAJESTIC BRUNSWICK RADIOS UNEXCELLED MARTIN BAND INSTRUMENTS Terms to Suit University Mic1 House Devoted to Music William Wade Hinshaw Cor. Maynard & William Phone 7515 Portugal to Curb Number Graduated for Civil Service (IBy Associatcd Press) OPORTO, Oct. 6.-Portugal is trying to curb the ever-increasing army of collegiate bureaucrats.- No students will be permitted to matriculate at the university here for the Faculty of Letters after next January. Students who have registered previously for the full four-ycars curricula may continue their studies u n t i 1 graduation. The army of students who apply for jobs with the civil service is so large that the government is con- sidering further restrictive meas- ures with the universities of Coim- I bra and Lisbon. TOURIS T NUMBERS SHOW 4% INCREASE 4mericans Spend Many Millions in Visiting England. WASHINGTON, Oct. 5. - Ameri- can tourists visiting England dur- ing the first six months of this year were nuambcred at 56,683, ac- cording to figures issued today by the United States Department of Commerce. T he compilation reveals an increase of 4 per cent over the total numb2r of tourists for the' same period last year. Durimg suae, it was announced by the British counsulate at New York, visas were issued to 16,400 persons, as compared with 14,650 for the same month in 1929. Spence to Discuss Canada's Handling of Liquor Problem Ben H. Spence of Toronto, On- tario, a member of the United Press and a special correspondent to the White House, will speak in an open forum sponsored by the Student Christian association Thursday afternoon, at 4:15, in room D, Alumni Memorial hall, according to an announcement issued yesterday. Spence will speak on "Canada's Liquor System," the same subject he has been discussing each day this week over radio station WJR in Detroit. 1.. 71 rz N SPECIALISTS IN GOOD Portrait hotography Call us for an appointment M t 0 Ile 4HON wil b pro ud a poriralt PHOTO CL7APJ I ST UDIO 619 E LI B'E TY IFTRt NOW SHOWING MEMRMAM , m H W, CLARK SHOE MANUFACTURER LADIES' & MEN'S Half Sole and Rubber Heels per 98c pair All Work Guaranteed Factory: 534 Forest Ave. 2nd Branch: 1113 South U. Ave. 3rd Branch: 210 E. Washington i I LA H 2 C. "Your love is fo just a little light ---cold... cne m little minute to f, Also AUREL AND ARDY in ELOW and Sound :artoon P'IavMinatre Go %: 1z, B LAST TIMES TODAY or some, but it is not for me . . . for me love s in all the darkness . . . a little warmth in all she inute to lie still in a beloved one's arms . . . dne orget .. " e S h A dp 'le , 1 : H. B. WARNER IRENE RICH oll WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY-FRIDAY I I p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. I. p. 802 PARKARD STREET DINNER SPECIAL 5:x0 to 7:00 P. M. LIVER AND BACON OR F ROAST PORK, DREgSING OR HAMItERGER STEAK TOMATO SAUCE WITH FRENCH FRIED POTATOES AND VEGETABLE SALAD T O A S T E D SANDWICHES, SOUPS, ETC., DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. DELIVERIES AT 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00 P. M. Phone 9180 I BERBACH AND SON CO.~v ESTABLISHED 1843 200-202 E. LIBERTY ST. Now . m .RF Shows at 2:00, 3:30 7:00, 9:00 WLLIAM KAY POWELL and FRANCIS "EIN "FOR THE DEENE ADDED FEATURES ANDY CLYDE TV A T TW/TNT/ l wT "KIDDIES I