ESTABLISHED 1890 V 4 soi1mmki S MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL XLL No. 90 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS EIGHT PAGES _ _ _. -_- ACTION ON INDUIRY BEGUN BY SPECIAL COUNTY COMMITTEE MAHATMA GANDHI NOTIFIES BRITISH TIHA T INDIA'S CAMPAIGN CONTINUES A A L A--i 11 s s V A"/ L Road to Commission Irregularities be Aired at Hearings Early Next Month. NO DETAILS GIVEN YET Deposed Engineer-Manager Has Report to Transmit tq Committee. Concluding its conferences with the central figures in the county, road inquiry, the special investigat-' ing committee of the board of su- pervisors today started preparations for the hearings to be held Feb. 2 of alleged irregularities of the road commission. Those around which interest in the inquiry centers, A. R. Bailey, deposed engineer-manager of the commission; and George W. Mc- Calla, commission chairman, were called before the investigating com- mittee, but only Bailey, who first made the charges, volunteered in- formation. McCalla flatly refused, asserting that, when the investiga- tion is called, he will make a de- tailed statement and answer Bai- ley's charges which are an out- growth of his dismissal. Activities Secret. Just what took place at the con- ference with Bailey could not be learned. The activities of the in- vestigating committee, it was de- cided at a supervisors meeting last Friday, are to be kept secret. Not until the investigation is called will details be laid before the public. It was stated last night that Mc- Calla's action left the committee without a report. It had been planned, through these conferences, to secure information that would enable the supervisors to obtain at first hand foundation for the charges. Committee Formed.! The investigating committe.e thel membership of which includes Har-i ry G. Raschbacher, Sixth Ward,# Ann Arbor; Emmett Gibb, Superior township, and J. Fred Staebler, Ann Arbor township, is not an official committee, it was pointed out. The committee was formed last week by nine of the 10 supervisors who signed a petition calling for an in- vestigation, and the appointments were made by Supervisor James N. Galbraith. Because the committee was not acting in an official capa- city was the reason, McCalla said, that he refused to 'talk." Bailey, who charges, among other things, that the commission pur- chased 21 cars of asphaltroad oil without first issuing bids or specifi-j cations, and without an inspection, will transmit a report to the com- mittee. This he indicated yester- day, saying he would appear when hearings begin next Monday. Hearings will be held, it is be- lieved, in the circuit court of Judge George W. Sample. State Bulletins (By Associated Press) January 27, 1931. Gives Emphatic Endorsement of Last Year's Resolution of Congress Party. Copyright, 1931, by the Associtied Press. BOMBAY, British India, Jan. 27. -Mahatma Gandhi, t o o t h 1 e s s, shrivelled, wraith of a man, sat cross-legged on a stone floor today, serving notice on the British Em- pire that India's campaign of civil disobedience would continue un- abated, while outside a frantic1 crowd mad for a glimpse of him: struggled so furiously that a wom- 1 an was crushed to death. Naked but for a homespun loin cloth, he leaned against a hay mattress in the center of a circle of newvspapermen, and expression of deep melancholy on his ascetic face, but an almost spiritual light in his eyes. "We can suspend judgment on Premier MacDonald's statement to FAVORS FR HJmHOP OBTAINABLE TODAY Burr, Patterson and Auld Store to Distribute Portfolios This Afternoon. Distribution of J-Hop favors will begin this afternoon at the Ann' Arbor store of Burr, Patterson, and Auld, makers of the favors, on' Church street near South Univer- sity. The distribution will continue from 1 to 5 o'clock each afternoon until the day of the Hop, Feb. 13, the committee announced la s ts night. Writing portfolios, of a composi- tion material of rubber, lacquer, and fiber, resembling tooled leath- er, will be given as favors this year. The portfolios will contain 24 sheets and a like number of envelopes of1 white crushed bond paper, and will be embossed in gold leaf with the University seal and the-eaption, 1932 J-Hop. Students must present their J- Hop ticket when securing favors, since none may be distributed with- out the attached favor stub. Dance programs, of the same design as the portfolios, will be given with each favor. Those purchasing tickets between now and the Hop will be able to procure their favors immediately. A sufficient number have been or- dered to insure their receipt by all ticket holders. Tickets may still be obtained from 3 to 5 o'clock each afternoon until the ticket quota has been reached. the round table conference at Lon- don," he said, "but we cannot sus- pend the activities of the Indian congress party." Regardless of MacDonald's pro- posals and of the approaching peace talks with delegates return- ing from the round table confer-; ence, he said, all activities of the nationalists -the boycott on for- eign cloth, the refusal to pay taxes, the picketing of shops-will con- tinue. In a feeble voice almost lost in the clamor of the thousands out- side, he gave his emphatic endorse- ment to last year's resolution of the congress party demanding im- mediate measures for establishment of India's full independence. His claw-like hands, wasted by repeated fastings, toyed with a spinning wheel or waved a benedic- tion upon the long lines of fanati- cal devotees which entered the room to touch the apostle's bare knee. As they approached him these common men and women of Indian prostrated themselves before him as though he were a reincar- nation of Rama, the Hindu's god of gods. The were helpless, so great was the mob which had come to see Gand.Ai. DEPARTMENT HEAD MAKES BRIEF VISIT, Prof. R.D. McKenzie, New Heada of Sociology Department, i Representative Rowbottom Held by Government Officials for Selling jobs. WILL NOT DISCUSS CASE CONGRESSMAN JPAID. 'FOR APPITENT' Of MAIL CARRIERS PHYSICIAN REST FOR ORDERS CLERIC ITALY MAKES FORMAL DEMAND FOR EXPLANATION OF SPEECH BY GENERALSMEDLEY1 BUTLER United States May Make Formal Apology to Italian Governmenti After Protest of Ambassador. (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 27.-A formal demand by the Italian government for an explanation of a recent speech he made in Phila- delphia had passed tonight through the regular channels to Major General Smedley D. Butler of the marine corps. In it lay a possibility that the American government might make a formal apology to Italy. Butler, at Quantico, Va., where he is commandant of the marine Post Office Department Summary Removal of Postmasters. Orders Four 4 tf4 Uk r GRAND HAVEN-The sandsucker General Meade has starte dthe work of removing a sand bar which has been hampering navigation into this port for several weeks. It form- ed because of the almost total lack of ice and storms here this winter. It has an area of about 400 square feet. Usually the natural action of the Ace and waves is enough to pre- vent the shoal from forming. PETOSKEY-At a public gather- ing here last night Miss Naomi Hooker, popular winter sports en- thusiast, waschosen queen of the1 Petoskey mid-winter carnival. The carnival will be held Feb. 12-14. PORTLAND - A fire early this morning destroyed the old St. Pat- rick's Catholic church here. The old church, which has been a land- mark for many years, had recently been used as a parish hall for en- tertainment, the religious services being held elsewhere. The cause of the fire is unknown. GRAND RAPIDS - Thaddeus B. Taylor, assistant prosecuting at- torney here, informed city officials that he would seek legislative ac- tion to prohibit the use of voting Fate of the Present Governmer Depends on Outcome of Today's Vote. (By Associated Press) LONDON, Jan. 27.-Sir John Si- mon, noted British lawyer and statesman, speaking in cold, inci- sive terms, flayed the government's trade disputes bill in a House of Commons debate today which may bring the downfall of Premier Ram- say MacDonald's Labor administra- tion. A crowded house attended breath- lessly for Sir John is a Liberal and on the question of how many Lib- erals will join him in voting a- gainst the bill tomorrow night, the fate of the government depends. The rank and file of the party has decided to abstain from vot- ing, thus leaving the fight between the Labor members and the Con- servatives, with the advantage for the government. In this decision parliamentary observers believed the cabinet would survive. "A thoroughly worthless bill," was the way the Liberal speaker des- cribed the measure, and he added, "Every clause and subclause in it can only be intended, if not to en- courage, at least to facilitate and make possible the evils which the country resisted in May, 1926." Twenty-four to Apply for Citizneshiip Papers Meets With Staff. Prof. Roland D. McKenzie, whoI will take over his duties as direc- tor of the department of sociology at the beginning of the second se-I mester, paid a hurried visit here yesterday from Chicago to confer with members of the department.. He planned to leave Ann Arbor to- day after a conference with Dean John R. Effinger of the literary col- lege, although he will return Feb. 14 to take up his permanent resi- dence here. Since last June Professor McKen- zie has been in Chicago where he has been carrying on research work on the particular subject of urban trends, working in cooperation with the broader program being under- taken by the President's research committee on social trends. This committee, performing under the general supervision of Prof. W. F.' Ogburn of the University of Chi- cago, is studying in 28 separate re-; s e a r c h projects throughout thel country, t h e political, economic, and social changes that have oc- curred in this country during the past 30 years. Professor McKenzie is a Cana- dian by birth, having been born at Winnipeg. He graduated from the University of Manitoba, and secur- ed his doctor's degree from the University of Chicago. He has since taught at Ohio State university, the University of West Virginia, and the University of Washington. Be- sides carrying on his directorial duties here Professor McKenzie will conduct a seminar in human eco- logy. At a convention held in Cleve- land during December he was elec- ted one of the vice-presidents of the American sociological society. The sociology department has had no official head since the death of Prof. Charles H. Cooley, although Prof. Arthur E. Wood has been act- ing in that capacity. 'GAVE NO_ IARNINC First Mate of Canadian Rum Ship Says Coast Guards Fired Only Three Shots. L (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Jan. 27. - Wesley Anderson, first mate of the Jose- phine K., Canadian vessel shelled by the Coast Guard off Ambrose Light Saturday night, said today that the guardsmen failed to fir any warning shots. Anderson declared only thre shells were directed at the Jose- phine K., and said every one of them took effect. One mortall wounded Capt. William P. Cluett master of the vessel. The first mate was to be a wit- ness at the Coast Guard inquiry (By Associated Press) EVANSVILLE, 7,d., Jan. 27.- Harry E. Rowbottom, representa- tive in Congress of the First Indi- ana district, was arrested today on1 a charge of having accepted $750 for recommending t h e appoint- ment of a rural mail carrier. Rowbottom's arrest was the first; official intimation that lie was the Congressman involved in charges; made by the postoffice department on Jan. 5 when it was announced1 that evidence of the sale of post-1 office appointments had been turn- ed over to the department of jus- tice. Summary Ordered. On the same date the postoffice department ordered a summary re- moval of four postmasters and sus- pension of one rural carrier, all ser- ving in the Rowbottom's district. Rowbottom was arrested on an affidavit signed by George R. Jeff- rey, United States district attorney at Indianapolis. The a ffi d a v i t charged the Congressman with tak- ing $750 from Walter G. and Aaron Ayer, brothers of Rockport, in re- turn for a promise that he would recommend t h e appointment of J Gresham Ayer, a relative as rural mail carrier. Furnishes Bond. Rowbottom, accompanied by his attorney, Philip Gould, appeared at the office of Charles Harmon, Unit- ed States commissioner, and fur- nished bond for $10,000. He will be Eat liberty undor the bond pending action by the federal grand jury which is to meet in Indianapolis Feb. 2. The congressman remained stead- fast in his refusal to discuss the case. Einar-Paal Lundborg, Swedish Airman Dies at Stockholm After Plane Wreck. (Bv Associated Press) STOCKHOLM, Jan. 27.-Death today closed the adventurous ca- r eer of Captain Einar-Paal Lund- borg, Swedish airman who rescued General Umberto Nobile after the destruction of the airship Italia on an ice floe in the Arctic. He died this evening from injur- ies suffered a few hours before in the'crash of a plane he was testing at Malmslaett flying field for the 'S w e d i s h government. Although both arms and legs were fractured in the accident, it was expected that his strong constitution would pull him through. A relapse came, however, and he sank rapidly. Captain Lundborg had many ad-. ventures and had served as a sol- dier under four flags, but his ma- jor achievement was the rescue of General Nobile. He was a member of the Swedish rescue expedition and on the night of June 24, 1928, set out in a Fok- ker machine to seek the survivors of the Italia disaster. He managed to land his machine, an exception- ally difficult task under the wind and ice conditions prevailing, took the Italian commander on board and returned to his base safely. Religious Issue Blamed I For Defeat of Robinson (PV Associated Press) , WASHINGTON, Jan. 27.-Injec- tion of the religious issue into the last Kentucky campaign was blamed e today for the defeat of Former Sen- ator Robison and at least one rep- f resentative. y Gordon Huff, a Louisville news- paperman, told the Senate cam- paign funds committee thousands -'of copies of a special edition of the Y Fellowship Forum, a Ku Klux Klar post, declined today to comment t Associated Press Photo Archbishop of Canterbury, Who has been suffering from neuralgia aggrevated by overwork, has been ordered by his physicians, to take an extended rest of at least three months duration. His con- dition is not critical however. 2WILL1 START TODAY1, Jessie Bonstelle, Director, of Detroit Theatre, Writes for This Issue. Jessie Bonstelle, the founder and director of the Detroit Civic thea- tre, writes on "Experimentation in the Theatre," in the January num- ber of the Inlander which will ap- pear on the campus today, Edwin Glavin, '32, managing editor of the magazine, said yesterday. Copies may be obtained at the table in Angell hall or at any of the book stores.I The issue features, especially, the theatre and some of its applica- tions. In addition to Miss Bonstelle's article, there are a number of re- views of recent plays, both on Broadway and on the campus. Two student-written plays are in- clnded. "Setebos Laughs," by Har- old A. Courlander, '31, former man- aging editor of the Inlander, is one of them. The other is "Judgement Day," by Helen H. Fortune, '31. The cover for the number is iden- tical with the one on the last issue of the magazine except that it is printed in brown tints instead of grey. It is by John Wesley, a stud- ent at the Detroit Institute of Ap- plied Arts, who has distinguished himself in several art contests in Detroit. Victor Rabinowitz, '31, writes a review of the New York theatrical season for the issue. He includes some of the plays that have been widely acclaimed this year. Two of the recent anthologies of 1 plays are also reviewed for the January number. The two books are, "Best Plays in 1929," edited by Burns Mantel, and the third series of Dickinson's "Chief Contempor- ary Dramatists." ,PANE OVERTURN' A9V'IATI X I S'UN H URHT Mind Readers Wrong About King Alfonso URv Associated Press) MADRID, Jan. 27.-Two ma- gicians in a circus, whose mind- reading misled them into an- nouncing that King Alfonso and Maj. Ramon Franco the audience will give no more per- formances here. Their statements, which caused considerable pandemonium at the circus, resulted in their ar- rest. They were fined 1,000 pese- tas (about $100) and the act was banned. The mind readers were the Marvell brothers of Argentina. They offered to "guess" the names of any persons in the au- dience. When one man asked his name, one of the magicians, blindfolded, wrote on the black- board "Ramon Franco." A few moments later, in an- swer to a similar query, he wrote "Alfonso Rex." WEST PITDNE RECRHUITING CHARiGE Providence Bulletin Says Army Attempted to Recruit Grid Star. (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Jan. 27.-A charge that the military academy at West Point had attempted to "recruit" Kenneth Goff, star fullback on. the Rhode Island State football team, was made in a copyrighted story in the Providence (R. I.) Bulletin today and promptly denied by West Point officials. The Bulletin said it possessed correspondence tending to show an attempt to get Goff to seek admis- sion to the academy and that W. T. Wrightson, of New York, ascribed as a member of the "Army Athletic Association," had tried to secure Goff's appointment for examina- tion in a Massachusetts district in which Goff did not live. Wrightson was quoted as saying he took the action at the request of Paul, Carroll, "manager-elect" of s f f Fifty of Policemen Reply to Call Burglar Alarm; Proves +,, -,. - )n the newest storm to arise in his path. Later officers at Quantico said the general was "absent from the post" and could not be reach- ed by telephone. The formal protest came from Ambassador de Martino of Italy on the grounds that the remarks Butler is said to have made were derogatory to Premier Mussolini. The ambassador in a formal state- ment described them today as "un- true and slanderous." Italian's Protest. The Italian ambassador protested to the state department after he had been informed that General Butler had quoted Premier Musso- lini as saying "What is one life In the affairs of a state," after the premier's automobile had struck a child. The department assured the am- bassador the affair would be ins- vestigated and later Secretary Stimson discussed it with Secretary Adams whose department has charge of the marine corps. Pending a reply by Butler to a question by the navy department as to whether he had made the re- marks complained of, naval, marine corps and state department officials declined to comment. 'There wer6 no indications of the nature of redress which the Italian government would consider ade- quate if it was found that:Butler had made the statements. Custom Explained. The general custom, however, is for the offending government to formally apologize, giving details of the action which has been taken against the person who caused the complaint. Should it be found that Butler in his speech made substantially the same remarks as was charged, at least a severe reprimand would probably be meted out by one of three persons. The reprimand would be given by either Major General Ben H. Fuller, command- ant of the marine corps, Secretary Adams or President Hoover as com- mander-in-chief. CHICAGO OFFICERS PROVEEFFICIENCY Miss Mildred Bruce Crashes Baltimore Near End of Trip Around World. at t 4 r t 3 (By Associated Press) (See Picture on Page 8) BALTIMORE, J a n. 27.-Slightly injured late today when her plane overturned here as she neared the end of a trip around the world, Mrs. Mildred Bruce, British flier, decided to forego a reception at the British embassy at Washing- ton tonight. She escaped with a bruise over the left eye and a cut on her right hand, but was badly shaken, and said she would remain at a hotel here overnight, while repairs were made on the plane. The propellor was broken and one wing bent. The accident occured in view of a large group of spectators at the Glen L. Martin airport as the plane's wheels sunk in mud off the packed runway. She said she felt +1, ,,, o fip irpnni f 1rpa on i the Army's football team for 1931. to ne a istae. Major Philip Flemning, graduate manager of athletics at the acade- (By Associated Press) my, when told of the charge, point- CHICAGO, Jan. 27.-The Chicago ed out that Wrightson had no offi- police are willing to take a little cial connection with the academy joke, especially when they say it organization, and said no official proves their claim to efficiency. at West Point had or would take Fifty of them, responding to a any action to recruit a college foot- burglar a1ar m, arrived quickly ball player. Monday night at a mansion on As the facts are understood at Lake Shore drive, where Vincent West Point, Goff himself wrote to a Bendix was entertaining a group cadet at the academy concerning of visiting automobile magnates. entrance. This cadet, presumably "Only a mistake, gentlemen, only that Paul Carroll referred to in the a mistake," said Mr. Bendix as he Bulletin story, who is an underclass I greeted the officers at the door, and assistant and not football manager, invited them in to have a cup of took the letter to Major Ralph coffee. He added that a telephone Sasse, cadet football coach. The repair man must have tripped on cadet was told that nothing could the wires of the alarm system by be done to help Goff or anyone else mistake. to gain entrance to the academy. "Tell them the truth," said one of the guests. "You see, one of the Varsity Debater Heads men from New York expressed doubts that we had a police de- Adelphi Next Semesterjpartment. The burglar alarm, the arrival of the police almost in- The Adelphi house of representa- stantly, and their acceptance of a tives elected Victor Rabinowitz, '31,1joke proved that we have a good to the position of speaker for the i second semester, last night at its regular meeting, Rabinowitz is prominent in campus activities, is a member of the Varsity debating ,.oim -n A a mwn ew a uork one." Poetic Readings Make up Society's Program