TtMSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1931 THE MCICHIGAN DAILY " IM il.liv, - 11 . z A~rTIt ITHT URELENTING WAR Rkv. Merle Anderson Calls Dry Law a Test of American Democracy's Life. 'ITS FALL MEANS CHAOS' MEMBER OF HOOVER'S COMMISSION ASKS GOVE RNMENT LIQUOR CONTROL \PET NEPE rB ~ er 3ANTS OF GREAT FRENCH FIGURES WILL MARRY IN APRIL Claims Eighteenth Amendment Is Not an Experiment, But Only Solution. Continued war on the anti-pro- hibition forces and upon the men whose brains "do not function whe somebody mentions prohibition," was urged Sunday by the Rev. Mer H. Anderson in his morning sermo,. at the First Presbyterian (aurchl. "Prohibition is a test of our deo mocracy," he said. "Our w o ri d statesmen have, from the begin- ning, prophesied that some day democratic government would end in a dictatorship or in chaos. Once again some are saying that demo- cratic government is drifting on the reef of inability to enforce its own laws because of the lack of loyalty and patriotism of its own citizens." Is Only Solution. The eighteenth amendment is not an experiment, he claimed, and stated that it was the result of 4,000 years of experiment with dif- ferent methods of liquor control. "It is the ultimate and only soiu- tion of the problem," he stated. "The balloons of anti-prohibition gas will be effectively punctured* and completely deflated, just as soon as the American people wake up to the fact that they have been allowing themselves to be made1 fools of by a little but loud minority who are actuated by selfish preju- dice, by personal appetite, or by financial greed." At the First Methodist Episcopal church, the Rev. Dr. Frederick B. Fisher spoke on "Virtue." Names Five Rules. "B3e a slave to the future," hie urged and suggested five rules that would leave to virtue, enumerating among them the choice of friends, the expulsion of morbid and in- herited fears and the intelligent training of the sense organs as the instruments of an inward and bet- ter culture. At the evening service at the Episcopal church, Mrs. Fisher spoke on "Modern China's Christian Pres- ident," and prophecied a great fu- 'ture for the country under the di- rection of their converted president, Chiang Kai Chek, who, she claims, 'will dive great impetus to the work of the church. As the first of a series of sermons dealing in a critical way with the whole problem of the church today which will be preached before Re- ligious Emphasis week, the Rev. H. P. Marley spoke Sunday on "What's Wrong with Catholicism?" He explained "that the art of criticising the church is a favorite indoor sport, but few are qualified tO do it. Glee Club to Perform at School Dedication Following repeated requests for their appearance, the Varsity Glee club will give a program of Michi- gan songs for the dedication of the new high school tonight in Birm-. ingham, Mich., Gayle Chaffin, '31-] SM, manager of the organization, announced yesterday. The club is being brought there through the auspices of the Lion's club. Many other requests to have the club appear on similar pro- grams have been received, Chaffin said, but will not be able to comply with them due to concerts already planned. i i i I t I I 1 A i Henry W. Anderson who sugge control in the report of the law enf( at his office in Richmond, Va., sc comment it aroused. Wind Tunnel a in Aeronauti Department Finds Determination of Stability Resistance Important Helps. By Brainard W. Nies. Flying stability, lifting power, and wind resistance are among the im- portant factors concerning aero- plane performance which can be determined experimentally in the wind tunnel of the aero-dynamics laboratory of the aeronautical en- gineering department. Since the apparatus has been in operation, the department has conducted nu- merous tests on the operating char- acteristics of aeroplanes both for several large manufacturers of avi- ation equipment, and as a part of its own program of research and experiment. The wind tunnel is the feature of the aerodynamics laboratory, and it ranks as one of the finest and best-equipped of the few which ex- ist in the country. It was included in the design of East Engineering building, and was built as an inte- gral part of the basement of the south wing, but at that time funds were not immediately available for the completion of the project with the installation of the woodwork and the necessary electrical equip-, ment. Financial aid received from1 the Guggenheim fund helped mate- rially to speed the work. This particular wind tunnel is known as the "Venturi-tube double- return type, with Eiffel chamber," but in spite of its somewhat formi- dable name there is nothing es- pecially complicated about its con- struction or operation. It is essen- tially an apparatus to provide a controlled air-stream or wind in a large tube so arranged that models, usually of aeroplanes, can be placed conveniently in the air-stream and the effects upon them observed. The wind tunnel consists of a large central tube, eight feet and more in diameter, with a propellor situated toward one end. Outside of this, on each side, are two small- er tubes through which the air re- turns to the opposite end, forming a continuous channel. Halfway along its length, the large tube is interrupted by the Eiffel chamber, iJAn twai Conv enionIs Sponsors-, Sby ninee ring Co eef f g }f{ % S. ~ .1for State Leer. T f sev1n9 teenth anuil confer- ece'o nhihway eiineCrig spon- sored by the enginesring college in ce-operation with th; Michigan tate highway department and the Ichigan Assoiation of Road Com- mission7) s and Engineers will be held at the University this year on Feb. 18 to 20 inclusive. The program, which follows, in- Iudes diis.ions and ;ddr s5es by the country's foremost highiway and safety engineers: At the opening se;sion (iou Wed- ncsday morning, Feb. 18, Prof. L. M. Granm, of the civil engineeringj department of the engineering col- ' leg , willopre=i, and Dr. Walter V. Binghan, director of the per-; sonnel research bureau of New York, will speak onn "The Prone To: Accident Driver." H. E. Riggs, honorary professor of_ civil engineering, will preside at the afternoon session the first day. "Low Cost Bridges," "Aerial High- Pieire (> menceau grandson of .,..___________________v _way Surveys," and "Detroit Metro- and MIle. Tera Gross, great-grandd Associated Press Photo politan Highways," will be discuss- tragedienni will be iemaried in A sted a plan of government liquor ed. rcentrpicture, will live in Paris. orcement commission is shown here A smoker in the assembly hall of anning reaction to the report and the Union at which Prof. J. S. Wor- ley will preside, will feature an ad- dress of welcome by Dean II. C. Sadler, of the college of Engineer- a UI s any Uses ing and Architecture, and "The Paris Gun" will be discussed by cal Engineering Licut. Col. H. W. Miller, professor o 111 I I1 IRI P of mechanism a n d engineering ------ ~ drawing. __..t e which houses the measuring and Dr. Frank F. Rogers, consultingWoman E lrer nens to Lead control equipment, and where the I engineer, Michigan state highway Expedition to Northeast experimenter watches the progress department, will preside at the Greenland Coast. of the test. morning session on the second day A small model of an aeroplane in iof the convention, Feb. 19. (1?" >1'me Press), I' a swind stream will behave in a "Studies of Frost Heaves in Mich- SAN RANCISWO, Jan. 2 .ans manner which corresponds in a igan" will be the subject taken up perfectly definite proportion with by A. C. Benkleman, engineer of a her Iihnd exedihon miio the the performance of the full-sized research, Michigan state highway Arc i le were announed here today craft under the same conditions, department.1 by i s L ,ui yE. oyn, Fn Frn- and this is the principle upon which Martin De Glopper, business man- r-Hc so0ety womian. the experiments in the wind tun- ager of the Michigan state high- sa d lhed ehartered Ihe nel are conducted. way department will preside at the No welilin , 1g V(N 1Vri, o which -a--_---- afternoon session. The first topic to Ishe< exp cI t1 s il om A liesund, bediscussed will be "Sidelights on N a, J'. ,.7 ' i r " the nlrheist Highway Economics" by;Prof. R. ost' o G'ar 3;In ad th isl'and L. Morrison.b o r. (g , y^ of a ij( My'1. She said the NatiOn- h. L Sawyer, secretary treasurer e iraphitJty w s pnsor- of the Michigan association oflog '_ vOg nid w'uld select sci. 5 [Reoad Commissioners and Engineers en it 10 ac 0man h12. will preside at the morning' session so' am ing (. mw e de expedi- of the last day. "Low Cost Of Bi- in T