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October 07, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-07

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President Receives Ovation from
Legionnaires at Appearance
Before Convention.
Points Out Added Co-operation
in Address Before Annual
Labor Convention.
(Dy issociated Press)
BOSTON, Oct. 6.-Cheered in two
addresses before the American
Legion and the American Feder-
ation of Labor, President Hoover
today called for nation-wide team
work to end the business depression
and denied the existence of imper-
ialistic ambitions by the people of
Immediately after the conclu-
sion of his labor speech, expressing
confidence that the nation ould
build steadily and mitigate the
destructiveness of business storms,
the chief executive left on a special
train on a 21-hour run to King
Mountain, S. C., where tomorrow
he is to speak at the sesqui-cen-
tennial of the Revolutionary war
Praises Co-operation.
"The demonstration ofnation-
wide co-operation and team play
and the absence of a conflict dur-
ing this depression have increased
the stability and wholesomeness of
our industrial and social structure,"
Mr. Hoover said at the fiftieth
annual convention of the labor
federation, held in the auditorium
of the Htel Statler.
He asserted expansion of con-
struction and freedom from strikes
a n d lockouts had contributed
greatly to lessening unemployment.
Turning to the bituminous coal in-
dustry for specific remarks, he held
that it was suffering most from re-
adjustment made from new dis-
coveries and labor saving devices
and added "that destructive com-
petition and break-down in wages
had severely handicapped it."
Speaks of Peace.
Six thpusand independent mine
owners, he said, were operating
7,000 mines, and he urged the elim-
ination of this "destru.ctive compe-
tition" as "one key" to the solution.
Earlier ii, the day, a few hours
after his arrival from the capital,
the chief executive received an
enthusiastic demonstration from
the American Legion.1
He spoke in the Boston Arena1
where two years ago to the day
he spoke during his pre-election1
campaign. Thousands of legion-
naires interrupted the President re-1
peatedly as he aserted the "peace of
our country has never stood more;
assured than at this moment". c
Names of Successful Tryouts at
Union Are Announced.
As a result of the tryouts held:
last week at the Union, the mem-
bership of the Men's Glee club has
been raised to 73, a new record
for the organization.]
Those men comprising the 1930-1
31 organization are: John Berret,
Gerald Casewell, Douglas Crawford,,
Rex Green, William Edmonds, Milo
Griggs, Francis Hozen, Eugene Jack-
son, Herman Janssen, William!

K e a r n s, Russell Van Kovering,
Charles Law, Grover Logan, Clar-
ence Moore, Salmore Myers, Gilbert
Palmer, H. L. Sindles, Truman
Steinko, Sidney Straight, George
Szekely, Sidney Woolner, and Rob-
ert Windsor, all second tenors.
The first tenors are Mioles Beam-i
er, Clyde Brown, Vertner Brown, R.
E. Catchpole, Raymond Dunwell, Le-
land Evans, John Hogan, Jerry.
Howell, Ransom Kocntz, Harley Mc-
Neal, Robert Miller, Ray Suffron,;
and Howard Woodruff.
Arthur Bolton, Hira Branch,
Gayle Chappin, Robert Goorly, Wil-
liam Greiner, George Downey, Ro-
mine Hamilton, Claude H o u g h,
George Innes, William Janssen,
Bryant Pocock, Jean Maybee, George
Matthews, Donald Mayhew, David
Morgan, Gilbert Saltonstall, Frank
Shirley, Gardner Smith, Oliver Wil-


British, American Officials Claim who was on the American Naval
Hydrogen to be Cause dirigible Shenandoah when it col-
lapsed in 1925, expressed the opin-
R-l1 Wreck, ion that the loss of life on the R-
101 and the complete loss of the
WASHI T oct. -In an ef- ship must be charged primarily to
fort to avert future aircraft disas- hydrogen, whatever led to the
ters abroad, Chairman Britton of crash.
the House Naval Affairs committee Such a crash to a helium filled
nnounc tody he ou onoship,"he asserted, "might not have
legislation at the next Congress to Rosendahl added that regardless
pert eportation friheliumfr of the cause of the British dirigible
use in dirigibles of foreign govern- disaster, "the loss of the R-101
ments. does not condemn the modern hel-
Voicing the opinion that the di- ium inflated rigid airship."
saster to the British dirigible R-101 "We in the United States," he
would not have occurred had the continued, "can never be too
non-inflammable helium been used thankful to Providence for our
instead of hydrogen gas, Britton bounteous supply of helium. It is
said he favored either permitting through its agency that the airship
foreign governments to establish project will go on to a successful
plants in the United States or of attainment and through it the
increasing the facilities of this fleets of modern airships of the fu-
country so the product could be sold ture will perform their appointed
abroad at cost. tasks over the ocean expanses of
The United States is the only the world."
country in the world possessing he-
lium in unlimited quantities, butR
present law prohibits its exporta-
tion. Records of the Bureau of
Mines indicates the present produc-
ing capacity of government heliumI
plants greatly. exceeds military de- 110 S T
mand for the commodity.
Britton made his announcement City Council to Pass on Petition
after Rear-Admiral William A . Rgrngite fo New
Moffett, chief of the Navy Bureau RegardingSiteforNew
of Aeronautics, had urged repeal Press Building.
of the present law to permit hel-
ium to be sold in peace time to all LABOR RULING PASSED
nations, especially to Great Brit- _
ain and Germany. He added the Acting on a resolution presented
extent of the R-101 disaster "is un- by Shirley W. Smith, vice-president
doubtedly due to its having been and secretary of the University.

Investigating Commission Finds
Other Bodies Maimed Past

q I


Recognition.R1O VITM
Officials Find No Solution for LONDON, Oct. 6
Disaster That Brought thebodies of all t
Detgo 7 board the R-101 w
Death to 47. be in a common gra
--- ceremony at or near
(By Associated Press) cony t or neaR
BEAUVAIS, France, Oct. 6.-Five home port of the R
bodies, all of crew members of the T A Ms100.
R-101, were identified today by The Air Ministryeb
the investigating commission of the ed letters to relat
British and French government in- taof
to the disaster that overtook the with any certaint
British titan of the ar Sunday Friedrich Christiansen burial service would
mo in embers of the commission Commander of the giant flying and appropriate.
Thlieembunler thaenisin boat D-OX, who will be in charge
could ever be assigned to the restI of the ship when it makes the pro-_
of the charred and mained human posed flight across the Atlantic
remains salvaged from the twisted from Germany to the United
steel framework of the dirigible. States. The D-OX is the largest I
A further attempt at identifica- heavier-than-air flying machine,i
tion, however, will be made in Eng- having a capacity of more than 50
land. The families of the dead passengers. It was built in Swit-
men will be asked to view the bod- zerland and recently held its trial J J0
ies of their loved ones. flights on lake Geneva.
Find Small Articles Alumni Will Assist
With this end in view, the mis- Education Pol
cellaneous articles found close be-
aide the different bodies have been Universit
sealed up in small boxes, on each B AT S1 0I ILAN EXTENSI
of which has been stamped a num-
ber corresponding to that on one ES 1
of the coffins. _IWith the dual rhipr

-- ------ I1

.-Burial of
hose lost a-
will probably
ave at a single
r Cardington,
-101 and R-
tonight mail-
Aives saying
e impossibil-
the bodies
,y a general
be dignified


Students to :S ellut
'U.. of M.', 'Mich.',
and 'Purdue.
Replica of Far Western College
Grid Stunt Will be Used
Throughout Season.
Spectators at the .1lichigan-Pur-
due football game next Saturday
will see, for the first time in the
history of middle-western football, a
card-system cheeriig section devised
uinder the same plan as those now
fuictioning at Southern California,
Stan ford and other far western uni-
versities. Plans for the card section
have been completed by a commit-
tee headed by Monty Shick, '31,
cheer leader.
Necessity for a substitute for the
old cheering section was discovered
this fall when officials at the ad-
ministration building stated that
the seats, formerly occupied by
wearers of blue and yellow capes
and hats, were too hard to sell and
that the demand was annually fall-
ing off. Abolition of the cheering
section forced Cheer Leader Shick
to choose another system, and the
use of yellow and blue cards was


in For
icies for




etive of P b-

inflated with hydrogen gas, City council accepted the request The five identified bodies are Blow in Ninth Breaks picked as the most effective an.
Lieut. Commander Rosendah last night that the site of the new those of assistant coxswain W. A. DrtesulnsgGtoen.
publications building, be erected on Potter, rigger E. G. Rudd, and En- Between Grimes and I fit from alumni experience and iretin then.
Maynard street across from Helen gineer R. Blake, W. R. King, and Earnshaw. keeping graduates in closer contact y .
Newberry residence, and that it be S. E. Scott iwith the intellectual and scientific be in the cheering section for the
re-zoned from zone B to zone C A vast mass of twisted steel u GIVES A'S SERIES EDGE interests of the University, the Purdue game. This includes tickets
in order to place it in a residential on a storm swept hillside failed to University announces the formna-inscos2,23ad4.ntr-
E INDHEdistrict rather than in a business divulge to investigators of the ~~~~~~~ysections nshofts anlnidounc m in sets w, be pasted ontI the
EIdistrict British and French governments i soc"a ed Press> ion of an Alumni Advisory council tionset ilb atdo h
At present the petition has only today how the R-101 met disaster SPORTSMANS PARK, St.Louis, which will meet with University backs of tickets in the section be
been accepted in the form of a here in the early hours of Sunday Oct. 6.-Acting on the well-known executives and faculty. to aid in fore they are issued to students and
Ann Arbor Pastor Tells About recommendation, necessitating a with the loss of 47 lives among theory that no strategy is more the determination of educational will include all information neces-
Association With Gandhi vote of the council at the next them two titled Englishmen. effective than a good old-fashioned policy. sary to produce three formations.
ethree meetings in order to include Tonight after officials had priedp hynsThe three formations chosen for
a* te Laes the issue as an amendment to the and hewed their way into the en-. thPudegmwl pe "i.,
and (?tie Leaders the isse as an mendmentto the ;ad wallopheintoathetostands, IBually JimmyhePlansdforrtheimdevelopment tofdetheothet Purduethgameruwillmspell s "Mlichich.,
city ordinance. ormous bulk of the stripped and Foxx; the kid first baseman himself, Council as announced by President|"Purdue," and "U. of M." in yellow
ENTEITAINED AT UNION As presented to the council by broken carcass, they seemingly drove out a home run in the ninth d uthven c fr on a blue background. Cards, print-
.City .Clerk Fred C. Perry, the peti- were no nearer to a solution of the inning today to give the world's University of Michigan clubs and ed in yellow on one side and blue
Culturally India is the foremost; tion requests that lots 12, 13, and greatest air catastrophe of all time champion Athletics a sensational alumnae groups all over the coun- on another, will be tacked on the
nation of the world in the opinion the south half of lot 14 in block than when dawn yesterday first seats for the Saturday game and a
of D. Federck . Fsher pator oursouh an rageuighteastonmrouht2hem sihttoothystlle2r vctoy ovr.te LStuLoisCard-try Thee.aumn bodesereaolsetsiorbtedSturayagme ndo
of Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, pastor four south and range eight east ongma sight of the sill. nominate representatives to serve repetition of instructions will be
Maynard Street be re-zoned. flaming ruin. inals and the lead once more in on the council. Each club or group printed on both sides of each card.
f Dean W. Myers, president of the Leave No Clue the battle for baseball's biggest cash is entitled to one member, and Directions for using the stunt
of Ann Arbor and former Bishop of council, presided over the meeting. Nor did any of the bodies, o5prize and banner. those having an enrollment of card, as printed on the tickets, are
India, in an address entitled "The Reports of routine business were itifully charred that they all look- 'more than 100 receive extra repre- Ias follows:
New India" yesterday afternoon in given by the Board of Public Works, eddalike, give up the secret of the an ikte rchrive itone ok entatives at the rate of one for Keep this card out of sight.
tew ntal Senedaadi nortoe and the lighting, ordinance, street, sudden, ragic ending of a voyageayC, ' every additional 200 members. Do not use until instructed to do
the Natural Science auditorium. Dr.I traffic, sewer, sidewalk, and finance that had been projected as an 8,- up a remarkable pitchers' duel be- F
Fisher, who is a close personal committees. According to Sauer, of 000 mile trail blazing round trip tween the veteran Burleigh Gries, First steps toward some types of so by cheerleader.
friend of Mahatma Ghandi, and is the finance committee, city ex- to India. lCardinal's spitball star, arid taken about two years ago when any ttime.
an interested student of Indian I penditures for the past three weeks From the survivors, whose num- twin aces of the A's, George Earn- Dexter M. Ferry of Detroit was Read the instructions on the
problems, considers that while eco- total $89,240.61. This figure includes bers had been decreased by the shaw and Robert Moses Grove. elected head of a preliminary or- back of your tickets
nomically India has much to learn the expense of general administra- death of one early today, was piec- Earnshaw after holding the Car- ganization. Last May, University When "Card Up" is called (a gun
from the western world, the culture tion, and of the public works, sani-. ed together the only story of events dinals to two hits in seven innings, and alumni association officials, will be fired as the signal brin
of the Indian race is far ahead of tation, fire, police, cemetery, light- within the great craft leading to wax relieved for a pinch hitter and encouraged b active interest on
th races ing, park, and water departments. to her destruction.. Lefty Grove, back in the box for the ar of graduates and faculty, Ithis card up level with your eyes.
thantoparkeandacethepar fgaute n auTardntupmleelowithebyoureys
It was the opinion of several the second. straight day received laid down the details of the present The stunt number on the back of
In discussing the remarkable per- members of the council that un-IBOAK TO ADDRESS credit for the triumph, his second plans which are now given official your ticket idicates which colored
sonality of Ghandi Dr. Fisher said employment conditions could be , ftesre ycekn h e acinb rsdn uhe side of the card should be held fac-
that the prophet's capacity for inproved by hiring only Ann Arbor HISTORICAL CLUB irdseinelest che in gesRed announcement to individual aluni;g the iedb
friendship was such that even the residents to work on the new drain groupsiPlan Different Formations.
Lantern Slidroy Wallanlinsimate It was a triple by Foxx that start-I groups. I When "Card DOW" is called (a
British Viceroy was an intimate to be constructed on Vinewood Lantern Slides Will Illustrate t axt I Some members of the council at
friend of Ghandi in private life. boulevard. A resolution adopted by Tak~riied the heavy firing that beat oemmeso h oni tso ilb h inl rn
rInderyinthe noiti thattounclafte nerly 30 ites yTalk on Holy Land. Grimes in the opening game and large will be appointed by President gun shot will be the signal) bring
In decryng the notion that the council after nearly 30 minutes- Ruthven in addition to those nom this card down
Ghandi was a religious fanatic or of discussion stated that as long Prof. Aurthur E Boak f th the big first sacker was again on the te o th s n PLEASE LEAVE THIS CARD N
AProreidetsuerethuro toappyBteakl nowfknck-e ated through the clubs. Present PLAEEVETICRDO
mystic of any kind, Dr. Fisher re- as any Ann ror history department, will be the ob to apply the well-known knock pans have not determined defi- THE SEAT WHEN YOU LEAVE!
istr eatet ilb h lnsy hese nofdteconcildbt Teeistutoslogwth
called the fact that the great na- unemployed, no one who had not principal speaker at the fall meet- It wallop today. n. nitely the size of the council, but These instructions, aof each thk
livedct fr t esta per inia pae ttefl et
tnastedrwaedctdi idinhectfraths year ing of the Michigan Pioneer and It was a dramatic finish pto I it is expected that 150 members willi directions on the back of each tick-
Lonn and before his advent in l should be employed on this city Historical society, to be held in thrilling game. Grimes had stopped be appointed through local alumni et in the section, should explain
Lodnan eoepirden nsoulisoialscettob.el ntheAhetcsin the eighth after:;
public life was a practicing lawyer project. Lansing at the Hotel Olds on Sat- Leics h organizations. Members will serve properly the procedure to be used
drawing an income of $35,000 a urday, October 18. they filled the bases with only one for three years unless otherwise on the Saturdays of the Purdue,
year. STUDENT COUNCIL Professor Boak, who explored in out. Smiling, paunting, the old war arranged. Illinois, Minnesota, and Chicago
Dr. Fisher showed that a great!P K C S NOMINEES the Holy Land and the Near East horse was stil yelling and t The Alumni council when formed games at which times the card sys-
many ideas about India promul- in 1924 and 1925, will speak upon defiance as he foced Al Smmons will be sub-divided into committees I tern will be used. Different forma-
maned y ideasabourIndiay bokthe "Recent Discovery in the Near to pop up after walking Cochrane which will act as special advisory tions will, however, be used for each
gated by Katherine Mayo's book, Two Will be Selected FolwnI at"str fth it.1 il
"Mother India," while perhaps hav- T eol owing East." This lecture, which will be at the start of the ninth. Big Bur- bodies to the various University game and instructions will be past-
ing some basis of fact in past i Vote of Body Wednesday. illustrated with lantern slides, will leigh took a few seconds to hitch divisions. Thus specially chosen ed on each ticket throughout the
history or in a few remote parts of feature the work done by the Uni- his belt and uniform and address alumni, or those who express pre- season to those sitting in the sec-
present day India do not apply Four men were nominated as versity in research in Egypt and some derisive comment in the direc-' ference or special interest in var tion. Placement in the new cheer-
generally to the country as a whole. candidates for tne two vacancies in m tion of the A's bench and to the ious fields will meet with the facul ng section will be a matter of draw-
ithe Student Council at the meeting Prof. Claude S. Larzelere, head of patriarchial Connie Mack in parti- ties of the Law and Medical schools, ing by tie administration at Ferry
of the nominating committee of i the Department of History at the cular before turning to face Foxx. the Engineering college, the Mu- Feld offices
Riley, Debating Coach, ' the governing bodylast night. Central State Normal college, will Big Jimmy had hit safely in a pre- seum, the Library, and heads of r assistant cheer leaders will
thepesdeogoverningg jviustieatbabodyin oe flastdearmetnight.edinth b-Fo~ur asistncerledrswl
Will Speak at Adelphi Because of the scholastic ineligi- preside el le meeting.made by us tie at bt, getting one of t epartments interee mirytheEn- assist Shick in the performance of
A pec i as e ae two safe hits off Grimes in the first;olgiasceechmtrEg the card system. Duringteier
bility of two juniors elected to coun- Prof. Law Allen Chase, president- ilish, the classics, philosophy, for-hg the inter-
Floyd K. Riley, of the speech dei cil offices in the all-campus elec- elect of the society, on "Founda- seven innings, but the Cardinal
partment, coach of the deba tions last spring, both positions will tion Work in History" Professor pitcher seemed supremely confident thr uns tants will hold up white cards on
team, will be the principal speaker be filled by juniors The council vot- Chase was recently made a mem_ he was past his worse trouble o u which the number of the stunt will
at a smoker sponsored by the Adel- ing as a body will choose two of ber of the Michigan Historical com-onsti0er uity G dt be printed. When the gun is fired
phi House of Representatives at the following, each for a two-year mission to succeed the late Prof. Disdaiiing to use his spitter, Grada by Cheer Leader Shick, those sitting
7:30 o'clock tonight in the Adelphi following, Beamf, a, Ho gh C. H. Van Tyne, former head of Grimes loosed a high fast one. Made Chbef Forester (Continueda on Page )
room on the fourth floor of Angell term: Harry Benjamin, '32, Hugnthe history department. There was a sharp crack as though
hall. The smoker will be open torConkEli '3, Ja whip had been lashed out. Far Announcement was made yester- 1r y
alwowstoatnaseilINorman Elizer,'2aI Interraternit~y u
all who wish to attend, a special ,a ou D32r. ek into the left field bleachers soared; day of the appointment of Everett
invitation being extended to fresh- The nominating committee, which Famous Doctor Speaks it h etfedbecessae a fteapiteto vrt ru
mnitwion aeinertedd in public T wasomosednofthe prid, he t the ball among the spectators. H. Roberts, University graduate to Hold First Session
men who are interested in public was composed of the president, the to CheanstrydStudentsand resident of Detroit, as chief
speaking. vice-president, the secretary, and Senor Medical Class forester in charge of government1At the first meeting of the year,
the ex-officio members from Thet Dr. Franz Knoop of the Physio- timber operations, fire protection which will be held at 4:30 o'clock
Financial Depression IDaily, the Union, and the Athletic logisch-Chemisches institute of Tu- Elects New Oorers and Canadian Forest reserves. this afternoon at the Union, the
Financ a . D p ,in association, selected the four from a I bingen lectured yesterday at the --- { tat, er tip r ,mil nn etprinr. !Interfraternity council, composed

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