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January 25, 1931 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-25

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. r
Wilson Is Knocked Unconscious; Juniors Take Eighth Straight
S4oddard, Heavyweight, Game, 30-19; Root, Hudson
Gets Only Fall. are High Scorers.!
By Sheldon C. Fullertan
yhe;;C;:;rnMichigan's Junior Varsity basket-
Through the medium of victories ball team defeated the Adams Y.
in seven of the eight bouts on the 'M. C. A. last night 30-19 to add its
r <~#eighth straight victory of the sea-
card, Michigan's Varsity wrestling ., Thgaewsruhtog-
a a _ son. The game was rough through-
team was able to take a 23-5 win out, with the Maize and Blue hold-
over Michigan State last night be- ing their advantage during the en-
fore a crowd of 1,500 at Yost Field tire forty minutes of play.
House. The only Wolverine defeat With the score 17-11 atthe half
was by default, when Wilson was time, Coach Courtright's men came
unable to continue after b e i n g to life and counted 13 points dur-
knocked unconscious in the 155 Ain the second period while holding
pound bout, their opponents to 0 markers.
Coach Cliff Keen's men showed Root was the outstanding Michi-
up to better advantage than their -< gan scorer during thc evening
opponents in every class, and for whenl he sank three field goals and
the most part were in better physi- a like number of fouls for a total
cal condition. Rol Otto, wrestling of 9 points. Hudson was second
his first bout on the Wolverine with 7 more added to his team's
Varsity, was the only man that ap- total, while Ott placed first for the
peared to tire rapidly, but that was Bill Bez, IDetroit team with three baskets
due to the fact that he has been Wolverine 145 pound grappler and two fouls for 8 points.
on the shelf with an injury up to who last night won his bout over Ricketts, Michigan guard, played
this time, and this was the first Strom of Michigan State with the well on defense, besides scoring
time that he was able to take an enormous time advantage of 8 min- four points.
active part in a, meet. utes, 45 seconds. This was the second time this
Only one fall was registered all season that the Michigan 'B' team
evening, that coming in the final FRESHMEN READY has won from the Detroit squad,
b o u t when Stoddard, Michigan the first game ending in a 34-10
heavyweight substituting for the FOR TRACKMEET victory for the Ann Arbor aggrega-
injured Captain Auer, succeeded in tion when-the game was played at
pinning L. Tompkins in one min~ Intra-Squad Contest Scheduled the Field House.
ute and 57 seconds. The fall came Mo ay
as a distinctsurprise, as both of the for Monday and Tuesday. BOX SCORE
grapplers were struggling for an M ich 'B' T b £ tp
advantage and had just fallen to Freshman t r a c k aspirants will Hudson f....ea... .3 1 7
the floor before Stoddard clamped have their second chance of the Root, f. . . . ...3 3 9
on the hold that pinned his Spars- s g h eo, f 3 3
tan opponent. season to gain the headlines tomor- Akershock, f4...........0
The only bout that went to. the row when Coach Ken Doherty Garner, c..............2 0 4
Michigan State team was awarded stages the -yearling track meet O'Neill, g,........ ... ....0 1 1-
Ricketts, g .............. 2 0 4
on a default. Wilson, replacing which will be a large factor in de- Tessmer, g,..............0 1 1
Orville Parker, who was also out of termining the prospects for the Bremen, g,.............0 1 1



Wolverines Favored
To Defeat Buckeyes
Here Tomorrow Night
(Continued From Page 6)
nome tomorrow night, Michigan'
rooters will be presented with a

ALPHA SIGMA PHI nutteus of the Alpha si:na Phi
By .John Thonias forward berths. 3il Renuer is the
n i . star teaming with De :akc' at the
(Editor's note: This is Vi thion ,
a series of reviews of outstiding forwaid position. The former hails
teams in the inter-fratrnity bask- frnm Muskegon and tir' la0er from
etball race.) Youngstown, Ohio. Boti ar 'vabout

view of the great Wesley Fesler, All--A
American football star. Fesler will m Pre-season ope rated Alph Sig-
play center tomorrow night unless m atrio y g t bes p. Ath
Mattison, sophomore luminary gets interfraternity g r o d p. Although
back into shape, and should he be they have played but one game,
forced from the pivot position willI this team has shown plotenital
start at guard. Against Michigan n 1 strength.j
the first meeting of the season'Football player! ,mae up the
Hoffer, guard, looped through three
field goals to take high scoringi L A S S I F I E
honors, with Larkin second with 5iADVERTISINGI
oints to his credit. Coach Veen-
.ker will probably use the same line-__
up tomorrow as that which swamp- NOTICE
ed the Maroons. UDCLTS _tadod

nthe meet because of injuries, held
a time advantage of 2:23 on Dick
Tompkins, the State captain, when
he was knocked unconscious by be-
ing tossed to the mat. After several
minutes spent in trying to revive
him he left the mat and the bout
was awarded to State. Wilson was
not seriously injured, however.
Dougoviio, Benz Win.
Bill Benz, wrestling at 145 pounds,
and Joe Dougovito, at 175, gained
the largest time advantages over
their opponents, B e n z defeating
Strom by 8:45 and Dougovito, Con-
ference champion of two years ago,
gaining an 8:16 advantage over his
118-pound-Sigwart (M) defeated
Rendell (MS). Time-4:00.
126-pound--Otto (M) defeated
Roberts (MS). Time-1:20.
1 3 5-pound-Woodard (M) de-j
feated Byam (MS). Time-4:07.
145-pound-Benz (M) defeated
Strom (MS). Time-8:45.
155 pound-D. Tompkins (MS)
won by default from Wilson (M).
165-pound-Reif (M) defeated
Marsa (MS). Time-6:10.
175-pound-iDougovito -(M) de-
feated Lepard (MS). Time-:16.
Heavyweight.- S t o d d a r d (M)
threw" L. Tompkins (MS). Time-

numeral awards for the year.
The meet will be held in the field
house both Monday and Tuesday
afternoons starting at 4:15 o'clock.
Monday's events will include the
sprints, quarter-mile, half, and
mile runs and hurdles. A relay run!
in the 440-yard will also be a feat-
ure of the program. The makeup
of the relay team has not been an-
nounced as yet. F ield events will
be on the program for Tuesday.

Jack T'Gmpkins,
Wolverino goalie, whose stellar
defense work kept the Gophers
from scoring-a single goal against
the Michigan pucksters last night.
Michigan Tracknien Look Strong
in Distance Runs.
(Continued From Page 6)
placed first and second respectively
in their heat.
Tolan failed to put in his appear-
ance for the regular heats, but did
run the 60 a little later with Lamb.
His form was far from the best and
he showed lack of condition by let-;
ting Lamb beat him in the first
heat. He managed to take the sec-
ond heat by several inches.
Austin was in fine shape and
took over the mile run in a style
which bodes well for Michigan's
Conference competition. W o 1 f e
trailed him by several yards. How-
ell was an equal distance behind
the second man.
The quarter-mile was a thriller
with three heats being run in the
event and all of fair calibre. Rus-
sell, Allen, and Lamb finished in
"he order named in the first heat.
Glading, Noyes, and Kaminki an-
nexed the :second heat, while Muel-
ler, Allen, and Richards took over
the honors in the last one.
Levine and Feustal tied for a
first place in the second heat of the
half-mile when Austin almost col-
lapsed a few feet from the finish
line. Eknovich took only three laps
in the trials, but despite a queer
jogging pace he turned in a mighty
good time.
A speciality for twenty

Fencers to Meet Buckeyes; 'B'
Basketeers Take on G.M.T.
(Continued From Page 6)
the large Intramural gymnasium.
Although this is the first year that
the Wolverines have been repre-
sented in this sport Coach West
believes that the has a fairly good
group of gymnastic artists. Michi-
gan's entry into this field of en-
deavor enlarges the number of Bigt
Ten schools taking part^ in gym-
nastics to seven. Indiana, North-

western, and Purdue are the onlyI-c.L.. -V"-------
schools not sponsoring teams in this 456
sport. Purdue has been represented FOR RENT
until this year when a deficit in
athletic funds caused the Boiler- FOR RENT--141,1 E. Park Place,
makers to drop activities in the modern six room, newly decor-
minor sport field. ated, full basement, garage, good
Coach John Johnstone's fencers location, rent reasonable. 612
will open their Big Ten season Fri- FOR RENT-Large desirable front
day night by playing host to Ohio suite and single room. Phone
State. Michigan by virtue of its win 8194. 6
over the Toledo Y. M. C. A., fencing
club stamped itself as one of the ( ONE single room at $3.50 and one
strongest teams in the Conference double room at $3.00 each to rent.
race. Lunches and dinners $6.00 per
Michigan's Junior Varsity cage week. Single meals 50c, Sunday
team will play a return game with dinner 75c. Mrs. M. C. Palm: 332
General Motors Tech at Flint on East Jefferson St. Dial 7716. 613
Friday. In the contest played in _ -
Ann Arbor the "B" team outscored FOR RENT-Single room for men;
the Tigers 39-14. University approved; $3.50; warm
z ndliayht (!ll 87r% 2 72 gth

Totals..............10 10
Detroit Y. M. C. A. b f
Seng, f,. ........... . .... 2 1
Denialak, f,. ............ 0 5
Piper, f,. ...............0 0
Ott, c,. .................. 3 2
Fraser, g................ 0 1
Evans, g,................0 0
Chapp, g,. .............. 0 0
Totals.-.........5 9

S Cal 4310.-215 East Washington.
H. Benjamin. 246C
TYPING--Neatly done, quick serv-
ice. Will call for and deliver. 10c
per page. Phone 21693. 56
TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair
rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087.
WANTED-Roommate who wants
to study. Have study room; living
room, and bedroom with separate
beds. $3.75. information dial
2-1214. 456
W A N T E D-Dental student for
roommate. Preferably a fresh-
man Phone 7365 in evening.

six feet tall and faiy is . Sylves-
ter Shea, another footb ll man,
jumps center. He is a gradruate of
Detroit Northwesterii gh school.
The 1-hird mem-1be,--f I!he tean
t-hat has is
Russel Damrn. al! ;o .rom Mus1. cgon.
ed ground floor; one :;isgle room;
two double rooms; very reason-
able. Phone 7451. 520 East Wil-
liams. 6
FOR RENT-Compleely furnished
apartment wit h i1:iva bath and
shower for three <,'oi. nl, :adults.
Furnished apartmen, t, tor two.
Also double and single room.
+Dial 8544. 561
NICE cheerful room on sceond
floor with double bed. Also sin-
gle room and suite. 509 South
Division. 56
FOR RENT----For second semester
nice double room with fireplace.
Also single room. Pleasant loca-
tion. Phone 3666. 1513 South
University Ave. 561
FOR RENT--Two room suite, near
campus, $25 monthly for one
student, $32 for two. Phone 7881
or 4744. Mrs. G. Thompson. 561
FOR RENT-Furnished apartment
for two people; available Feb.
1st; 2 blocks east of campus. 621
Forest Ave. Phone 5607. 456
P L E A S A N T-Single room, small
quiet home;; reasonable rent.
Phone 7019. 923 Greenwood Aye.

RENT-One suite and one double
or single room. Clean and warm.
215 South Thayer. 3451
PLEASANT, single or double rooms,
near campus for students or
faculty. Reasonable. Garage.
541 Elm St. Phone 7561. 123456


L O S ANGELES-D o n George,
former U. of Michigan wrestling
star, won another bout a short time
ago when his opponent, Henri De
Glane, was unable to return to the
mat after being pinned once.

and ignL. Can 5iz . D -outn
Division. 6
FOR RENT-Pleasant double room
with sleeping porch. 702 Arch.
21966. 612

LOST-A ladies' blue parker foun-
tain pen. Please call 23225. 6
23225. 6
LOST-Pen part of a Rider foun-
tain pen, name engraved. Corliss
Armstrong. Reward. Phone 4918.

IAr.asrlN w

The All-Campus Handball dou-
bles championship went to Walker
I and Fulton as a result of their easy
victory over Friedman and Ricklin
in the finals of the tournament held
last night. The outcome was some-
what of a surprise, inasmuch as
Friedman was a co-holder of the
title last year.
The first game was hard fought
throughout with the final outcome
always in doubt. However, Walker
and Fulton managed to come
through to the tune of 21-18. In the
second and last game the losers

were able to garner but six points,
although they battled gamely for,
every one.
As a result of their victory each
of the winners will receive a trophy
Eight Inter-class basketball games
are scheduled for tomorrow night

Another Modern Invention
Blots Out
Another Ancient Drudgery



after the Varsity basketball game. i Prompt service . . . Experienced oper-
The games originally scheduled for ators . . . Moderate rates.
7:00, 7:40, and 8:20, have been
changed to Wednesday night at the O.D. MORRILL
same hour. 314 Soutth State St. Phone 6615


1 ' 'T'ITTV TV'YY'1I^IT' 'Y"T'T'P' "I1" "0 f'V' '"" P'TTYTT I' 'f

The darning basket v"

now goes the



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