PAGE EiGHT Tvi r All Tf 1-4Tr.ATV T)ATTV x.- -a- a.- --. ..a- - - - - _ _ . --i-- -v-- -. - _v______ __ __ta i__ __1._ __SA TU R ,DAY, JANUARY 24, 1931 DALY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SON OF LEON ARD WOOD PROMOTED II [L 11W WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. - The{ latest legislative developments on prohibition today strengthened the view that little or no action will result at this session of congress from the Wickersnam report. In- sistently, comment turned uponI future reactions, particularly sur- rounding the 1932 presidential elec- tions. An assertion that President Hoo- ver had imperiled his chances of re-election by the forthright stand against repeal and for vigorous en-) forcement he took in the message accompanying the law enforcement commission's report was among thef latest statements put forth. It came { Thursday night from an anti-pro- hibitionist, Representative Beck, Republican, Pennsylvania. Earlier Senator Fess of Ohio, chairman of1 the Republican national committee,1 had sought to temper impressions that the president had shut the1 door on all revision of the eight-t eenth amendment by his unfavor- axble attitude toward the substitutec suggested by the commission..ut The best efforts of the wet blocr in the house Thursday left unim- paired the appropriations for en-z forcement provided in the justicef department's supply bill.c Three Men Bombard I of Crooners' Witha Few Old Grapefruit. (By Associaed Press) BOSTON, Jan. 23.-Rudy Va crooning idol of thousands ofr listeners, was greeted with over-ripe grapefruit during a formance at Metropolitan th Thursday night. It was the final performanc the opening day of a week's gagement and Rudy was in midst of one of his character melodies. Without warning, fruit came hurtling down from balcony. Neither of the grape struck the singing maestro but did strike the drummer's cym and the other splattered over stage props. The audience gasped. Mur were audible throughout the h But Rudy kept right on croo He took no notice of the inter tion until he had finished thes Then, stepping to the fron the stage, he addressed the a ence in a mild but decidedt He took the hecklers to task their discourtesy and added there might be some in the a ence who enjoyed hearing him said many had paid admission that purpose and that those disliked his singing were notc pelled to stay. Three young men whose n were withheld, were taken into htody by ushers and turned ov the police. The show went on and the yo men went to a police station, w a desk sergeant "read the riot; to them. Vallee and the the management declined to p charges and they were releas Vice Consul at Rom Beats Atlantic Pho (ByAss-ia dPress,) WASHINGTON, Jan. 23.-E the speed of the trans-Atlantic ephone could not beat Vice Co Donald C. Wilcox of the Amer consulate in Rome. Claude Watkins of Maysville, picked up "his paper and sa Rome dispatch that his daug had been injured in an autom accident. He reached for his t phone and called the Italian e tal. Yes, said Mr. Wilcox, he k about it. Miss Watkins was badly hurt, and she would rec his personal attention. Wat wrote the state department an notation of efficiency blosso forth on the records next toN cox's name. PROF. JEAN E H RH ARD IS IMPRESSED NoIi WITH THREE CERCLE FRANCAIS PLAYSuI French Spectator Praises Casts human material is not inexhaust- for Remarkable Precision ible. From the linguistic point of in Pronunciation. view, the results are a tribute toD[ Kingthe quality of the instruction offer- pavlova Succumbs on Europ)caii W "I have been asked, as a French ed by this University, and I congra- Tour After Contracting spectator, to express an opinion on tulate Mr. Koella, who is primarily Pulmonary Disease. the plays recentiy performed by the responsible for the production of _my iss allee, members of the Cercele francais," these plays, on the remarkable skill (Bsl .4 sorsed Pre a)s) radio said Prof. Jean E. Ehrhard, of the displayed in preparing the players: TIHE HAGUE, Jan. 23. --Death to- two Romance Languages department "The acting seemed a little Ro- day stilled forever the dainty fra- eatr~ last night. mantic and overdone; correspond- gile form of Anna Pavlova, whose "My general impression is very ing, not so much to the real France, dancing stirred millions, civilized ce of favorable, as to the choice of the to the exuberance, the gesticulation man and savage alike. She would en- plays, the diction of the players, the outpouring of emotion which have been 46 years old Jan. 31. the and their acting. characterizes the average French- Pleurisy and influenza, contract- the "The plays were, I Franches Lip- man to the eyes of North Ameri- ed early this week after she had the pees, by Tristan Bernard; II L'Ecole cans. No doubt one of the funda- been held for hours by a railroad fruit aesBelles-Meres, by Brieux; III ymental secrets of the stage is never- accident in a waiting train at Di- tone Farce du Cuvier, a fifteenth century to surprise the public : and this jn rne agdw h uti in play. A listing in order of literarytourreth puh:ndhs jon, France, rang down the curtain nbals payk wlsti, in oy oiterary acting, which would not be under- upon a life which for 35 years she the I rank would be, in my opinion, un- stood in France, was in this case devoted to depicting in rhythmatic favorable to Brieux; we do not .find quite in place. movement the beauty she saw mars in his play either the savory repar- "In conclusion, the work of the around her. ouse ;ce of Tristan Bernard or the sim- Cercle seems to me to realize, in a With her at the end were her nisg 'licity of means, the sharpness of more satisfactory manner than ever h hed accompn Vr pning. haracterization, the irresistiblehb before, the indispensable compro- d'And nd accompanist, Victor ung- oc sense, that assue the su nise betweenFrench and Amer- her own Russian doctor, Prof. Val song. premacy of the old farce. How.dcan taste," he concluded.' i iudi- tone. cfor that iudi- i. He : for who com- ames cus- er to oung here act" eatre press ed. e me Even tel- nsul ican Ky., w a hter obile tele- api- new not :eive kins Zd at med Wil- i ! ever, a numoer of students assure me they particularly enjoyed the Brieux. The choice of plays, then. satisfies all tastes, which is not a. small measure of success. "'he players are to be congratu- lated on their pronunciation; if they do not all attain the perfec- tion of Miss Bradley, they all suc- ceed, none the less, in making themselves understood without the slightest difficulty. There are, to be sure, a few weak spots, but we must bear in mind that the supply of RADIO TODAY Alumni Night will be featured by the University studio broad- casting through WJR in a one- hour program starting at 7:30 o'clock tonight. J. Fred Lawton, President Al- exander G. Ruthven, G. Carl Huber, T. Hawley Tapping, and Helen M. Gore will take part in the program. Songs and music will be furnished by the Midnite Sons quartet and the Michigan League orchestra. Chicago Physiologist to Talk on 'Activity of Nerve and Brain' Dr. Ralph W. Gerard, professor of physiology at the University of Chicago, will deliver the last of a series of five University lectures sponsored by the University depart- ment of zoology, at 4:15 o'clock, Jan. 29, in Natural Science auditor- ium. He will speak on "The Activity of Nerve and Brain." Dr. Gerard will deliver two other lectures in room 2116, Natural Science building, at 7:15 o'clock, the same day, and at 4:15 o'clock, Jan. 30. The subject of his second talk will be "Energy Relations in Nerve Metabolism," while his last will deal with "Chemical Processes in Nerve Metabolism." Dr. Gerard is nationally distin- guished through his work in the field of nerve physiology. He is the last of five lecturers brought here to speak on the various fields of biology. St. Louis, Mo., society women have taken up skating as a pastime this winter. vawu, wly .o ursOay resr Le aw a pulmonary operation in a vain at- tempt to save her life. Death interrupted her plans ,to interpret for Occidentals what she had found of grace and beauty in a recent visit to Japan, China, and Asiatic countries. Upon completion of this project she intended to re- tire, fulfilling a promise that she would leave the stage while in the I prime of life. Denounced by the bolsheviki as the "darling of aristocrats," she died in virtual exile from the Rus- sia in which she was born, began her ballet lessons at the age of ten, and achieved her first success. In recent years Communist influ- ences had led even to rejection of annual contributions of $500 to other Russian dancers. It was during her last visit to the United States in 1924 that she announced her marriage to d'Andre, her accompanist, later revealing that it had taken place 17 years befoie. Other details of her private life she kept secret, with the plea that the public regards the artist as an illusion, and she preferred to remain so. An average of 22 new books an hour arrived at the Library of Con- gress during the last fiscal year. will also speak in the evening at Harris hall after the usual 6 o'clock supper. Wesleyan Guild: Sunday Evening Devotional Meeting. A unique and interesting program will be given at 6 o'clock. "Christ Through the Pen of the Poet" is the subject. Several students under the direction of Ralph Johnson will give readings. Lunch and social hour will follow. To All Students of an Evangelical Christian Faith: There will be an organization meeting of the University of Michigan Chapter of the League of Evangelical Students at Lane hall, in theUpper Room, at 2:30 p. in., Sunday, January 25. All students, of either sex, desiring to participate in weekly meetings for devotions, Bible study, and the dis- cussion of common religious problems are cordially invited to be present. Mrs. Harry Brinkman will give impressions of life in Panama at the Student Volunteer Meeting in the fire-place room of Harris hall at 8:30 a. in., Sunday. Liberal Students Union of the Unitarian Church will present a sym- posium of Unemployment at its meeting Sunday, January 25, at 7:30 p. im. The meeting will be conducted by both students and unemployed. Refreshments will be served at 9:00 o'clock. Woman's Death is Due to Internal Explosion (By Associated Press) LOS ANGELES, Jan. 23. - The death of Mrs. Maude Branton, 43, on the operating table of a hosnith1 here was described today by Dr. B. A. Wilkes, superintendent of tne hospital, as having been caused by an explosion of anasthetic gases in her lungs. The woman's lungs were ruptured by the accident. The accident oc- curred while Dr. C. E. Warmer was administering a cone of nitrous oxide. Oxygen and ether already had been applied and the patient was semiconscious. Dr. Wilkes said Dr. Warmer told him the cone, saturated with ni- trous oxide became ignited, ap- parently from an electric spark of static origin. The patient, he said, inhaled some of the flaming gas and the internal explosion followed. Burgess Agrees With, Gar Wood About Boat sip'. 1CONCEtcTs Speaking of the statement made yesterday by Gar Wood, Detroit speed boat builder, that "a boat speed of 150 milesan hour is not far away," W. S. Burgess, tempor- arily connected with the marine engineering department of t h e University, said. "Such a speed is entirely feasible, and I see no reason why it should not be attained very soon." Sunday, 4:15, Jan. 25-Mendelssohn Theatre SCHOOL OF MUSIC TRIO Wassily Besekirsky-Hanns Pick-Joseph Brinkman Violin Violoncello Piano No Admission Charge Tuesday, 8:15, Jan. 27-Hill Auditorium ALBERT SPALDING American Violinist In Choral Union Series Tickets: $1.00,. $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 Monday, 8:15, Feb. 2-Hill Auditorium PAUL ROBESON Negro Baritone In Choral Union Series Tickets: $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 Tuesday, 8:15, Feb. 10-Hill Auditorium SERGEIRACHMANINOFF Russian Pianist In Choral Union Series Tickets: $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 Every Wednesday, 4:15-Hill Auditorium PALMER CHRISTIAN In Complimentary Organ Recital Juniors in Education: The collection of two dollar class the group leaders, will begin Monday, January 26. dues, thru I 11 I "" ,d ll Stationery Spec ial!1 100 Boxes of $1.00 to $2.00 Values Are Offered at 6o Per 11 I Bishop McCormick, of the Diocese of Western Michigan, will take the 9:30 service at Harris hall Sunday morning. At this time there will be a Corporate Communion for the students of western Michigan, fol- lowed by a breakfast. The Bishop Hurry! Complete Tuxedo with Vest, $35 CHAS. DOUKAS 1309 South University 11 WAHR4'8 Uaiversity Bookstore III i u ,.V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ ... LAST zoo"" ERFO ZPiA IN C ToNIGHT Play Production Closes A Successful Run of the High Society Comedy LL " T ,, .g. ... . s. wu - - U - m -- U- - ® oppow"m