PAGE FIVE {'t"L ° IV lC #I 'dl ~M~ AM flA TI. V 'V ArrTTWOT% Av TA KTTT A1:%7 4)A 1'Aif~ I 6A!1URDAJJ&, JANUYkLY 24', 1U31 A 11" ., IVA ., '1X I' .. 41 TAM M MffAvAWN / \'kill '2.5 p ___________ JUNIOR TEAM WINS ANUAL INTEOLASS BOWLING__TOURNEY Rosalyn Caley and Helen Bailey Compose Team and Win With Total of 808. SOPHOMORES PLACE LAST Barbara Hill and Nell Mills, Freshman Team, Take Second Place. Rossalynn Caley and Helen Bailey, composing the junior team, won the interclass bowling cham- pionship Thursday night in the Women's Athletic building. T h e tournament was sponsored during the open house held by the Wom- en's Athletic association. The three game total of the jun- ior team was 808, scoring 146 more points than the second-place fresh- man team, which was made up of Barbara Hill and Nell Mills. Their score was 692. Elizabeth Whitney and Mary Mandrea, of the seniors, with a score of 666, placed third. Louise Peterson and Elizabeth Shull, soph- omores, placed fourth with a score of 576. Rossalynn Caley, '32, had the highest individual score for one game, 184. A rifle exhibition, managed by Adria Parks, '32, was another fea- ture of the open house. Eight wom- en competed in the exhibition, and the shooting, held in groups of four each, was non-competitive. An impromptu bowling tourna- ment, following the interclass con- test, was, held by. members of the p h y s i c a 1 education, faculty for women. The. open house, the first to be sponsored by W.A.A, this year, was attended by many students and faculty members, including mem- bers of the board of the Women's League, the Michigan Dames, the deanof women's staff, and the schools of forestry and education staffs, who were special guests. The affair was managed by Jean Perrin, '32, bowling manager of W.A.A. She was assisted by the W.A.A. social committee, composed of Jean Botsford, '32, Anna Neberle, '33, Clara Grace Peck, '33, and Dor- othea Waterman,.'31. Although there has never been an orientation week at the Univer- sity of Wisconsin for freshman wo- men entering school in February, the project will be undertaken by the Y. W. C. A. this year. A new flight endurance record for women has been established by Edna May Cooper, a former motion picture actress, at Los Angeles in her aeroplane, Lady Rolph. MRS. GANN'S SEWING CLUB MAKES CLOTHES FOR DROUGHT SUFFERERS .. ... 'A Asocia ted Press Photo Friends of Mrs. Dolly Gann, sister of Vice-President Cuitis, gather at her home each week to sew garments for drought sufferers. Left to right they are Mrs. Frank Hoffman, Mrs. Gann, Mrs. Alice M. Smoot, Mrs. E. 0. Dawley, Mrs. Colby Dodge and Mrs. William A. Scully. TEducation of Chinese Women Began Half Century Ago, Declares Dr. Zung W. Koh WILL GIVE India and Her Re Countries,' Cho by Spe SINGINGAND MUSIC PROVE TO BE MISS LLOYD'S TWO AVOCATIONS Dean of Women Favors Folk I get tickets for all the concerts." Songs and Old Christmas The type of hobby may change during the life-time of various in- Hymns and Carols. dividuals. When Miss Lloyd was Nation to Other reeighteen she was greatly interest-. sep Practically everyone has a hobby ed in operas. She heard all she in some form or other of develop- could, but she did not have many+ aker. I ment Some people "ride their j opportunities. Then s h e w e n t SIGMA ALPHA IOTA Mrs. Louis Strauss Entertains National Sorority at Home on Cambridge. Mrs. Frederick B. Fisher will ad- dress the members of the Interna- tional Relations group of the Amer- can Association of University Wo- nen and the League of Women's Voters at a luncheon to be held at 12:30 o'clock Wednesday, Jan. 28 in the Michigan League building. The speaker has chosen as her subject, "India and Her Relation I t.o Other Countries." All those in- torezted in attending the luncheon are cordially invited and may se- c u r e reservations by telephone from Mrs. Frank Wilson or Miss Nan Johnson. Mrs. Fisher is the wife of Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, pastor of the local Methodist church. Dr. Fisher was called from his post as a mis- sionary for the Methodist Society in the interior of India last year to succeed the late. Dr. Arthur W. Stalker in the pastorate of the lo- cal congregation.y .As a consequence of the long as- sociation and intimate contact with the people and problems of this British possession, Mrs. Fisher's knowledge has been gained first- hand. She has seen the several classes and casts of the Crown col- ony at close range, observing their individual problems and particular attitudes on questions which inti- mately affect their welfare as a possible future state of the world. Mrs. Fisher's knowledge of In- dia's relation to other countries comes from a close observation of the opinions of the society in which she and her husband have lived and travelled during their service in India. A cross-section of the composite feeling of the nationals as well as the localists is Mrs. Fish- er's resultant heritage. be good for a fever, but they do not know how or why it cures the patient.. So one of the most im- portant things they miss is the study of bacteriology. Recently, however, a research has been es- tablished in Peking, called the Rockefeller foundation, where ex- perts are trying to learn the com- position of the medicines the old native doctors used." "In the profession many years ago there were only four or five wo- men doctors. Now there are more every day who wish to enter the field, and they have rapidly risen to the top. habroad, and she heard manay in ~ ~~ hobby" merely for the sake of ree- Germany. Now her interest has IMembers of Sigma Alpha Iota reation, others because they have shifted from this type of music to were entertained last night at the a genuine interest in it and wish the older forms. "I think one out- home of Mrs. Louis Strauss, 1001 it to become a more important part grows music," she explained. "I Cambridge Road. Mrs. Oscar J. of their lives, but have no time to' know it is true in my case. At pres- Campbell and Mrs. Morris Tilley devote to training it, because of ent I get a great deal more enjoy- I dvereagtemporane.ment out of a good chorus or a good acted as assistant hostesses. Mrs. other work of greater importance. i drama than I do from the com- Beryl Fox Bacher and Mrs. Henry is latter category stand bination of both one finds in op- M. Bates presided at the table. Miss Alice Lloyd, Dean of Women. era." Miss Lloyd explained, "My great __ Miss Frances Peck, a. member of interest in music is my avocation,Iy the active chapter gave a program but I have such a little bit of time RESIDENCES HOLD of piano numbers which she will to devote to it that it can hardly INFORMAL DINNERS give as her graduation recital at be eOlAeD a hobby." E Sthe Lydia Mendelssohn theatre She does sing, however, and she IFebruary 30 at 4:15 o'clock. Her said that she tries to keep in prac- Officers of League and Faculty program was as follows: tice as much as possible. Members Entertained. 'Prelude and Fugue in C minor.. Music of days long past holds a. . .......... Bach particular fascination for her. She Informal dinners in honor of the Intermezzo Op. 119........Brahms enjoys all the old Christmas carols j members of the faculty have been Capriccio Op. 81.........Brahms and folk songs. Miss Lloyd finds . Tambourin .... Rameau-Godowsky these in programs of various con-ive this week by two of the dorm- Elegie .........Rameau-Godowsky certs, of which she is making a col- itories, Helen Newberry and Betsy Thirty-two Variations.. .Beethoven lection. At the present time a great Barbour. The residents of Helen A Fairy Tale..............Mettner deal of this old music is being re- Newberry and the house directors Etude Op. 8.............. Scriabine vived andtpresented in choral co entertained the following guests at OiseauTristes............Ravel certs. "I try to hear all the musicenrtidthfolwggussa El Vito .......... Manual Infante of this type I possibly can," she dinner Wednesday night: Mr. and continued. "If I am away on a Mrs. N. W. Eddy, Professor Dewitt vacation or visiting in a large city H. Parker and Mrs. Parker, Profes- Adaria r sor Louis Wehmeyer and Mrs. Weh- Week's Rifle Practice meyer, Professor W. S. Colby and Alumnus Appointed Mrs. Cclby, Professor C. O. Davis, Women students interested in ri- Professor R. C. Hussey and Mrs. fiery are asked by Adria Parks, '33, Field Secretary of Hussey, and Mr. Herbert S. Mekeel. The dinner given by the residents rifle manager of the Women's Ath- East India Mission and director of Betsy Barbour was letic Association, to come at 4 held on Thursday evening and in- o'clock on either Tuesday, Wednes- , , cluded the following guests: Pro- day, or Thursday, to the Women's Dr. Galen G. Crozier, '94, '99M, fessor Calvin Davis and Mrs. Davis, Athletic building, for practices. and his wife, Mable Bosworth Cro- Professor Arthur S. Aiton and Mrs. At the present time there are zier, '97, '18M.A., after thirty years Aiton, Professor Louis Eich and not enough people out for riflery of missionary work in India, have Mrs. Eich, Miss Alice Lloyd, Mrs.'to hold an intramural tournament, been given a new opportunity for Byre F. Bacher, Miss Ellen Steven- according to Miss Parks, and the more extensive teaching through son, Professor Warren E. Blake, and contests are being carried on in- the former's appointment as Field Professor Moritz B. Levi. dividually. If enough people are in- Secretary of the North East India Following the custom of previous terested in the sport, an inter-class General Mission, Inc. years, Martha Cook entertained the tournament will be organized next Dr. Crozier was the Medical Mis- officers of the Women's League at semester. sionary of the American Baptist an informal dinner, Thursday eve-E Mission until he received this new ning. The guests were as follows: UNIVERSITY OF ORE G N- position. His wife has devoted most Eleanor Cooke, '31, Helen Jones, '31, Members of the Associated Women of her time to the care of children Katherine Ferrin, '32, Emily Bates, Students sponsored a style show for and to the translation of parts of '32, Roberta Reed, '31, Dorothy the high school delegates at the the Bible into the native tribal Birdzell, '32, Ruth Van Tyle, '31, University of Oregon. languages. Both Dr. and Mrs Cro- Helen Humphrey, '31, Marian Read- zier speak several of the provin- ing, '31, Katherine Koch, '32, Jean- Women students at the Univer- cial tongues. In addition to her nie Roberts, '32, Albertina Maslen, sity of Denver are not permitted studies at Michigan she took cours- '31, Elizabeth Sunderland, '31, Mary to talk on men while on the cam- es at the Biblical Seminary in New Louise Behymer, '31, and Helen Do- pus. The purpose is to stop cam- York before going to India. mine, '31. pus love-making. Graduate Student From Kating, China, Will Complete Work in University. Contrary to popular belief, Qhina is not so backward in some respects as people are inclined to think. Education for the women of China did not start yesterday, but has the prestige of almost a century be- nind it. This fact is particularly true in the medical profession, ,ac- cording to Dr. Zung Wei Koh, grad- uate student in the School of Med- icine, from Kating, China. Dr. Koh, who was working for the Ministry of Health in China before she came to the University of Michigan for further study, says that women in China are making' rapid progress in all fields. Many of the high governmental offices are held by women at present. And she believes that there are open- ings in all lines for the Chinese wo- man with an education. "For all the people in China," she declared, "there are about 3,000 men doctors and 300 women doctors. This is very insufficient for the needs of the country." Also contrary to the popular opin- 'ion prevalent in this country not so long ago, women doctors are more popular there than men. Dr. Koh says that Chinese women much1 prefer consulting a woman doctor than a man. "We think of women as more fitted, because they have more patience," she explained. 1 The first medical schools were established by missionaries. Most< of them are closed now, due to some governmental action, and na- tive schools have been built. Wo- men are accepted in the medical schools, but the percentage of wo- men is rather small.1 Courses there are now practically the same as those offered her. How- ever research is still in its infancy. The reason for this was explained by Dr. Koh, who said that in China now there ar two kinds of medi- ! cine: Western medicine, which they have learned from America and Europe, and their own "old medicine" Dr. Koh explained that this native medicine is mostly phil- osophical-"We have many good drugs, but there is something elseI lacking," she continued. "The na-I tive doctors know that this drug1 will relieve coughing, that drug will1 l f I I -i! M w _ SPORTS THEN AND NOW IN THE A;r sOF CHIVALRY the national sports contests were the tournaments, at which knights jousted for their ladies' favor. These events were enjoyed only by the spectators, for there was no news medium to convey the outcome to even the neighboring provinces. TODAY millions can enjoy the in- teresting details of great sporting events through the clear, accurate ac- counts sent over the wire by -n 0 = 5td Milus Time Is Getting Short Sign Up NOW For One of the Following Christmas CIubs Class 1 Members paying I cent irst week and increasing each weekly payment I cent for fifty weeks will receive...............--$12.75 Class 1-A Members paying 50 cents first week and decreasing each weekly payment I cent for fifty weeks will receive.................$12.75 Class 2 Members paying 2 cents first week and increasing each weekly payment 2 cents for fifty weeks will receive... -. .........$25.50 Class 2-A Members paying $1.00 first week and decreasing each weekly payment 2 cents for fifty weeks will receive . ....-. ...... . ..$25.50 Class 5 Members paying 5 cents first week and increasing each weekly payment 5 cents for fifty weeks will receive................. $63.75 Class 5-A Members paying $2.50 first week and decreasing each weekly payment 5 cents for fifty weeks will receive.................$63.75 Class 10 Members paying 10 cents first week and increasing eack weekly payment 10 cents for fifty weeks will receive-........--127.50 Class 10-A Members paying $5.00 first week and decreasing each weekly payment 10 cents for fifty weeks will receive------------$127.50 Class 10-F Members paying 10 cents a week for fifty weeks will receive...........----$5.00 Class 25 Members paying 25 cents a week for fifty weeks will receive................. $12.50 Class 50 Members paying 50 cents a week for fifty weeks will receive-. ......... . -$25.00 Class 100 Members paying $1.00 a week for fifty weeks will receive-------.... $50.00 Class 200 Members paying $2.00 a week for fifty weeks will receive................$100.00 Class 300 Members paying $3.00 a week for fifty weeks will receive-----------------$150.00 Class 500 Members paying $5.00 a week for fifty weeks will receive-----------------$250.00 Class 1000 Members paying $10.00 a week for fifty weeks will receive------------$500.00 Class 2000 Members paying $20.00 a week for fifty weeks will receive.. . -.$1000.00 Class Special Join this class by agreeing to pay any certain amount each week for fifty weeks and receive at the end of fifty weeks the full amount deposited. 3% Interest added if all payments are made regularly or in advance. t ,. , ' \ __'" e-- ' THE PARIS Y"YOU LOVE . .* .intho3 pages3of Vog Ue ! - Of course, you've lived in luxury with the Louis in Versailles . . . and suffered through the French Revolution. 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