SUNbAY, OCTOBER 5,1930 TI-I MI7CH IG A N DAILY .,,..r.,. .. , ---------- - ----- ----- -- - - --------- - o Penalties Prove Costly in Two Cases as Michigan Crosses State Goa Lines. HEWITT BREAKS ANKLE his own 47-yard line and returned the ball to the Spartan 38-yard marker. Goldsmith hit right guard for one yard. Simrall took the ball on a double pass back of the line of scrimmage for an eight-yard gain. Morrison was injured and Michigan took time out Morgan substituted for Morrison-, at center. Goldsmith fumbled but recovered for a ive-yard loss. Tessiner d tii d hI- ,-i t ki k n u o bhunrd CreC 1c CU ( KIC ULL o U i ~tiI~ (Continued From Page 6) at the State 11-yard line. Eliowitz at State's right tackle. Hudson standings on his goal line threw a erashed through the left side of wide forward pass which Simrall the State line for two yards. It was nearly intercepted. The pass was fourth down and the ball was on grounded. Simrall tackled Breen State's five-yard line. for a three-yard loss. Score: Michigan 0; State 0. Eliowitz's pass to Breen was in- FOURT PERIOD. complete. Standing back of his own At the start of the fourth period, goal line Grove punted out to Tess- Tessmer again dropped back in mer who caught the ball on the placekick formation. DeBaker was State 45-yard line. Tessmer was kneeling on the Spartan 14-yard forced out of bounds. Kipke sent line. Tessmer's kick went wide at in a f1ock of substitutes includingf the goal posts and State put the Oehlmann, Hezer, Heston, Purdum, ball in play at its 20-yard marker. Newman, Eastman, and Cox. Eliowitz made two yards through PLacekick Fails. the line. Eliowitz made four yards .Weer replaced Eastman. New- through Michigan's left tackle but an attempted a placekick from was injured and took time out. t 38-ard line whc was sho Eliowitz resumed play. Grove punt- State put the bail in play at its ed to Tessmer who caught the ball 20-yard line. A pass from Grove hedbaon 35-yard lie andstr g-dto Monnett netted 11 yards and a back10 ads. Ben wast dirst down on the 31-yard marker. byMnnettand Breen. toa Newman intercepted a p a s sj Brunnette held DeBaker to a thrown by Grove and returned it two-yard gain. Hudson, running 15 yards, being forced out of bounds without.. interference, made two at the State 33--yard line. Newman yards through the middle of the complited a pass to Wheeler which State line, placing the ball in exact netted 20 yards, giving Michigan a inidfield. Tessmer's punt rolled out first down on the State 13-yard of bounds on State's 13-yard line. Michigan took time out. Hudson line. Vkas injured and Goldsmith warmed Newman s pass was knocked up on the sidelines, but Hudson down ever the goal .line. Michigan resumed play. kept possession of the ball. New- Breen rounded Michigan's right man's pass to Heston failed, and Michigan was penalized five yards end for four yards. Grove carried for the second incompleted pass. the ball out of bounds for no gain. frtescn nopee as Grove punted to Tessmer who Pass Incomplete. caught the ball on his own 45- Wheeler caught a pass from yard line. He made a sensational Newman but stepped out of bounds return of 17 yards, giving Michigan as he made the catch. It was ruled the ball on State's 38-yard marker. an incompleted pass, and Michigan bdi6y Official Bulletmn (Continued from Page 8) Seniors, Medical School. Election of officers at 1:30 p.m., Monday,; October 6, in the Hospital Amphi- theater. Alpha Nu will hold its first regu- lar meeting of the year Tuesday, Oct. 7 at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Forsyth will speak on the Modern attitute towards sex education.. All men on the campus are welcome. Graduate Chemical Engineers: The first luncheon of graduate stu- dents in Chemical Engineering will be held in room 3201 East Engineer- ing Building at noon on Tuesday, October 7. Dean Huber of the Grad- uate School will address the group. Michigan Dames: The first meet- ing of the Michigan Dames will be held Tuesday night, Oct. 7, in the Cave on the fourth floor of the Michigan League Building, at 8 o'clock. All students' wives whose husbands are enrolled in the Uni- versity are cordially invited to at- tend. Sigma Delta Chi: An important luncheon-meeting will be held Wed- nesday at noon at the League cafe- teria. All members are urgently re- quested to be present.+ Guerney Williams. drew another five-yard penalty. Grove knocked down a fourth pass thrown by Newman on his three-yard line and State took pos- session of the ball on its own 28- yard line. Handy went in for Streb on the State line. Eliowitz. broke through the Michigan line for a first down on the 38-yard line as the game ended. Scere: Michigan 0; State 0. ill roably be rtor Se s torh tlede the Pbr dlr I f a elns o - SUBSCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY LASS IFE D NOTICE KONOLD VOCAL STUDIO-Voice culture and singing. For begin- ners and advanced students. 1908 Austin Ave. Phone 4855. c BOARD BY WEEK or by single meal. Mrrs. Palm, 332 E. Jeffer- son. Phone '7716. 612 DRESSMAKING AND ALTERING -Ladies' and Men's coats relined. Evening gowns a specialty. 1133 White St. Phone 22020. 456 PAGE VEN ment. Beautiful double room, one single. Steam heat, shower. Garage. 422 E. Washington. Dial 8544 or 9714. 561 WAN LED WANTED-A few student washings. Work done carefully. Phone 7027. 61 INSTRUCTOR desires kitchenette, one, or two rooms. Apply Box 141. This Paper. 5X WANTED-Students for observa- tion who have had little or no de- cay of their teeth. Compensation. Apply to Dr. Philip Jay in Dental Building. 3456 WANTED-Part time salesman, good pay. Apply Goldman Bros., 214 South State St. 23456 WANTED-Student laundry. Phone 4974. WANTED-Students bundle wash- ing. All socks darned free. Will call for and deliver. Call 2-3365. 123456(2) iOR RENT TO RESPONSIBLE RENTER-De- sirable six room house well lo- cated, nearly new; fireplace; French doors; soft water; $50.00.1 Call owner 5740. 12345 FOR RENT-Cozy room near cam- pus. $3.50 per week. 541 Packard. Phone 3608. 56 FOR RENT-Piano studio for prac- ticing. Phone 5407. r 561234 DOUBLE OR SINGLE. -ROOMS- Block from campus. Steam heat. Showers. 536 Thompson St. Phone 2-2266. 56 LARGE-Light front room, double or single, two blocks north of campus. 114 North Ingalls. Phone 7437. 436 LARGE-Bright room and tower room, suitable for lighthouse- keeping; very reasonable. 555 South Division. 456 ROOMS ON THE CAMPUS-719 Oakland. 2 single, double, and a very desirable suite; well fur- nished and heated; rent reason- able. 456 ROOMS for students and young business people. Newly decorated. Mrs. Palm, 332 E. Jefferson. Phone 7716. 612 WARM, PLEASANT ROOMS-Sin- gle and double shower. 2 blocks from campus. Rent reasonable. 509 South Division. 456 FOR RENT-Nice Jight, warm front room. ,Double $6.00, single $4.50. 724 5. Division. 456123 SOUTHEAST SECTION - 5-room apartment with garage. Call at 1301 Granger. 234561 2 VERY attractive rooms for men. Newly decorated; new beds; very reasonable rent. Phone 7019. 923 Greenwood. 1X FOR RENT - Four-room unfur- nished apartment, one and a half blocks from campus. Oil heat, frigidaire, soft water fur- nished. Call 6937 6 5091. 123456 Near M. S. C. Goal. DeBaker faked a buck at State's right side and then reversed his field for a nine-yard gain through the left, flank. Hudson shook off several tacklers in a smash through State's left tackle. He was forced out of bounds after a 13-yard gain, giving the Wolverine's a first down on the Spartan's 17-yard marker. Breen rounded Michigan's right end for five yards. Monnett made six more through the line but the ball was called back and State was penalized five yards for being off- side. Standing on his goal line Grove punted out of bounds at the State 38-yard marker. Double Pass Gains. Simrall stopped Eliowitz after a five-yard gain. Samuels held Breen to a one-yard gain. Grove punted to Tessmer who caught the ball on h..C r55 g y 1 4} FOR YOUR NEXT PARTY L U NDQUI ST' S s ORCHESTRA _ , .P ' I i . ' SINGLE ROOMS--$3.00--1 double room, front, $2.50 each. 433 IHamilton Place. 61 3 ROOM furnished apartment; very attractive; heat, light and gas supplied; $40. Tel. 2-1840. 612 CHARMING second-floor front bed- room in faculty home, near cam- pus. Tel, 2-1840. FOR RENT-Large double room $6 double or $4 single. 420 Thompson. Dial 2-1559. 612 FOR RENT-Front single room. Ideal conditions. Located between the Hospital and campus. Rea- sonable. Phone 6348. 1348 Geddes. ROOMS-Suitable for upperclass- man or graduate student. Mod- ern, clean, quiet house. 601 E. Catherine near State. Phone 9033. 612 FOR SALE-Typewriter, portable rartype, mathematical standard, and petite type, ekcelent condi- tion. $40.00. Write for details. R. H. Swart, Kelvinator Corp., Research Dept., Detroit, Mich. 362 FOR SALE-drape juice and sweet cider. Call R. E. Wagner. Phone 9534 or 2-2413. 123456 LOST LOST-Sorority pin, between Wash- tenaw and Church. Name Olive L. Matthews on back. Please call 6845. 612 WANT ADS PAY! FOR SALE WARM MUSIC PHONE 9588 MEAL TIMES PHONE 7795 SOME TIMES I COMPLETELY furnished apart- r;.I I11 I