FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1931 THE M T C II GA N D ATITY PAGE FIVE,. -.0 Mosher-Jordan Hall to Hold Formal Opening This Week-End D ORMITOR INVITES DURANTBELIEVES WOMENAID INDIAt Women's Freedom Movement, Is Older ThanNationalism. AS IDE SCOPE 9 l [LEIIAT ION By .T., '33.Projects Include Travel Bureau,E gWith a twinkle in his eyes and International Debates, a laugh in his voice, Will Durant, ItrainlDbts Receiving Lines Greet Guests in I traveller a n d philosopher, who Discount Service. Mosher Tonight, in Jordan spoke last night in Hill auditorium, arose and extended his hand in 'Editor's Note: This is the last ofc Tomorrow Night. Friendly greeting. But the words a series of three articles to appearx expected from such a person were on the N. S. F. A. Convention.) y WILL INSPECT BUILDING not forthcoming. Instead, his first Increase in the definite accom-I _____ words were more a challenge than I anything else. "Ah," he cried, "what plishments of the N. S. F. A. dur-Y Out-of-Town Guests Invited for a bad book you have been reading. ing the past year may be attributedt Friday; Student Officials to I hear that university students re- to the efficient organization of thec Attend Saturday. fuse to read any books except those central office in New York, work- their professors have carefully cen- in under the guidance of the exe- In view of the fact that Mosher- sored." And he pounced upon a ie in vew f te er hamles "RpreenttiveEngishcutve committee. This committee Jordan hall is the largest dormitory harmless "Representative Englishmdpfcumbd for women in the United States, its Poets" is made up of twelve members, and formal opening which is to take Suddenly his manner changed en- includes the officers of the organ-t place this week-end is of interest tirely and he became the perfect ization, chairman of the Travel not only to people here in Ann Ar- man-of-the-world person he canBueChimnoItrainl't bor but to people throughout the be and to which so mnuch of hisBueChianoItrnina entire state. With the assistance of success and the esteem in which Debating, and Chairman of Presst certain of the faculty members, the others hold him is due. He spoke Relations.c directors and residents of Mosher- earnestly and meant every word The Travel Bureau has widened Jordan will receive guests from 9 } he said. And it was to this effect: its scope considerably this year. Un- i 1 T T SORORITIES FAVOR RUSHING PARTIES WOMEN ORGANIZE STHOENS SU D[I ON CALENDAR OF SOCIAL ACTIVITIES CLASS IN FENCING GH90INGFaculty Members Also Included DeWitt C. Millen, at dinner. Mr. Ping-Pong Tourney for Second in Entertainments of Milien's mother was a charter i Semester Is Planned. -- - Past Week. member of the local chapter of Albertina Maslen States Reason _Delta Delta Delta. On Wednesday Fencing is being organized as an for Distribution of Rushing parties occupy a promi- night the sorority gave a rushing extra-curricular activity, in answer nent place on the social calendar. to numerous requests for a fencing r uestionaires. ts party for five guests, and they are class, and all women interested in Iekirbut entertainments of entertaining five more rushees at the sport are asked to hand in In an effort to formulate and dinner tonight. their names to Miss Marie Hartwig consolidate student opinion on the The members of Kappa Alpha I Sorority Entertains RIuses. of the physical education demrt present marking system in the Uni- Theta are attending their Found- Alpha Gamma Delta gave a rush- ment for women. Fifteen women versity, questionnaires complied by er's Day lunc'meon 0 e given by 'ng dinner last night for five guests. have already signed up for classes. Ira W. Smith, registrar, have been thebDetroit alumnae at the Colony Pink was the color chosen for the Requests have also been made for distributed to presidents of all Club in Detroit next Saturday. decorations, and the schenie was a ping-pong tournament, and one houses on campus for considera- Kappa Alpha Theta has the honor carried out by carnations and tall is being planned for the second se- tion in house meetings, by action of announcing the engagement of candles of that color on the tables. mester. Tables will probably be