.. ' TrHURSDAY, JANUJARY 22, 1931 H~EICHTIAN TALY PAGE ";l 1iVE;N ,~ - U- - -~ r -C, *7 0 Varsity U - . e . .,,q" f e/ , L I _' ' ' ; ; - e IF r Y LSI F I E DETR~oIT''NX Junior Cagers Establish Selves as Strong Squad by String of Seven Victories. STARS IN BADGERS' COURT PLAY i. WOLVERINE BOXER WINS TWO TITLES Thin d ads Hold eiay Races First of Yee-; rn PORRLIP RrrT (Contilillod Froill 6) RICKETTS STARS IN PLAY Winning their seventh straight game, Coach Courtright's Junior Varsity has established themselv~es as formidable opponents, for any kind of competition. The rise ini the playing ability of the B' team l this season is shown by the num- 1 ber of players just under Varsity, ability. The hopes of Coach Courtright were held back after the second l game, when Coach Veenker decidedI to use Williamson and Petrie in the first-string games. This loss was overcome by the substitutes that took their place, Shaw and Eveland. To Seek Eighth Win. If the Bee's can take the Detroit Y' team in the latter's gym next Saturday night, Coach Courtright expects easy sailing the rest, of the. season. This team is not quite as strong -,s usual but in their small gym they will be more formidable than on Michigan's large floor, the Coach stated. The development of thc 'B' squad this year is due to the practice with the Varsity which affords keener opposition than the regular games. Last night they taught the Varsity the Chicago offense. These work- outs have improved the playing abilities of Root, O'Neill, and Shaw until they will soon be pushing the Var~ity members for their places. Individual Play is Good. Team play is the weakest feature of the squad. They have little op- portunity to develop this depart- ment as the line-up is changed so frequently. Individual play of Ric- ketts and others have more than made up weakness. Although Mich- igan Bees defeated the Detroit Y'. team, 34-10, in their first meeting, Coach Courtright is not overly op-; timistic as to the outcome of Sat- urday night's battle.1 freshman Track Team to Hold Cinder Meet ! (Continued From Page 65)1 Randall, Deo, Gravelle, Bradley, Peckham, Eldred, and Garrison will bie competing for the first position honors in the hurdles. The 440 run will be entered by Gould, Gordon, Rollins, Lemen, Mc- Roy, Younger, and Raney who have!. seen considerable previous action? in this, distance. Alix, McManus, Aley, and Dodd are perhaps the outstanding aspirants in the half- mile run. : Fpt ; !: lflh rpt"}AtlJackso.;R1 .IL/. o inna-in .- IfUD3 NjM N-b I LLI Let Philbin's boxers are going a ; 'in ile 'xhijt ion looked abocut; long :ay in taking cehainpioiiships the best withl Austin, 1Iarbison,' Michigan State Grapplers Hee in A. A. U. conmpetition. Jack Star- Colby, and Richards c 'l li doing Saturday Night; Keen1 w ,i has won two championship two fast laps on the oval to take Dr ills H '-iv. ' bouts during the past few weeks in, the event in the fair time of ^2 non-_... the light heavyweight division, win- ines, 43.4 seconds. Simith, MchKenzie,' IA pk iKi~lwt= istlizzg "(Oo'Ot ning the Jackson Gold Belt title Allen, and IDarrow.. also excha nged the Intramnura l buildinig went on in this class and then capturing the baton, but failed to bring; it inE the light heavyweight title in the first.I as usual yesterday sso In v'inning11 the bout Starwas against T~osser, Noyes, Debaker, and for their met this Studv While knocked out his opponent, Jugnot, tuss.ell, but thc latter team copped thi wo ' ttk(i of Kalamazoo. In the middleweight t.h e hnors ofa , n.Thle time I hs morot was not, ii str'enuzous division. Shaheen won his bouts up tmned in via:,; 2:2f;. Each manl ran a.s thai ofthte day ih~foe" or the to the finals in the Lansing tour- one and one-half laps. 'qm ;a whole . ftime ma jority ofI ney. which hie lost by a very close The compositioti of these teams ,10first string g,;!yl _1s\ 11( given' decision. This was Shahe en's first fi the runs yesterday are by no.i ,bout in co-iotition outside of the m~eans definite, but they are picked !penty of work. T1 coachl worked University, and in older to reach' only for the purpose of getting a! them. in pairs in the nh n i ing and the finals he overcame anl experi- (fine on the outstandill t men avail- Jinec them as tnez h\ttid for enced opponent. able for the varsity relay team, falls. Captain Auer w ,orkred w'iilh the hcvi-, eight mecn mo,-; of tihe ai- R ifn n in my ii'i lc ie i E I I i NOTICE ~ ho~' 9U15. - 313 I:! DIS AINTY iSILKS avewa fl-1 ebyhand. .?o;,'Launidry . Clll .31 for delivery service. 204 Nor th Ma b1in. :3C TU TORIUNG IN GEOLOGY 1 A ND 11771 ,TO gpY11 F1OR FINALS. Tom- sii ak 310 S. State St. Phone 79'27. 1230 TYPING -V1 l e, i - (ContinueacIv1rom Page 6) tremely fast. He was chosen on thI eacrly season reports, however, the All-Tournament team at gunard Go ,hers appear to be slightly le,; EN AVANT A w L Y ; _l , ,-r, . i t'd r A ever foward 1 Burr, Patterson & Auld Co. Manufacturing Fra~ternity jeweleds Detroit, Michigan & Wallcerville, Ontairio A ^ position in Ohio. his senior year 1 o "erful than usual, and providing; in high school. I-e is clever at tak- the ice surface is smooth Redi and ing the ball off the backboard and Crcs.sman ar'e expected to give th. starting it down the bloor fast. Gopher goalie a busy evening in In the other front line positions f he nets. FR F or your convenience Ann Arbor Store 603 Church St. :ANK 0QAKES Ms g r. ( . . . . . . . . , . . . . t G'; p i4 r ..w. ,j 7 S '-scin (5tot. phone 8410. 608 Mary -Court. 345 S TUDiENT 1V CATNG high class "si ogle roe) n. Must sublet second 'sene s1' . Near campus. 430 P-ackard. Dial 8 3. 234 FOR R, ENT Front suite, also sin- glec room. Well fu rnished, steam heat,