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January 22, 1931 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-22

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TI-rE MH?1-rP>AT~r P NIVY TUUR~;ThAT, JANUAEX 22, 1q31 '



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Rfl ~Chicago Title Fight
IV~I~Ifl Charging that the Madison
S OUGHT BYT M 01 lawisx
Regulars Defeat 'White' Team brfgtocd helioi
by Szeabe Maginrn Sidney Stro lz, head of the
Slaw Scrimmage. I Cheago S t a di i ui in Corporation,
statine e edythat alwsuit
MEN IN GOOD CONDITION by the Chicago interests is im-
Iminent i the New York body
Rc uming3 practicec after the lay- poer ists in their attempts to r
off yesterday the Wolverine cagers tape 5 chzincling-Stribling fight
went through a long drill on the ic(~'ago
r ..scourt and wound up the day with
a scrimmage. Coach Veenker seems C e~ic er
to be concentrating for that "score;
when you need it" attack that has; Gymnastic Season
so far been lacking in the Varsity' Bucky Meet to be ih a'.a
play. Against Chicago the WolveMshig's
may be able to gain back some of FrtEcutr
the prestige that the several losses Michiga , will embark upon its 4
have taken from them.} ventur'e inito (te world of gymnast- A' X
Squad in Good Condition. ics as a n 1itercollegiate sport next <
Early in the practice session the Friday niight. when Coach West's
entire squad went through the usu- team plays host to Ohio State in M>
al drilling on floor work, shooting, the Intramural gymnasium.
running attack and some foulI Considering the fact that this is As P itda tress P'hoto
throwing. All of the Wolves are in the first year that Michigan hasiT!E
good condition with the exception had a gymnastic te Am, Coach West' Torn Yart, ,
of Shaw who seems to have de- believes t hat he has a fairly good' Reg ular ce.nter on the 1930 Notre
veloped a slight charley horse in group of gymna ts. Theo meet withIDaefo.l tar wohsbn
bnelegwhih wll lowhimdown the Buckeyes will also mark thel elected t captain the 131 .editionl
for a few days. opening of the Conference season,ofRcn'Rabes
Mixing up the lineup a bit for dui'ing which lthe Wolverines willi
the scrimmage Veenkeji: made a face six teams. A11 Eig Ten schools m i~ir~
Ublue team with Petrie and Eveland1 have gyminastic teams entured in j gL 3 l L aL II

iiBy Bob Shaw height art able to control the tipfli
JL a y (Editor's N~ote: 'Ehis is the first ja good 'share0 o[ thetinie. FIRST IILIIT fUN
of a series of articles oni he fresh- Bo ndFmaaparo
Ni_ .-- ;, todsGointoismannneaaolisT manl basket;?all team which will in- Detroit high school stars, have been Thinclads Show Good Conditioni
elue sortskeche oftheplaersholding the guard posts against all Fr nIiilTil
Tw~ rucil Cotess thnmeles. comers. Both check their men close-
? X'izh GoobDer Sextet. Although this year's freshman ly as weoll as being able to move1 at Baton Passing.
basketball team taken as a group forward into the attack when nec-
"01 e riockhey playerjs wtilaccom- does not measure up to last year's essary. Fishman has been playing The baton found its way into the
.nCo(ach i iei Lowrey today strong squad there are several out- floor guard wvith his running mate} ranks of the Varsity track team for
wen ilhe Michig eandeat standing men who give promise of taking care of the back court dut- tefrttm hssao etra
whcr iuoph.we w xiil play developing into valuable varsity ios.l afternon at the field house and
a wevv gamec series with =.: xesota's; men next season. Having looked his The remainder of the squad ranks several excellent relay runs were
t onhfcr ene c :extet tomnoik,wv and charges over for a considerable as of about equal ability, and so the result.
Sa~usd ihts: As both of thea time Coach Ray Fisher has picked far have not seriously threatened Selecting a number of teams at
u M-,n have taisted defeat at theI out eight men as being outstandi- the status of the first-strinig roupx rando. from the wealth of avail-
hainds, of Wiseoconin. the winner of l ing on the squad, and has been to an; great extent. The team as a able material with regard only to
h'6 rsi et will be t he only team ,working these players in the sam _e whole is average both as to ability equality in strength, Coach Charles
Ihat ~~~~ ~ a wilfaefcacetroertomintoni and e forttodevelop~ and size. The height and weight Hoyt pitted them against each
l <?ti e B-adgers for the title. a! ordnte rado play, totals reveal that the average year- other in two-mile, one-mnile, and
Thei men that, will mhake the trp imml ohtr eoky n ugcagersad prxutl three -qure-mile relay runs that
rMihanicueJc trpRatter, uan have been alternating -ure o ihgnicueJc op six feet, and weighs 168 1-2 pounds tended to show all the action and
kips, goalie: Bill WilliasTo at the forwards with all of these which is about what the general spirit of meet competition. The
Prese an Carls ~ men showing good eyes for the run of college basketball players men showed good condition and cx-
+)"c F Eiillbasket as well as maintaining a measure. cellent form for the initial attempt
my:Enm ei,'om capable standard of general floorlathievntusfr
Li is, Art 8hle lci r.~a nd Har- Whether any of the men will athievntusfr
work. Allen and Bonsoack, both ofi
ta 8ldles, wings: .)nd Keith Cross- ywo tn vrsxfe: hr h make names for themselves in Austin, veteran distance runner,
vu .eul or. 1rlildner will be11tmhenpostnoerfixtnhaellwth Western Conference ^age competi- led his team composed of Ostran-
u(1den soinanl, w i i, cete psiiolitindi-wllxvthLion remains to be seen of course. der, Braden. and Crawford to a
a~ncldt'S n ll, ii lake ,)re of the forwards, and by virtue of their They all need considerable experi- pretty win over a team composed of
r^ resm e du'y Onie i,,nlgs, al- _____________________- once in fast circles although there Feustal, Hill, Fitzgibbons, and Wolfe
JiahSchlandderer will <also riCCNF ECEICiY is much natural talent present. althoug~h Austin and Wolfe were but
sCrossrnan at. eniter ,Then he j!Their recent2deat at the a few feetapatas they finished.
iR fl0e dod.TemW L Pt hands of the varsity showed plain- D'Anna, Howell, Chase, and Mueller
Wisconsin ....... 3 ( 0 ti1.000 ly their lack of seasoning under 'made up the team which annexed
Ston i at Zr Minnesota....0 1 .000
; ,re which will be remedied nexi the third position. Several fine
rverytllng \ 'ill be atistaefo Michigan .......0 2 .000 year when they join Veenke'r's passes of the baton were made,
wa f1h lb~we hysquad. (Continuec on Page 7)
C't1:5i other-ni einoirov' nightx. 'ich- ---,- ____


1 R- H 8 e- --li tl_® w k E l°- N B y 1 13 H w:7 ti 19 d e a !

at forward and Daniels in the cen- I competition except Indiana, North- r 11 L d I I IL It I J I
ter, while Williamson and Altenhoff western, and Purdue, the Boiler-
against a White team of Root and season when lack of funds caused INV i Ir ?
McDonald on the front line, O'Neil them to drop activities in this sport. ( LzLI
and Bremen guards and Garner Iowa is the only school having a i__
playing center. For the first few team which Michigan will not Yearliii Tnclads to Compaete°
minutes the teams were even on the meet. n .
passing and the defenses were tight Members of the squad who have Amon Th emrselves Next
then the Blues broke loose and in! been showing a good deal of skill Monday and Tuesday. j
about fifteen minutes they scored! in tumbling and on the bars are -__
as many points while the Whites Schilling, H. Steinberg, A. Stein- Freshman track aspirants wille
trailed with but three counters. berg. Parker, Goldsmith, Hanna,; hold their second inter-squad meet It
Blues Defeat Whites. .,and Decker. A. Steinberg has been of the season next Monday andC
As the second period started unable to practice for the last week Tuesday afternoons in the field It
Weiss, Hudson, Tessmer, Ricketts because of muscle injuries in his house it was announced yesterdayc
and McDonald made up the Blue! chest, but he is expected to .be by Coach Ken Doherty. The meecl
t e am while Root, Ackershof, Ed- back in shape for the Ohio meet. was moved ahead from the date i
ward, ONei an Brmenformed Last night the Michigan State I previously announced due to the t
tWst'eilgreatnd Bremen min- Normal squad practiced with the proximity of the examination pe-
utesof pay te Bles aain Mut- higan gymnasts in the Intra- riod.
teoss pld the thers, thrtenpoints mural building. As a result of this A suddlgtda h rs
tsethotesthrenpitsqadeeaeasteto nothing, but neither crew showed practice both teams were able to will meet on equally strong team
muchin ~hewayof lasy payI called the Fresh. All msen who wish;z
with the exception of Ricketts who; to win yearling numerals mu.,t
sent -two long shots through the compete in the meet. Monday's
hoop in succession. . I FEHA OKY events will consist of the low hur-
For a mid-season drill the eve- ci, les, 60-yard dash, high hurdles, ;t
nling's performance was nothing to Frsmnhce addts 40yard dash, two runs in the 880)
prove that the Wolves are out of will practice Thursday and Fri- yard event, and a hal-f-mile relayj
their slump, but on the other hand day nights at six o'clock and run. Remaining events on the fld
there was no indication of despon- Saturday night at 6:30 o'clock. and track schedule will be com-
dency and what the practice lacked ' pieted Tuesday.
in pep may be attributed to the- Such stars as Data_ . Renw.ick.
strenuousness of the preliminary CARY, Ill. - Casper Oimen, a and Zahner in time eiashes will be
drills. Scandanavian from South Dakota, hard put to defend their early sea-'ree tyw n he aio l i i m -4s n o osay'ns qdnq-of fh r

wi )a has a air y ini, diefeat,1 twiceI
in Cmenre~nce competition", while
Minne'sot a has lost its o1nly famne
in the Big Tc n to date. Evidently,
f romn pre'viol s showings made,
n either of t he clubs are as BIT ont,
<xs Wsovn so the loser in t his
- ectseemis destined to v !I'- u i
'< L p ice for the season.dupi
-I"is still eafly in thle season, how-
ever, and there is still a pos;sibility
that Michig,;an caun turn the tables
on the Badgers when they invade
the Coliseufim later in the year. No
lhances can be taken at this stage
in the race, and consequently the
Maize and Blluec will be fighting for
thiese two victories that will draw
them that . much closer to the
C opiiers Get New Coac.a
1.111 1. SOt vr'i~l have, aLI(-w o"i£.h,3
is n c faces 1them. Pond r'el ae
tis :dfiry Iveron'0 at the helm of
the Gopher squa d, and what hie
leas madec of his first Minnesotaj
team still re;:mils to be seeni. Fromr
( Coi'nied.1on Page 2



ing championship here with leaps +
of 147 and 144 feet.
Including 4

competition in this lineup. H-eston,
IContinuedx on Page 7)
by Eaton, Crane Pk
one lot ofYan
ER _________ P

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Extra Specials for Friday a
27 Mena's Overcoats .
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30 Men's Heavy Sweaters.
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48 Pair Men's SeizShioes ....
($6.00 and $8.00 values)
50 Pair Wool Knickers .. .. ..
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28 Boys' Sweater Coats..
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11 Boys' Wool & toleskin Coats
($5.00 values)

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