a' ESTABLISHED 1890 Ian4j tl EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL XLI. No. 85 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1931 i RUTHVEN CALLS STATE TEACHING PLAN 'MUDDL Addresses M e m b e r s of Rotary Club. CITES FUND LACK S u g e s t s Commission of Educators to Advise. "Nowlhcre are we, as a state blundering and muddling along more conspicuously than in our system of higher education," Presi- dent Alexander G. Ruthven told members of the Ann Arbor Rotary club yesterday at their noon lunch- eon in the Union. "It is an appalling fact," he con- tinued, "since this part is the very mainspring or motor of our social organization," Suggests Remedy. As a remedy to this situation, President Ruthven suggested a "commission of educators with rep- resentatives from each institution, closely associated with the office of the superintendent (I public in- struction, acting not as an admin- istrative unit but as an advisory body for all such public-supported schools above the level of the high school. "It is among the curiosities of our times," the President stated, "that, having founded our institu- tions of higher learning, we make them struggle for existence, that, having provided for them only in- adequate support, we expend huge sums for the comfort of adults and even of the edgs _.:f h n while complaining about the costs of higher education, and that, having set them up; we dwarf and hamstring them by failure to co- ordinate their activities." As an example of this statement, the speaker enumerated the several junior colleges, liberal arts col- leges, technical schools and uni- versities, several of which are sup- ported by the state but "few, if any, of which are adequately supported. Scores Proposed Plan. In referring to the suggested single executive board for the three largest of the state institutions, President Ruthven said that it would not solve the problem. "The suggested unification under the executive board would destroy, in part," the President concluded, "the traditional individualism but it would also give to our institutions of higher learning a new and in- tegrated individualism which would greatly enrich the resources of 3 ur commonwealth." State Bulletins By Associated Press) January 21, 1931. FLINT-Harlow H. Curtice, pres- ident and general manager of the A. C. Spark Plug Co. announced to- day that employees of the plant are working on an average of 50 hours a week. He also said that a large number of employees had been added to the payroll in the past few weeks, bringing the num- ber employed by the plant almost to normal. EAST LANSING - It was an- nounced here today by officials of the "Wolverine" campus yearbook at Michigan State College that its publication may be suspended this year because of the failure of stu- dents to swell subscription lists. The book has been published an- nually for the past 28 years. GRAND RAPIDS - The Kent county board of supervisors ruled today that State Representative William J. Thomas may keep his position as county poor commis- sioner along with his legislative post. A protest had been made to the board about his holding two jobs. The board also ruled that Representative Thomas must hire JURIST PRESENTS COURT PROTOCOL JAPANESE PREMIER DISPLAYS INTEREST IN EXCLUSION ACTS Shidehara Tells Session of Diet That Country Is Watching American Regulation. CITES FRIENDLY TERMSj Stresses Amicable Relationship Between His Nation and Its Larger Neighbors. (By A ssnwcaied Press) TOKYO, Jan. 22.-(Thursday)- Baron Ki uro Shidehara, acting premier, told the 59th session of the diet today that Japan was still watching the American immigra- tion law with keen interest. TMs law excludes.Japanese and Chinese from the tegular immigra- tion quotas, admitting them only as r qtudents and in other special class- Elihu Root, es, has long been a sore spot with Aged jurist and former secretary aiental nations. o state, who ysr-4'day explained "Our friendly relations with the and defended the revised world nations of Europe and America," court protocol before the Senate aid e acting premier in conven-_ foreign relations committee. Root i the diet this morning, "are en- aided in the drafting of this mea- i ly satisfactory and will, I am sure. convinced, continue to grow iny ________strength. Claims Americans Understand. F5 Y [On the question of the United States immigration law, which for the past seven years has been weighing heavily on popular senti- ment in this country, there is no UU.IUlonger any doubt that our position is now fully understood and appre- 'Those Who Work May Eat.' eated by a large majority of the Government Says in sear American people. ych "We shall watch further develop- for More Laborers. ment of the question with unim- passioned but keen interest." (By Associated Fress) 7 Baron Shidehara began with a' MOSCOW, Jan. 21.-Soviet Rus- tribute to the London naval con- sia, facing in these days of world ference, but devoted much of his unemployment, the greatest labor ( speech to stressing the amicable shortage in its history, is openly I relations between Japan and her sc,,r-ding the battle cry, "Only large neighbors, China and Soviet tose ,who work may eat." Russia: A miilnl1a i d half mor N m en J1± Points. 'You Can't Tell A Paint by I~ts Color,' B. and G. Boys Find Michigan's B. and G. boys put their feet in it, all right, all right, when they tried to rob the student publications of that very useless cubby-hole in the University hall lobby by making it over into an extra office in the Presiden'ts room. It may afford the President's seceQ- tary a place of her own, but its removal from the main hallway is now getting just retribution. It goes like this- The B. and G. boys started to remodel, and in doing so they found it necessary to plug up the hole in the University hall runway with plaster, wall material, and the usual fixtures. When they had finished the building process they began to paint it over and thought they had matched the r of the hallway perfectly. But when the paintc dried S it turned a bright and shining yellow color while the rest of the 'hall remained a greyish buff and anyone could tell what had been done to the old place. The B. and G. boys have now started to paint the rest of the south wall a yellowish color to Smatch the fill-in, and by evening yesterday they had progressed nearly as far as the general office door eastward. By the time they hit WELLS DE0SCRIBES FISH THAT CLIMB,' WORMS THAT SING Explorer Tells of Rivers Red and Blue in One Stream, Trained Monkeys. ALL 1CIENTIFIC Also Relates of Cho Which in Six Mon Branches at Six Famous Philosopher to Lecture Tonight TRUTH' pped Posts ths Grew Feet. ROOT WORLD COURT ADHERENCE 'PROTOCOL KEEPS RESERVATIONS STIPULATEDDY SENATE INTACT 1 Some of the astounding facts in nature were revealed by G. Car- veth Wells, who lectured on his "Six Years in the Malay Jungle" in Hill auditorium last night. "Whea I arrived in Signapore," he stated, "I was watching the sand one afternoon after the tide had gone out. To my amazement, a fish crawled out of a hole, ran over tocawtreeuclimbed up and winked at me! Soon afterwards he crawled down, went over to a pool of water, gave himself a shower- bath with his fin, and retired to the tree again!" Mr. Wells stressed the fact that every statement he made last night could be proved by scientists. - ; t. _ z I! I I t> i I Amin n a a ai mnure nmen are employed in industry today than a year ago, but another 2,000,- 000 are necessary to carry out this year's portion of the famous five- year industrialization plan. The government, therefore, is studying every possible means of developing the last ounce of energy from the toiling masses. While the term "forced labor" is anathema to the communist au- thorities, who characterize such a description as "nonsense" the vari- ous commisariats have issued many orders with regard to slackers, de- scribing all sorts of punishment for those failing to co-operate in socialistic construction. So serious has the situation be- come in the national transport that the government has ordered every man who has worked on the roads in the last five years to return im- mediately to his old job. Employers of such men have been threatened with dire punishment unless they discharge them imme- diately. Recently plans were pre- pared to draft housewives and oth- er women into industry by building more communal kitchen apart- ments, thus freeing the feminine population from what is described as "the old-fashioned unsocialistic duties.', Winthrow Will Speak 1 About Lime Industry Dr. James R. Winthrow, dean of chemical engineering at Ohio State university, will lecture on the prob- lems of the lime industry at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in room 165 of the Chemistry building. The lecture will not be held in room 151, as was formerly announced. CAR V E T H WELLS PL. TO BELGIAN CC Pamt s I-~ . Among his points the following stood out as high spots: United States--Further develop- ment in the question of the United States immigration law, which bars Japanese in the regular quotas, will be watched with "unimpassioned but keen interest." World relations - Relations with the nations of Europe and America are "entirely satisfactory" and are expected to gain strength. COMMISSION HITS WAR PROPOGANDA1 Board Adjourns After Attempt to Restore European Confidence. (By Associated Press) GENEVA, Jan. 21.-The European commission tonight struck a con- certed blow at war talk and pessi- mism-and then adjourned its ses- sions until May when deliberations on Aristide Briand's proposal for a European federation will be resum- ed. In an effort to restore interna- tionalconfidence and assist econo- mic recovery by dissipating the fear a war in Europe 'is a grave possibility the spokesmen for 26 European states issued a manifesto the end of the wall going east, thej Tells of Hotels. west wall in the next corridor will "In Malay hotels you sometimes look so dingy that yellow pa'mt will look up on the ceiling, and there have to be added, and so on. you will see lizards crawling around, looking for flies. Sometimes they will fall down on your table. I put a handkerchief over one once, and held him. After a while, I picked fl1 I up the handkerchief, and there was HIEI the tail wiggling around, but no lizard to be seen.e "Although bull fighting exists in the Malayan peninsula," he con- Supreme Tribunal to Determine I tinued, "that is with water bulls, Constitutionality of fish fighting is the national pas- Prohibition. time. The natives keep fish in glass _jars, and when they hold two jars (By Associated Press) together, you can see the fish snap WASHINGTON, Jan. 21-'he life at each other. Wule this .goes .on1 of constitutional prohibition to- bets are made on the outcome;r night was in the keeping of the then the referee pours the contents' Supreme Court. into one jar and the fish fight until ; Within a few weeks it is to hand one is killed." down a ruling sustaining or invali- Names Phenomena.' dating the Eighteenth Amendment. Other freaK pnenomena of nature Today, it listened intently to ar- which were described by Mr. Wells, guments supporting and attacking and some of which were shown in the recent decision of Federal Judge the moving pictures after the lec-' Clark of New Jersey, holding the ture, were rivers which were both amendment was improperly rati- red and blue, monkeys trained to fled because submitted to the state run up trees and gather coconuts, legislatures rather than popular Iworms which crawled out of the vote conventions, group and sang, and posts, planted For the government, Solicitor to mark the route of the railroad,, General Thacher contended the which in six months had grown to' court had already settled the issues the height of six feet, and were presented in favor of the validity covered with branches. of the amendment, and that it was wthin the discretion of Congress to choose the mode of ratification. ;supporting the Clark decision, Julius Henry Cohen and Selden Bacon, New York attorneys, main- tained it was mandatory that a proposed constitutional amendment subjecting individual rights to fed- eral control be ratified by state Society of Automotive Engineers conventions. The small courtroom was crowd- Discusses Motor Car ed with spectators. Many members. Improvements.j of Congress were present. A long line waited outside the door seek- (By Associated Press) ing admittance. DETROIT, Jan. 21.-While auto- mobile manufacturers, bankers and sales executives are occupied with plans for speeding up the merchan- dising branch of the industry, an-. other group of specialists in session here have placed the motor car it- self on the operating table and, in Iarait at tne suggestion of Calvin, Wil Durant, Coolidge to break the deadlock SDistinguished author, lecturerexisting between this nation and Distinguishedrsuover, lecturere't and philosopher, who will speak en powers over the Senate's tonight in Hill auditorium on "The rSe aks Before Large Crowd Case for India, an American View- Before a crowd that overflowed point." He is expected to enlarge from the spacious committee room, his answer to the attack of Prof. Mr. Root concluded his analysis J. B. Condliffe of the economics de- with a vigorous plea that America partment. participate in the court as a contri- AK~~bution to the further peace of the world. He pounded the table and raised his voice to emphasize his plea- DURAN T OSpAfter making an interrupted statement of more than two hours, DN IU LMr. Root submitted to questions by doubtful com- Internationally Known Author mittee members. Will Answer Attack He paried with his interrogators of Condliffe. willingly and only Returning to Ann Arbor for the o n c ic did the first time since his visit in 1929, throng of Ameri Will Durant, internationally known cans break the author, lecturer, and philosopher, injunction of sil will deliver a public address on ence that Chair "The Case for India, an American man Borah hac Viewpoint" at 8 o'clock tonight in imposed. Hill auditorium under the auspices Senator Reed, of the Hindustan club. R e p., Pennsyl- The lecture will offer a sensa- vania, who said' 9AVi REE. tional interest in Ann Arbor, since he had not de- Durant is expected to amplify the termined his attitude on the modi- answer which he has already made fled world court protocol, led in the to the attack on him by Prof. John examination given Mr. Root, a B. Condliffe of the economics de- former secretary of state and for- partment. mer member of the Senate. Reed Challenges Statements. In a recent speech, Professor Reed expressed doubt that the Condliffe stated, in part, that Dur- revised protocol had not impaired ant was one of a school of "emo- the reservations of the Senate that tional lecturers" w h o s e opinions the world court should not render were based on little or no investi- an advisory opinion in any con- gation. troversy which the United States Yesterday in a special message to has, or claims to have, an interest The Daily, Durant stated: "If my without first receiving the consent writings on India express emotion, of this government. j as well as a thousand documented Mr. Root replied that under the facts, they are the natural expres- new court rule the United States sions of an American faced with has an "absolute veto power" over Ithe most horrible exploitation he advisory opinion affecting it. Mr. has seen in all his travels. I make Reed said Mr. Root took a broader no apology for such emotion." view, then, than that held by Durant challenged Professor Secretary Stimson. Condliffe to a debate on the sub- ject, to be held in place of the lec- ture, but was refused. It was announced yesterday that effect, are determininglle+major 1V Lym O d 1o1 WIw ti A wuA- -e , i is tl. . J. Lecturer Will Film Gorilla's, Natural Life in Contrast With eIngagi' Picture. "My next expedition, which I hope to make this summer," stated Carveth Wells in an interview last' night, "will be to the Belgian Con- go, in Africa. I am going down there to take motion pictures of the gorillas, as well as other ani- mals, but mainly to show up a pic- of reassurance. Proposal of Committee to Allow1 In their official capacities they Construction of Federal announced to the world they were Cuiode more than ever resolutely deter- Buildings. mined to use the machinery of the (ePress) Leagueof Naions o preent a (By Associated Pes League of Nations to prevent any WASHINGTON, Jan. 21.-A $145,- resort to violence. 000,000 public buildings program --~~ was approved today by the House ANS EXPEDITION public buildings committee as a' N( ONEXTS~l Ilil~l move toward accelerating employ- INGO NEXT SUMMER ment and permitting the govern- ----_-- -- ment to carry out a 10-year con- tion "my expeditlion to Africa last struction program in five years. year. The object was to explore the The administration's proposal for Mountains of the Moon, and I ex- a $100,000,000 increase in the pro- perienced a real thrill to know that gram would permit the Construc- I was investigating ground where tion of many federal buildings in no other white man had been be- cities where quarters are leased and fore. It's really fun." He then voiced government facilities inadequate. the complaint which evidently is In approving the Kelly bill to au- well known to e v e r y explorer. thorize $45,000,000 the committee "Most of the places have been ex- made provision for purchasing and plored today. Even in the Arctic constructing buildings for branch or Antarctic it is difficult to find offices, garages and other postal a spot which has not been crossed facilities in cities already supplied by someone else earlier. The land with federal buildings. v vw? r%1 aonarr 175 clITn u re-mo'favorable actionn nthe . t t i) 1! I effect, are determining the major mayor 6taebler will intenduce the characteristics of the automobile lecturer. The Hindustan club has of the future. also planned a barnet in Durant's These experts form the Society honor for tonight. of Automotive Engineers, holding After his talk tomorrow night, an annual meeting co-incident with Durant will devote a short period Detroit's 30th yearly automobile to answering questions about In- show. I dia put to him by the audience. They are bringing before their' fellow members and the industry Petitions Recommend generally, the fruits of many long C. J. Hutzel for Mayor Hours in the researchlaboratories and many thousands of miles Petitions endorsing the candidacy on the huge automobile proving I of Charles J. Hutzel, Ann Arbor grounds maintained by the differ- business man, as Democratic nom- ent units of the industry. inee for mayor, were circulated Such automobile improvements throughout the city yesterday. The as syncro-mesh transmissions, four- petitions were first circulated Tues- wheel brakes, high compressioned day night by friends of Hutzel. engines, shatter-proof glass, and! Whether or not Hutzel will accept scores of other mechanical ad- the nomination and become the vances, are the results of the labors Democratic nominee for m a y o r of the society's members or asso- could not be learned. At the pres- ciates- titi me h1 is i N Yw.Vnrlr Current problems in the course of solution by the engineers range from "design and color as factors in producing and marketing motor ell mile le is 11 n ew Yor . February Diploma Fees Payable Before Feb. 13