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January 21, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-01-21

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Itv a




VOL XLI. No. 84




Special Wire to Daily
Contains Retort
of Lecturer.
Condliffe Declines to
Defend His Opinion
of Author.
Will Durant, lecturer and au-
thor, in a wire to The Daily
last night, answered the attack of
Prof. John B. Condliffe, of the
economics department, made at
a meeting of the American Asso-
ciation of University Women, an
account of which ran in The Daily
last Sunday. In his communica-
tion to The Daily, Durant chal-
lenged Professor Condliffe to de-
bate Thursday night at the time
scheduled for the lecture, who, in
a statement given out last night,
declined the offer.
The telegram read in part as
Book Based on India.
"At your request I should answer
Professor Condliffe as follows: first,
my book does not pretend to pre-
sent both sides of the India prob-
lem, but only to be a brief for the
defendant, an answer to Miss Mayo.
Second, the book is not based upon
my stay in India, the brevity of
which is admitted in the first line,
but upon an extensive study of
Indian affairs. Third, if the book
expresses emotion, as well as a
thousand documented facts, it is
the natural expression of an Amer-
ican faced with the most horrible
exploitation he has seen in all his
4ravels. I make no-ey e-s-et
Does Not Attack England.
"Fourth, my book is not an attack
upon England or Englishmen but
an appeal to them; the book does
offer a solution, substantiallylike
that which the Round Table Con-
ference seems to have agreed upon.
Fifth, if Professor Condliffe really
believes that I speak without knowl-
edge, I invite him to meet me in
debate on the subject Thursday
evening in place of my lecture. My
book has naturally displeased per-'
sons of British affiliations, but you
will notice that not one of them has
ever answered its contents. Sincere-
ly, Will Durant."
Professor Condliffe, when inter-
viewed last night, said that he
would decline the invitation to de-
bate. He did not see how any such
lecture or debate could help India
to the solution of her problems.
He had always believed Durant
to be sincere and disinterested;
but the presentation of a one-sided
case either by Miss Mayo or Mr.
Durant was not, to his mind, the
right way to give practical, con-
structive help. The fact that the
Round Table Conference had come
to a solution substantially in agree-
ment with Mr. Durant's ideas prov-
ed that responsible Englishmen did
(Continued on Page 2)
State Bulletins
(y Assocaed Press)
January 20, 1931
LANSING-A statement made to

the city council last night showed
that the welfare fund has a deficit
of $46,000. The city has spent $110,-
952 in welfare work with a budget
of only $25,000 for the fund.
GRAND RAPIDS-Gertrude Cain,
15-year-old Central high school
student died of a heart attack here
Monday evening. The attack, which
is thought to have been brought on
by worry over her studies, struck
the girl while she was in a store.
ADRIAN-Sylvia J a n e Perkins,
eight-year-old daughter of Rev. W.
H. Perkins, was injured when the
family car, driven by her father,
crashed into the side of a gasoline1
car at the Cincinnati Northern
railway crossing two miles north of



Statement of Commission Seen
as Failure by Professor
Beach Conger, Jr., '32.
Two different views were taken
by members of the political science
department on the Wickersham re-
port in interviews with The Daily
last night. "I am very much im-
pressed with the quotations from
the report of the Wickersham Com-
mission which I have seen," stated
Prof. James D. Pollock. "The com-
mission has rendered a construc-
tive report which I trust will be
carefully studied and acted upon by
"It is satisfying," he continued,
"to read from such a competent
body that prohibition has accomp-
lished something, and that the wise
procedure in case a change is de-~
sired, would be to revise the Eigh-
teenth Amendment and not repeal
it. The suggestion from the major-
ity to give prohibition a further
trial with increased enforcement
facilities, and under better legal
conditions, seems toume to be sound
and sensible. I should be pleased to
have public sentiment on prohibi-
tion tested in the manner suggested
by the Commission. The result
wolud be nothing but healthy and
would clear the atmosphere and
possibly lead to a change in the
legal status of prohibition.
"Altogether, I think that the
Job Will be Started in Three
Weeks; Probably Will Take
More Than Year.
The United Construction com-
pany, contractors in the new city
sanitary sewer project, will proba-
bly begin work on the construction
job within three weeks, George,
Sandenburgh, city engineer, stated
The number of men to be em-
ployed on the project depends up-
on the number of operations the
contractors carry on at one time,
Sandenburgh said. If three section
gangs are used, thetnumberem-
ployed will probably total 75, while
one section would employ only
about 25 men. The engineer did not
express much hope that the job
can be finished in less than a year.
Last-minute changes in the plans
of the board of public works re-
suited in the adoption of an alter-
nate route which will be followed
by the new sewer in preference to
the original board plans, for the
purpose of keeping the sewer route
on city-owned property. While it
was originally thought that such a
route would cost the city at least
$15,000 more, further investigation
revealed that rerouting would cost
little more than $4,000.
Struck With Sand Bag When He.
Stopped for Red Light at
Road Intersection.
August Harnack, a Ypsilanti deal-
er in antiques and furniture, was
attacked by two men as he stopped
at the intersection of the Ecorse
and Telegraph roads last night in
his Dodge sedan.
Harnack had halted for the red
light and was waiting for it to
change when the two robbers came
up from behind and struck him

over the head with a sand bag. The
attackers got into the car and drove
off, threatening Harnack with a
gun. After traveling along U. S. 112
for some time and continuously
taunting him, the men finally
threw him out of the car just out-
side of Ypsilanti, and continued on
down the highway.
Harnack was uninjured during
his experience except for a bruise
on his head and immediately tele-
phoned the sheriff's office from a
farm home. The sheriff and state
police are on the trail of the at-
Ruthven to Give Talk
to Rotary Club Today

commission deserves credit and I
commendation for furnishing us urrUI
with constructive proposals for
leading us forward and not back-
ward in the matter of prohibition.
The proposal to repeal the Eigh-0 T
teenth Amendment and to restore
state' control of liquor has always Supreme Be
left me cold, and I am gratified to y of
learn that the Commission has of Tp f
fered constructive solutions - not. tof
reactionary ones," he concluded.
Dr. H. Arthur Steiner said: "In DEFENDI
the Wickersham report, we find
recommendations for the m o r e Solicitor G
stringent enforcement of prohibi-
tion legislation in spite of the ad- Prese
mitted lack of public support. From
their report, one gathers that the
members of the Commission ad-f (1y
hered to the fixed ideas they had WA IN
when appointed to theCommission . aN
Apparently their investigation ha day battle
been so conducted that, disregard- Supreme Co
ing plain evidence of the displeas- the citadel o
ure of the majority of the Ameri- teenth Amer
can people, they have preferred to tuin A
impose upon us a re-statement of tution.
the situation that would do creditl The Supre
to the Anti-Saloon league and sim- this time ha
ilar extremist organizations. the amendm
"The disappointing report had will hear
been accurately forecast at the and opposing
time the commission was appointed. Judge Clark
Predominantly Republican and dry it invalid.
in its composition, the Commission Attacki:
has submitted a report which is The attack
equally Republican and dry. $500,- have a weap
000 has been spent in order that which has be
the American public might be in- and will be a
formed that "there is yet no ade- bulwark.
quate observance or enforcement" Defending
of the prohibition act. After twelve fidence, decla
years of experience with prohibi- which will b
tion legislation, in a country which and defeat w
prides itself upon the popular basis When Wil
of its government, we learn that William J. H
"public opinion in the s e v e r a 1 fore JudgeC
states" should be, but is not, on the possessingo
dry side." half-barrelsc
Eighteenth A
because rati
,009 gTIC SOCITY itures instead
Thatcher Si
SRI Solicitor G
erly a distri
City, is tor
Play Production to Open Noted aifmendment,
Cohen and
Humorist's Comedy Tonight heard in op:
at Lydia Mendelssohn. Since Judg
-sion on Dec.
"Rebound," a comedy by Donald trict judge
Ogden Stewart, noted humorist, court of appe
will be presented by Play Produc- cisions susta-
tion for the first time at 8:15
o'clock tonight at the Lydia Men-
delssohn theatre. The show will be'
given the remainder of this week. ST TE
Tickets may be obtained from 10
o'clock on at the box office.
Included in the cast are many,; O E
students who have had prominent
parts in campus dramatics. Among Past Polici
them are Eugenie Chapel, '32, Harry
Allen, Grad.; and Janet Woodman- Chang
see, '32. Ex
The sets have been designed and
executed by the stagecraft classes (By
under the direction of Allen, and LANSING,

ench Promised Newer
Arguments in Fight
Begin Again.
eneral Thatcher Will
nt Side of The
Associated Press)
TON, Jan. 20-An all-
will be waged in the
curt tomorrow around
f prohibition, the Eigh-
ndment to the consti-


President Avoids Any Reference to Vote of Six
of Eleven Commissioners for Repeal or
Modification of Prohibition.
(By Associated Press)
(See Page 2 for Report Summary)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. - The long debated report of the
Wickersham commission, broadly upholding the constitutional pro.
hibition amendment but leaving the door ajar for basic revision,
was put on the crowded calendar of the divided Congress today by
President Hoover.
The president agreed with the commission that the dry amend-
ment should not be repealed. He disagreed with a suggestion that
_ - revision might be the better part
of wisdom. He pointed out to the

George ,W. Wickersham,

Chairman of President Hoover's
me Court which up tolaw enforcement commission, who
as consistently upheld has at last made his report as head
ent against all attack, of the committee regarding the
arguments supporting Eighteenth Amendment after a
g the recent decision of twenty-month investigation period.,
of New Jersey holding He urged strongly that the Amend-
ment should not be repealed under
ng Forces Ready. any consideration.
king forces claim they
on new to the warfare
een waging for 11 years,
able to batter down the
forces, with equal con- PI1IIR TRI
are the battering rams
be used are not new,
will attend the assault
liam H. Sprague and J Newest Forensic Organization
owey came to trial be-) Wins Decision Over Oldest
Clark on a charge of .
and transporting 50' in Their Initial Debate.
of beer, he quashed the
on the ground the Sigma Rho Tau, engineering de-
kmendment was invalid, bating society, successfully upheld
ified by state legisla- j the negative side of the question:
d of state conventions.IResolved: "That the United State
upports Amendment. R " hd
eneral Thacher, form- I should own and operate the Muscle
ct judge in New York Shoals project," last night in their
present the argument initial debate with Adelphi, House
the'- validity of the j of Representatives at the League._
while Julius Henry This debate was the first of a
Seldon Bacon will be tentative annual series of debates
position. between the youngest and the old-
e Clark's famous deci- est of the forensic societies on the
18 another federal dis- campus.
and a federal circuit The speakers for each of the or-
eals have rendered de- ganizations, in the order of speak-
aining the prohibition ing, were as follows: Adelphi, E.
against similar attacks.'Jerome Pettit, Spec.; Victor Rabin-
owitz, '31, Nathan Levy, '31; Sigma
Rho Tau, Vernon C. Praschon, E;
SCEarl C. Briggs, '33E; and Leo F.
IBrown, '32E.
Registrar Ira M. Smith acted as
chairman and the judges were as
ollows: Mr. J. W. Parker of the
Detroit Edison Co., Professor Court-





(PAy ssocrated Press)
CHICAGO, Jan. 20. - "More
hooey, more delay, no action"
was the comment drawn from
Mayor William Hale Thompson
of Chicago by the Wickersham
report today.
S"Great Britain," he added, "is
getting rich selling the Ameri-
can people rotten booze at three
times its worth. I am glad the
commission is positive about one
thing. They are against the
saloon. Every schoolboy knows
that is the sentiment of the na-
tion. Everybody knew it 10 years
ago. Well, the commission de-
cided something."
Noted Explorer to Make Malay
Jungle Subject of Speech
at Hill Auditorium.
Carveth Wells, fellow of the Roy-
al Geographic society, will lecture
at 8:15 o'clock tonight in Hill audi-
torium on "Six Years In The Malay
Jungle." His lecture is one of a
series sponsored by the Oratorical
association. He will also show sev-
eral reels of motion pictures.
Wells has been soldier, writer,
explorer, naturalist, riveter a n d
railroad builder. He and Lincoln
Ellsworth were on the same rail-
road survey years ago far north in
Canada. Shortly after the outbreak
of the World war he was sent into
the Malayan peninsula to survey
a railroad right-of-way through the
jungles. Held there by the war, he
stayed there six years.
Since the war, Wells headed an
expedition to Lapland for t h e
American museum of natural his-
tory. He secured the only motion
pictures of the Lapland lemming,
and presented four specimens to a
museum in this country. He also
made a special study of the Bermu-
das at the request of the govern-
ment there.


law makers that all the commis-
sioners favored large expansion
of enforcement facilities, and said
he hoped Congress would con-
sider that at some appropriate
Mr. Hoover made no direct
reference to the fact that six of
the 11 commissioners asked for

es to be Radically
ed Relative to
Associated Press)

repeal or modifi-
cation. Nor did
he mention the
statement by the
whole commission
that a revision to
give concurrent
power to the state
and nation would
be wise.
The arrival of
the report on cap-
itol hill set off
explosions there
that promised to
be heard in the

right Df Detroit City College and
Mr. James H. McBurney of the
Communists and Police
B a t t l e in Metropolis

Jan. 20.-The new ad- 11 r-


one of them is extremely modern- ministration burrowed deeply into (By Associated Press)
istic in design. All of them are NEW YORK, Jan. 20.-Police and
"lavish," according to Valentine B. the state's financial problems to- communists fought again today. It
Windt, director of Play Produc- day. In a series of conferences, de- was in the shadow of the city hall,
tion. cisions were made which may radi- where the communists had gone

Registration Will Open Today
for All-Campus Meet.
Registration for an all-campus
bridge tournament will be opened
at the Union today and will con-
tinue until the close of the present
semester. The tournament will pro-
vide competition for independents
and fraternity men as well and two
cups will be given to winners and
Last year more than 100 bridge
players on the campus played in
the elimination series, the cham-
pionship match being witnessed by
a large crowd of card enthusiasts.
Two large cups will be given to
each man in the winningvteam,
while a pair of smaller trophies
have been secured for losers in thel
title contest. Fraternity b r i d g e
tournaments are being planned but
as yet no official announcement has
been made concerning registration
or date of the first round matches.,
First games of the all-campus meet'
will be played during the first week
in the second semester.
Michigan Professors
to Attend Convention
Four representatives of the medi-,

cally change past policies relative for a dole. Some were knocked

to expenditures and administrative
board grants. Conservation outlays,
it was decided, are to be more close-
ly scrutinized.
State departmentsrand institu-
tions must hereafter remain within
their legislative appropriations. The
granting of "emergency" appropri-
ations by the administrative board
for purposes which are not actual-
ly emergencies, is to be discontinu-
ed. It was claimed the changes will
end fund juggling, save hundreds
of thousands of dollars, and make
state book-keeping more under-
Governor Wilber M. Brucker toss-
ed the budget tangle into the lap
of the finance committee of the
state administrative board, with in-
structions to analyze the figures
and determine the actual general
fund shortage. T h e committee's
findings upheld the deficit reported'
in the budget prepared by former
Governor Fred MI. Green. It re-
ported to the administrative boardl
that the deficit in the general fund
at the end of the current fiscal
year will be $4,688,683 which is the
figure named by Green.
The committee also agreed with
Gov. Brucker that aside from theI
actual deficit, emergency continua-
tions for continuing construction
on the new Jackson prison and the
Ionia reformatory will be needed,
and that the last legislature failed

down. Some were arrested. Police
were doused with water. There
were instances in which officers
and spectators were blackjacked.f

next election.
Senator Borah, of Idaho, an ad-
vocate of prohibition, said repeal
or no repeal of the Eighteenth
Amendment was the issue and de-
manded that it be taken to the
" I should like to see those op-
posed to the Eighteenth Amend-
ment present their alternative and
let the people choose between them
in an orderly and proper fashion,"
he said.
Blaine Introduces Resolution.
Senator Blaine, Republican, Wis-
consin, an opponent of the dry law,
introduced a resolution for a
substitute prohibition amendment
similar to that the commission out-
lined. His proposal would giveCon-
gress the power to regulate liquor
traffic but not to prohibit.
Chairman Norris of the Senate
judiciary committee said he ex-
pected no action by it at this ses-
sion, although he would name a
sub-committee to study the Blaine
proposal if the Wisconsin senator
With the report went the letter
of President Hoover. The president
briefly reviewed the personnel of
the commsision and the scope of
its 18 months study.
He reviewed the general recom-
mendations for improvement of en-
forcement machinery, and said :
"The commission by a large ma-
jority does not favor repeal of the
Eighteenth Amendment as a method
of cure for the inherent abuses of
the liquor traffic. I am in accord
with this view."
Professors to Attend
New York Convention
Prof. Clarence P. Johnston and
Prof. Clifton O. Carey of the geo-
desy and surveying department,
left last night for New York City
to attend the annual conventioh of
the American Society of Civil Engi-
neers. Professor Johnston is direc-
tor of the division of surveying and
mapping of the society, and Pro-
fessor Carey is the chairman of a
special committee on the third and
fourth order triangulation a n d
Hoover Will Participate
in MemorialDedication
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON Jan 90 -Pvresi

University High School Students cures valuable data by coaching
Question Education Seniors., delinquent students, aiding in li-
brary work, and occasionally in di-
Frank B. Gilbreth, 133. recting the class.
He may at any time be called
Seniors in the School of Educa- upon, however, to answer questions
tion probably wish that they had about the assignment and lie is
worked a little harder when they graded for his answers much the
were in high school because now shih scho che were enrolled mthe
they are expected to prepare the idsnolycohispg
lessons assigned to the classes of aids the faculty of the education
the University High school everyash fiugingftheenio
day. In case they fail to prepare school Pudging their seniorshbe-
these studies they may have the chePrdfornDats"thtwo
embarrassment of being called on they had found thatssrthose who
and being laughed at by a room full made good in the classrooms were
of high school students who are almost always successful teachers."
greatly elated to find that the as- mNow, those who intend to gradu-
sisan techr ddnt sud hi is-ate must take an examination on
sistant teacher didn't study his les February 14 covering this practical
son. knowledge that they have obtainedi
All this has been caused by the in the high school classroom com-
desire of the officials of the School bined with the more theoretical
of Education to graduate a group of work of the required courses. These
students who will raise the stand-; include education psychology, his-
ards of the teaching profession. tory and philosophy of education,
They have found, according to principles of teaching, organization
Prof. Calvin O. Davis, Secretary, and management of secondary
that the best way to accomplish schools, and methods. This will be
this is to give the seniors of the the first time that an examination

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