PAGE EIGHT TH F M T C f-I I CA N T)ATI V A A A.--Y lA , . '''A I -x 1 N l 'A I- F T JESDA Y, JANUARY 20, 1931 _-- 'I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. m. Saturday. VOL. XLI. TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1931 NO. 83 i1 F Athena meeting will be held tonight at 8 o'clock in room 4006 of CHANCE INDICA TIONS OF CHARACTER Angell hall. Abusiness meeting and election of officrs will bUEfollowedTI T S OL by a program. All members are urged to be present. FOUND EQUAL TO PHRENOLOGY TEST NOTICES Members of the faculties who are tabulating research material in- volving several types of classification and considerable numbers of cases, are invited to talk with Mr. A. D. Meacham of the Sorting and Tabulat- ing Station, 220 Angell hall, regarding facilitation of their work by use of the machines. Pre-Medical Students: The Association of American Medical Col- leges Committee on Aptitude Tests for Medical Students recommends that any student applying for entrance in September, 1931, to a medical school of the United States and Canada should take the Aptitude Test. This test may be required for admission to some medcial schools. A fee of one dollar is charged to defray the expenses of the Committee. Application for taking this test should be made at the Registrar's Office, room 4, University hall as soon as possible-not later than January 23. Information may also be obtained from the Registrar's Office concern- ing the reasons for this examination. Ira M. Smith, Registrar. Subject Matter Conpr lhensive Examinations in the School of Edu- cation: All students expecting to elect one of the Special Methods courses or course D100 (Directed Observation and Teaching) in Education next semester and those planning to elect the correlated course in Education (D150) next semester are required to pass a comprehensive examination in a major or minor field before being admitted to these courses. These examinations will be held from 9 to 12 o'clock on Saturday, January 24, 1931, in the auditorium of the University High School. Francis D. Curtis. Students, Colleges of Engineering & Architecture: Students in these Colleges who are taking courses other ,than Chemistry and Physics in tihe College of Literature, Science, and the Arts are requested to call at the Secretary's office, 263 West Engineering building, to give the names of their instructors in those courses in order that they may receive their grades promptly at the close of the semester. Louis A. Hopkins, secretary. Candidates for Teacher's Certificate: Blanks for the payment of teacher's certificate fee may now be secured at the recorder's office of the School of Education, room 1437 University Elementary school. All students who expect to be recommended for the teacher's certificate at the end of the present semester must pay their fees and return their receipts to the recorder, School of Education, by February 13. School of Education-February Seniors: All students completing re- quirements for the degree and teacher's certificate at the end of the present semester should pay their fees for diploma and certificates by ebrtiary 13. Blanks may be secured at the recorder's office of the School of Education, room 1437 University Elementary school. Candidates for the Teacher's Certificate: All candidates for the teacher's certificate who expect to graduate in February are required to take a general professional examination covering the courses in education which are required for that certificate. This examination will be held in the auditorium of the University high school on Satur- day, February 14, 1931 from 9 to 12 o'clock. Students planning to take the examination at this time must leave their names with Miss Clark in room 1437 University Elementary school before February 1st.' C. O. Davis, secretary. Zeta Phi Eta: All members are reminded to bring the money for the tickets to the dance which they took last week. The treasurer asks all members to bring their dues to this meeting if possible. Adelphi House of Representatives: The meeting tonight will be held in the Grand Rapids room of the Michigan League. The House will debate Sigma Rho Tau on the question of government control of Muscle Shoals. The debate will begin at 8:15 p. m. and is open to the public. Pegasus will hold a short meeting in the W. A. A. office of the League building at 5:00 p. m., to decide on the 'Ensian picture. Important. 'Varsity R. O. T. C. Band: The reserve band will rehearse tonight at 7:15 at Morris hall. Zeta Phi Eta group picture will be taken at Dey's at 7:30. Informal. Business meeting in the chapter room at 7:00 sharp. Christian Science Organization meets at 8:00 p. m., in the chapel of the Michigan League building. Union Committeemen: Photograph at Spedding's studio today at 5:30 p. in. Independents expecting to attend J-Hop meet at Union, at 7:30 p. in., in room 304. Michigan Dames Will hold their regular meeting at 8 o'clock, in the Michigan League building. The Arts and Dramatics Group will have charge of the meeting. See bulletin board for meeting room. COMING EVENTS University Lecture: Mr. W. Starling Burgess, designer of the "Enter- prise," will lecture under the auspices of the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering on the races for the America's cup and the part played by the "Enterprise" in the recent races, at 4 -15in W~rn z1i d dnlai J1 i %alrl na n lrini- m, Article by Ford Shows Failure of Vitosophy Analysis of Character. By Roland Goodman, '32 Colored marbles drawn at ran- dom from a box give as good an indication of character as a typical character analysis system based on phrenology, Prof. Adelbert Ford, of the psychology department, found after conducting a controlled in-! vestigation under laboratory condi- tions, according to an article by him, which appeared in the Per- sonnel Journal. Vitosophy is the system which he investigated. Its promoters asked him to make an impartial test of its worth, and submitted to his' conditions. The analysis was based on head measurements, color of hair, heat of the breath on the back of the examiner's hand, for- mation of the teeth, and character of the mouth. Eighteen students were chosen for the experiment. To obviate any chance that the operators might FRENCH STUDENTS TflPRFFNIPIAgYq~ learn something of the subjects' characteristics from their clothes or hands, the students were given laboratory coats to wear. They were also given assumed names, so that the university records might not be consulted to discover their school grades. Seven traits were graded for each subject, mathematical, writing, and scientific ability, general intelli- gence, general scholarship, and mechanical and musical ability. Standard test scores were used to compare the ratings, and in addi- tion Professor Ford made chance ratings by drawing marbles of ive different colors, each standing for one mark, from a lottery box. The average correlation between I actual ratings and those obtained j by both the Vitosophy and the; marble systems was in each in-1 stance practically zero. The phre-k nologists did not come near an ac- ceptably significant rating in any of the seven characteristics. They had been using self ratings in se- lected cases to prove their results. Professor Ford found that, while the operators were really sincere in their beliefs, the system would be of no value when applied to the selection of workers. This system, 'he says, is typical of most that are based on similar data. His experi- ence has been that the usual char-. acter analysts are "thoroughly ig- norant of even the most simple types of statistical validation." GEOGRAPHERS CGET ISLE ROYALE MAPS' i:1; p. in., eries ay, January 21, in Naturail cience auditorium. . Thei awwI I 1Ra 1611uaU lecture will be illustrated by slides, and moving pictures of the "Enter- prise." The public is cordially invited. Cercle Francais to Hold Soiree Drarnatique in Laboratory Political Science 81: Written quiz on Wednesday, Jauiuary 21, on Teatre. Chapters 17-20 inclusive. French Plays: Three one-act plays will be given in the Laboratory The Cercle Francais will present Theatre on Wednesday, January 21, at 8:15 o'clock. its Soiree Dramatique in the Labor- This is the fifth number on the Cercle Francais program. Tickets atory theatre at 8:15 o'clock tomor- for the remainder of the series, including this Soiree, may bo procured row night. The program will con- in room 112, Romance Language building, or at the door of the Theatre. sist of three French one-act plays, No reserved seats. "Le Cuvier," "L'Ecole des Belles Meres," and "Franches Lippees." Research Club: Meeting Wednesday, Jan. 21, at 8 p. i., in room 2528 "Le Cuvier" is an anonymous East Medical building. The following papers will be presented: medieval farce. It revolves around "The American Co-operation in the Reorganization of the Vatican the typical medieval theme of fai- Library" by Librarian W. W. Bishop. "Maps of Michigan by Professor L. C. Karpinski. There will be a ily squabbles between the mother- short meeting of the council at 7:30 p. in. in the same room. in-law and the wife, which the husband cleverly terminates. The! Sophomore Engineers: Class dues will be collected in the W. Eng. cast consists of Jacquinot, the hus- building., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. aband, played by John Spicer, '31; J_._ndJ uteeanette, his wife, Louise LaCombe, Physics Club: All students and especially those in the begning Spec.; andJacquette,his mother- coures n pysis wh miht e iteretedin ormng a )egI~IiI; in-law, Louise Karpinski, '31. courses in physics who might be interested i formig a physics club Eugene Brieux, author of "L'Ecole are asked to meet in the West Lecture room of the West Physics build- des Belles Meres" is a member of ing, Wednesday evening, January 21, at 8:00 o'clock. A few experiments i the French Academy. The members will be shown and discussed by W. L. Carmichael, '32; S. D. Bernstein, I of the cast are Jean Mac Naughton, '33; E. C. Campbell, '34; and others. The desirability of forming a group] '32, Burnette Bradley, Henriette to meet at regular intervals for a continuation of such work will be Wittwer, '31, Mary Jane Gill, '3lEd, discussed. Fredrich Sack, Grad., and James O'Neill, Grad. Miss Bradley took Alpha Nu: The picture for the 'Ensian will be taken Wednesday dhe part of Eve in the "Mystere afternoon at 4 o'clock, Spedding studio. All members on campus are d'Adam," one of the Cerce's pres- aftieoorthi4 o'clock,.entations last year. eligible for this picture. The cast for "Franches Lippees" Glider Section: All members are requested to be present at 70 consists of Katherine Koch, '32, GAgnes Johnson, '31, Mary Morley, Wednesday, January 21, room 348 West Engineering building.-1 '31, John O'Neill, Grad., Richard !I ARTIYCLE ISCSSE STUDENTFAILURES Educator Sees Small Town High Schools as Obstruction to Advancement. Graduates of small high schools compose one-fifth of the enroll- ment of the University of Michi- gan, stated Prof. George E. Carroth- ers, of the School of Education, di- rector of the division of University inspection of high schools, in an editorial for the January issue of the School of Education Bulletin. Such students have recorded a- gainst them one-third to two-fifths of all subject failures in the first year at college. "Interest in providing the best for the children, coupled with local community pride, has led to the es- tablishment of small high schools almost under the shadow of already existing large high schools, he said. The practice not only increases cost to taxpayers, but it often greatly diminishes the efficiency of teach- ing. The best sort of educational development cannot be had in schools where teachers are burden- ed with an excessive number of preparations, where the number of pupils in each class is small, and where pupils, teachers, parents, and members of the board of education live in close proximity. Pupils from such schools are often not as well prepared for continuing their edu- cation of for meeting life's prob- lems as if they had attended larger schools." Professor Carrothers continued with the suggestion that, in many cases, small high schools should be abandoned because they are de- feating the very end for which they are striving. He also proposed that that in communities where the four-year high school must be maintained in order to accommo- date a small group of students, to require the graduates to attend a larger school for a year before en- tering college. "Instead of delaying educational progress," he concluded, "this will often facilitate graduationafrom college at an earlier date, and in many cases the added training will assure eventual graduation instead of failure and elimination from col- lege. New Supercharger Fast. (By Associatd !'r"S.) NEW YORK-A speed of 30,000 revolutions a minute is achieved by the rotating element of a new supercharger, used to reinforce the engines of airplanes and automo- biles. Suits Pressed 3UC ALTERATIONS AT COST CHAS. DOUKAS 1309 South University More Than 600 Photographs Are Taken From Air for State Survey. The department of geography has received the air photos of Isle Roy- ale, taken last summer as a part of the survey-authorized and financed by the state legislature. These aerial pictures, more than 600 in number, showing the whole island on a scale of 5 miles to the inch, were taken from a height of about two miles. In this manner the whole isle was photographed quickly, and at relatively low cost, but too little detail is shown to meet all needs, officials of the depart- ment said. With the aid of the small strips which were mapped on the ground the large aerialmap willbe inter- preted. Thus the nature of the whole island can be understood from the aerial photo, although only 25 per cent of the ground was actually mapped. This project was carried out en- tirely by students of Geography 203 during the last Summer Session, as a part of the Isle Royale survey which is under the direction of the Museum of Zoology. EVENTS TODAY Zoology Lecture: 4:15 p. m.-"Transformation in Insects." 2116 Natural Science building. Professor James G. Needham, of university. Room Cornell Physics 38: All students please see K. Thomson this morning in room 303 West Physics building. Seminar in Plant Physiology meets this evening in room 1138 N. S., at 7:00. Mr. Laing will speak on respiratory pigments and related sub- stances. Sophomore Engineers: The refund due to those who paid class dues before Christmas can be obtained from the persons collecting dues in the W. Eng. Bldg., Tues., Wed., and Thur. Men's Physical Education Club meets at 7:30, in room 306 of the Union. Dr. Howard Y. McClusky will speak on "Camps." Mathematical Club: January meeting will be held at 8:00 p. m., in room 3201, Angell hall. Professor L. M. Graves, of the University of Chicago, a guest of the mathematics department this semester, will present a paper on "A transformation of the problem of Lagrange in the calculus of variations." All who wish to come will be made welcome. Sigma Delta Chi: Regular meeting at noon today. New business makes it imperative for all members to attend. Gurney Williams. Round Table Club meets this evening at 7:30 in the Michigan League building (room number on bulletin board). Prof Carter Good- rich will be present to discuss the strikes occurring in West Virginia. Future activities of the club will constitute the business meeting. All members and interested students should attend. Forestry Club meeting at 7:30 p. in., in room 2039 N. S. building. Birger Berg will give an illustrated talk on "Forestry in Norway." Your system needs plenty of good, pure water through the winter months SERVE ARBOR SPRINGS WATER Keep a case of it in reserve at all times. Your family will drink more water af er they have tasted Arbor Springs Water. They'll like its fresh. ness and old-fashioned spring taste. Order a case today. We deliver. DISTILLED WATER (Rorke Process) PURE-PALATABLE-SOFT Di)stilled and Bottled by us. ARBOR SPRINGS WATER CO.2 41 West Huron Phone 8270 Scabbard and Blade: All men attending the initiation banquet on Wednesday, January 21, and who have not yet secured their tickets, please call for them at the Military Office. Board of Directors of the Faculty Women's Club will meet on Thurs- day, January 22, at 1 o'clock at the Michigan League. Newcomers' Section, Faculty Women's Club: There will be a meeting on Thursday afternoon, January 22, Palmer Field House, at 2:30 o'clock. All newcomers are urged to be present, as social plans have been made for the day. Delta Sigma Rho: 'Ensian picture will be taken at DDy's studio, Wed- nesday, Jan. 21, at 4:15 p. m. Payne, '31, and .George Meader, '31L. Admission may be secured on the season tickets of the Cercle Fran- cais. Those purchasing tickets will be entitled to attend all the re- maininguFrench lectures and also the annual play to be given by the Cercle in April. Phone 2-255 1 -_._ $1,25 UNITED CABS "Quick, Efficient, Service" 1 I I.- a One Atom Pretty Thin. (Ilv Associated Press) . NEW YORK-A layer of caesium metal one atom thick, 300,000 times thinner than a sheet of notepaper, lines the bulb of a new photo-elec- tric cell. It is part of an appara- tus used for measuring both day- light and starlight. s. ;. ,f '9 a 1 ,, 6S i ; FOR BREAKFAST OR YOUR NOONDAY LUNCHS Visit Broiled Live Lobster DRAWN BUTTER SHOE STRING POTATOES TOMATO SALAD CORN STICKS COFFEE NOON OR NIGHT MAIN DINING ROOM MichiganLeague A brilliant Broadway success and the first time presented by a college group. F BROWN-CRESS & Company, Inc. IN VESTMENT SECURiITIES Orders executed on all ex. changes. Accounts carried on conservative margin. Telephone 23277 ANN ARBOR TRUST BLDG. l-t FLOOR The Betsy Ross Shop 13-15 Nickels Arcade We Deliver Dial 5931 I , ,T( I You Are Interested In the best portraits at a reasonable price, finished on the date promised. Our increasing number of clients are those who insist on the highest pro. fessional standard in their work. "-tj~p PLAY PRODUCTION Offers -- ii BOOK S - B OOKS ADDITIONS DAILY TO OUR BARGAIN TABLE OF __~ £ DAA f£ S tg AU - Q BY DONALD OGDE N STEWART Tomorrow, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Evening "Poo 11 11 III III 11